This photo is most likely from Steece Elementary school. Taken in the late 1920s or early 1930s from Sandra Holderby’s Mother’s collection. She is standing at the top of the steps…Callie Blagg (Dillow).She listed the boys, but not all the girls, in no particular order: Carl McDonnie, Leon Davis, Wilber McClellan, Harold Gustin, Alfred Pennington, Carl Bare, Raymond Wolfe, Otto Monnig, John Joseph, George Hall, George Haskins, James Haskins, Howard Willis, Eugene Tibbs, Robert Burns, Raymond Adams, George Addis, Paul Bentley, Earnest Blair, Denver Clay, Robert Nance, Charles Shope, Harold Spears, and Therian Delawder. The girls she listed: were Nora McComas, Effie Walters, and Charlene Estes.Maybe someone will recognize some of these people. My mom did not graduate from Pedro High…she left school to marry my father, which is another story- Submitted by Sandy Holderby.