A subscription list of interest was that in 1850 to build the first public school house in Ironton, Ohio, on 4th street, on the lots now partly occupied by the Goldcamp Hardware co. block. The subscriptions had these conditions: “if the lot is purchased, it shall be placed in the hand of John Campbell, Sheppard Duke, and W. D. Kelly, trustees, and whenever sold, the proceed of same to be returned to subscribers in proportion to their subscriptions.”
Then follows the written receipts for payment of subscriptions, some fifty in number, which is 1855, were prepaid to the individuals and so marked paid and the record preserved. The full list of subscribers to that enterprise follows:
Jas. W. Means by J. Campbell, John Campbell, Wm. D. Kelly, Stephen Daniels, H. Campbell, Jas. M. Merrill, Morris Jones, Jas. Sullivan, Irwin J. Kelly, Wm. Hall, W. E. Kemp, Simon Parker, D. K. Cochran, F. Dolin, Jas. Smyth, S. Duke, Thos. Wigley, A. Ford, Caleb Briggs, D. K. Cutler, Isaac Davidson, D. W. Vogleson, Stephen White, Thos. Winters, Wm. __ Clair, George Buchanan, J. A. Thompson, John Sloat, J. C. Linder, C. M. Corwin, Coenrod Heine, David Small, Wm. Stern, M. Paschel, E. Buckingham, Stephen York, Martin Gillen, C. Conway, Lawrence King, John Ward, Benj. Savage, J. M. Kelly, John K. Smith, Jacob _____, W. W. Kirker, Wm. Lambert, T. Murdock, A. Ricker, Jas. Scott, M. Rogers. There was another subscription in 1852 to enlarge the schoolhouse.
It might be interesting to publish the rules of the Board of Education and the school examiners in 1854 to compare them with present school regulations and practices. Those early rules appear in the book.