Above Photo courtesy of Tinessa Williams
Tinessa Williams repeatedly refers to the school as both Pedro and Elizabeth Rural throughout it, but Elizabeth Rural was its official name. I even have my Uncle’s Varsity “P” for his letterman sweater.
Marlene Pemberton My brother graduated from Kitts Hill in 1949. They didn’t combine schools until, I believe fall of 1950. Our bus driver would take us to school at Kitts hill, but we didn’t get off the bus because there was a picket line don’t remember how long that lasted, but I don’t think very long. I was in the 7th grade at the time. I sure did love Kitts Hill school. I went to Rock Hill high at the old Pedro high in my freshman year.
Julie Keating Robinson The first two classes to graduate from Rock Hill got to choose what their diploma said Kitts Hill, Hanging Rock, Pedro, or Rock Hill. It was 51 and 52, maybe even 53. My husband just came home and said yes, Pedro. It was Elizabeth Rural but also Pedro High. We just gave a man who went to war his diploma; when we researched, that was the info we found on the diplomas.
Sharon Dean Kempf, Thank you for posting. I just showed the photo to my mother. She and my dad went to high school there, and she described how upon entering the building, you entered into a hallway – steps went upstairs into another hallway – the office was up there. The school was built on a hill – some classes were downstairs. Jr. And Sr. Students were upstairs.

What a pleasant surprise to read your comment about the photos. Thank you so much for taking the time to show your appreciation, that means a lot to me. Somedays I feel like this is all for nothing, but when I get those comments like yours it gives me fuel to continue.
Thank You!
What pictures,Iwas just surfing the internet, when i came across this web page.I have a lot of fond memories of the lawrence co. schools.I went to Kelleys Bridge schools until 4th grade,and then to the Hecla school until the 6th grade,and then on to Kitts hill school 7th and 8th,and then onto the old Pedro school ,which was now called Rock hill,there i graduated in 1957. You see i am a old man now, health great,but memory a little foggy,I hope i got all this info. correct, Thanks always a REDMAN, Gary Brown sr.