Places D – E


Darby Creek

Dean Hollow

*Dean State ForestDecatur Township

Dearing – Perry Tp. – Dearing Post Office.  established as a PO 3 Mar 1884 with James M. Dearing PM.  Dearing was discontinued 30 Nov. 1907. Mail sent to Ironton.

Decatur Township – Decatur Township was named for the celebrated Naval Commander.  Organized June 6, 1820, from part of Elizabeth Tp.

Deep Cut Road – Once known as Yellow Branch.

*De Loss CreekLawrence Township

DeltaPerry Township – Before constructing the industrial complex in 1941 Buckeye Ordnance Works, Delta Lane stretched to the county highway from the hills, where Sand Road and Willow Branch Road joined.  The junction there developed into a left-right forked pattern of wagon ruts, forming the Greek letter for “Delta,” hence its name.  Since then, Delta Lane has been relocated along what was once Fulton’s Lane and connects to County Road One to U.S.52.  Source:  The History of South Point Village by Art Ferguson.

Dement – was established as a PO 7 April 1879 – discontinued 5 August 1879.

Dennison’s Branch – The creek that enters Symmes from the east side near the campgrounds was called Dennison’s Branch for Capt. Jonathan Dennison settled on it in an early day.

*Derifield Hollow – Perry Tp.

Devil’s Den – Symmes Tp. – One mile from Sherritts.  It was a noted scenery of Lawrence county.  But we are glad to say you can visit safely as the Devil is never home, for he always has business elsewhere.  Named after the wildcat and catamount that lived in the dens.  Dick ___ lost a steer and, after some days, found it in a very rocky rough place in s. 27, t 5, r 17, and when found, was nearly starved to death.  Dick gave it the name of Devil’s Den.  This place was a resort for people who wanted to view nice scenery or gather flowers.  ‘Tis said that flowers grow earlier there than anywhere else.  The rocks and scenery are grand.

Dickerson Forge – established a PO 29 Aug 1857 with Thomas Pugh PM.  Dickerson Forge discontinued 11 June 1859.

*Dicks Creek – Lawrence and Windsor Townships – Named for James Dick, who built a cabin by the point of rocks by its mouth.  Post Office was at Millville.

Dilley – established a PO 24 Oct 1890 with J. A. Neal as the first PM.  Dilley discontinued 11 Jan 1893 with mail to Cherryville but was reestablished 12 Apr 1899 with Wm. H. Hoover PM.  Then Dilley was discontinued 9 July 1902 with mail going to Cherryville.

Dilley Branch – The widow Dilley gave this branch its name.

Dillon City – (written about in 1917 paper – society news)

Dillon Ridge

*Dirty Fork – Rome Tp.

Dobbston – Windsor Tp. established as PO 21 Oct 1879 with John Dobbs PM – discontinued 14 Apr 1917 with mail sent to Scottown.

*Dog Fork – Lawrence Tp. – Also known as North Fork, sometimes Little Guyan, and sometimes Dog Fork, the last because the dogs ate the meal out of the mill hopper. Another story was that Dog Fork was named after a dog fight between several dogs.

Dogham Bar – Also known as Dogham Ripple.  In the first settlement of the country, the people did not keep their hogs up but let them run out and get their own living and frequently did not even feed them food to fatten them, but one man who had a claim that is, who had carved a broad spot out into the woods, would kill what hogs he could find near his improvement when he wanted to kill

Esq. J. Bowen had a claim and would kill, in the fall, all hogs he could find, hitch a horse to the hog, haul it home and scald it, and take off what hair would come. Still, owing to the long distance, he sometimes had to haul them and then make a fire, carry the water, and heat it, all taking so much time that sometimes the hair would set, and he could get only part of it off.  He sold whisky and pork to the boatmen.  Some hogs were very small and lean, especially when there was no mash. 

Some boatmen bought some of those small hams that had some hair on and said that they were dog hams.  It soon got “noised around” among the boatmen, and they gave the bar, which is in the river near where he then lived, the name “Dogham” bar or “Dogham” ripple.

Dogham Ripple – Named by a boatman who bought hams of Esq. Bowen, who lived near the bar.  He said they were so small he believed they were doghams. Bowen sold them dog hams representing that it was a saddle of venison.

Dollarhide Creek  – was named for William Dollarhide, who settled on it.

*Drift Creek – Lawrence Tp. – Named for the great quantity of driftwood at its mouth in Symmes Creek, so much having accumulated that it had created islands in the creek and changed the creek bed in one or two places.

Dry Ridge –


Easter Hollow

East Ironton – IR Nov. 1, 1877 – We are informed by Dr. Mathews that Mrs. George Bare, who lives in East Ironton, became the mother of three bouncing babies, last Monday.  There were two girls and one boy, and they weighed four pounds each, and everybody was doing well.  This is the first case of triplets that ever transpired in this bailiwick.


Eckhart Hollow – An unofficial name given a branch of Sugar Creek Road.  Located on Rt. 141 across from the Rock Hill Middle School.  Star Route.



Elizabeth Post Office – The Daily Republic Washington, DC 21 Jan. 1852 – States that Elizabeth (Post office), Lawrence County, Ohio, has been discontinued.

Elizabeth Township – Elizabeth Township was named for Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton.  Organized June 4, 1817.  By 1895, there were 14 schools in Elizabeth Township.  Ironton Register, March 3, 1892 – Elizabeth Township Divided. – The County Board of Election met and divided Elizabeth Township into two election precincts.  The division is made by a north and south line, between sections 5 and 6, about a mile west of Lawrence furnace.  The voting place of the west division will be at the Fox Hollow school house; and in the east division, near Etna furnace.  The Board did right in dividing the township.

*Elkins Creek – Aid Tp. – Elkins Creek was named for Marvel Elkins, who lived and hunted on it.

Ellison – Elizabeth Tp.  – IR Oct. 23, 1873 – From Vesuvius…Sporting is still the order of the day in our adjacent little village called Ellison.  ..We hope that the good citizens of a flourishing and promising little village will hoot out all proceedings and promulgate the truths of Christianity; raise a subscription; build a church and pronounce the curse on all those “who giveth their neighbor drink and putteth the bottle to his lips and maketh him drunken also.”

Ellisonville – Elizabeth Tp. – Was near Vesuvius Furnace.

*Ellisonville Creek – Elizabeth Tp.

*Ellsworth Ridge – Mason Tp.

Enochs Branch – Windsor Tp.

Ensee – Initials of Nelson Cox. est as a PO 22 Nov 1890 with Elton E. Cox as PM.  Ensee was discontinued 25 Feb 1903, and mail was sent to Rockwood. In a 1902 newspaper (not given which newspaper) article, we find the notation that one of the residents of Ensee was U. T. Cox.

Enterprise – Perry Tp.

Essex – IR Dec. 24, 1903 – Luther A. Arthur returned Sunday from Essex, where he had been visiting his grandfather for the past week.

Etna – Upper Tp.

Etna Furnace – Elizabeth Township was built in 1832 by James Rodgers & others.  In 1820 Joseph and Kitty Dollarhide Kelly moved their family to this area where Etna Furnace was later built.  In 1832 Joseph Kelly sold this land to James Rodgers and others and built Etna Furnace.  Joseph Kelly is going into the company.

Etna Station – Elizabeth Tp.

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