Willis Family – Vol. 1

Willis Family Vol. 1
Typed by Oma Griffith

Children of George W Willis and Anney Rucker

George Washington Willis born Greenbrier Co, Virginia, May 10, 1783, son of Henry Willis Rev. War veteran, Mother’s name unknown.

George W Willis with brothers came from Va. to this area about 1800 or shortly after. Married at Greenup, Ky. Sept 4, 1808 Anney Rucker born VA Nov 24, 1787 died here Jan. 30, 1873. They lived and raised their family on Leatherwood Creek, in Fayette township. Buries Harmony Church Cem,. Their children all born in Ohio.

1. Wyatt Willis b ca 1810 m according 1830-40 census.
2.Purlina Willis b 1812 m Feb 2, 1830 Joseph Pemberton
3. Marena Willis b 1815 d 1873 m Aug 1,1833 Robert Gibson
4. Henry Willis b 1816 m Mar 18, 1840 Sarah Gibson
5. William R Willis b 1819 m Feb 6, 1845 Hannahette Booth
6. George W Willis Jr b Dec 8, 1820 m Jan 12, 1843 Elizabeth J Patterson
7. John G Willis b 1822 d 1892 m Dec 1, 1851 Lorenis Neil
8. Mary (Polly) Willis b 1824 d 1903 m Nov 11, 1846 Samuel Steed
9. Electa Jane Willis b 1827 d 1897 m Feb 19, 1846 Rev A J Booth
10. Harriette Willis b 1830 d 1870 m Aug 1, 1848 Aaron Steed
11. Roberta Willis b 1833 d 1883 m Aug 17, 1853 Sylvester Steed

My Grt Grandfather George W Willis Jr. m Elizabeth Jane Patterson Willis
He served throughout Civil War. Was taken prisoner, held 4 months in Libby Prison until Richmond fell. (Died on his way home) at U S Army Hosp. near Cumberland, Md.
Elizabeth Willis buried Lebanon Cem.

Hardesty’s Hand Atlas 1882
C W Sites

Cornelius Wesley Sites was born in Washington County, Ohio Feb 29, 1820. He came to Lawrence Co in 1825. His parents, Andrew and Elizabeth (Robins) Sites were born in New Jersey. From there they emigrated to New York and from there to Marietta, Washington County, Ohio; where they remained a short time, coming to Lawrence County in 1824. Andrew Sites died on Steel Trap Creek, Windsor township. His wife died in 1872. Both of them were of the Baptist persuasion. CW Sites was married to Margaret Scott in Union township March 19, 1840. She was born in this county April 8, 1821. Their children are:
1. John W Sites b March 13, 1841 d Prisoner of war 1864.
2. Matilda Sites Russell b Apr 3, 1843 resides in Union township
3 .Martha A Sites Christian b Mar 19, 1846 d Mar 13, 1869
4. Sarah E Sites Dillon b Nov 23, 1848 resides in Windsor township
5. Electa J Sites b June 27, 1851 resides at home
6. Mary A Sites b Sept 8, 1859 m M Levi Boyd(?)
7. William S Sites b Nov 15, 1855 d Jan 6, 1865
8. Perry C Sites b Aug 20,1861 d Nov 24, 1864
9. Emeretta Sites b Aug 20, 1861 d Dec 2, 1864
10 Laura Sites b May 1, 1864 resides at home
11. Anceluna E Sites b m William V Earles Mar 22, 1885

The parents of Mrs Sites were John and Martha Templeton Scott, both deceased. They were born in Va. and emigrated to Lawrence County, Ohio at an early date and settled in Union township, where they lived for some time. From there they moved to Indiana. Mr and Mrs Scott died near Smithland, in Shelby, Maryland.

She was a member of the Christian Church. Mr Sites has been a trustee of Union township three terms. One son of Mr Sites was in the War of 1861; his name was John W Sites. He was a member of Company I, 45th Kentucky Mounted Infantry. He was taken prisoner and was held at Andersonville until reduced so from starvation, that he could not walk. After he was paroled he was removed to Annapolis, Maryland, where he died. He left a wife, Lida Langdon, and one child to mourn his loss. Mr. Sites connected himself with the Baptist Church at Getaway. His family, with the exception of one, are members of some Christian Church.

Mr Sites is engaged in farming and should be addressed at Russell’s Place Lawrence Co, Ohio

lineage Andrew J Sites 1821-1882 m Rosa Fout 1848
Mary Sites m Levi Boyd
Rosa Boyd m 1903 Oscar Willis

Route 3, Box 99 CMHP
Bellville, Ohio 44813
May 11, 1973

Mr Robert M Willis
Box 1, Route 1
Ironton, Ohio 45638

Dear Mr Willis,

Thanks for your informative letter of May 7th, I find a few differences in my records, which I am passing along for what they may be worth:
1. Andrew J Sites married Rosanne Fout 3-9-1848.
2. C W Sites was Cornelius Wesley Sites: his wife was Margaret Ann Scott.
3. Cornelius Sites had eleven children, the last being Angelina E Sites , who married William V Earles on 3-22-1885 in Lawrence Co.
4. John W Sites’ wife was Lydia Langdon, daug of Elisha and Sarah Pigman.
the above items are according to the Probate Court records in the Courthouse in Ironton.

My records show that Frank R Sites is a son of Paul Gotlieb Sites and Liona Richardson Sites, and did marry a Susan Willis. Frank and Susan had seven children whose names and birth dates are to be found in the Record of Births , Book #3 and #4. (See attached Worksheets). NOTE the absence of a child named ROSA Sites.

Also my records show one Andrew Jackson Sites who married Abigail Florence Willis. Among their seven children is a girl named ROSA, who was born April 22, 1887 in Lawrence County, Ohio. (See attached Worksheet #2).

If your wife’s mother Rosa is still living, her marriage license would show her parents names.. Her family Bible (if handed down from the Sites Line) may have the names of her grandparents, as well as those of her brothers and sisters and birth records. Who else might have the Family Bible of Andrew J & Rosanna (Fout) Sites?

Have you checked the Register of Wills in the Court House, Ironton, for a will left by Andrew J or Susan Sites? Such a document might name their children.

Have you checked in the Recorder’s Office, Court House, Ironton, for any deeds issued by Andrew or Susan Sites, showing disposition of their property? Such deeds might indicate the names of their heirs, if more than one.

Assuming that Andrew J & Susan of Abigail Sites died in Ironton, have you checked the local cemetery for headstone inscriptions, which would tend to verify birth & death dates? If buried elsewhere in Lawrence County, what other cemetery might Andrew be buried in?

Wonder what the relationship is between Susan Willis and Abigail Willis? It might be helpful to know their birth and death dates, and where born and where buried.

Are there any other county histories or books dealing with the pioneer settlers of Lawrence County that might mention Andrew J Sites?

Remember that Lawrence County was formed in 1816 from Gallia County. Perhaps your librarian or local Historical Society could help search for Andrew J’s arrival, and from whence he came, even might find who his parents were.

It might be helpful if you would construct on paper a family group sheet, similar to those I am enclosing, showing the head of the family for each generation and listing wife and children. There may be an Andrew J Sites different from the data I sent you, or my records could be in error.

After you have had an opportunity to study this information, I would like to know what conclusions you reach in the matter, if only to get my own records straightened out! And to find out what you have concluded about Susan Willis & Abigail Willis really am interested in helping you ferret out the true facts of your Good Wife’s SITES family, and hope to learn something myself in the process!!

S E Sites

S E Sites M.R.
Clearfork MH Park
Route 3, Box 99
Birdville, Ohio 44813
May 27, 1973

Mr Robert M Willis
Route 1, Box 1
Ironton, Ohio 45638

Dear Mr Willis,

Thank you for your fine letter of may 16th , and especially the attachments which were extremely helpful in getting my own records straightened out. I am sure that Paul Gotlieb Sites also had a son Frank R, which led me into the error of believing him to be in your wife’s line.

In reviewing the Family Group Sheets you so kindly sent, you may want to show that Mary Sites, of Andrew J Sr married Levi Bond on September 24, 1881 ; that her sister Mahala married Henry Garlack on July 28, 1871 and that her sister Betty married William H Wood on November 4, 1893.You may have omitted these dates when you prepared Group Sheets No 1.

On Group Sheet No 2, I believe William Sites (of Andrew Jackson Sites & Abigail Willis) wife’s first name was Bonnie. If Anna (Sites) Wilson is still living in Illinois, you might write to her and ask if her middle name is Rose or Rosa (per Birth Register in Ironton) and find out her husband’s first name and their marriage date. C Fred’s first name was Charles; A Paul’s first name was Avarill, according to Book #4 register of Births. Edith’s middle name is Edna.

If you have marriage dates for William, A Frank, John E, and Arnold D, along with the names, Birth dates, marriage dates (and death dates, if any) of their children, I’d appreciate receiving a Family Group Sheet for each of them.

Similar group sheets for Pleasant & Alina Hammonds, Willard & Clara Dillon, Asa & Mary Smith
And Leonard & Gladys Brammer would also be of interest for your wife’s SITE FAMILY records. Again, I , too, would appreciate receiving a copy of the later, just to bring my records of Andrew J Sites’ descendants up to the present time.

You may have to write some letters or make some visits to gather the additional data, but the time was never better than right now while the principals are living and able to assist.

The Andrew Sites, who married Elizabeth Robbins was born in New Jersey, moved to New York, then to Marietta, Ohio (Washington County) before arriving in Lawrence County, since Elizabeth (Robbins) Sites did not die until 1872 and since Andrew J Sites Sr married Rose Ann Foutin 1848, it is very unlikely that Cornelius (1820) and Andrew J (1824) are brothers.It would seem that Andrew J Sr’s father must have been born between 1790 and 1896. My records do not show any Sites births in Cabell Co, W VA or in Gallia, Jackson or Scotia Counties, Ohio that fall within this time period. Two other angles: A Sylvester Sites married Angolan Riddle – no date. He might have left a will naming his children. Both Lawrence County.
se Sites mr
Clearfork MH Park
Route 3, Box 99
Bellville, Ohio 44813
May 27, 1973

Mr Robert M Willis, The following is a list of SITES men born between the years of 1790 and 1806, as possible candidates for the father of Andrew J Sites, Sr. These are from my personal records gathered from many sources.


John Sites 1790 Rockingham, VA Magdalene Spitler
Daniel Sites 1791 Rockingham, VA Elizabeth Hite
A Gerhard Sites 1795 Pendleton, WVA ???
Abraham Sites 1796 Rockingham, VA Rebecca Huddle
Jacob Sites 1797 Rockingham, VA Catherine Myers
John Sr Sites *** 1797 Hardy, VA Christine Bergdoll
Noah Sites 1798 Rockingham, VA Polly Stoneburner
Jacob Sites Jr 1798 Hardy, VA Hannah ???
Daniel JrSites 1799 Hardy, VA Mary Susanne Miller
Andrew Sites “”” 1779 York, PA Catherine Klingfelter
Rev Lewis Sites 1802 Fairfield, Ohio Barbara Ann Kegey
George Sites *** 1804 Hardy, VA Susannah Ketterman
Robert Sites +++ 1804 Botetourt, VA Sarah Ann Fidler
Solomon Sites 1804 Hardy, VA Elizabeth Sites

*** Line of George Sites, Sr (my line)
Line of Fandel Sites, ancestor of the China Missionaries
This one “sneaked in”, probably too early for Andrew’s father.

Route 3, Box 99 CMHP
Bellville, Ohio 44813
June 7, 1973
Dear Mr Willis,
Thanks for your informative letter of June 2nd, and the obituary clipping about Elizabeth Sites. Please extend my condolences to your wife on the loss of her aunt. Glad to hear that you are busy gathering information for the additional Family Group Sheets.

Now that I know Manuel’s first name was Richard, my records reveal that he died January 28, 1889. I differ an his birth date, however, my data says August 30, 1869 instead of August 1, 1869 as you reported. Probably my error in copying the date.

Your mention of the marriage of William Willis Jr to one Minnie Sites on December 18, 1900 (my record says January, 1901), it seems that she was the daughter of Cornelius Wesley Sites Jr and her mother was the former Sarah V Burns.

According to reference sources, all birth and death records in Ohio prior to 1909 are supposed to be in the custody of the Clerk of the Probate Court in the county where the birth or death occurred. After 1909, these records should be in charge of the Department of Health at Columbus, Ohio. Therefore, you should be able to find the original Death Certificate for Andrew J Sites, Sr. (1824-1904) in the court house at Ironton. This document should give his birth date (to confirm the date already known) and more important, the NAMES OF HIS PARENTS!! It might even give the state his parents came from.

Happy hunting! Hope you find Andrew J Sites’ death certificate!! If you are successful, I’d like to hear about it!!
Cordially yours,

s e Sites m r
Clearfork MH Park
Route 3, Box 99
Bellville, Ohio 44813
Dear Mr Willis,

I was delighted to receive your Dec 15th letter and , best of all, your Family Group Sheets mailed on December 26. What a fine job of research and evaluation you have accomplished in putting together this genealogy of Andrew J Sites, Sr (1787-1810) of New Jersey!!! And my sincere thanks for sharing this wealth of SITES information with me!

By now I have incorporated your data in my SITES INDEX, and , believe me, it filled in a lot of blank vital dates and names of parents and spouses. In comparing your data with mine, and considering the sheer mass of information and consideration. The sheet and line numbers are yours.

Sheet 1. Line 1- Peter Sites married MARY JANE WEBB on Aug 19, 1839.
Source: Lawrence Co Misc Deeds, Book 13, Pages 182 & 397

Sheet 2. Line 4- Frank R Sites died 18-9-1931.
Line 7- Thomas Jeff Sites born 2-2-1854, died 26-4-1874, age 20y 2m 24d
Line 11- Richard Manuel Sites born Aug 30, 1869, died Jan 28, 1889 age 19y 4m 28d

Sheet 3. Line 5- Ethel Jordan Sites
Line 6- Charles Sites Frederick
Line 8- Edith Edna Sites

Sheet 11 Line 2- Birth Record Book 3 gives birth date as 22-4-1888
Line 8- Asa DELBERT Sites

Sheet 17- Husband (Name- Asa DELBERT Sites.

I noted with interest that you received much of the data on Sheet 1 from a Mrs Parnell Wilson Durbin, of Silver Springs , Maryland. No doubt you have already asked her these questions , but I just couldn’t resist asking them myself:

(a) Names of brothers and sisters of Andrew Sites Sr, if any?
(b) any knowledge of the descendants of (a) and where they lived?
(c) Where (city and county) did Andrew Sites Sr live in New Jersey?
(d) Mrs Durbin’s sources of the information she gave you?
If we knew where Andrew Sites Sr was born in New Jersey, we might write to the Clerk of courts, the local library or the local Historical Society for information concerning Andrew’s father’s Will, deeds to any land he may have owned, where Andrew’s parents are buried, their names and where they came from before settling in New Jersey. This data would really put the icing on the cake!! And it is well worth following up!!

Let’s keep in touch occasionally for any new information to add to your fine genealogy. Might be necessary to seek professional help in New Jersey to obtain the final answers.

Best regards,

1. Paul Gotlieb Sites 3-16-1860 Baden, Germany Leona Richardson
2. Ana Gertrude Sites 8-1-1878 Lawrence Co, Ohio Paul Gotlieb Sites & Leona Richardson
Bertie Sites same same
Ella Sites same same
Emma Sites 1-18-1872 same same
Frank R Sites 5-30-1885 same Susan Willis Andrew Sites & Rosa Fout
Mame Sites same same
William Wilson Sites 9-28-1865 3-15-1888 12-11-1953 same Jennie Irene Large same
Elizabeth Sites 3-1886 single 5-14-1973
3. Rosa Sites 4-8-1888 9-1903 12-26-1975 same G R Brammer Frank R Sites & Susan Willis
Dottie? Sites 5-19-1891 1892 same same
Ollie Sites 9-13-1892 7-2-1918 9-27-1981 same Custer Bramer same
Pleas Sites 10-9-1894 7-20-1921 1960 same Alama Hammond same
Willard Sites 10-18-1896 12-15-1921 3-10-1973 same Clara Dillon same
Mahala Sites 8-10-1898 12-2-19? 4-7-1981 same Jake Williams Sites same
Asa Sites D 6-5-1900 12-14-1918 6-10-1979 same Mary Smith same
Leanord Sites 1903 1937 Id Gladys Brammer same
NOTES: 1 No record of birth date in Germany . 2. Most birth records from Court House, Ironton, Ohio Birth Record Books #3  . 3. Is this the same person called ROSA in your letter? If not see work sheet #2

VI. Mildred Patterson ……………………26………………………………………..Va
Nancy Patterson………………………..24………………………………………..Va
John Patterson…………………………..21………………………………………..Va
(Elizabeth Patterson probably came from the above family.)

2. Benj Patterson…………………………….27……….Laborer…………………….Va
Nancy Patterson………………………….22 ……………………………………….Ohio
Mary Agnes Patterson ………… …….1………………………………………..Ohio

3. James Patterson……………………………28…………Tailor………………………Va
Mary Patterson……………………………..21………………………………………..Ohio
William Patterson…………………………6 months……………………………….Ohio
Margaret Patterson………………………..40………………………………………..Pa

Aid Township 1850
Joseph Sites…………………………………36………….farmer…………………..Pa
Elizabeth Sites……………………………32…………………………………….Ohio
Gaberial Sites………………………………11………………………………………Ohio
Peter Sites…………………………………….8………………………………………Ohio
Wilomma Sites………………………………6………………………………………Ohio
*Hetta Sites……………………………………4………………………………………Ohio
Morris Sites…………………………………..2………………………………………Ohio
John Sites………………………………………1 month……………………………Ohio

(Rolen Brammer had a child named Hetta Brammer -Mr Nigh wrote it Hetts)

3. Edward Willis b. 1845 Almeda Layne b.
d. d.
married April 4, 1871

4. Burdede Willis b 1848 Cynthia J Crawford b
d 1932 d
married July 12, 1871

5. Plesant Willis b 1838 Nancy McConnell b 1840
d 1918 3-Mar d 1876
married Jan 4 1859
married (2d) July 10, 1880 Margaret Ellison
Plesant Willis & Nancy McConnell had 6 children
Plesant Willis & Margaret Ellison had 4 children

6. William Willis b Dec 4, 1839 Nancy Jane Lycon b March 16, 1848
d Jan 23, 1927 d Oct 27, 1922
married May 15, 1869
had one child Abagail Willis Andrew Jackson Sites
b. Jan 27, 18 67 b. May 11, 1863
d Dec 28 , 1946 d .Jan 8 , 1962
(1) 7. Sarah Willis b 1829 d 1912 Jan 1 ….. married July 13, 1851 Sardine Paul
(2). Rebecca Willis b 1830 d 1871 married Michael Keeney
(3) 8.. Peleena Willis b 1833 d 1912 married April 17, 1852 Clinton Pemberton

9. Rebecca Willis b 1830- Aug 8 Michael Kenney
d 3-23-1871
married 1852

10. Perry Willis b 1850 Amy Pepper
married May 28, 1872

11. Mary Willis b 1852 John Puckett
married Oct 3, 1868

12. Willimington Willis b 1854
d 1862 ( buried at Willis Cemetery).


History of Monroe County, West Virginia

The name WILLIS appears very early among the people on Indian Creek, but we have no connected knowledge of the older Members. Henry Willis whose wife was Elizabeth , died in 1812, leaving personality of $157. 10. He had a daughter Tabitha. (TABITHA) Willis.

James M Willis (1834-1899) lived on Wolf Creek, where he was in high repute as an impartial justice of the peace. During his three terms none of his decisions was ever appealed. He married Caroline Hagenes , daughter of George W Hagenes. His children are L C Willis (Burdette) Sarah Willis (David Patton). George P Willis (Mrs Jones Hall), Della Willis (— Tyree), Reba Willis (—-Black), Edgar Willis (dy), Ella Willis (W C Campbell) (Nannie and Rose)


Henry Willis b wife Elizabeth b
d 1812 d
Their child
daug 1. Tabitha Willis married 1802 Husband? Charles Cooper
son 2. John Willis married Jan 11, 1808 Rebecca Cooper

Elizabeth Davis b Feb 15, 1814
d Feb 14, 1896

daughter of Pleasant Davis who married Sarah Horton

The children of John and Rebecca Cooper Willis
1. William Willis Jr b Aug 10, 1811 married 1807 Elizabeth Davis b Feb 15, 1814
d Aug 18, 1885 d Feb 14, 1896
2. Irena (Rena) Willis married Aug 30, 1828 John Dobbins

1. John H Willis b 1836 Ross Road Junction , Jackson Co, Ohio
d 1908 South Shore, Ky buried Silver Cem,
married Dec 18, 1869
Abigail Slavens b 1841 Scotia Co, Ohio
d 1900 Ky, buried Silver Cem
Their Children:
1.Simeon Slavens Willis b Dec 1, 1879 wife? b 1900
d April 2, 1965 d Living

2. Charley Willis b 1842 married April 13, 1868 Elizabeth
d ? d?

Simeon Slavens Willis b Dec 1, 1879 Lawrence Co, Ohio
d Apr 2, 1965 Frankfort, Ky
married Apr 14,1920

His wife:
Miss Ida Lee Millis b ca 1900 Catlettsburg, Ky daug of Chas L and Sarah S (Ross) Millis
Gov and Mrs Willis had one dau Sarah Leslie Willis b July 16, 1922 , married Judge Henry Megis

Henry Willis Rev War soldier in Res of Monroe, Greenbrier counties Va and Richmond , Va.
Children settled in 1800 or shortly after in Ohio area of Lawrence Co. Lawrence formed 1816 from Gallia and Scotia Co’s Ohio.
Children: (1) Isaiah Willis m Oct 1812 Sally or Sanny Blankenship Willis

(2) Joshua Willis b 1766 ? Monroe Co Va d 1869 age 103 Lawrence Co m June 8, 1807 Mary Blankenship

(3) Henry Willis Jr b ca 1790 ‘s m Jan 6, 1819 Polly Tucker

(4) Hugh Willis d ca 1829 m June 25,1815 Polly Dally

(5) James Willis m Nov 25, 1815 Polly Payne
.The above marriages on record at Courthouse in Gallipolis (Ohio)

(6) Andrew Willis b Va ca 1800 -4 d past 60 m Maria ?

(7) b Va May 13, 1783 died Lawrence Co (Fayette Township ) Aug 18, 1848 m at Greenup , Kentucky Sept 4, 1808 Susannah (Anny) Rucker b Va Nov 24, 1787 c Law Co Jan 30, 1873, daughter of Wyatt and Ann Rucker . My gt-gt- gra Parents. three son-in-law Chas Cooper, Mathias Cooper and William Cooper, daughter, Tabitha, Catherine and Mary Willis do not know which daughter married which son-in-law. Tabithia mar’d Chas Cooper 1802 Monroe Co, Va
? one Henry Willis mar’d May 6, 1770 Nancy Knight , Gloucester , W Va.

b N J Jan 5, 1787
d Mason Twp 1872
married Oct 28, 1810 Elizabeth Robins

Their Children:

1. Peter Sites married Mary Ann Webb Aug 19, 1839
2. Milen Sites b Washington Co, Ohio May 5, 1813
3. Venson Sites b Washington Co, Ohio Aug 21, 1815
4. Cornelius Sites b Washington Co, Ohio Feb 29,1830 d Jan 15, 1900
married Mar 19, 1848
Margaret Scott b Nov 11,1824 d July 8, 1904
5. Andrew Jackson Sites b Oct 23, 1828 d July 23, 1892
married Mar 19, 1848
Roseann Fout
6. Sylvester Sites b Oct 23, 1828

Andrew Sites b Jan 5, 1787 and wife Elizabeth (Robins) Sites m Oct 28, 1810
Andrew b NJ lived NY awhile then in Washington County then moved to Law Co, Ohio 1825.
Settled in Windsor Township . He died on Steel-Trap creek, his wife Elizabeth , 1872.

Some of this data from H H Hardesty History of Lawrence County, 1882 of C W Sites of Andrew J Sites and Rose Ann Fout children.

1.(oldest) Vernina Sites
2. Thomas Jeff 1834-1874
3. Emanuel Sites 1870-1889
4. Katherine Sites 1859-1882
5.Margaret Sites died young, buried in Family Plot in Harmony Baptist Church Cem


1. Mahala Sites m July 20, 1871 Henry Gerlack
2. Frank Sites (1855-1931) m May 30, 1885 Susan Willis
3. Mary Sites (1857-1920) m Sept 24, 1881 Levi Boyd
4. Elizabeth “Betsy” Sites (1865-1918) m Nov 4, 1893 Wm H “Bill” Wood
5. Rosie Sites (ca 1867- _) m Jan 23, 1886 Jacob Lemmon
6. Andrew “Jack” Sites (1863-1962) m Dec 30, 1884 Abbie Willis



Dear Robert Willis,

Will you look over these xerox copies and see if you can connect any to our Willis family. I ask for all (since the beginning of ) records. The marriages start at 1800. Births at 1881. Henry Willis died in 1812. Didn’t they keep records before 1800?

I don’t know where to go to get these xerox , as I’d have it done so you’d have a permanent copy . Please send these two back to me, after you have examined them.

I so not plan on writing Dr Margaret Ballard in Union W Va. What would I ask her for? If you write and get any information we seek I will pay half the expenses.

Now I have also written Greenbrier county W Virginia for the same genealogy information . They were not as prompt in answering as Union, W Va. They may never answer. If they so I will also send them on to you. Evidently the clerk at Union W Va was familiar with such request. It is historical county as well as early Settlers County. So they should be aware of such request.

I also wrote the Gov of Kentucky for any information of Gov Willis and if any known descendants were living and where. Will also pass that information on to you if I get it.

Let’s hope & pray we have a happier 1974 than 1973. We hear all sorts of predictions coming out of Nation Capitol . “1974 is to be worse and enough to scare the hell out of us”, they say. Also that the next President would be worse than Nixon. (Could that be possible?) More on the dictatorship type of running the county. Could this be? You know I live in suburb of Washington DC. We hear a different Tumor every day. Too bad the American people could not believe McGovern, when he tried to tell the American people, something was awfully wrong going on in their government. It just wasn’t to be I guess. That’s as good an answer as any

Parnell I Durbin

March 3, 1973

Dear Robert (Willis),

Have you ever gotten any high up on the genealogy list then Henry Willis Sr. His children who were they? Was John Willis whom married Rebecca Cooper a son? Also Tabitha a daughter with a son Henry Willis Jr . I have accounts Henry Willis Sr married Elizabeth? and they had one daughter Tabitha Willis. So where does John Willis cone in?

Where do you get your Family Sheets? How much are they? don’t forget to list those in World War I & II also Korean War and Vietnam. It’s in our time and we tend to forget to list that. You were in World War II . My husband was also. (Donald Hildebrand ) Nerymies Hildebrand (your cousin & my sister) son was in Korean War. He was born Jan 28, 1927 . He is also trying to get a genealogy study of Willis & Sites. I haven’t corresponded with him as yet but I don’t believe he has as much information as we do. We ought to make it a 3 way study. I’ll write him & give him your name. Being Veterans you have a kindred spirit. He is an Engineer. I have a chance to enroll in a class-Beginners Genealogy study. I may do it. Maybe they’d let me do the Willis genealogy under supervision act as my study project.

Do you think this De? in W Virginia, Union would have the Willis Family further than Henry Willis Sr and where they emigrated from what Country? How much did she ask you for the record? If it is not too high I will share it with you. The price here is not in our reach . From Archives. You are Younger and should try in between your work to get the study to become a Registered Genealogist. So should Donald Hildebrand. He could go to the University of Illinois. As he is fairly close by. His address is if you ever want to write him. Before I get him written is: Donald Hildebrand – PO B#3 -17802 W Clark-Union, Illinois 60180. He got part of his engineering degree by the GI Bill assistance., Did you use yours?

I believe Robert you are republican like the rest of the Willis. You see I took the Democrat philosophy from the Sites & Wilson side I guess. Parents Political views did influence their children. Not today! The youths are free thinkers and make up their own minds as to what they think and what they do. That is good. Their revolution of the 60’s taught them so much, They are silent now and working within the Constitutional system. The older people keep asking “Where are young people Why are they not out there demonstrating about Watergate”. They learned good. It’s up to American people and the voters at the ballot box. Young people like & my Sondra (Kennedy) is the lifeline of any nation. they cause change and progress is any Nation. The Radicals left or Tight serve their purpose to keep the people aware and on their toes. Do you believe that too? I heard and old Senator say-“Talking to our young people, we have no worry. The Nation will be in good Hands.. They are more informed than we ever were at that age”. However Robert (Willis) I am registered as an independent and keep it that way as I am a free thinker and vote for the Man. I think is best qualifie . Tell me why News Media still laugh when McGovern is mentioned? He never could get across to anyone how really intelligent he really is or stupid I guess.

Dear Robert M Willis:

This is the information I have to date. If you have any more or want to correct me please do.

Andrew Sites b Jan 5, 1787 New Jersey Elizabeth Robins b ? married Oct 28, 1810

Their Children

Andrew Jackson Sites b Nov 25, 1823? d July 8, 1904
Peter Sites b Aug 13, 1800
Nilen ? Sites b May 5, 1813
Vereson Sites b July 2, 1815
Cornelius Westfall Sites b 1820

The children of Andrew Sites & Rosanna (Fout) Sites ( married March 9, 1848)

1. Jeff Sites
2. Margaret Sites
3. Mahala Sites
4. Rosa Sites
5. Frank Sites- (You have whom he married & children information)
6. Mary Sites
7. Elizabeth Sites
8. Andrew Sites (Jack) (You have whom he married & children) Married Abbie Willis b Jan 27, 1867
d Dec 28,1946

Rose Anna Sites (daug of Jack Sites and Abbie Willis) Winfield Scott Wilson b May 15, 1880
b April 21, 1887 (living) d Jan 2, 1962
married Feb 6, 1904 In Forrestdale, Ohio
Their children:

I. Maymie Abigail Wilson b July 8, 1905 living Lee Hildebrand b July 14, 1924
married July 14, 1924
Their children:
Barbara Hildebrand b Aug 23, 1925 Joseph Markwitz b Oct 13, 1921
married Oct 13, 1921 ?

Barbara and Joe Markwitz Children

1. Lee Ann Markwitz b July 23, 1957 (Talented musician and singer)
2. Nancy Jo Markwitz b Feb 28, 2951 d Dec 8, 1950

2. Donald Hildebrand b Jan 28, 1927 married Aug 23, 1953 Elise McTaggerty b Nov 22, 1934
Their children:
1. Terry Hildebrand b March 21, 1955
2. Joe Hildebrand b June 5, 1956
3. Lereda Hildebrand b July 8, 1958

3. Peggy Hildebrand b May 24, 1929 married April 1949 Roger Willis
divorced 1968
their children:
1. Barbara Willis b Sept 1, 1949 married 1970 Edward Nolen
one child Leesa Anna Nolen b April 1973
2. Becky Willis b May 31, 1953 married July 18, 1970 Lester Glenn Sperry
divorced 1970
married 1971 Gregory Lepter
3. Bobby Willis b July 26, 1950 (not married)
4. Billy Willis b Dec 7, 1959 (not married)

II Parnell Irene Wilson b Feb 19, 1907 married Oct 3, 1936 Leonard Kennedy b Jan 13, 1906
divorced Nov 21, 1949 (Kennetz-Polish)
remarried Jan 9, 1950 Chris T Durbin b March 22, 1904
d March 26, 1967
Children one – Sandra Ann Kennedy b Oct 3, 1944 (unmarried)

III Inice Shambaugh b March 9, 1910 married 1930 Theodore Shambaugh II? b March 28,
Their Children:
1. Theodore Shambaugh 3rd b Sept 31? married July 31 1956 Suzanne Wood b July 24
Their Children:
1. Clarinda Shambaugh b May 29, 1957
2. Theodore Shambaugh b Dec 2 1960

IV Dr Scott Jackson Wilson b Sept 22, 1913 Mary Jane Lakman b Aug 24, 1916
married July 19, 1940
1. Mary Sue Wilson b Aug 22, 1941 Dr Mark Ettinger b July 13, 1943
married June 13, 1970
Their child:
1. Scott Morgan Ettinger b July 18, 1872

2. William Scott Wilson b Feb 21, 1944 Kenko Hattori b Oct 16, 1946
married Feb 1969
Their children:
1. Michelle Kathryn Wilson b March 15, 1972
2. Matthew Levi Wilson b. Dec 22, 1969

3. Carolyn Ann Wilson b April 6, 1949
4. Kathym Clair Wilson b Dec 9, 1952
d Nov 28, 1968 (aneurysm)


William Sites b Sept 12, 1885 Bonny L Hatcher b April 10, 1887
d March 15, 1966 married 1906 d May 19, 1972
(Her father was Charles H Hastebee- mother Mary Willis (any of your kin?)
Their children:
1. Helen Louise Sites b Dec 5, 1906 Living Waldo Dowdle b Feb 18, 1908 living
married Dec 23, 1929 (no children)

Helen only living member of that family. She gave me as much as she knew . Said her parents never talked & now she can’t get any information.

I would like to have Susan Willis Sites (Daughter of Pleasant and Nancy McConnell Willis) & Abbie Willis Sites daughter of Wm and Nancy (Lykins ) Willis Brothers and Sisters . Their ;parents & Grandparents on back to Greenbrier, Va ect__

Do you know where the “Sites” and the Willis come from? Were none SEITZ changed to SITES?
James Willis (brother of Pleasant Willis) had a son Simon Willis whom was a judge and Governor of Kentucky–Did you know that.
Abby Willis named after John Willis wife (a brother of William Willis).

William Willis Jr b Dec 4, 1840 married May 15, 1869 Nancy Jane Lykins b March 5, 1848
d Jan 22, 1927 d Oct 22, 1922
born Lawrence Co, Ohio born in Cabell County, W Va
Joined Company E P Veteran Regiment
of West Virginia Infantry Volunteers
July 28, 1862 Discharged – Cumberland,
Maryland June 28, 1865
Any thing you have I will be most grateful to get. What you already sent me was most helpful. Thank you.
Parnell I Durbin
(one William R Willis Jr m Emma G Lycan Apr 11 , 1879)

Dear Robert Willis,

Did you tell me what relation Susan Willis & Abiegail Willis- your Grandmother & mine. Yes you told me! Susan was dau of Plesent & Nancy McConnell Willis.

Abbie Willis dau of William & Nancy Likins Willis Therefore Susan & Abbie were first cousins. Their fathers were brothers-Therefore we must be cousins 2x removed.

I have written the genealogist of Library of Congress for information of professional way of putting down our Genealogy information- will pass it on to you- when I receive it.

They have available genealogist for a fee to help you or do the whole thing- I told them I’d keep it in mind. But as of now it help me to pass away enjoyable hours in my retirement. Anyway what’s the fun of having the whole family Genealogy handed to you to read.

If I get no response- I’ll contact the National Archives. They usually respond promptly as they are on tax payers roll for their Government payroll. I got letter from Aunt Edith- She says Uncle Frank Sites for the Family Bible & Records and everything of the family trunk . I wrote Frankie Hitchcock Rt 1 Ironton Ohio 45638 . You said she live near you. Maybe you could go thru them together. Get Photostats for you & I . also some information not uncovered yet. I’ll pay my share in the photostats of zerox if you get any & send me the bill please. I feel lucky we found whom had this.

I am waiting for replies on all the correspondence I have sent. Will pass them on to you.

Yours Truly
Parnell I Durbin

How do you bring it down from Henry Willis to present generations?

January 8, 1973

Robert (Willis) – You know I wrote the Governor for any information of Willis of Kentucky. I have no information so far. I heard the annual State of the Commonwealth of State of Kentucky speech last night (per radio). His name is Governor Ford -Republican After the speech, the commentator went like this ” He sounded like Little Jack Horner what a good boy am I.”

“Others said it was a political speech not a State of the commonWealth of Kentucky” I had to laugh for the whole speech was full of “I”. Surely some of Governor Willis survivors are still living in Kentucky. Don’t you think? I’ll pass on any information, I get for you to also use.

I got to get busy now getting my Income tax information together and have it computed. How about Nixon owing $38,000 in income tax? If Agnew could not get by with it- why should Nixon, mot even get a slap on the wrist for his evasion? I also hear 1 out of 2 executives in big business will be replaced in 1974 due to Consumers “no confidence” growing out of Watergate and related subjects. Are you interest in the Political science- We are . My daughter Sondra (Kennedy)- eats & sleeps politics I think. In fact any thing of History and Politics is her thing.

She’s a Democrat and worked in the Campaign offices of Robert Kennedy. She wants to work for a Senator so badly or the government in some place where the action is, but has been turn down because she is a Democrat- Maryland Senators are Republican. I keep telling her the tide will change. But its very difficult & discouraging to wait, when you are young.

Our gasoline is now 55.9 to 59 cents a gallon . Long lines to get it even. How is it there? Do you ever listen to Jerry Williams Radio on Station WBZ? He gets so many calls from Cleveland Cincinnati and Ironton. So people in Ohio must listen to him. He has talk & phone call program. He is to have a Axion Oil man and a representative of a person whom has been in Egypt ect for many years and knows the situation. So they are wondering if the oil corporation man will enlighten us as to if its “a false crises” in order they get windfall profits. I don’t think he’d say so even if he knew. Loaf of bread will be $1.00 by spring. So Gov ask Russia not to import as much wheat & deplete our reserves. Why can’t they just close the export, or at least so Americans will not be short until new harvest in June? Does the daylight saving time bother you? I never did like it and could see no benefit.

Will Congress impeach Nixon in your view. I don’t think they will. Only the American people can cause change. Even Wall Street say they can only recover by having a new President & Leader of USA . There is a move on Eastern Shores to throw out all those old Senators and Representatives. Who have no courage to act for the good of the country and American people. They claim they are tired and just waiting for retirement pay and benefits. They should be awaken to the fact, when they are elected it is not for life or retirement age. ha! The hue and cry is throw them out and get young men in there! Like you , Robert and Sandy. Yes women too. There is nothing that says you have to be a lawyer . They want a more cross section of bright young people not all lawyers & politicians. Change only comes about by our youths and young adults. They have the stamina and vigor- foresight for change and can make it so. I so believe we will have new campaign rules so a young person won’t have to have million dollars to win in an election . Don’t you? They are also recommending one four year term for President. If that is what it takes to have
a Presidency like our founding fathers envisioned- then so be it.

I am sure wound up today. Just like to hear your thinking. I knew we have one interest – Willis Sites Family genealogy. I also collect old & antique dolls. Rocks- Postage Stamps and Dimes-pennies. Save your Pennies! They are all to be made of aluminum now. No copper . If you hear or know of any old dolls for sale let me know. Antiques are interesting but expensive- Old Coca Cola signs – trays etc are $17.50 up. Here if one fell down at filling station we gave it a kick to the side in years past. Will the big Buicks- Lincoln etc be collectors items in a few years ? Second Hand dealers here say they can not give them away now during this gasoline shortage. One has to look in the future. However we are told here when gasoline reaches 75 cents a gallon the shortage will disappear as fast as it came, as there is plenty of oil. So we will have to wait and see.

Have you seen the comet Koutchek yet ? We have not as it has been to cloudy. Besides it has lost the brilliance the astrologers were anticipating. I think Uncle Frank Sites would enjoy your visit. His daughter Frankis says Edith, Noume or Arnold never comes to see him Yet they live so close. That’s too bad for he is old. He is such a kind man. so was his wife as I remember.

Does your wife bake bread We do not use that much but I think I could do it if I had too. I remember Mother did and it always smelled so good. But she’d never let me cut it while warm. That’s how I like it. I make home make noodles today. They tasted so much better than the commercial ones. I plan on a garden this summer. Do you have one?

What do you think of the skylab astronauts? the pioneer spirit seems to be over. Americans don’t get so enthusiastic about space travel anymore. Do you think they ought to bring back the death penalty? I do for special cases . It might then be a deterrent.

Inice Wilson Shambaugh is in Australia/ If you want to write her any questions. We hear young people are immigrating there fast. Its under developed and promises the Pioneer spirit in them I guess. Write.

Parnell I Durbin

Inice Shambaugh
189 Liverpool Street
Sydney NSW
Australia 2000


Wiseman James N M Mar 4, 1853 Richard Mary A 1 5
Winebrinner …….Eliza Susan…………..F Jan 19, 1853 Michael Mary Ann 1 1
Wiseman Benj G M Nov 15, 1854 Owen Elizabeth 1 17
Wiseman Thomas J M Jan 8, 1854 Thomas Mary M 1 17
Windle George F M Nov 1854 Fielding Sarah M 1 12
Willis James C M Jan 6, 1854 John L Sarah F 1 17
Wiseman John N J M Apr 1855 Joseph G Catherine 1 20
Winebrinner Andrew L M Jun 15, 1855 Michael Mar y 1 18
Willis Martha Larena F Oct 12, 1855 Samuel Tobitha 1 25
Wiseman M Jun 10, 1856 Richard Mary Agnes 1 33
Wiseman John Shannon M Nov 22, 1856 Owen Elizabeth 1 30
Wiseman Jasper N M Jun 19, 1857 Thomas R Rachel 1 42
Willis M Nov 6, 1856 John L Frances 1 29
Wiseman Lewis PN M Oct 4, 1857 Joseph G Catharine 1 38
Wiseman M 1857 Richard Mary A 1 42
Wiseman Jasper N M Jun 19, 1857 Thomas R Rachel 1 42
Willis George P M Sept 14, 1857 J M Isabella C 1 42
Willis William J M Dec 25, 1858 John L Sarah 1 49
Willis L C M Aug 29, 1858 James M Isabella A 1 49
Winebrinner F Mar 6, 1859 Michael Mary Ann 1 51
Wiant J S F Oct 25, 1859 P B Isabella A 1 56
Wiant M Oct 15, 1859 Elijah Susan G 1 56
Wiseman Sarah E F Sep 30, 1860 Alexander Sarah 1 64
Wiseman William F M Oct 4, 1860 Joseph G Mary C 1 64
Witcher Robert (Slave) M Jun 11, 1860 Mrs M P Witcher 1 64
Wiseman Emily E F Sept 7, 1860 Richard Mary A 1 64
Wiseman Robert Lee M Aug 22, 1865 Thomas R Mary A 1 67
Willis Ellen J F Sep 4, 1865 James M Isabell C 1 67
Wikinson Mary M F Oct 26, 1865 George W Ellen 1 67
Wiant Elizabeth F Jul 4, 1867 William Mary 1 73
Wiseman Wm Rutherford M Jul 15, 1869 Abner S Amanda A 1 86
Willis Lilly V F Nov 9, 1869 James M Isabell C 1 84
Willis Laurena E F Nov 7, 1869 John N J 1 84
Wiseman Analadous M Sep 15, 1871 John L Margaret A 1 92
Wiseman Bessie White F Jul 20, 1872 Abner F Amanda 1 95
Willis F Sep !873 J M Caroline 1 103
(Could this be Isabell C?)

Henry Willis Sr married Elizabeth?

How does it go? children

their children

their children

I thought I had it set in mind when I had
Henry Willis? wife Elizabeth?
Soldier in Revolutionary War d 1812 marrried
Their children

1. Tabitha Willis
2. John Willis married Rebecca Cooper 1808
or how does it go?

not our Henry Willis Sr?

soldier in Revolutionary War Henry Willis Sr wife Elizabeth?
b died
d 1812

1. One daughter Tabitha Willis married 1802 Chas Cooper
Record on Monroe Co Va now W Va
Is this right? Then where does
John Willis and Rebecca Cooper
cone in? 2. Henry Willis Jr Polly Tucker
b ca 1790 (1790) b 1796 Kentucky
d 1840 (1840) d 1874 at Greenberry
married Jan 6, 1814 son’s home

How does it go? 1. Greenberry Willis
b 1818
d after 1880 Fayette twsp. married Barbara Lonebut April 26, 1840

Can you give me sequences. Their Children
I am dull & can’t figure it 1. Elizabeth Willis b 1842
out, with all the information 2. Henry Willis b 1844 d 1863 in Union Army
what is ca? ( I know ca in 3. Polly Mary Willis b 1845 m Oct 3, 1861 Charles H Hatcher
medical terms. I am a 4. Rachel Willis b 1847
Registered nurse ) What 5. William Willis b 1849 m Feb 13, 1874 Hulda Smith
kind of work are you into? 6. Josiah Willis b 1851 m July 29, 1871 Sarah J Reel

I can go on soon as I have John Willis & Rebecca Cooper in right box of category.
William Willis Jr Elizabeth Davis


Jan 20, 1974

Dear Robert (Willis),

It seems as if you are having better luck assembling your Willis genealogy than I am. I have to get them placed and broached out from the core. Henry Willis . That’s as far back as you have traced so far. Where did he come from? England or where did the Willis originally come from? I think as Mother tells me the Willis always spelled there name Willis-not Wills.

Did the Sites spell their name Sietz at one time? Where did they originally come from? You certainly have gotten a wealth of information Now to put them in chronicle order . Puzzling and we may never get it documented. You know Governor Simeon S Willis widow is still living. The Kentucky Historical Society gave me her address . I have written her for information and will pass it on to you. also information of the discharge of John Sites at Annapolis Maryland when paroled from Andersonville. I am sending you the book of Andersonville. paper back I could not get the hard back. I am sure you will read it with interest.

Did you hear William Mills news report? “He thought the Impeachment proceedings of President Nixon would cause another Civil War. Therefore it was better to give him immunity from any further investigations & indictments if he would resign for the good of the Country”.
What is your thoughts? Civil War would be terrible. I heard a recording of the veterans that was so tired and wanted America given back to the people instead of a few that they were ready for revolution to take it back. Do you listen to WBI radio program. Many in Ohio do and call in their thoughts and opinions.

Let me hear from you on any information and I will do the same.

Parnell I Durbin

January 28, 1974

Dear Bob Willis,

Thank you for the Tri State Trader subscription. I am anxious to see it. I have been working on the genealogy of the Willis. I still have not gotten John Willis placed. He can’t be a son of Henry Willis. It says in the zerox copies you sent me that Henry Willis had one daughter Tabitha Willis. So where does he belong?

I am still awaiting for answers to all the inquiries I have made. Do you have any suggests for me to research here in this area. Virginia. Maryland and the District.

Bob, Aunt Edith was going to send me some Pawpaw seeds . However with her many duties with the children, she must of forgotten. I hate to keep mentioning it to her. So you think you could find me a few or a little tree come up from seeds. It could be wrapped in a ball of dirt and sent to me by mail. I’ll pay the postage by return mail . Dad & Mother was very fond of the Pawpaw. Dad missed them when we moved to Ohio. They could of been raised in Illinois. I guess he never thought of it. For I like the out of doors so much.

Do you suppose there will be enough gasoline this summer that you & your wife could visit us this summer. We have a swimming pool . (If you are allowed to run et this summer is a question due to energy shortage. We could go to Cumberland Maryland and all the Historical early American places. Up to now we have not been so interested until I started on the Family tree. Now we’d to see these places. If we can believe Senator Jackson we won’t have as much gasoline as of today. The weekend it was difficult to find a gasoline station open even. they say that January allotment is all gone. Is it as bad there? I have been trying for 3 months to get a locked cap for gasoline tank of my dodge Dart Swinger . No luck. I see all these people driving to work bumper to bumper practically past my house because of a stop sign at the corner with only one person in the car. They will get desperate if it is going to be a shortage as they say. Wire coat hangers are very scarce here too. Besides toilet tissue and Kleenex. Does food prices go up 10 to 25 cents every week there as they do here?

Would you like to have some seeds of a Tulip Tree ? The Tulip tree goes back over fifty million years. Fossil leaves have been found in rocks of Europe and Greenland. It grows tall. straight trunk- free of branches near the ground , ornamental- not a shade tree- peculiar squarish leaves, broad and notched . Greenish- yellow tulip like flowers opening in May & June. Fruit is a cone of many small winged seeds.

Grows easily from east to beyond Mississippi river region – I’ll send you some if you like. Do you like gardening or making things grow. Do you like Antiques? I do. Especially in old dolls. Do you ever see any for sale? I presume you got the book Andersonville. I hope you have found it interesting. Would it pay us to get the Willis book from this Dr? Who has researched the Willis – Do you suppose it could be from our Willis, or unrelated strain of genealogy?

Do you save Commemorative United States Stamps? If you don’t will you save them for me. I do and share my extras with an orphanage. The children love to get them.

Do you think President Nixon should be impeached ? I think he should resign. He went into the Presidency the first four years with a Malice toward American people for turning hem down in 1960.

Therefore became Paranoid about and let the feeling grow until it accumulated into such things as Watergate etc.. He hated it that President John Kennedy was a Millionaire that’s why he had such a drive to accumulate as much- Instead of being the best darn President we have had since President Truman. What are your thoughts? I feel sorry for him he could not see that and especially his wife Pat and family. He should pick up the pieces and make the best of it like all those young men whose lives he ruined in the name of loyalty. In my way of thinking – To me it’s sad. Such a waste- Jan 28, 1974 Monday – Got my first Tri State Trader today Found it very interesting- Thanks- No more information as of today. Will keep you informed.

Parnell I Durbin

Page 1

Frank Sites married June 24, 1911 Margaret Gilbert
b 10-28-1888 b 1887
d 6-11-1979 d Apr 1973

Their Children (6 daughters)

I. Jennie Blanche Sites married Nov 27, 193? Willard Clay
b April 3, 1912 living b Sept 26, 1910 living
Lives Clay of Rock Camp

No Children

II. Martha Luella Sites – married 11-13-1935 Wilbur Alford
b 10-10-1916 (See 2nd page for 2nd marriage) b ?
living d Oct 7, 1944

Their Children
A. William Mitchell Alford married Dec 28, 1956 Phyllis Miller
b Nov 8, 1936 b Nov 4, 1936
living living

Their Children
1. Dale Mitchell Alford b June 9 , 1958
2. Timothy Lee Alford b Jan 14, 1960
3. Kimberly Alford b July 31, 1963
4. William David Alford b July 29, 1967

B. John Franklin Alford married July 3, 1959 Patricia Swartzwelder
b Sep 13, 1939 b July 26, 1941
living living
divorced date?

Their children

1. Dean Franklin Alford b Jan 17, 1962
2. Robert Wm Alford b March 29, 2963
3. Jane Ann Alford b July 11, 1965
4. Lisa Alford b Oct 17, 1965?

page 2

Martha Luella Sites Alford married 11-24-1944? Charles Sanders
2nd marriage (3) children Lives in Marion, Ohio b May 15, 1919
living b 10-10-1916 living

their Children
1. Martha Yvonne Sanders married Aug 29, 1967 Neuet Mulkey
b Aug 24, 1946 b Jan 31, 1947
living living

their children

a. James Robert Mulkey b June 13, 1968
b. Tommy Joe Mulkey b Oct 13, 1969
c. Brenda Sue Mulkey b July 12, 1971

2.. Sharon Kay Mulkey married 1967 Milton Rucker
b Nov 21, 1949 divorced date? b ?

Their Children
a. Tina Rucker b Dec 19, 1968
b. Melisa Down Rucker b Sept 10, 1973

3. Charlene Sanders
b May 15, 1954 single

III (girl) Dorothy Frances Sites married 7-25-1966 Earl Shearer
b Aug 13, 1918 (lives in Coal Grove) b April 15, 1945
one daughter
1. Margaret Jane Sites (Janie) married Charles Massie
b May 10, 1944 b April 15, 1945
living living
Their children

1. Alan Massie b Aug 18, 1965 living
2. Thomas Massie b Dec 6, 1966 living
3. Jeffery Massie b Nov 9, 1967 living
4. Steven Massie b April 9, 1970 living

page 3

IV (girl) Edna Mae Sites married 11-2-1942 Edwin Lee Neal
b 8-14-1923 lives Ironton, Ohio b 8-31-1923
living living

Their Children
1. Leonard Ray Neal married June 15, 1963 Janet Thompson
b Aug 3, 1943 b Jan 10, 1944
living living

one child – Melissa Neal b Feb 22, 1973

2. Katherine Ann Neal married Jan 20, 1968 James McClaskey
b Oct 23, 1946 b Mar 28, 1948
living living

Their Children

Kimberly May McClaskey b May 9, 1969 living
James Scott McClaskey b March 13, 1971

3. Frank Edwin Neal married June 22, 1908 Judy McFan
b April 2, 1949 b Dec 10. 1949
living living
one son

Michael Neal b June 30, 1970

V (Girl) Frankie Lucille Sites married May 25, 1948 Thurman Hitchcock
b July 15, 1929 lives Ironton Rt 1 b July 3, 1947
living living

Their children

1. David Wesley Hitchcock married Nov 6, 1969 Bonita Simpson
b Sept 6, 1949 b Nov 3, 1947
living living

no children

2. Jackie Lee Hitchcock single
b may 26, 1952

page 5

VI Anna Belle Sites m Livingston Clark
b Jan 21, 1914 March 10, 1931 b Aug 18, 1911
Living divorced Date? Living

Their children (7)
(1)Donald Edward Clark m Joona ? Chaffer
b Sept 8, 1932 Oct 7, 1950 b May 19, 1934
Living Living

Their Children (3)
(a)Anna Marie Clark m Donald Evans
b April 20, 1951 Aug 19, 1972 b March 26 , 1950
Living Living

no children

(b) Harold Andrew Clark
b Nov 8, 1957

(c) Juanita Kay Clark
b Jan 4, 1960

(2)Norman Lee Clark m Helen Louise Lewis
b Dec 3, 1934 June 5, 1955 b March 19, 1937
Living Living

Their Children (5)

(1) Norman Jr Clark
b March 23, 1956

(2) Diana Louise Clark
b Jan 14, 1958

(3) Barbara Lynn Clark
b April 2, 1959

(4) Susan Clark
b Dec 25, 1967

(3) Ralph Reynolds Clark m Patricia ?
b June 5, 1938 April 24, 1966 b 1927

No Children

(4) Robert Livingston Clark
b Feb 17 , 1941
died Sept 28, 1941

(5) Paul Eugene Clark m Jenny ?
b March 5, 1943 Oct 22, 1968 b Nov 28, 1945

His adopted children at birth (2)

(a) Scotty Clark
b June 8, 1969

(b) Amy Clark
b May 17, 1971

(6) Larry Roy Clark m Jean Lyon
b March 10, 1945 Nov 11, 1966 b Jan 1 , 1947
Living divorced date? Living

their Children (2)

(a) Lwyna Clark
b March 1, 1966

(b) Stephen Clark
b July 3, 1970

(7) Margaret Mae Clark m Carl Miller
b May 19, 1948 Oct 19, 1968 b 1947

One Child

(a) Jeanette Clark
b March 3, 1971


Feb 25, 1974

Dear Robert (Willis),

Do you have this information?

It came from Jackie Sites Hitchcock , Rt 1 Box 36, Ironton, Ohio 45638

Uncle Frank Sites got Grandpa’s trunk and I (Jackie) got the Bible. Here is what is in the Family Bible.

Charles Frederick Sites died April 29, 1914
Aurel Paul Sites died April 1, 1914
Andrew Jack Sites died Jan 8, 1962
Abbie Gail Sites died Dec 27, 1946

Andrew J Sites and Abbie F Willis married Dec 30, 1884 at Etna Furnace, Elizabeth Township
witness- Edward Willis- Thomas Miller signed by John Pucket E S J

As for the trunk there is nothing in it because they went thru it Uncle Bill & Dad (Uncle Frank) after Grandpa died . Uncle Bill took some of the things bur there wasn’t nothing in it that would help you with this. So there is no use for you to go to Frank Sites home for further information.

Genealogy of Frank Andrew Sites & Margaret Gilbery on following pages

Jennie Blanche Sites b Mar 3, 1912
Anna Bell Sites b Jan 21, 1914
Martha Lucille Sites b Oct 10, 191
Dorothy Frances Sites b Aug 12, 1918
Edna Mae Sites b Aug 14, 1923
Frankie Sites b July 15, 1929

Received Feb 28, 1974


Edith Sites married Sept 9, 1923 Walter Faverty
b Jan 16, 1905 b May 20, 1900
living d May 13, 1978
their Children
1. Florence Katherine Faverty b Nov 9, 1924
d Nov 11, 1924

2. Vondalia Faverty married Oct 24, 1953 Thomas Stephenson
b May 18, 1927 b Jan 18, ?
living living
Their Children (3)

a. Teresa Gay Stephenson b Nov 10, 1956 living
b. Thomas Michael Stephenson b Sept 29, 1958
c. Paul Edw Stephenson b June 17, 1963

3. Jean Faverty married Feb 27, 1963 John Christen
b Sept 1, 1931 b ?
living living
Their Children (2)
Billy Christen b Dec 30, 1965 living
Barbara Christen b Nov 20, 1967 living


John Sites married Oct 4, 1916 Ethel Jordan
b Oct 16, 1894 b Aug 31, 1895
d July 21, 1960 living
Their Children (3)

1. Carl Sites
b Feb 7, 1917
d Oct 1952

Page II 2. Elmer Sites married ? Loda R Hurlbert
b Aug 13, 1919 divorced ? b ?
living living

no children

3. Bill Sites married ? Wanda Reynolds
b Dec 4, 1929 b ?
living living

Their children

1. Larry Sites b July 27, 1956
2. Elisa Sites b Aug 20, 1962
As you can see Aunt Ethel could not remember or give aunt Edith much help – At 79 yrs we may not do better.


Arnold Sites married Aug 13, 1932 Ethel Conway
b May 4, 1907 b Mar 11, 1912
living living
Their children (4)
1. Betty Sites married May 30, 1955 Don Long
b Oct 15, 1933 b

Their Children (3)
a. Dorma Long b Jan 31, ?
b. Grege Long b April 30, ?
c. Jeffery Scott Long b Jan 27, ?

2. Caroline Sites married Nov 18, 1960 George Douglas
b July 4, 1940
Their Children (2)
Arnold Alvin Douglas b April 13, 1961
Brian Matthew Douglas b July 11, 1972

3. Kay Sites married Dec 1, 1959 Bob Sowards
b Feb 18, 1942 b July 27, ?
one child
Anita Kayoon Sowards b Dec 7, 1960

4. Jack Sites married Dec 8, 1957 Diskin Truman
b March 9, 1935 b ?
living living

Their Children (2)
A. Debra Lynn Truman b Sept 18, 1958
B. Jacklyn Anna Truman b Nov 28, 1959

Uncle Arnold & Aunt Ethel could not help Aunt Edith very much either she tells me.

VI (girl) Anna Bell Sites married March 19, 1931 Livingston Clark
b Jan 21, 1914 divorced ? b Aug 18, 1911
living lives in W ?, Ohio living

Their Children (7)

1. Donald Edward Clark married Oct 7, 1950 Joorca Chaffer
b Sept 8, 1932 May 19, 1934
living living

a. Ann Marie Clark married Aug 19, 1972 Donald Evans
b April 20, 1951 b March 26, 1950
living living
no children
b. Harold Andrew Clark b Nov 8, 1957 living
c. Juanita Kay Clark b Jan 4, 1960 living

2. Norman Lee Clark married June 5, 1955 Helen Louise Leives
b Dec 3, 1934 b March 19, 1937
living living

Their Children (5)
Norman Jo Clark b March 23, 1956 living
Diana Louise Clark b Jan 14, 1958 living
Barbara Lynn Clark b April 2, 1959
Susan Clark b June 8, 1962
David Clark b Dec 25, 1967

3. Ralph Reynolds Clark married April 24, 1966 Patricia ?
b June 5, 1938 b 1927
no children

4. Robert Livingston Clark b Feb 17, 1941
d Sept 28, 1941

March 8, 1974

Dear Robert (Willis),

Mother just wrote me Shirley Wilson died and funeral was 3-3-74.. Was there a notice in your paper:? If so will you send it to me for the genealogy records on Wilson’s.

We have been having spring like weather which is good during this energy shortage. We are getting more gasoline now without waiting in mile long lines to get to the pumps. How is your situation?

When I get more information I will let you know too.

Your Cousin,
Parnell (Durbin)

Feb 8, 1974

Dear Cousin Robert (Willis),

The book of Andersonville is yours. I got it for you as I have one and have read it at least twice. The more you read it the more you get out of it.

My first husband Leonard Kennedy was with General Patton. Medical Division Our daughter was born 1944 during the invasion time of Europe. When he returned he wanted no responsibilities of a family. I don’t think he gave himself enough time to adjust. can you understand that? Anyway you know the Willis- Sites -Wilson ‘s are very proud people and would not insist on any arrangements, when you were not wanted. I was young and would be wiser now. For it has been disastrous emotionally for our daughter, Sandra. No one can understand Prisoner of War attitudes unless they have been there. I went to an estate Sale two Weeks ago. There was many books on the History of the war etc.. If I had only known I’d surely got them for you. Will keep my eyes open for you from now on. Anything else you would like me to watch out for- Just let me know. Otherwise how can I know. Thanks for the Willis Crest (Family)
“Dr. Margaret Ballard, here in Union WV 24983- who does considerable research for people has quite a bit of Material on the Willis Family. You might want to correspond with her.”

Inf from Haskell D Shumate, clerk
Monroe County Clerk
Union West Virginia 24983

If you write her for her material on the Willis Family I will share the expense with you.
Dr Margaret Ballard wonder if she is a M D
Union or PHD
West Virginia 24983

I am glad you are feeling well enough to go back to work. You never told me your work! I fell on the back steps and my Buttocks hit everyone of the nine steel steps. I can’t even sit far the pain. Even if I went to Dr. or had X-rays they could do nothing but pain relievers. I worked in Orthopedics for years and know. It makes one so mad to fall. That hurt more than the real Pain-ha! Isn’t there any paw paw trees there anymore?

We got 6 in snow today. I am not going out to fall again. ha! I always worked the evening and night shifts also at the Hospital. I still am a night person. It’s hard to get to bed before 1 0r 2 am.

If I go to Cumberland this summer to see where Great Grandpa Willis was discharged from the US army I’ll go to cemetery to see if I can locate the grave of George W Willis Jr 1820- 1865 and will take pictures.
It all depends on the gasoline situation. Are you sympathetic to. the truckers I think they are right. The Oil Companies should lower price- not pass it on to the Poor Consumer. I am glad the Astronauts returned to earth safely and in apparent good condition. the lab will remain up in atmosphere for some eight years of more. How about that? Also all that liter they left on the moon ? I do believe the UFO’s are visitors from another planet , similar to earth. What do you think?

I believe there was two Henry Willis also. For the one article said Henry Willis had only one daughter Tabitha (Willis). So where does John Willis whom married Rebecca Cooper belong. Maybe Dr Margaret Ballard’s research would tell us.

Be careful and do not undue what surgery you had done. so many people make that mistake. I enjoy so much hearing from you.
Parnell I Durbin

600 Vine Street, Cincinnati , Ohio 45202

February 28, 1973
Mr Robert M Willis
Rt 1 Box 1
Ironton, Ohio 45638

Dear Mr Willis,

I am sorry, but I have been unable to find much information of James Pigman. In the annual report of the Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels for 1870 it states that re received his 14th renewal of his engineering license at Cincinnati. Since licenses were renewed each year he would have been an engineer since 1855. The next volume of the annual reports that we have is 1877 and Pigman is no longer listed. There is no mention in these annual reports of what vessels he served on.

In Capt Ellis D Mace’s RIVER STEAMBOATS AND STEAMBOAT MEN a number of steamboat men
from Burlington are mentioned among them a Boy Pigman. The “Boy” could be a nick name. Again there is no mention of what boats he served on .

My only suggestion is to see if there is any mention of Mr Pigman in a history of Lawrence County. If you know where and when he died, you can check the local papers to see if there is an obituary. Beyond this there is nothing I can suggest.

Thomas G Addison
Inland Rivers Specialist

Mr R V Butrick
Recently looking through an old Cem at Getaway in Union township , Lawrence County, Ohio.. Known as the Harmony Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery.. I found this grave with marker.
Elizabeth (Butrix) wife of Channcy Butrix
b April 7, 1820 d Nov 10, 1884
age 64 yrs 7 mos 3 days
this could have been the mother of Nancy Ann Butrick b 1844 d 1908 mar’d June 2, 1868 To George W Willis III b 1847 d 1888 they moved from here (Law Co) in 1884 to Cabell County, W Va (Did you ever receive ans. from Rev A O Willis 405 Linden Cir Huntington, W Va regarding Nancy Ann his great grandmother? )Nancy Ann Butrick Willis mar’d Eiljah Langdon buried Langdon Cem near Getaway found this marriage at Probate Court office at Court house in Ironton. Book 11 Page 13
James Butrick to Corena F Davis Dec 14, 1874 Solemnize by E S Brammer
Justice of Peace I am not acquainted with anyone by name Butrick and know of none in this area, but appears they were here years ago. None listed in Ironton, Ohio, Ashland . Ky, or Huntington, W Va telephone directory Hope you have made progress on Law. Co. research and as I discovered this grave of Elizabeth .
In the 1880 census list
George W Willis III age 33 b Ohio son of George Jr (Willis)
Nancy Ann Willis housewife age 36 b Ohio mother b Ohio father b NY
William H Willis son age 9 b Ohio
Esther Willis daug age 7 b Ohio
Rose Willis daug age 2 b Ohio

also with family
mother Elizabeth Butterick age 61 b Ohio father NY d Nov 10, 1884 age 64(Yr) 7(Mo) 3 (Da) buried Harmony Bap Ch Cem Getaway.

Richard P Butrick
3816 Huntington Street N W
Washington D C, 20015

July 3, 1973
Robert M Willis
Box 1 Rte 1
Ironton, Ohio 45638

Dear Mr Willis:

I am very appreciative of your letter of June 8, 1973 , with genealogical information on certain Butricks; as you will note from the above address , I have moved and the trials of moving have been great and will continue for several weeks as I try to “get things in order”.

Trying to trace the Ohio and WV Butricks is an awesome task. I have a record of a Chauncey Butrick (probably Chauncey Herman Butrick). Meigs Co., Ohio records show that he m Elizabeth Crawford on Dec 5, 1852. My records also show that he had a son Joseph N Butricks. b St Charles Co, Mo. Aug 25, 1869. and another son John W Butricks b Pt Pleasant, W Va Nov 16, 1878. If Elizabeth (Crawford ) Butrick was born April 7, 1820 and d Nov 10., 1884, she could not possibly be the mother of John W Butricks and she would have been 49 when Joseph N Butricks was born.

So it would seem that the above Chancery and Elizabeth you mention and Nancy Ann , Sarah, and James Mentioned by you were his sisters and brothers. I do have a James or James S Butrick who married Corrine Florence Doss (not Davis as the Ironton record reports). They had at least 9 children. He d Cedar Grove, W Va. His children also were very prolific..

The following is from the 1870 Gallia Co, Cheshire Twp records :
Elizabeth Butricks, 36, b Ohio keeps house She appears most likely to be the Elizabeth Crawford
Charles Butricks 16,b Ill , works farm who married Chauncey Butrick in Meigs Co on Dec
William B Butricks 14, b Ohio, works farm 5, 1852. Her husband must have died in Mo and she
Sarah E Butricks 11, b Mo, helps mother returned to Ohio.
Mary M Butricks 9, b Mo,
Joseph Butricks 7, b Mo

Do you think you could make a complete search of the Ironton and Huntington court records for births, marriages and deaths of the Butricks. If so , I would gladly pay you a reasonable sum, say $10. a day plus transportation by bus or your own auto. I think those records might clear up many problems.

I have heard nothing further from the Rev A O Willis. When he wrote me, she said he was ill.
Again many thanks for your help,

Richard Butrick

August 10, 1973

Robert M Willis
Box 1 Route 1
Ironton, Ohio 45638

Dear Mr Willis,

Not having heard from you in reply to my letter of July 3, 1973 , I am traveling to Ironton and Huntington to do genealogical research, leaving Washington on the 13th. So, I shall not need your help in searching the Ironton and Huntington records.

Thanking you for your past interest in my efforts, I as,


Hon Richard P Butrick
3816 Huntington Street N W
Washington D C 20015

Richard P Butrick
(same as above)
March 3, 1976
Robert M Willis
RR#1 Box 1
Ironton. Ohio 45638

Dear Mr Willis:

As you will note from the enclosed, I must learn who were the parents of Chancey Butruck or I cannot relate that branch of the Butrick family to their forebears. Will you be good enough to follow up on the for me?

Death reports usually give the date and place of birth, as well as death and the names of the parents of the deceased.

The 1850 census for Fayette Twp. Lawrence Co :
Chancey Buttrick 26 farmer b Oh
Betsey Buttrick 25 “
Ann Butterick 6 “
Robert Buttrick 4 “
William R ? Buttrick 2 “

The 1860 census Lawrence Twp. , Lawrence Co:
Elizabeth Butrick 40? b Oh
Sarah Butrick 18 ” m Elijah Langdon Ann Butrick 16 ” m Geo Willis III 1868
Robert Butrick 13 “
William Butrick 11 “
James S ? Butrick 9 “

It would appear from the ages of the children that Chancey must have died in 1850-1852. Or he divorced or left Elizabeth. Or they may have followed his to Missouri as the 1880 census shows:
Elizabeth Butericks 47 b Oh res Gallia Co
dau Sarah Butericks 20 “
son Joseph N Butericks 16 b Mo
son John W Butericks 2 b Oh

Meigs Co, Oh records show that Joseph Nathaniel Butricks was born Aug 25, 1869 in St Charles Co, Mo and John W Butricks b Pt Pleasant, WV, Nov 16, 1878.

I do hope you can shed some light on this case above all, the date and place of Chancey’s birth and the names of his parents. The names of his brothers and sisters would also be helpful.
R P Butrick

Richard P Butrick
Feb 25, 1976
County Health Department
Lawrence County
Ironton, Oh 45638


For genealogical purposes , would you kindly supply me from your files with the following information: When and where was Chancey Butrick born and who were his parents; when and where did Chancey Butrick die?

The 1850 census shows Chancey Butrick, 26, b Ohio, with wife Betsey (Elizabeth Butrick) living in Fayette Twp Lawrence Co. His name does not appear in the 1860 census , so he must have died in the interim and presumably his death report would give the date and place of his birth and the names of his parents. the 1860 census shows Elizabeth Butrick (presumably the widow of Chancey) living in Lawrence Twp.

Butrick is often spelled Buttrick and sometimes Butricks, Buttricks. and Butrix. Chancey , of course,
could be Chauncey and he might have had a middle name. Meigs County records show that a Chauncey Herman Butrick m Dec 5, 1852, Elizabeth Crawford. This may be the same “Chancey Butrick”.

I enclose a stamped, self- addressed envelope for reply.
Richard Butrick

All birth and death records prior to 1909 are on file at Probate Court. Court House, Ironton, Ohio
You will need to contact that office for their procedures and charges.

Pauline L Whaley
Local Registrar


Hon Richard P Butrick
3816 Huntington Street N W
Washington D C 20015

Dear Richard Butrick,

Just received your letter of inquiry of Chancey Butrick. I am inserting query in Ohio Genealogical Society 454 Park Ave , West Mansfield , Ohio 44906. I am mailing this card to Query Editor .
Mrs Bernice H Simon, P O Box 556, Mineral Ridge, Ohio 44440.

Nov 17, 1976

County Health Officer
Jackson County
Jackson, Ohio 45640

Dear Sir:

Chancey Buterick (Chauncey Butrick) died in Jackson Co. , July 20, 1852, age 50. I would like to find out where and when he was born and the names of his parents. Suck information is usually contained in the death report. According to the Genealogical Helper, all reports of death and burial are filed in your office.

I would much appreciate your assistance in this and enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelop for your convenience in replying.
Hon. Richard P Butrick
3816 Huntington street N W
Washington D C 20015

No birth or death records recorded in this office until 1867. Also checked estate records in estate found.
Probate Court
Court House
Jackson, Ohio 45640

Nov 25, 1976

Robert M Willis
Box 1 Rte 1
Ironton, Ohio 45638

Dear Mr Willis:

I found the date and place of Chancey Butrick in the file of pension papers of Robert Butrick who was killed in the Civil War. I assume it is correct as the pension application was filed by his mother, Elizabeth. However, as you will note from the enclosed from the Probate court of Jackson, they have no record. Strange.

There must be a record somewhere, perhaps in some church in Jackson or elsewhere. Incidentally, it is unlikely that Chancey was 50 when he died as the 1850 census shows his age as 26 ( and Betsey , 25). Perhaps you could look into this further for me- I want to have the record as complete as possible when I put it in my book, Which I hope to Publish before spring.

Richard Butrick


P O Box 1776 , Kenmore, Washington 98028

Mr Richard P Butrick asked that I write to you regarding our Special Bicentennial 200th Anniversary Edition of the “Concord Fight” because of the very important part that Major John Buttrick played in this fateful event and day of our American heritage.

The “Concord Fight” is a reprint of 100 year old material that was published for the Centennial in April 1875. We have reproduced the same old engravings used in the original along with the complete text. The story line covers the day of April 19, 1775, from Paul Revere’s ride until that evening when the British barely make it back to Boston Badly battered and abused nearly every step of their retreat by the American patriots. Explicit details and vivid descriptions cover every action and movement of both the. British and Americans throughout the day at Concord, the North Bridge, Lexington and on the road back to Boston.

Major John Brttrick gave the order to fire the first shot– ‘the shot heard round the world’: and , then carried on the command of his group throughout this historic day that saw the first organized military affront against the mother country in our struggle for freedom.

Please notice the unique -one of a kind- personalization of each book that we are offering at no additional charge. Your inscription . sentiment or donation will be printed on a sheet of parchment and bound into the book as the flyleaf. An especially fine memento of the bicentennial for a child, grandchild, relative, friend or library – or for yourself. The fabric covered edition is specially nice. The material is light tan buckram with brown lettering and a sketch of the Minuteman statue. I think that you will be very pleased with this book as a special personalized memento of the bicentennial for a treasured keepsake.

Please allow about 4 weeks from April 19 th for delivery due to the handwork required.

Mr Butrick has also asked that I inform you, that he is so excited about this book and the historical content that covers the Buttrick Family History planned to be published later this year. He will allow the full deduction of the price paid for any of the three other choices from his regular posted price on his
forthcoming book. One discount per book. (If you purchase the $2.00 edition he will allow you $2.00
off– if the $3.25 edition, he will allow $3.25 off.) Just send him the receipt you receive with Concord Fight, or refer to us if it is a gift mailing. YOUR own family history… If you have any changes within your family that have occurred since you sent your information to Mr Butrick, he asks that you please update the information soon, so that it can be included in the Buttrick Book. — If you have not sent in your family line and wish to have it included then please send as soon as possible because the Buttrick book is now being drafted with plans to publish late this year. Please send to: Mr Richard P Butrick , 3816 Huntington Street NW , Washington D C 20015.

Thank you for your kindness in reviewing the enclosed material, if you have any questions please let me know – at either address, Drawer 220 or P O Box 1776, Kenmore, WA 98028.

Roy Colbert

May 20, 1977

Mr Robert M Willis
RR#1 Box #1
Ironton, Ohio 45638

Dear Mr Willis,

It is really very strange that we cannot track down Chancey Buttrick .

The 1850 census of Fayette Twp, Lawrence Co, Oh:
Chancey Buttrick 26 farmer b Oh
Betsey Butterick 25 b Oh
Ann Butterick 6 b Oh (this must be “Nancy Ann”.)
Robert Butterick 4 b Oh
William R Butterick 2 b Oh

The 1860 census of Lawrence Twp, Lawrence Co, Oh:
Elizabeth Butrick 40 b Oh
Sarah Butrick 18 b Oh
Ann Butrick 16 b Oh
Robt Butrick 13 b Oh
Wm Butrick 11 b Oh
James S Butrick 9 b Oh

Robert (Butrick) died in military service in Hazel Green, Ky, July 16, 1865 and Elizabeth (Butrick) filed for a pension stating that her husband, “Chancey Butrix ” , age 50, d Jackson, Oh, July 12, 1852 (apparently about the time James S was born),

The 1880 census of Gallia Co, Oh:
Elizabeth Buttericks 47 b Oh (must be a different Elizabeth)
Sarah Buttericks dau 20 b Oh
Joseph W Buttericks son 16 b Oh
John Buttericks son 2 b Oh
From the 1860 census, it appears that “Nancy Ann” had an older sister, Sarah. I wonder what happened to her and, if married, to her children. Somewhere there ought to be a way to trace Chancey back to his birthplace and parents. Perhaps somewhere there is a family bible, or letters which could throw a light on that. It seems impossible to get it from official records. I don’t think you will get any
help from the Ohio Gen Soc. They haven’t been of much help to me.

Richard Butrick

219 West 81 Street
New York, New York 10024
January 14, 1974

Dear Mr Willis,

I really was pleased to receive your letter in answer to my ad in TST. It is very interesting about your early Dunfields (Dunfees) in Lawrence county. I did not know about them, of course, but I’m not surprised they were there. I suspect that the descendants of the Michael Dunfield I mentioned in the ad (who was a Revolution War vet) may have settled down along both sides of the Ohio River. In addition to Michael in Washington County, Pa (last printed reference about 1785) , there was also a Frederick Dunfield there, who may have been from Virginia or North Carolina. One day when I was checking current telephone directories for your area (at the N Y Public Library), I came across many Dunfees in Huntington, Cabell County, W Va and one of them is named Michael. All of which strengthens my idea. I so not know if they are connected to your Dunfields of not. Your list of names and dates I am certainly keeping for future reference.

You ask about the name itself. From what I’ve found, Dunfield and Dunfee were both used in early days, but Dunfee eventually prevailed. Why, remains to be revealed. somewhere, someone probably knows. The Dunfees in Belmont were all called Denfields in the earliest references (census, deeds, etc).

I am enclosing a copy of some typed notes I have from 2 county histories: Lawrence and Washington. They both refer to Dunfees living after 1870. The ones in Lawrence are definitely part of the Belmont line and lived in Monroe County in 1850 census, which means they didn’t go to Lawrence until much later than your line. I would imagine they are the ancestors of the Dunfees you said lived in the upper part of your county. The other Dunfee in Washington county, Ohio , came from N J and is a complete mystery to me so far.

One question to you: how do you know that Eliza was a daughter of a James Dunfield ? My Great-great-grandfather was James Dunfee (1800-1863) who lived at the same time as your James, but he had a farm in Belmont. My James father was named Thomas (Dunfee) (1771-1852) , mentioned in my ad, and his brothers probably were Oliver and Benedict Dunfee , all in Belmont. Your James could have been a son of one of those brothers. We know the children of Thomas from the settlement of his estate. Another question to you: why haven’t you looked up those Dunfield women & their families on the census films for 1850, 1860, 1870 & 1880? There is even an index in one volume for the 1850 census, but none after that. The censuses for 1820, 1830 & 1840 also have indexes , however. All these indexes are for Ohio only.

I am just sorry I can’t identify your Dunfields for the present. and I know no-one who is working on the other names you mentioned. I plan to contact some of those Huntington Dunfees sometime soon and I’ll let you know what happens. Are there facilities at the Ironton Public Library for genealogical research?

If not, you might have to go to Gallipolis. Athens, Marietta or Huntington . The Dunfees were the ancestors of my paternal grandmother. On my mother’s side were some Gilfillens (Gillfillans)in Lawrence in 1800’s : do you know anyone descended or related? I really appreciate your taking the time to write to me in detail. I haven’t told you muck about my line but I can if you think it would help. Thanks again.

William G Boyer

27 May 1968
1839 East Tripoli Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207

Robert M Willis
Route 1 Box 1
Ironton, Ohio 45638

Dear Mr Willis,

I noticed your query in OHIO PIONEER & RECORDS , VOL VIII-No 1- Jan-Mar 1967-page 52; concerning ELIZA DUNFIELD (1822- 1887) – supposedly born Virginia.


One of many forms of spelling is Dinfield. There also was a Lord Dunfield in Northern Ireland & possibly other areas.

Are you a genealogist working on Dunfield or Duffield lines, or tracing your own family lines?

I found your surname Willis interesting because very early Worley’s married Willis’s- early Worley
married Duffield’s – and in Pike County , Illinois many generations later Elizabeth Worley married Willis Brown, and so it goes ad infintum.

Other few lines (of my Myriad lines) are: Holloway’s: Jonston’s; Petty’s; Brown’s etc, etc, & Fishers. own the “Old Bibles”. (willed to me)

What do you know about your Elizabeth Duffield or Dunfield?
Would you like to exchange “proved information”?

I have enclosed a stamped addressed envelope for your convenience in replying , by return mail. Please make your typing or writing as Large and clear as possible, as I have a chronic Leukemia which at times seems to affect my sight and confines me more or less to my hone.

In closing , may I take advantage of this opportunity, to wish you and your well, in all ways, for always.

enc. Very Truly yours,
PS I am looking for the township Isaac and
Ellen Elnor (Nelson) Holloway, were living in . Barbara (Brown) Elgas-Mrs Z C Elgas
In 1850 on Dec 9, when son Isaac Newton *Holloway
was born in Highland County, Ohio.

*He used name thus: I Newton Holloway

7607 Blakford Drive
Oxon Hill , Md 20022
Dec 4, 1974

Dear Mr Willis:

Sorry to be so long in responding to your letter of October 1.

Some of the Dunfees you provided from the telephone books are related to me. For example, Velva Dunfee of Greasy Ridge is my grandmother. (she is currently in very poor health). I have an aunt , Irene Hardy in Proctorville who has helped me in my research, she is Velva’s daughter.

I don’t have any information to help you regarding Eliza Dunfield. However, I have found proof via the National Census records that the name Dunfee is also spelled Dunfield. To say which is correct is hard to prove.

Thank you for your letter.


Paul V Dunfee

June 20, 1967

For the past several years the Pigman-Pygmy families have held an annual get-together at Camden Park, with a family picnic. This year we were contacted by out -of-staters from other branches of the family and who have information as to our early history, We think this will be of great interest and we hope to have a goof turnout of local Pigman-Pygmans. Come bring your picnic (or food can be purchased at the Park ) and join us! Invite ALL those interested .

DATE; July 16, 1967
Hour: 1:00 PM EDS time
Place: Camden Park
Rt l # 60 West Huntington , W VA
Virgil Pigman
Rt 1, Box 25
Proctorville, Ohio 45669

James Pigman, engineer of river boat, born Va or N C June 6, 1817 died Sybene, Lawrence Co, Ohio Nov 6, 1887. Mar Aug 2, 1840 at Burlington, Lawrence Co, Ohio to Eliza Dunfield b Va Sept 3, 1822 died Sybene, Dec 3, 1887 both buried Burlington Cem.

Their children:
1. William Pigman b 1843 Syhene, Ohio enlisted , Co F 2nd Ky VOL Inf disabled and discharge 1863 died on his way home.
2. John A Pigman b 1845 Syrene, Ohio mar’d April 22, 1867 to Hester A Pine
3. Laura Pigman b 1847 Syhene, Ohio d young
4. Sarah A Pigman b 1849 Syhene, Ohio d 1923 mar’d Dec 8, 1866 to George W Beam resided Coal Grove , Ohio.
5. Arethea E Pigman b Jan 21, 1853 d Nov 30, 1919 mar’d Feb 3, 1878 to Oliver (Ink) Willis resided South Point, Ohio
6. Amanda E Pigman b 1855 Sybene, Ohio mar’d Mar 2, 1879 to Lewis P Walters
7. Elvira A Pigman b 1857 Sybene, Ohio mar’d ______________ ______ Clark lived Cincinnati, Ohio
8. Emma J Pigman b 1860 Sybene, Ohio mar’d April 18, 18880 to James (Hull) Shelton.

May been other children younger.
Sorry I did not get to see you . Please mail these out to who you think might be interested . Your postage will be returned. Virgil Pigman


July 28, 1968

Virgil Pigman Rt 1 box 25 Proctorville , Ohio 45669
Ida Pigman same
Ethel Morrow Rt 3 Proctorville, Ohio 45669
Arthur Pigman 538 Adams Ave , Huntington, W VA
Evelyn Pigman same
Clovis Pygman 1360 Hall St , Huntington W VA
Mollie Galloway Pygman same
Margie Pigman Howell 3 Edgemont Dr, Warren , Pa 16365
Diane Pygman P O Box 1294, Chesapeake, Ohio 45619
Kent Pigman 2033 Enslow Ave , Huntington, W Va
Gerald E Pigman , Rt 3 , Proctorville, Ohio 45669
Geraldine Pigman same
Carroll M Pigman PO Box 287, Proctorville , Ohio 45669
Heather M Pigman same
George W Hayes Rt 3 Box 193, “” “
Elaine Hayes, same
Elmer Pigman, R R 1 ” “
Mary Alice Cooper and children Tresa, Diane and Michael of R R 2 , Proctorville, Ohio 45669
Mr & Mrs Don Kendall , 634 Wash . Ave , Huntington, W VA
Holly Ann Kendall, same
Jo Ann Guthrie (guest) , Huntington , W VA
Steve Hall PO Box 200, Chesapeake, Ohio 45619
Glenn E Willis Rt 1, Ironton, Ohio 45638
Edna Willis, same
Robert Willis, Same

Trophies for 1 Michael Cooper Rt 2 Proctorville, Ohio 45669 youngest boy
2 Holly Ann Kendel 634 Wash. Ave, Huntington, W Va youngest girl
3. Ethel Morrow Rt 2 , Proctorville, Ohio 45669 age 69 oldest lady
4. Elmer Pigman R R 1, ” ” age 77 oldest man
5. Margie Pigman Howell 3 Edgemont Dr, Warren, Pa 16365 the farthest from home


Six Annual Reunion

The sixth annual Pigman-Pygman-Pigmon family reunion and picnic, held at Camden Park, West Huntington, W Va, July 28, 1968.

Meeting called to order by the Pres. Virgil Pigman
Table Grace by Clovis Pigman
Silent Prayer in Memory of Carl Pigman, died Sept 2, 1967.
A basket lunch was served and enjoyed by approx. 30 people.
First time visiting relatives and guests.
Robert Willis and wife Edna and brother Glenn Willis of Rt 1, South Point, Ohio
Minutes of last meeting read and approved

Officers for the coming year, extended , the same for 1969
Pres Virgil Pigman
Vice Pres Geo W Hayes
Sec Robert Willis
Tres Gerald E Pigman

Tres report total $ 9.64
cards 4.75
Trophies 4.89
Collection today $18.10
soft drinks -7.50
Total $ 10.60

Trophies – youngest boy Michael Cooper, youngest girl Holly Kendall
Trophies for travel and the farthest
Marjorie Pigman Rt,3 Edgemont Dr, Warren, Pa
oldest man Elmer Pigman age 77 , Proctorville, Ohio
oldest lady Ethel Morrow age 69

“The Genealogical Helper”
PO Box 368 Logan , Utah 84321

1487 Lynton Avenue
Flint, Michigan 48507
January 21, 1964

Dear Mr Willis,

I have no interest in Willis, but I have a Marriage record of Jane Willis and James Thompson -Aug 19, 1820. This was taken from the Clark County , Indiana marriage Index. With Clark County being just across the river from Kentucky , I thought you could be interested.

Yours truly,
Helen Thompson Fletcher


Jane Willis md to James Thompson 8-19-1820 Clark Co, Ind.
Larada Willis lived Linden , Iowa md Charles Marion Jones b abt 1847 in Mich.

1487 Lynton Avenue
Flint, Michigan 48507
February 6, 1964

Dear Mr Willis,

Thank you so much , for your note, and the clipping about James Thompson . One never knows where he might find a clue, While I see no connection with this man and my family it is very interesting reading, I so like to read things like that. I gave the article , yesterday , to my cousin , to read. I asked her to return it, so that I can keep it in my Thompson file. Should you ever again come across any such material, I shall be very grateful if you will send it to me. Many thanks.

Sincerely yours,
Helen Fletcher

She had marriage record Jane Willis & James Thompson Aug 19, 1820 Clark Co, Md
Joseph Willis m Mary Ann Potts Mar 25, 1806 Warren Co, Ohio
Sallie Willis d 1818 dau of Wm m John Freeman of Richmond, Va .
They had Samuel, Royal, John, Wm, Henry, Sarah, Mary, & Ruben, The family moved to a Quaker settlement in Ohio.

1487 Lynton Avenue
Flint , Michigan 48507
March 23, 1964

Dear Mr Willis,

You certainly are a friend. I appreciate so much every thing you have sent me. I subscribe to the Thompson magazine, and have ever since it was first started..

I was, very much interested in the page from the Virginia Gazette you sent me. Do you take this paper? Do you know whether or not one has to be a subscriber to have a query published? I have a John Woodall b 1811 in Ky who married Jane? b 1815 in Virginia. This is rather vague, but I thought, perhaps, a query in this paper might bring some response.

I think every one of my father’s branches, except the Woodalls lived at one time in Preble county, Ohio.

In Clermont and Brown counties, my Barkleys lived . I have searched Adams took because Brown was formed from Adams and Clermont. I can find all sorts of Barkleys other than my Andrew K (Barkley) and his wife Ary (Ara) or Amy Merrill. I can find their marriage record in Brown County in 1826, but my cousin and I have searched and searched and just can’t determine the parents of these two. Do you have other names in which you are interested other than Willis? I don’t seem to come across that name very often, In my James & related Families I found: Charles Marion Jones b abt 1847 in Mich m Larada Willis lived in Linden , Iowa. This seems a far cry from your Willis though. How stupid of me, of course you have other family interests, I remember they are listed in the “Helper”.

Rachel Stubbs m 11-14-1816 Mordecai Moore in Elk , Ohio. Mordecai’s parents were Alexander Moore & Phoebe Edwards.

You may be sure I will be on the lookout for all your family names.
Helen Fletcher

1487 Lynton Avenue
Flint , Michigan 48507
March 27, 1964

Dear Mr Willis,

I recently obtained an Adams County, Ohio book that contains history, cemeteries, and marriages. In the marriage section, I found the following:
30 Dec 1799 John Jones & Jane Mitchell
Helen Fletcher

Ohio 1810 Tax Duplicate arranged in state-wide alphabetical list of names of tax payers, With an index of names of original entries. Gerald M Petty compiler 1976 publisher Columbus, Ohio. Library of Congress cat # 27647184 land number copyright 1976 by Petty. All rights reserved . Dedicated to my daughter Abel Hartzell Tesiein


James R Willis and Alice (Mitchell) Willis

The following children:
1. Robert Mitchell Willis b Sept 1, 1913 Huntington , W Va m Oct 17, 1952 Edna Brammer b July 28, 1918
2. Eugene Willis b Feb 12, 1915 Huntington, W VA m Jan 13, 1943 Juanita Nance
3. Manford Holton Willis b May 11, 1917 Huntington , W VA m 1943 Juanita Owens
4. Herbert Kinet Willis b Sept 7, 1918 Huntington, W VA lives Chicago, Ill d Jan 6, 1975 Janesville, Wisc
5. Glenn E Willis b June 15, 1920 South Point, Ohio m 1955 Edith Mayfield
6. Virginia Mae Willis b Dec 3, 1921 (on mother’s birthday) South Point, Ohio m April 1943 Jack Johnson res. Ocalo, Fla
7. Opal Fay Willis b Deering, Ohio June 27, 1923 m 1st Irvin Bazel killed WWII m 2nd 1951 Frank Deeds
8. Helen Mabel Willis b Nov 12, 1926 Deering, Ohio m Sept 8, 1948 Norman G Noble res Rustburg, Va
9. Ruth Marie Willis b April 8, 1932 Deering, Ohio m 1958 Edsel Ford Yates

Monroe County Court
Haskell D Shumate, clerk
Union, West Virginia 24983
Jan 8, 1974

Mr Parnell I Durbin
9802 Burnett Ave
Silver Springs , Maryland 20901

Dear Sir:

In reply to your letter of Jan 4th, this is to advise you that W Va did become a state in 1863. The early records were recorded here in this County. Birth Records begin in 1853 and some other records begin in 1799.

I have enclosed a copy of the index for Births prior to 1865. We only have one will recorded . That is for Henry Willis recorded in 1813.

I trust this is the information you desire, and if we can be of further help to you, please let us know.

Yours very truly.
Haskell D Shumate, Clerk
Monroe County Clerk

Robert (Willis) could the will recorded for Henry Willis be our Henry Willis ? If so lets get photostat copy of the will. They cost $1.00.
Robert very much of my mail is Mr Parnell I Durbin when I am not known. Sometimes its an advantage.

Dorothy James Turner
366 E 2nd North
Herber City, Utah 84032

April 12, 1977

Mr Robert M Willis
Box 1 Route 1
Ironton, Ohio 45638

Dear Mr Willis,

Thanks for your letter and material on Pigman Family. Copy money enclosed.

It appears that my Elizabeth Pigman was not dau of Ignatius (Pigman) but probably of Nathaniel (Pigman). Where I see that Richard Weaver Barnes sold land to in Montgomery Co, Md. So it would appear that I need to search the Montgomery Co, Md wills and deeds for a Pigman with dau Elizabeth. Ignatius and Elizabeth probably are sister and brother.

I will try to write to the people whose names you sent . But I fear, I need to do some searching. Just hoped I could find someone with the information.

Dorothy J Turner

The James and other marriages are all mine! Thanks!

From US Census Record 1860

Township Fayette Lawrence County , Ohio

Dwelling Family Name Age Occup Birth Place
414 410 Pigman, James 39 Engineer on steam boat Georgia
Pigman , Eliza 38 Keep house Virginia
Pigman , William 17 cooper/1864 Union Army Ohio
Pigman , John A 14 “
Pigman , Leaner M 13 female died a864 age 17 “
Pigman , Sarah A 10 “
Pigman , Arethea A 7 “
Pigman , Amanda E 5 “
Pigman , Elvira A 3 “
Pigman , Emma J 4 months “
May have been other children born later.

In DAR Patriot Index
Found one Philena Pigman mar James Sargent Jr b 1-25, 1747 d 1826 Patriot Service Maryland

Vol III page 385
6 Jan 1782, John Snelson, of Hanover, Merchant and Robert Donald, late of County of Hanover, merchant by Thos Buchanan, John McDowell of Hanover, Peter Belsus of Louisa. Merchants to Robert Breckinridge 265 acres conveyed by mortgage by John Hays of Albemarle, 4 April 1751 Mortgage foreclosed by degree of General Court , 15 Oct 1756. L40 paid for use of Snelson and Donald on Roanoke: Order to survey made by John Smith. Lists: Francis Smith, Stephen Willis, Francis Smith Jr, Wm Anderson. Proved by witnesses. Delivered : Maj Robert Breckinridge, 9th February 1771.

Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Va. extracted from the original court records of Augusta County 1745-1800. by Lyman Chelkley complete in three volumes. Baltimore Genealogical publishing Co. Vol 1, 623, Vol 2, 652, Vol 3, 712, Pages 1965 John Pigman 149, 151, Notley 470-1 Mar. 17, 1755.
May 23, 1768 witness and Aug 19, 1768 receipt for grain handling

Vol 12 Page 325 Vol 13 Page 3
Nannie Willis Emma Pigman
Asa Callihan James (Hull) Shelton
May 11, 1882 April 18, 1880

Vol 13 P. 493 Vol. 13 P. 329
Lizzie Willis Marvin Pigman
Allen Boggs Margaret Epperhart
July 4, 1883 May 25, 1882

Vol 13 P 130 Vol 14 P 313
Rinda (Rosa) Willis Caroline Pigman
Mastin C Dickens Albert Workman
Jan 2, 1881 Sept 10, 1886

Vol 12 P 305 Vol 14 P 484
Oliver D Willis Inez Pigman
Arethea E Pigman Thomas J Daniels
Feb 1, 1878 Sept 9, 1887

Vol 12 P 434 Vol 14 P 376
Amanda Pigman Wm Benson
Lewis P Walter Laura Rucker
March 2, 1874 Jan 2, 1887

Vol 13 P 111 Vol 13 P 495
Geo C Beaty John Bird
Adda Livesay Florence Henderson
Nov 22, 1880 July 22, 1883

John H Pigman Co F 2nd Ky V I 1864-64; later in some other regiment?
Wm Pigman Co F 2nd Ky V I : dis 1863 disab: died on way home son of James & Eliza (Pigman)
Berry Patterson at Ironton Mar 5, 1865 : M O at Nashville, Tenn Sept 28, 1865.

Veterans of World War I 1917-1918 Of Lawrence County, Ohio
1. Sgt Walter M Willis, born 1894 Ironton, Ohio
2. Pvt Robert N Willis born 1897 Ironton, Ohio Parents James T and Amanda Willis
3. Cpl Chester L Willis Born 1895 Ironton, Ohio Parents Chas and Rachel Willis
4. Pvt Chas Willis born 1889 Stece, Ohio Parents Pleasant and Margaret Willis
5. Pvt Elliot A Willis Born 1896 Rock Camp, Ohio Parents Theodore and Any Willis
6. Pvt Ether Willis born 1891 Coal Grove . Ohio Parents Joseph and Rhodie Willis
7. Pvt Wm O Willis born 1895 Andis, Ohio Parents Joseph and Bell Willis
8. Pvt Homer Willis ? son of Wm & Hulda Smith Willis South Point Solada Creek . Could be son of Jeddith (Willis)-Scotia.
James Pigman married ; died Nov 6, 1887 age 70 yr 5 mo 0 day born Va Engineer old age
Eliza R (Dunfield ) Pigman; widowed ; died Dec 3, 1887; age 65 yrs 3 MOs 0 day; born Va old age

Geo Willis of Gallia Co, Ohio
160 acres Sec 35E TR 4 R 16
assigned to Joshua Willis Dec 29, 1816

March 22-67
Mrs H E Webb
Rt 2
Robert M Willis Hebron, Ohio
Rt # 1 Box #1
Ironton, Ohio

Dear Mr Willis,

I had just finished Fayette Township when I received your letter concerning James Pigman & family:
1. James Pigman age 32 Steamboat worker born NC
2. Eliza Pigman ” 28 ” Va
3. William Pigman ” 7 ‘ Ohio
4. John Pigman ” 5 ” “
5. Laura or Leander Pigman– 3 ” “
6. Sarah A Pigman ” 1 ” “

A John Pigman age 10 listed with a Graham in Union Twp. In Fayette township during 1850 a Lewis Sheppard was Sheriff and he also had quite a full jail when the census taker , a lawyer named Elijah Nigh, came by. One Jacob Bragg, age 25, Horse Stealing; Joseph Ferguson, age 22 burglary; E Adkins age 29 assault and battery; John Sayre age 18 petty larceny; Leroy Butcher age 16 horse stealing; Stephen Ballard and Wm McKee 16 & 18 yrs old . Stabbing with intent to kill (it was probably each other they were trying to kill) Wm Pigman & family in 1850 Union Twp.

4 Oct 63
John Jordan
1601 Santa Fe
Kingsville, Texas
Zip 78363
Dear Mr Willis,

I am enclosing some cards with information taken from the 1962 Annual Index To Genealogical Periodicals and Family Histories. You May already have this , but if not it may be of value. This information was published just last year. Additional information published in previous years would be listed in previous indexes. No information was to my knowledge published in 1962 on your Dunfield, Pigman, Patterson, Beamer, lines. If you do not have access to Annual Indexes to research done in previous years please drop me the enclosed card and I will try looking this information up if it is a type of information that you desire. I am also checking with some of the common names here in Texas to quickly see where those here come from.
John Jordan
I was almost inconsiderate and forgot to thank you for the addresses which you forwarded that might pertain to my Turner research. You help is greatly appreciated. J&J

P O Box 1794 Phone 429-4231
Huntington, West Virginia 25718
July 25, 1967

Pigman Reunion
% Carl Pigman
2063 Enslow Avenue
Huntington, W Va


For Outing held at Camden Park , July 16, 1967
3 cases soft drinks @ $2.50 $7.50
Total $7.50
PAID JULY 5, 1968 by William Icenhower

Jan 1, 1973 newspaper article
Mrs Bertie Soupene, 86, of 645 Washington Ave, who died Saturday, will be buried in White Chapel Memorial Gardens near Ona after funeral services Tuesday a 1 PM at Steele Funeral Home, where friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 PM today. She was a daughter of the late James Hall and Emma Pygman Shelton.

(newspaper article with picture) 9-11-76


(The following story of the Jones family settling in the Athalia area during the Civil War and establishment of the Baptist Church and the Jones Cemetery this was prepared by Virgil Pigman of Proctorville and Alice Jones Hall of Hurricane, W Va, grandchildren of James and Elizabeth Jones, who are mentioned in the article. )

In 1850 , John and Thomas Jones were in Rome Township Prospecting for land on which to build homes for their family. They found a suitable place in 1854 and returned to their families at Tazewell, Virginia where they owned a large tract of land which was mountainous and very rugged.. When war broke out between the states, the family, which didn’t believe in slavery and didn’t want to fight against a brother whom they had left in the North, decided they would pack all their belongings and try to travel through the Southern Army to settle in the North. In 1862 Tom and John Jones packed their belongings on ox carts and started north with their wives and children.

Among the children was one named James (Jim) and his wife Charlotte Birchfield Jones . He was the son of John Jones and with him were his brothers and sisters , Elizabeth, George, Lewis. Andrew, Emma and Jacob.

They traveled North from Tazewell To Bluefield , always on the alert for fear the Army would become suspicious of their leaving Virginia. The women and children would drive the oxen by day and the men would hide in the woods and be on the look-out for food. Then they went from Bluefield to Welsh and on to Beckley. Between the last two towns, the men were forced to stay away from the caravan for a week because of Southern Army activity. this created a hardship for on the women and children for food, for they relied upon such game as bear, deer, turkey, rabbits, squirrel and numerous other animals.

After they left Beckley, the route isn’t clear. They crossed the Guyandotte River near Logan and moved over the mountains into the Coal River Valley, then over Blair Mountain and Gulf Mountain into Danville, then on into Marmet on the Kanawha River. They turned down the James River turnpike to what is now Huntington, But were always running into trouble because the Southern soldiers were everywhere.

It had taken them a long time to reach Guyandotte and there they ran into real trouble because it was a hot spot between the North and South and they couldn’t get
(end of article)

March 31. 1967
There is certainly no charge for anything. If you have more to be checked – send them . This is an excellent chance for to get needed information.
Robert M Willis PPS Does Mrs Willis have any
Box 1 Route 1 family or families she wants Ironton, Ohio checked?

Dear Mr Willis,
Find enclosed the Pigman & Robert Gibson family -plus a few others with names you mentioned.

It seems James Pigman had only one relative bearing the same name.

William Pigman 36 Laborer born Virginia
Mary Pigman 32 ” Ohio
James Pigman 11 ” “
Lucinda Pigman 9 ” “
C R Pigman 4 ‘ “
F C Pigman 2 ” “
William Pigman Jr 4 mos ” “

Union TP 1850
an Aaron Graham farm next to Jesse Brammer listed a John Pigman age 10

Windsor Township 1850
Robert Gibson 38 Farmer born Ohio
Marina Gibson 35 ” “

December 29, 1969
The Ohio Genealogical Society
Query Section

Pigman- Leonard Pigman , Rev soldier, b 1748 N C younger son of John (Imm) and Sarah Pigman, of Pr George’s Co, Md.
Mar’d 1782 Chatham Co, N C , Patience Thompson died Carr’s Fork , Letcher Co, Ky 1830’s.
Which of their sons Obediah, Benjamin, or James? father the following all m Lawrence Co, Ohio.
Obediah Pigman m 1828 Ann Golden
Ann Pigman m 1829 James Fodge
Frances A Pigman m 1834 Joseph Faris
William Pigman m 1837 Polly Jumpter
James Pigman M 1840 Eliza Dunfield (my gt grparents)
Sarah A Pigman m 1843 Elisha Langdon
Patsy Pigman m 1845 Jonathan Farrow
Nancy Pigman m 1846 James Fout
exch. info.

Robert M Willis, Rt 1 Box 19 So. Point, Ohio 45680
a subscriber

underneath picture
.Founder of Lucinda United Baptist Church in Rome Township was Lucinda Webb Jones, shown above. She was a pioneer woman . living from 1806 to 1896.

Mt Vernon , Ohio
29 October 1969

Dear Mr Willis,

I am Leonard E Pigman age 50 born at Walhonding , Ohio Mar 7, 1919. My father was Joseph Elmer Pigman, my grandfather James Pigman a civil war veteran , there are considerable history of the Pigman
Family in Coshocton County, therefore the records might be located at Casherton Co Courthouse. My father William Kenneth Pigman has a bible of family records. A lady who lives close by the Food Market we operate at 9083 Main St, Mt Vernon give me the paper concerning tracing of families.

A few years back I happened to notice in our Knox Co Paper where a Leonard Pigman had been murdered in a county I don’t recall which, in the Southern Part of the state and apparent killer had been caught inWest Virginia. I doubt if this will be of much help to you but I thought it might be of interest.

Our home address is Leonard E Pigman
RT 2 Mansfield Rd
Mt Vernon, Ohio 43050 Phone 397-9464
Thank you,
Leonard E Pigman


Nov 7, 1972
Received your full fed letter Oct 23 on Carter & Pigman and many thanks for the names & addresses of other genis- I thought that a clever idea to enclose them. Here’s a stamp for the carrying of that letter.

Leonard Pigman- born in Ky was the son of Madon (Pigman)who went to NC . Mason had a brother John II(Pigman) who’s branch my grandma ended upon. John II and Mason’s father was John I (Pigman) who came from England –
where- I don’t know yet- don’t have anymore on him .
Thanks again,
Doris Lemon
1019 Avenue C
Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501

1940 Who’s Who in Iowa Willises
page ?47
Blake Willis- attorney lived at Perry, Iowa- Davis Co- was born at Perry, Iowa July 3, 1892 son of Arthur Willis and Belle Blake. He married Isabel Dillon Nov 1, 1919 at Perry. had son Ned (Willis) and dau Annabel.(Willis)

page 446 Vern Clarence Willis, resided at Waucoma . Iowa. Floyd Co born Waucoma, IA Oct 3, 1890, was veterinarian, son of Solomon Eatey Willis and Laura Morce.

page 1107 Earl C Willis, Attorney lived at Davenport, IA -Scott Co born at Waverly, Iowa May 13, 1881 son of Benjamin D Willis & Jeanette S Picer, married Esther J Randall June 24, 1908 at Big Rock, Iowa, had sons George C , Paul F and daug Zoe (Randall) .

page 891 Ralph Sanderson Willis lived at Muscatene, Ia Muscatene Co , President of National Button Manu Co born at Brooklyn, N Y Mar 4, 1883 son of Douglas Aylburton Willis & Mary Elizabeth Sanderson , married Winaford B Scoville Mar 31, 1908 at Brooklyn, NY (she dec) had son Edwin A (Scoville). He married Neva Smith June 26, 1918 at Cedar Rapids , Iowa- had dau Lorraine.(Scoville)
Doris Lemon
1019 Avenue C
Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501


1. Dorothy James Turner 366 E 2nd North Heber City, Utah 84032
2. Leonard Z Pigman Rt 2 Mansfield Rd , Mt Vernon, Ohio 43050
3. Doris Lemon 1019 Avenue C, Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501
4. Joe Liss Ashby 257 Main , Cadiz, Ky 42211
5. Hilda M Johnson 1405 Ruth St Arlington, TX 76010
6. Mrs Geo W Blakesell 12407 Denley Rd Wheaton, Md
7. Mrs Polly P Kelleher 14009 Cove Lane Rockwill, Md
8. Olga Pigman 5740 W Midway Park Chicago, Ill
9. Wm B Pigman Kindman, Ky 41822
10. Easter Banks Lathair Station Hazard , Ky 41701
11. Gracile Pigman Gickler 304 A East Main Qarrenton, Mo 63383
12. Margaret A McLallen 6905 southeast 17 Ave Portland, Ore 97202
13. George Hayes Rt 3 Box 193 Proctorville, Ohio 45669
14. Major James W Witt 2531 Sahalee Drive W Portland, Wash 98052
15. Robert M Willis Rt 1 Box 669 So Point, Ohio 45680
16. Mrs Charles M Dot Griffith 9514 Minerue Ave Overland, Mo 63174
Mrs Polly P Kelleher, Mrs Hilda M Johnson, and Mrs Dorothy J Turner and very much interest in Pigman research, and had most info think you for waiting and hope you more successful.

(Post card)

The seventh annual Pigman -Pygman reunion, to be held at Camden Park- July 28, 1968 on WS Route 60 West Huntington, W Va . Basket Dinner 12:30 P M – Bring a friend and enjoy the evening.
Robert Willis, Sec

Cadiz, Ky 42211
July 20, 1970
Dear Mr Willis,
As a fellow member of WKFRA I have come across your entry on the Pigman family.

In Harrison D Taylor’s “History of Ohio County (Ky) in the Olden Days”, there is lots of personal information on Ignatius Pigman. If you do not have access to this book I would be glad to copy the information there for you. Or any other I might have. If this is the Pigman family you are interested in. I am desirous of learning anything concerning his nephew Levi Pigman’s wife Jane Taylor. I have the birth dates and many marriage and death dates of this Taylor family of Ohio Co Ky. But all on she and her husband the following.

Jane Taylor born Nov 22, 1779 in Aug 1 1801 married Levi Pigman moved to Ohio.

If you can enlighten me on this I would be most grateful and will be glad to help you in any way I can.
Joe Less Ashby
Mrs W M Ashby

(on back of letter)
Philena Pigman – mar Harrison Taylor- a nephew of the Jane who mar Levi Pigman . I have a limited amount on these two.
Rec July 21-72
Issue 8 children Wilson

Wiley Blount Wilson 1. Samuel Nail Wilson (twin)
B 6 June 1809 b 11 Apr 1834 Hawkins Co, Tenn
Hawkins Co, Tenn d 11 Dec 1911 Lebanon, Laclade Co., Mo
md (1) Mary Elizabeth Mason
D 1858-9 (2) 1869
Washington Co, Ark Mrs Armenia Eliz (Laughton) Smith
(while on visit to see mother)
2. William Simson Brice Wilson (twin)
Parents: Samuel Wilson II b 11 Apr 1834 Hawkins Co, Tenn
q.v. & Mary Elizabeth Ingrahm m d 6 Nov 1891 Chico, Butte Co, Calif
of Hawkins, Tenn & md 23 Apr 1866 Butte Co, Calif
Washington Co, Ark Paulina Olive Conkel

Resided: Rogersville, Hawkins Co, Tenn 3. Sarah Ellen (or Eleanor) Wilson
b 27 Aug 1836 Hawkins Co, Tenn
d 15 Feb 1837 Hawkins Co, Tenn

married c 1833 4. Cashelton Brice Deposit Wilson
Hawkins Co, Tenn b 27 Nov 1838 Rogersville, Tenn
d 9 Mar 1901 Hawkins Co, Tenn
md 2 May 1867 Jasper, Marion Co, Tenn
Elizabeth Brice Judah Ann Watley
b. 2 Apr 1801
Rogersville, Hawkins Co, Tenn 5. James Harrison Wilson
d. 28 Jan 1896 -aged 95 at her b 13 Jan 1841 Rogersville, Tenn
home in Hickory Cove, d 11 July 1921 Rogersville, Tenn
Rogersville, Tenn md 24 Dec 1878 Hawkins Co, Tenn
(cousin Susan Jane Sensabaugh
Parents: William Brice
q.v. & Mary Brooks of 6. Malinda Jane Wilson
Hawkins Co, Tenn b 4 Apr 1844 Hawkins Co, Tenn
d 19 July 1853 Hawkins Co, Tenn
Buried Brice Cemetery

7. Willie Andrew Kincannon Wilson
b 11 Feb 1846 Hawkins Co, Tenn
md c 1886 Georgia Ann mason

8. Elizabeth Wilson
b 23 Dept 1848 Hawkins Co, Tenn
d 1 April 1925 Hawkins Co, Tenn
md 24 Nov 1886 Hawkins Co, Tenn
Napoleon Bonaparte Klapper
Refs: Family records
Mrs Tina Brayton (Desc thru # 1) Date:__________


March 12, 1980

Dear Mr Willis,

After having shelved my “ghost-hunting” for a number of years , due to more pressing matters, I have recently resurrected all of it and naturally the” bug” bit me again. If going through all of my WKFRA material ( I am # 199) I found your and your query on the Pigman’s of Ohio Co, Ky in which I am most intrigued.

My g-g-g-g-Grandfather, Harrison Taylor born Aug 11, 1735 in Virginia, died Nov 22, 1811 in Ohio Co, Ky . Was an early pioneer. His family of 12 sons and daus, & wife Jane Curlet Taylor born Sept 5, 1742 died Aug 5, 1812 came also. The older ones having married in Va and had families . However the younger ones were single. Among them was Jane Taylor born Nov 22, 1779 who married Levi Pigman Aug 1, 1801 in Ohio Co , Ky and moved to Ohio State.

Levi Pigman was a nephew of Ignatius Pigman, a land developer, and a great influence in Ohio Co, Ky. Ignatius had five daughters all of whom married and lived in Ohio Co and one son , Wesley Pigman, who after the death of his father in New Orleans , La moved to Ohio.

I have a great deal of personal history concerning the character and influence of Ignatius , which I would be glad to send you in hopes you can give me some light on my Jane Taylor Pigman

I am in hopes we can be of mutual enlightenment to each other.

Pigman marriages in Taylor’s “Ohio Co in-the Olden Days” is as follows:
Pigman, Amy mar Work, Samuel Jan 13, 1801
Pigman, Levi mar Taylor, Jane Aug 1, 1801
(continued on next page)

Pigman, Phelena mar Taylor, Harrison Oct 6, 1813
Pigman, Sally mar Morrison, Daniel June 12, 1805
Pigman, Sidney mar Rice, John June 29, 1809
(Sidney should be Sallie or Sallie was a nick name With fingers crossed, )
Joe Less Ashby
(Mrs Willard Ashby)
Rt 4 Box 150
Cody, Ky 42211

I not given probably an omission in the book or mar prior to Ignatirs coming to Ohio Co.
Rhoda who mar Stephen Statler.


Ohio County History, in the Olden Days
By Harrison D Taylor 1969

Chapter IX Page 42

Among the early settlers of Ohio County, Ky were two celebrated land speculators and children.
Joseph Barnett and Ignatius Pigman
Joseph Barnett was the first of these two settlers and being a deputy surveyor made early entries and surveys of the best Portions of the land – laying in the Neighborhood of Hartford . He sold a great many of these lands, only executing bonds for their Conveyance. He died without making a will leaving Minors;
Consequently no one had power to convey. To escape from the difficulties of this situation the legislature passed an act vesting his estate in Stephen Cleaver, Harrison Taylor and Henry Rhodes as trustees and Commissioners. They were authorized to sell and convey and to settle up his estate. They went on to dispose of it pursuant to this act, but in after years. Then Barnett’s heirs became of age, they brought suit for and recovered most of these lands under the decision of Alney McLean, then Circuit Judge, who declared that the above act was unconstitutional and void. It may be here remarked that Judge McLean was an honest man an incorruptible Judge, who thought it his duty to guard well our Sacred Charter of Rights against legislature encroachments.

Ignatius Pigman was a Methodist Preacher of widespread fame, both in Virginia and Maryland. He was an orator, a Christian gentleman and an energetic business man. He came to this County and acquired titles to various lands , returned to Maryland and sold Kentucky lands to his neighbors and friends and took in exchange their homes or the proceeds of their homes in Maryland. This perhaps was done in good faith, but it resulted disastrously for some who bought Kentucky lands . A good many persons had come to the county during the fall season when the low flats or bottom lands, were most lovely to the eye of the beholder and they bought such lands; but during the following Winter and Spring their lands were almost entirely submerged in water, and they abandoned them in despair. It was then thought that the value of the lands of the county was in proportion to their elevation. The whole face of the country was at that rime covered with a rich, black loam-mold and a luxuriant growth of cane and pea vines many of Pigman’s emigrants, therefore, selected the most broken hilly locations . It needed only a few years of cultivation’s for the rains to wash away their soil and their hopes. That fact accounted for so many abandoned farms in the county, The men owning the bottom or oldest title finally recovered most of their lands that had been sold. In the meantime Pigman became insolvent and with his only son, removed to New Orleans, where he died in 1815.

On a review of the whole case we may perhaps justly record Ignatius Pigman as a public benefactor. Nearly all of the early settlers he brought from Maryland were peaceable, industrious and moral citizens many of them strictly pious . The strict economy and unwearied industry which it required to live on their poor lands , or to purchase the better titles to them when lost, grew into a second nature or habit. This has been handed down from generation to generation and we now number among our most peaceable, orderly and prosperous citizens many of the descendants of those early Marylanders.

To attempt a true delineation of Mr Pigman’s character would be difficult. Tradition represents him censured by some and highly esteemed by others. That he stood high in the estimation of many is evident from the numerous children that were named after him. Ignatius P and Pigman still being the names given of many of the men and boys of the county. On the other hand it is evident that many men suffered from buying lands from him to which their titles were defective and others from buying land that proved
poor and worthless.

It may however be urged that few men in the early day were Judges of the better titles and that his favorite son-in-law, who no doubt had choice of his lands, selected among the poorest. That Pigman was a public-spirited man is evident from the fact that at such and early day he built a cotton gin in Hartford, upon a survey of the whole case it seems that bad luck or gad management or both were his only crimes. He had five daughters all of whom married worthy men, whose descendants rank among out most respectable citizens.

We will close this chapter with some anecdotes of another branch of the Pigman family on the return of Ignatius Pigman to Maryland his nephew, a youth just verging into manhood, was so delighted with his uncle’s description of the Green River country that by the time his uncle had completed his arrangement to return Young Levi Pigman had also completed his equipment to go to Kentucky.. He mounted his horse and turned “Westward Ho !” . He was a young man of such a fine personal Physique that a professed novel writer would have delighted to portray him. He was of medium height, Plump compact; erect, and yet agile, with intelligence and good nature. He was communicative and confiding in his manner with, however, one slight foible: a love of high diction, preferring to talk on stilts even on ordinary occasions.
He had somehow imbibed the idea that the country to which he was bound was almost a dead level plain. One day while riding along indulging in all the hopes and fancies of his future life, as all young men will and should do. He turned to his uncle and said: “Uncle Ignatius , it would gratify me extremely if you could assign me an altitudinous wminende to erect my domicile upon .” To which his uncle replied, turning his face from him” I have no doubt that I can accommodate you, Levi.” The Promised land was finally reached and Levi had his lot assigned to him- not on the other side of Jordan, but on the other side of the North Fork of Muddy Creek, it being in eminence better adapted to a windmill than to a domicile.

It does not appear that he demurred at his lot: at least he was content to seek a partner and soon found Miss Jane Taylor, fresh from old Virginia. Tradition does not say how the nuptials were celebrated,
whether by an old Virginia or a backwoods wedding or whether they ran for the bottle on their way to the infare. At any rate he and his wife were soon settled in their log-cabin domicile and had a large field
ready for corn planting. After much hard labor, in which his good wife assisted him by dropping corn , the field was planted, but the labor was lost, for when the first rain came, every hill was entirely washed away, except an occasional one which was protected by stumps.

His brother-in-law John Taylor lived just over the high ridge separating the North fork from Pigeon Roost Fork of Muddy Creek. Levi and neighbor , Wattie, concluded to visit Taylor one beautiful moonlight night. They had scarcely reached the Summit of the ridge when they were alarmed by a bear in pursuit of them. They immediately took to trees, Levi, whether from accident or design, selected a small one. Clear of limbs except near the top, while Wattie climbed one with numerous limbs and branches . Levi being more exposed to the sight of the bear , was elected for the first victim: but the tree was to small for the bear to make good progress in climbing. He, however, got near Levi, who had taken hold of an upper limb, drawn up his feet and before bruin was aware, kicked him with utmost force, which broke his hold. Causing the beat to fall back to the ground. Being attracted by Wattie’s prayers he climb after him. Then John Taylor and his fogs were heard near by and the bear beat a hasty retreat.

No printed biography of Ignatius Pigman has been found. He was born in Virginia or Maryland and in 1777, while living in Montgomery County, Maryland , married Susannah Lamar, daughter of John Lamar.
“The minutes of the First Methodist Conference at Baltimore” a manuscript in possession of the Baltimore
Historical Society indicates that in 1782 he was admitted as ;preacher.” and served in various churches in Virginia and Maryland until 1788. During that year or shortly after thereafter he came to Kentucky in the interest of his church. His many land transactions in all probability were made primarily for the good purpose of helping settle Ohio County, Kentucky and establish a stronghold of followers in his denomination. He failed in the land business chiefly for the same reason as many others of his time who suffered in consequence of unreliable titles. He evidently did not fail in his religious work for tradition has it that he built one of the first churches in the county, but to what extent he succeeded is now not definitely known.

That he was highly esteemed by most of his contemporaries is inferred from the following tradition. Discouraged with his efforts in Ohio County and wishing to get into a milder climate Ignatius Pigman moved to New Orleans about 1810. He aided the American soldiers- including the Ohio County boys.- in their preparation for the cities defense against the English. Exposure resulted in pneumonia of which he died. The Battle o f New Orleans was fought on January 8, 1815 and two days thereafter the news that peace had been declared on December 24 preceding reached New Orleans. This same news had reached Hartford before the report of the battle. A peace celebration was in progress in Ohio County with the Reverend Thomas Taylor as the Chief Orator. When the victory at New Orleans was announced to the assembled crowd with the same messenger came the report that Ignatius Pigman had died, and the Peace Celebration was prolonged into a memorial meeting in his honor. Ignatius Pigman was the father of five
daughters and one son; Rhoda (Mrs Stephen Statler), Anne (Mrs Samuel Work) Sidney (Mrs John Rice), Philena (Mrs Harrison Taylor), Polly Pigman ( died at an advanced age unmarried) and Sallie (Mrs Daniel Morrison) and Wesley Pigman who after the death of his father, made Ohio state his home.

The Fifth Annual Pigman/Pygman reunion was held at Camden Park, the fourth Sunday in July 1967. Arnold Pigman gave the Invocation and a picnic dinner was enjoyed.

The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was accepted as read.

Officers for 1967 were as follows:

President- Virgil Pigman
V Pres – George Hayes
Treasurer- Gerald Pigman
Secretary and Historian – Robert Willis

Virgil Pigman presented our special guest speaker, Mrs Polly Kelleher of Rockville, Maryland, whose mother was a Pigman. Mrs Kelleher has devoted many hours of research to Pigman history and brought with her extensive information, including charts and documents. She asked our cooperation in keeping her advised of our family trees.

Prizes were awarded as follows:

Greatest distance- Grandson of Virgil Pigman, whose home is Oxen Hill. Md
Youngest girl- Shawna Lilly, great-granddaughter of Georgia Pigman Sowards
Youngest boy- Michael Pigman’s sons
Oldest man- Perry Hayes, widower of Minnie Pigman Hayes
Oldest woman- Gertrude Pigman of Cincinnati, (Gertrude and her sister Marge made a presentation to
Marshall University in memory of their father, during
their visit.)
A proposal was made to combine the Jones & Pigman reunions. After discussion, it was decided to further consider the matter at the Jones reunion on September 10, 1967.

The 1968 meeting will be held the fourth Sunday in July.

Meeting adjourned

1405 Ruth St
Arlington, Tx 76010
June 20, 1967
Mr Robert M Willis
Rt 1 Box 1
Ironton, Ohio 45638

Dear Mr Willis,

Thank you so much for inviting me to the Pigman reunion. If it were at all possible I should surely be there, and if they have one next year I might be able to go.

I am the Mrs W Earle Johnson of Batavia Ohio you referred to of Roster III. I was Co-compiler of the Roster . My husband passed away in Clermont Co 6 years ago and I moved here to be near my children.
I quit using the name of Mrs W Earle Johnson and now sign it Mrs Hilda M Johnson. This is not from any disrespect to my beloved husband, but at the insistence of the utilities and telephone company, that I would carry the phone and do business under the same name as I sign my checks, since there are so very many Johnsons in the phone book and it would be so confusing for information.

If you have not already read the Lucas Genealogy by Annabel Kent, You may be interested in seeing it in your library. It has a lot about the Pigmans who were descendants of my Jesse Pigman., the ones who moved to Indiana especially. I bought the book. You might mention it at the Pigman reunion. If there are Pigman descendants who would care to correspond with me, and the book isn’t available to them, I will send them a Xerox copy of this section of the book in exchange for their family sheet or any information on Pigmans of Maryland, Kentucky or Pennsylvania.

I recently wrote to a Pigman descendant for some information but haven’t had time yet to receive a reply.
If I see anything new about your line I will mail it to you, and hope you will continue to search in my behalf.
Again, thanks
Hilda M Johnson

(at bottom of letter) Mrs George W Blakesell
Jane Pigman
12407 Renley Rd
Wheaton, Md

(on back of letter) Mrs Polly P Kelleher
1409 Cove Lane
Rockville , Maryland 20858

The children of James & Eliza (Dunfield ) Pigman

1. William Pigman b 1843 d 1863 in Union Army
2. John Pigman b 1845 Mar’d Hester A Pine 1867
3. Leaner Pigman b 1847 d 1864 buried Burlington Cem
4. Sarah/Sally Pigman b 1849 d 1923 buried Woodlawn Cem Mar’d 1866 Beam, Geo W
5. Arethea E Pigman b 1853 d 1919 mar’d 1878 Oliver D Willis (my g parents)
6. Amanda Pigman b mar’d 2 Mar 1879 Lewis P Walters
7. Alvira Pigman b Clark
8. Emma Pigman b mar’d 1881 T J Hull Shelton

Sarah and Aunt Sally mar’d 13 Dec 1866 Geo W Beam
Gt g parents James Main School Principal Ironton

Edward N McConnell
Special Collections Div
Ohio University Library
Athens, Ohio 45701

May 31, 1977
Mrs Georgia Johnson Rucker
Route 1 Box 92
Scottown, Ohio 45678

Dear Mrs Rucker,

I have received your letter of May 23 requesting that I research some of the old newspapers in the Lawrence County Courthouse attic. I am afraid the newspapers have misled the people of your area into believing I am in the business of doing genealogical research. This is not the case. My job is to sort out the mess in the attic as well as I can and to advise the office holders of Lawrence County on how best to manage their record systems.

I have been given a name of a man who does research of the type that might aid you in your search . He is Robert Willis of Rt 1 Box 1, Ironton, Ohio 45638. When I have completed my inventory I will be able to aid researchers as to the records stored there, however, until then there is little help that I can provide.
Thank you.
Edward N McConnell
Local Records Specialist


Dec 20, 1971

To my friends who have been so patient with this non-correspondent.

The jinx is broken! For three holidays in a row, I was disabled- two with fry, and last year a bad knee sprain put me on crutches, effectively curtailing my planned visits in the New York area.

Except for learning to live without Susan, life has been very good.

It has been almost three years since I started my part-time job with The Montgomery County Historical Society as Secretary. Nothing could be more pleasant. Charming people; flexible hours; and work compatible with my somewhat limited abilities. It is mostly correspondence, the Newsletter and such.

Of course, it is right down my alley. Over the years, I have become more involved with genealogical research (which, in itself, naturally leads to various other types) and spend most of my time pursuing it.
(Frankly, I have also become somewhat of a bore.) To me it is a fascinating avocation, as well as a
vocation. the Washington area is ideal. However, I have had some “field trips” which have been productive in many ways. Aside from finding material at the source, Visiting and getting to know the places where the people lived, worked, loved, were born and died, I have met many kind, generous and splendid individuals.

I’ve rather made a specialty of the Pigman Family, because, I reckon, that so little was known about them. Consequently, about twenty Pigmans have called me in the past couple of years while visiting Washington.
Fortunately, some have been able to stay with me but even brief meetings were fun.

This fall, I drove 3500 miles through nine states, spending about a month seeing relatives old friends and meeting new ones with whom I have exchanged information over the years. It was a tremendous experience which I cherish. The rest of the trip was visiting Susan and Jerry in Marshalltown, Iowa and meeting their two-year-old son, Randy. (You know, he is right cute!) Although the time seemed far too short, it was a warm satisfying one.

Despite the fact that two of my closest friends have given up Washington for other climes, ( I do miss the bridge games; but thanks be for the library.)



The Children of James & Eliza (Dunfield) Pigman of Sybene, Lawrence Co, Ohio.

1. Wm Pigman b 1843 d 1863 in Union Army
2. John Pigman b 1845 mar’d 25 Dec 1867 Hester A Pine Leaner Pigman ” b 1847 d 1864
4. Sarah/Sally Pigman b 1852 mar’d 13 Dec 1866 Geo W Beam
5 Arethea E Pigman b 1853 mar’d 2 Feb 1878 Oliver D Willis (my g parents)
6. Amanda Pigman b mar’d 2 Mar 1879 Lewis P Walters
7. Alvira Pigman mar’d (1) Clark (2) res Cincinnati
8. Emma Pigman mar’d 1881 James Hull Shelton
These names may not be an interest to you . Just to have may be help sometime.


13974 Shirwaun Rd
Apple Valley, Cal 92307

Dear Sir:
I received your name from the Probate Court when I wrote for a marriage record of my Great Grandfather. They said you do research work for a nominal fee. This was 10 years ago. If you still so this would you advise me to how much you charge. I’m enclosing a self addressed stamped envelope for your reply.
Mrs Gerald A Kemp


514 19th St NW, Washington 6 DC
May 15, 1962

Clerk Probate Court,
of Lawrence County , Ohio
Ironton PO, Ohio

Dear Sir:
The descendants of Civil War pensions George Willis and his widow Elizabeth Patterson Willis have requested National Archives for the date of the widow’s death. A careful examination of all the records in the files here had been unproductive. The marriage record discloses that George N Willis, Jr. and Jane Elizabeth Patterson were joined in holy matrimony Jan 12, 1843 in Lawrence Co O. , attested by C B Egerton Judge of Probate at Ironton. Adjutant General’s report discloses that Geo W Willis was mustarded -in Dec 19, 1863 and death at Cumberland, Maryland, March 21, 1865.

A publication listing all War of 1812 and Civil War veterans receiving pensions as of Jan 1, 1883, lists Elizabeth Willis., Certificate No 75733 , May 1878 $8.00 monthly, Post Office Sheridan Coal Works, Lawrence Co, Ohio.

Enclosed is money order for $1.00 which is the fee listed in Dept of Health , Education & Welfare pamphlet “Where to Write for Birth and Death Records” for a minimum search including a copy if record is found.
Jessie P Grandy
Pension and Military, Census Searcher
Mr & Mrs Robert M Willis
Enclosure: R R 1 Box 669
M O $ 1.00 South Point, Ohio 45680


The Ohio Historical Society
Edward N McConnell, Local Records specialist

Birth- before 1864
Ohio University Library Deaths – before 1868
Athens, Ohio 45701 Marriages- before 1900

Probate Court
Lloyd W Burwell. Judge
Division of Vital Statistics Birth- 1864 to 1908
Lawrence County Courthouse Death – 1868 to 1933
Ironton, Ohio 45638 Marriage- 1900 to the present time
Phone: 614/532-3883

Ironton Health Department
2120 South 8th Street Birth – after 1908
Ironton, Ohio 45638 Death- after 1906
Phone: 614/532-2172 Marriage- none


1405 Ruth St
Arlington, Texas
Dec 11, 1963

Dear Mr Willis,

Thank you for your family sheet. I shall be sure to let you know if I find one of your connections. So far , I can find nothing to link your Pigmans to mine, unless it be the name Sarah which might borrow Sarah Lucas. The Lucas Family was very prominent.

The Book Ten Mile country and its Pioneer Families, in several volumes by Howard Leckey, was Published after his death by his wife Helen, and published by the Waynesburg Republican, Waynesburg, Pa. The Jesse Pigman Family is in Volume IV. Nothing at all is said about any other Pigmans than those shown on the chart, but quite a bit about the Lucas Family. You can read this book in most any good library. I know they have it at the Cincinnati Library; and they will Photostat pages of a book very reasonably–I think 25 cents a page. However, it would be of no interest to you unless you can make a connection, I am inclined to think your ancestors were from Va and not Ga. , but I think all the Pigmans originated in Md. and then branched out after the Revolution from their Military Land Grants, I sent to the Waynesburg Republican for my book.

I don’t think there is any connection at all with our Edwards either. I fail to find an Elisha in my records.

I have been told that recently there has been much interest in compiling biographies of Steamboat men; perhaps you may find something interesting in one of these books.

Thank you for Mr Jordan’s address; I shall write him.
Hilda Johnson


1405 Ruth St
Arlington, Texas

Mr Robert M Willis
Rt 1 Box 1
Ironton, Ohio

Dear Mr Willis,
I am a descendant of Capt Jesse Pigman through his daughter Anna who married Alexander Crawford, would this line be of interest to you? I collect anything on the Pigman family regardless of whether or not I can connect u[ with them., so would appreciate any records you wish to exchange.

Until last year, I was a resident of Clermont County, Ohio. Recently I received a letter from a DAR member of Clermont County who had unearthed an old private cemetery near Chilo, which contained the graves of Rev Walter Griffith and wife Sarah (Pigman) and a Sally G Pigman. I had a note in my files that Sarah Pigman married Apr 12, 1803 , Montgomery Co, Md to Walter Griffith, and died at Neville, Ohio. Ref: p 161, “Anne Arundel Gentry” by Harry W Newman. Sarah Pigman was daughter of Joshua Pigman.

I bought the “Ten Mile Country” book about the Pigmans, so no need to send me anything copied from it.
which you might use. We have wonderful genealogical libraries both in Ft Worth and Dallas. I just attended the State Convention today (see enclosed program).
Hilda M Johnson

PS Oh goodness! I see you are looking for Edwards too. I went into DAR on John Edwards of NJ who married Hannah Meeker, daughter of Timothy Meeker.

(Notes written on letter)
Page 1820 page 1830 Co Twp

028 Daniel Pigman 043 Daniel C Pigman Cos Per
029 John G Pigman 043 James W Pigman Cos Per
028 Joseph W Pigman 396 John Pigman Col Uni
021 Joshua Pigman Cle 015 John C Pigman Cos Fra
020 Levi Pigman Cle 041 John H Pigman Cos Bed
029 Nathaniel Pigman Cos A K 043 Joseph W Pigman Cos Per
245 Nackey Pigman Cle Was
048 Nathaniel Pigman Cos Per

James Dunfield b 1838 d 1873 age 35

Early State Land Office
Joseph W Pigman entry 1816
Nathaniel Pigman entry 1819
Zanesville, Ohio
(Back of letter)
Pollard her
Mrs Polly P Kelleher William B Pigman
14009 Cove Lane Hindman, Ky 41822
Rockville, Md 20853
Dr Pigman
Olga Pigman Hazard , Ky 41701
5740 W Midway Park
Chicago, Ill Easter Banks
Lothair Station
John Jordan Hazard, Ky 41701
137 W Highland Dr
Oak Hargor, Wash 78277 Gracile Pigman Gickler
(searching of James Turner/Hannah Hide 304A East Main
parents of Alice) Warrenton, Mo 63383
Mr Elhanon Pigman Queries:
N C Tri State Trader
PO Box 90
Knightstown, Ind 46148


July 24, 1968
Dear Robert Willis,

How rare, indeed, to find a query following my own on an allied line I am working upon. Stranger, still, to see you are having a reunion too. The names Pigman and Amburgey first became joined in or about 1819-20. (Ref Tri-State Trader)

John W Pigman b 1778 (age 70 in 1860 census) m Rosanah Amburgey who was b 17 Nov 1795 Wilkes Co N C . to John and Elizabeth Hammond Amburgey.

In 1815 the Amburgey Family moved to Russell Co Va and lived there until 1827. So it is there tat Rosanah met John W Pigman while picking currants on the Blue Ridge Mtns (so the story goes.).

Their children have been reconstructed by memory of others & needs census checking.
132/2 Wesley Pigman b 1821? m #1 Polly Cornett, #2 Sarah Adams
1224 Johny Burgey Pigman b 1823 (age 36 1860 census) m Nancy Cornett
Humphrey Pigman b 1824 (age 23 1850;36 1860 census) m Elizab Cornett
Wilburn Pigman b 1825 ( age 34 1860 census) m Margaret Patton
Campbell Pigman b 1828 m Mary Cornett twin They were 27 in 1850
Madison Pigman b 1828 m Rhoda Cornett twin 40 in 1870
50 in 1880
William Pigman b 19 Feb 1832 m Rebecca B Smith
Christina Pigman b 1832 m Andrew J B Smith
Mary Pigman b 1856 (???) m Ranmon Calhoun
Sarah Pigman b m Reuben Sloan
(Mary probably the daughter of Madison>Rhoda (1870 census) ).

I have children of the following generation listed and will copy for you if you are interested.

Suggest you write to Southwest Virginia Historical Society, Wise, Va. to learn if anything is known of the Pigman family that lived in the Russell Co- Dickenson Co Va areas in 1800’s.

My aunt Grace Amburgey m Hiram Pigman a descendent of the line above. he recalls hearing the name “Leonard ” used for a grandparents name. And had heard this man was in the Rev War.

Jesse Pigman served in Capt Jesse Pigman’s Co 1780, b Hagerstown, Md 1765. Lived in Fayette & Bracken Co Ky. Moved to Union Co Ind 1845.

Leonard Pigman applied for Pens #8251 (Na). Enlisted from NC states he was born N C

I have further data on sheets to be added to the Pigman line as I have been doing some census research. However, at the present I am burning the midnight oil up-dating all Amburgey info for the reunion. Like you …I’m making a big plea for more info and hope this reunion does it.

Woe is me ……Just noted in my haste the Carbon is in backwards. Please be sure you make yourself
specific if you ans. this as I don’t have time to re-write it. Good luck with you and the reunion ! I have some current Pigman addresses if you’d be interested in adding them to a future mailing list.

Dot Griffith, 9514 Minerva Ave, Overland, Mo 63114 (Mrs Charles R Griffith)

Perry Co Ky Deed Bk A 1827 has first known Ky Pigman entry. This same region became Letcher Co and now Knott Co Ky. Most the settlers in this area came from the Yadkin Valley region of Ky.
(On back of letter.)
A deed in Jessamine Co Ky from Jesse to Cha? 15 Nov 1798 acknowledged 8 Apr 1799 Recorded
29 Oct 1811?.


February 24, 1973
Dear Mr Willis:
Thank you so much for sending me the two names for Zimmerman families. I have been in touch with Mrs Kenneth Rutherford and she is on my line. However all her material is on only her line and she has nothing on John, b 1774 in Md . Didn’t even know about him until she wrote me. But I will try Bobby

Are you interested in Sights in Henderson Co Ky? I do not have much on them except what is in the 1850 census.. However ADAM SIGHTS, sometime written Sites, 67 b N C lives with my JOHN TARLETON WATSON. For that reason I have been interested in him. Then there is a DAVID SIGHTS, 60, b N C and an ELIZABETH 62, b Va . She is apparently a widow.
Ellen O Stoltz
PS There was a Rev Pigman from Md who did much to settle Davies Co Ky.
Mrs George F Stoltz
1823 Tree Lane Drive
Evansville, Ind 47712


Rt 3, Box 99
Ironton, Ohio
April 18, 1973

Robert M Willis
Rt 1, Box 1
Ironton, Ohio

Dear Sir:
Re your query in the April-June issue of Ohio Records and Pioneer Families, I will be glad to exchange genealogical information on SITES families.
My own ancestors were of Hampshire County, Virginia origin, but I do have numerous records of other SITES families from coast-to-coast, which were gathered during my research on the family name.
Please advise just what data you are seeking. A copy of your own lineage chart might prove to be helpful.
S E Sites

By Jessie P Grundy
Robert M Willis , Rt 1, Box 669, Ironton, Ohio

Ohio, Lawrence Co, Microfilm T-9, Roll 1039 June 9, 1880, Perry Township
Page 17
Supervision’s Number 4
Enumerator’s Number 95
Keeping Fa Mo
Habitation visited 141st Willis, Elizabeth white 64 widow house b Va Va Va
Family ” 143rd female
Robert Willis male 31 son farmer Ohio Va Va
John Willis 26 ” ” ” ” “
Susannah Willis female 22 dau at home ” ” “
142 Willis, Oliver D male 34 farmer ” ” “
144 Willis, Aretha E female 27 wife-keep house ” ” “

Ohio, Lawrence Co, Volume 34 Perry Township June 28th Folio 449 Page 1 June 28th
F 460 p 24
161-161 Willis, Elizabeth 54 W F keeping house born Va
Willis, Oliver D 24 W M Laborer ” “
Willis, Robert P 21 W M ” ” “
Willis, Sarah S 19 W F Helps Mother ” “
Willis, John C 16 W M Laborer ” “
Willis, Susannah 12 W F Attending school ” “

Ohio, Lawrence Co, Volume 34 , Fayette Twp.
Folio 23 page 46 Willis, George 39 farmer $100 per prop b Ohio
Willis, Elizabeth 44 b Va
Willis, William T 15
Willis, Oliver D 14 All children born in Ohio
Willis, George W 13
Willis, Robert P 11
Willis, Sarah S 9
Willis, John G 7
Willis, Susanna 2

Ohio, Lawrence Co., Fayette Township, Vol 23
F446 Willis, George 30 farmer $600 b Ohio
P 891 Willis, Elizabeth 34 b Va
171-172 Willis, William 6 b Ohio
Willis, Oliver D 4 b Ohio
Willis, George 3 b Ohio
Willis, Robert 1 b Ohio
Willis, John 27 laborer b Ohio 77

I am transcribing the above families at this writing for your reaction whether or not they are the ancestors in whom you are interested, as it seems to get the death certificate of Elizabeth local records will have to be consulted . A careful examination of all the records here has been unproductive. She is listed in the list of pensioners published as of Jan 1, 1863, as living in Sheridan Coal Works, Ohio (see next page).

Public Health Service Publication No 630A-“Where to Write For Birth and Death Records”:

Subsequent to 1908, division of Vital Statistics, State dept of Health, G 20 State Departments Bldg, Columbus 15, Ohio

For records before that date, write to Probate court in County where birth or death occurred.

In Akron, Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus. Dayton, Toledo and Youngstown , write to city Bureau of Vital Statistics in city where birth or death occurred..

As it appears the record you require would come under Probate Court of Lawrence Co, Ohio. Enclosed find copy of letter which I am mailing to that court today,

There are many Willis families in Lawrence county. I am awaiting your reaction on the above before transcription.

J P Grandy

copy to Probate court,
Lawrence County, Ohio

No 1890 census burned in a warehouse fire , 1900 not open to any but descendant or their union(?) ?

(scrap of paper)

ch of Surdine & (Sarah Willis) Paul

Clinton Clayton Paul m Emmie Willis Parents of Wm. Clayton Paul m Flora Collier Parents of Thelma. Eloise, Helen


List of War of 1812 and Civil War Veterans on Pension Rolls in 1883,

giving the following:
Volume III
Number of Name of P O address Cause for which Monthly Date of Original
Certificate Pensioner Pensioned Rate Allowance

148449 Geo W Willis Ironton, Ohio Round left leg $3.00 Oct 1867

180755 Geo H Willis Burlington, Ohio Deafness (part) $4.00 Jan 1881
75733 Elizabeth Willis Sheridan Coal Works, O $8.00 May 1878


State of Ohio SS
County of Lawrence

Elizabeth Willis, June 18, 1867. under the Act of Congress July 25, 1866, applied for an increase in pension being mother of Sarah S Willis, John G Willis and Susannah Willis, children of Geo W Willis , her late husband, who was a private in ‘Co “E” of the 1st regiment of w Va Infantry volunteers in the war of 1861. She further states that she has not married since the death of her husband nor abandoned the support of any one of her children under 16 years of age nor permitted adoption and that they are the only legitimate children of herself and her deceased husband now living.

She further swears that she knows of no baptismal or other public record of the birth of their said children, and the best testimony she can offer is the sworn statements of persons who were present at the births, which she prays your Honor to accept. Dates of birth: John G Willis, 9-20-1853; Sarah S Willis 1-21-1851;
Susannah Willis, Sept 4, 1857 . her
signed Elizabeth Willis
Proof of foregoing service
Adjutant General reports muster Dec 19, 1863 and death at Cumberland, Md March 21, 1865 of chronic diarrhea.
Copy of county record of marriage.
George Willis Jr and Elizabeth Patterson – State of Ohio County of Lawrence I do hereby certify that by virtue of a license from the clerk of the court of common pleas for Lawrence Co. I on the 12th day of Jan
1843 joined in marriage George W Willis Jr and Jane Elizabeth Patterson.
Given under my hand the 1st day of July 1843 Signed William W Davis Minister

I C B Egerton, Judge Probate Court, Lawrence Co do hereby certify that foregoing is correctly copied from the marriage record of said county , which record is now in said county which record is now in said court in pursuance of law. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand in pursuance of law at Ironton, and the seal of said court this 14th day of June 1865.
signed C B Egerton , Judge of Probate
witness signed Oliver D Willis

Certificate of $ 8 per month commencing March 21, 1865 and $2 a month additions for each of above-names children, commencing 25th July 1866. Passed Dec 18, 1867.
signed C Hickox , Examiner.

Pension claim dated June 15, 1865 , shows that Elizabeth Patterson Willis was 48 years of age, (born 1817). In 1866 she was living in Lawrence Co, O. PO address Russells Point, O .

January 14, 1974

Dear Mr Willis,
I am sending some information I copied from a film that was at the library here about Greenbrier County ,
Va (now W Va). some parts of this film were not easy to read because of the condition of the original records. I could not read the tax lists for the 1780’s but that information is already known from the published volume of Virginia tax list that was put out instead of the 1790 census for Va (which was burned in 1814). from that we know that Henry Willis was in Greenbrier County.

from these tax lists we can see that Henry Willis was in Greenbrier county until at least 1798. I did not find him in any other tax lists after that. I went through the lists until 1804 and also looked at the 1810 and 1818 lists . I have listed on one page all the entries for Henry Willis and on the three other pages I have listed in order of year all the Willis and Rucker entries I found. It is possible that I could have missed some but they did not change much from year to year so that is not very important. I don’t know how these Ruckers relate to your Ruckers in Lawrence Co Ohio but I would guess they are probably related.

In the 1796 entry you will see that Henry Willis had sold one of his tracts of land to Daniel Shumate, containing 186 acres worth 1 shilling 6 pence per acre or 13 pounds 19 shillings total on which the tax was 8 and a half pence. The other tract of 220 acres he must have sold in 1798 or later, but I did not find the entry for whomever he sold it to. I might have missed it.

For the Ruckers I could not always tell what the first name was supposed to be so I put it down as near as I could make it out. They were living in the Anthony’s Creek district of Greenbrier Co which is still one of the districts of Greenbrier Co–it is the part of Greenbrier closest to the Virginia line, in the far eastern part of the county.

On the 1820 census of Greenbrier Co I found one Willis but I don’t know if it is any relation to Henry Willis. This is for Amarel Willis, with 3 males under 10, 2 males 10 to 16 , 1 male 45 or over, 2 females under 10, 3 females 10 to 16 , 1 female 16 to 26 , and 1 female 26 to 45. There were also two Rucker families on that census.

I put an ad in the Sept 1974 Genealogical Helper, and one of the replies I got was from a descendent of Isaac Boothe (father of Daniel Boothe, Adah Boothe and Drucilla Langdon) who sometimes gets to the national Archives and he said he will look at the 1900 census of Lawrence /Co for me so I may be able to add more to those sections on Daniel Boothe and Drucilla Langdon that I sent you. I am still planning to finish the one on Robert Boothe but have not got around to it because have been busy. also because of the ad I have to answer letters on several different families so not as much time for each one.
Thanks for the Booth material that you sent. So far it does not seem to be the same family but maybe later
will come in handy. I had run across one of the Napiers in connection with research on another family–the widow of that Napier later married a McAlexander who is probably distantly related to my McAlexander family in Virginia.

I have copied out the obituary of Judge Simeon S Willis from the N Y Times for Apr 3, 1965. There was a fairly long obituary plus a photograph of him. I can send you a copy if you would be interested.

I think that Henry Willis in Greenbrier Co must be the same as your ancestor who went to Lawrence County because he leaves Greenbrier shortly before he is found in Lawrence and also because Greenbrier was known as one of the main places that people in Lawrence Co had come from.
George Pesely


1912 Addison St #20
Barkeley, Calif 94704
May 16, 1974

Dear Mr Willis:
Thanks for the letter. I don’t think that Booth is the right family but I will hang on to it just in case,

I am still planning to type up the material I have on Robert Boothe and Drucilla Boothe Langdon. I have just been too busy on other things to get around to it. I work at the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics and I’m also trying to finish a Ph D at the University here, so it takes up a lot o f time.

I have heard that the 1900 census has been made open to the public , but so far the only place it can be seen is Washington D C . I would like to complete these three groups of Boothes, Daniel, Robert and Drucilla down to 1900.

Thanks for looking for the notices on that Boothes reunion group. That’s still the most important single bit of information I’ve ever received on the Boothes.

I found some additional information from the death records to add to that thing on Daniel Boothe I sent last fall:
p 1, bottom –Nancy Boothe d 10 May 1888, Windsor Twp Bennet Earles d 30 March 1895 age 90 yrs
4 mos 25 d, Willow Wood, Ohio
p 2, top–Richard Sutton , b 1818 d Dec 1875 , Fayette Twp Richard Pimberton: children Oscar W Pimberton b
8 June 1885, Cecil Homer Pimberton b 9 Apr 1887, Roscoe b 1 Oct 1890, Virgil L b
16 Nov 1892
p 2, middle–Clyde Elmer Earles, b 29 March 1868 , d 10 Arp 1886, age 18 yrs 12 d , Windsor Twp
p 4, top– add Minnie Keeney, b 23 Apr 1869, d 3 Nov 1871
p 4, middle– Elizabeth Boothe still living 27 March 1855 (Deeds 16:567), died before 21 Oct 1855.
Bird Smith b 12 Aug 1809 , d 17 Aug 1887, age 78 yr 5d, Ironton, Ohio
p 4, bottom– Ida May Smith , d 7 March 1900, Sedgwick,, Ohio
p 7, middle– Andrew J Boothe, b 10 March 1824, d 22 Oct 1878

I found out from the land deeds that William Boothe, son of Daniel Boothe, Had moved to Hamilton Co ,
Ind , so I am sending a page of information I have found on his children and grandchildren.

I appreciate all those cemetery records you sent. They have helped out a lot.
George Pesely



Walter Brahm
State Librarian December 9, 1960

Dear Mr Willis:
Since we do not find your Willis -Rucker marriage in copied records of Gallia or Scotia counties, Ohio, we wonder if your great great grandparents may not have married across the river in Kentucky or West Virginia. We give you some addresses below.

Ohio marriage records would not five names of parents or place of birth, in any case.

The paragraphs checked below relate to your November 14 request concerning Ohio genealogy:

______We have checked our indexed records and the indicated county histories and find the information quoted at the bottom of this sheet.

______We have checked the above records and find information in the works listed below. This is too lengthy to copy; we can supply Constat-Contoura prints for . Please make your check payable to

______We enclose Constat-Contoura prints from the publications listed above, which you requested and for which you have paid.

______In tracing genealogy, one should begin with one’s parents and work back, taking note always of the county in which each generation lived, as genealogical records are arranged by county.

______Census records will give you ages and state or country of origin but not birth dates now county. They are not indexed and require considerable searching.

______Ohio land records are being microfilmed in the office of the Auditor of State. The only access to them at this time is through a genealogist who understands their present arrangement.

__X__The information you ask for must be sought from Clerk of County Court, Greenup, Kentucky.
County Clerk , Cabell County courthouse, Huntington, West Virginia.
Sincerely yours.
Ruth L Douthit
(Mrs) Ruth L Douthit
Reference Librarian


Berkeley, California 94705
December 17, 1972

Mr Robert M Willis
Rt 1 , Box 1
Ironton, Ohio 45638

Dear Mr Willis:
I read your notice in the Virginia Genealogist for Jan-Mar 1972. I don’t have any information on Henry Willis, Sr. However, I am writing in case you might be interested in exchanging information on later generations.

I am working on the Boothe family of Floyd Co, Virginia, and several related families. Two cousins, Samuel Boothe and Robert Booth, migrated to Lawrence Co, Ohio, about 1820. Children of both families married Willises.

I assumed those Willises were also from the Montgomery-Floyd area of Virginia, there is now a town called Willis, and where Henry and David Willis appear in early land records. could that Henry Willis be the Henry Willis, Jr, of your notice?

At any rate, I have found these Willis-Boothe marriages in the Lawrence Co records:

Merit W Boothe, Sary Ann Willis, Sept 22, 1843
William Willis, Henrietta (?) Boothe, Feb 6, 1845
Andrew J Boothe, Eleita Jane Willis, Feb 19, 1846

There was at least one later such marriage , between a Willis whose first name I don’t know and Eva Alice Boothe; they had a son Eugene P Willis born Jan 18, 1879. There may have been others after the 1850’s since I haven’t seen the later records.

I will appreciate very much any information you can give me on any of these families. If you are closely enough related, you may know something of the Lawrence Co Boothes also, or know someone that I could write to for information. I would also be interested in knowing more about the Willis family, in Virginia, Ohio and where else they migrated to, since I find occasional connections with them elsewhere. In return If it would be of any use to you to know how the Boothes who married Willises were related to each other, I will be glad to send you what I have along that line.
George Pesely


George Pesely
Berkeley, Ca 94705

January 1, 1973
Dear Mr Willis:

I received your very interesting letter.. I have gone through all the censuses except 1880, marriage records, land records, and probate court records, trying to straighten out the Boothes in Lawrence Co.
The Mormons have most of these on microfilm. They have a good genealogical library here which anyone can use. Genealogy is part of their religion. I am not a member.

Col Lucian D Booth of Roanoke, Va (1882-1960) did a book called “Descendants of George Boothe,
1737-1813, Montgomery Co, Va” which contains over 1200 descendants but is nowhere near complete–
I already have about 200 persons he missed. Of the 2 Boothes who migrated to Lawrence Co, He didn’t get any descendants of Daniel Boothe and only part of Robert Boothe’s. He may have been in touch with E P Willis because he knew his date of birth and the date of death of one of his uncles, but he must not have gotten all of his information, For example, he didn’t know that his father was named John Wesley Willis.

George Boothe was living in New York in the 1770’s . I don’t know if he was born there or not. Traditionally he was born in Sandwich, Kent, England, but I don’t know if that was made up or not. That comes from his first descendant to join the DAR, Olivia Simmons Keesee of Floyd Co, Va (1871-1944), who made up a lot of stuff. George Boothe apparently moved to Montgomery Co, Va, in 1786. His oldest son , Isaac (1758-1837) stayed in Dutchess Co, NY, until between 1800 and 1806. His other children include Abijah Boothe (my ancestor), George Boothe Jr , Permalia Boothe, Daniel Boothe and Tamar Boothe; may have had others.

Isaac Boothe’s Bible record survives. He had 11 children by his first wife Freelove (–) Boothe (1764-1809), and 4 children by his second wife Mary (Ferguson) Boothe (b 1773). His 3rd child and 3rd son was Daniel Boothe, born April 5, 1785, in N Y , who married Mary McAlexander, Sr (xa 1748-ca 1821) and his first wife (Janney ?)–his second wife was the Tamar Boothe already mentioned. Mary’s sister Margaret (ca 1776-1831) (my ancestor) was the grandmother of Willis Harris of Jackson Co, Mo (1847 ?-1875?).

Anyway, Daniel Boothe , son of Isaac and Mary (McAlexander) Boothe moved to Lawrence Co no later than 1817. From the 1820-30-40 censuses they had 9 children. I have figured out 8 of these for sure, and one probably. You may have a better list of their children.

The 1880 census would help a lot in sorting out who were the children of Daniel Boothe as opposed to children of Robert Boothe. Daniel’s children would have said their father was born N Y and their mother was born Ba. Robert’s children by his first wife would say their father was born Va and their mother N Y; children by his second wife would say father born Pa, mother born Pa. However, maybe some had died by 1880.

Isaac Boothe’s 9th child , 5th daughter , was Adah Boothe, born April 7, 1797 in Dutchess Co, N Y, full sister to Daniel. On Nov 26, 1816, Montgomery Co, Va , she married her first cousin Robert Booth,
Daniel and Robert were therefore both cousins and brothers-in-law.

Robert Booth was the second child of George Boothe, Jr and Sarah (Howard) Boothe (m Dec 23, 1789, Montgomery Co, Va). His older brother Abijah Boothe was the father of the Rev Abijah Howard Boothe (1822-1893), a Confederate chaplain in Miss. Robert was b 1795 , Va; died 1860, Lawrence Co (died between June 1860 and march 1861). Robert and Adah Boothe had six children before she died about 1828. On April 9, 1829 he married Mrs. Nancy (Oliver) Eaton, a widow with six children.

Children of Robert and Adah Booth:

Merit W Boothe, b 1816; m. Sary Ann Willis (b 1825) Sept 28, 1843.

Fleming S Boothe b 1819; m. Mary Ann Cooper, June 22, 1847.

Emelia Boothe, b 1825; m. James Emmerson , Nov 7, 1847.

Anna or Rachel Boothe, m. Geo P Walters, July 7 , 1850.

Robert Boothe b ca 1827.

Isaac Boothe b xa 1828; m. Martha B Whitehead , Dec 15, 1856.

Mrs John W Turner must have been wrong about her Isaac Boothe marrying Martha
Whitehead, because in the 1860 census Isaac’s wife is Martha B Boothe. Lucian Booth
thought that Isaac was a child of Robert’s second marriage. However , from the way
Robert’s will is written it seems clear that Isaac was not a son of Nancy.
Isaac’s children : Eva Alice Boothe (1857), Nannie Boothe (1859), Sadie Boothe (1861), Samuel Boothe (1863),
Robert Boothe (1865) , Isaac Boothe (1866), John Edwin Boothe (1868; d March 12, 1939, Boston, Mass), William Boothe.

Children of Robert and Nancy Booth:

Oliver S Booth, b 1835, m Jane—

Rachel? or Anna Booth Daughter, 1830-35

George M Booth, b 1840.

This isn’t completely certain. If that Anna Booth, age 22 in 1850 was a daughter of Robert Booth, She would replace Rachel Booth above, but Rachel might be the daughter b 1830-35.


addition to page 5f

4. William Boothe, son of Daniel and Mary (McAlexander) Boothe (should be #3 , and sister #4)
b. 1811, Virginia
m. Mary , b 1820, Ohio; d

It is evident from the birthplaces of their children that William and Mary Boothe moved to Indiana in or about 1837. Their property in Adams Township, Hamilton Co, Ind , was valued at $1200 in 1850, $3000 in 1860 and $10, 000 in 1870. In addition , by 1870, William had personal property worth $2000.


(1) SAMUEL P BOOTHE, b 1833, Ohio . d , m Mary E ,
b 1842 , Ind , d , Samuel appears on the 1860 and 1870 censuses of Hamilton Co as a
Physician living in Jackson Twp.
Children of this marriage;
a. Charley Boothe , b 1866, Indiana.
b. Murtie G Boothe (male), b 1872, Indiana
(2) JAMES A BOOTHE, b 1835-36, Ohio, d , m ELIZABETH ,
b 1836 Indiana , d . Children of this marriage:
a. Melissa J Boothe, b 1859, Ind
b. William F Boothe b 1860, Ind
c. Clarissa D Boothe b 1862, Ind
d. Thomas J Boothe b 1863. Ind
e. Elizabeth Boothe b 1865, Ind
f. James A Boothe b 1867, Ind(3) Amanda Boothe, b 1838, Indians, d(4) Cyntha Boothe b 1840, Indiana, d(5) Emily Boothe b 1842, Indiana, d(6) Daniel J Boothe b 1845, Indiana, d(7) Elisha Boothe b 1848, Indiana, d
(8) Mary E Boothe b 1849 Indians d
(9) Edward Boothe b 1851/2, Indiana, d
(10) Vinton C Boothe b 1856, Indiana, d
(11) Charles F Boothe b 1858, Indiana, dBoshie Paul
11 Aug 78
From: “A tabulation of descendants of Joseph Horton, a soldier of the American Revolution.”-
complied by T W Horton, Milford Center, Ohio
Joseph Horton–Rev Soldier in 1778-83, born 1759, in Hartford, England- Died June 11, 1833 , Jefferson
Township, Jackson Co, Ohio
Military record in a manuscript Vol in the Virginia State Library , which is entitled “Papers concerning the Army of the Revolution” -Vol 1 , page 97, appears the name of Joseph Horton, born at Hartford, England.


Rev War record sec 3-25 , V L M Dept of Interior, W F 7777 – Bureau of Pensions, Washington DC
October 25, 1917
Ada Horton
Meeker Street, Delta , Colo

Dear Madam,
The following information is contained in the application for a pension of Joseph Horton, a soldier of the Rev War:
Dates of Length of Officer Under Whom
Enlisted Service Rank Ser was Rendered State

1779 2 Mo Pvt Capt James Take – Col Geo Va Marford 3/1781 Union prisoner at battle of Guliford, escaped and returned home 7-8-1781 Col S L McDowell 7/1781 20 days Pvt Capt Sam L McCutcheon Bowers Lebrun Armond Corp

Engaged in battles at Guliford and Hot Water
Resided at enlistment, Augusta County, Va . Date of application for pension 9/18/1832, age 73 years. Born in Hartford, England, came to America after start of Rev on ship “Potomac”- Married 7/4/1824 in Scotia County, Ohio to Mary Jenkins. He died 6/11/1833 in Jackson County, Ohio. She was allowed pension of app executed 2/12/1853 while a resident of Scotia County, Ohio age 81 years.
S M Saltzgaver,
Co of Pensions

1st Generation 4 children
JOSEPH HORTON– Rev Soldier in 1778-83
Born 1759, in Hartford, England, died June 11, 1833 , Jefferson Twp, Jackson
County, Ohio m Mary Jenkins-their children: W Nancy Horton born 1792 died
3/25/1845 m W H C Jenkins born 11/5/1791, died 9/21/1856; (2) John born
1/14/1787, died 6/6/1869 m Mary B Radabough born 1788, died 8/19/1839 ;
(3) William died in Virginia age 12 or 22 and Sarah m Pleasant Davis

2nd Generation 5 children
SARAH HORTON m Pleasant Davis in Va
Sarah Davis died in Ind and Pleasant Davis died in Virginia.
Their children: JAMES DAVIS m Catherine Thomas; WM PLEASANT
DAVIS m Malinda Greenleaf; HORTON DAVIS m Florida Russell;
(Edward Burdine; Willington, Perry ; Pauline, Rebecca?) Sarah, Mary,
John H, Pleasant, Chas Wm Jr. (William & Elizabeth Willis had these 12 children
11 married Willington died 1862 age 8 years First buried Willis Cem Law
Twp , Law Co, Ohio

3rd Generation
MARY ELIZABETH DAVIS m William Willis born 10 Aug 1811 probably in Kanawha County,
W Va, died 1885. captain of 5th W Va , lived in Gallia County , Ohio. Both Capt
Willis and wife buried at getaway, Ohio. A Grandson lives at Elfort, Ohio.
Mary Elizabeth Davis (wife) was born 1814 Kanawha Com W Va. or 1810 in
Greenbrier Co, W Va , died 1895 in Getaway, Ohio where she lived many years.
Their children: JOHN H WILLIS m Abigail Slavens, parents of Judge Simeon
Slaven Willis, m Idah Lee Millis; SARAH WILLIS or (Sally) mar Henry Megis.

4th Generation
SARAH WILLIS Surdine Paul 10 children
1829 Their children: (1) GEN CLINTON CLAYBORN PAUL m Emma Willis,
1912 parents of Wm Clayton Paul m Flora Collier, parents of Thelma, Eloise, Helen,
(2) REBECCA PAUL m Enoch Langdon , parents of Wm Wiley, . James, Lutie,
Marshall, Clinton. (3) ELECTA JANE PAUL m George Allen Burton, parents of
Ida Burton m John Conaway, Ironton , Ohio. (4) JAMES J PAUL m 1st wife- Mary
Crawford , 2nd wife- Effie Butcher. Their children (1st wife) MAUDE PAUL m
Ben Forgey, parents of Ethel and Evelyn, (5) SURDINE PAUL m Gertrude Gillett.
(6) IDA PAUL m Elmer Kite, parents of Ernest. (7) ETHEL PAUL m Lindsey
Kenney, (8) EMMA PAUL m Wm Langdon, parents of Rosemary (9) WILLIAM
PAUL (9) LUCRETA PAUL m Albert H Langdon (10) IDA PAUL m J Dude

5th Generation
WILLIAM PAUL m Sarah Adkins
Their children: MAUDE PAUL (died at age 8) . CEOLA PAUL m Albert
Kenney, parents of Roy, Floyd, Annabelle, Ester, Stella, Pauline and Edna
William Paul

6th Generation
WILLIAM PAUL m Hattie Belle Lsuderman, parents of GENEVIEVE PAUL and BOSHER PAUL.

7th Generation
BOSHER PAUL m Frela Inez Noble , parents of Wanda Lou.

8th Generation
WANDA LOU PAUL m Charles Cummings, parents of Kelly Paul Cummings.

6th Generation
Ceola Paul m Albert Keeney, parents of: Edna Mae Keeney, Esther Keeney, Annabelle Keeney,
Stella Keeney, Ceola Pauline Keeney, Roy Keeney, Floyd Keeney, Albert Leslie Keeney (died at age of 1 yr)
and Gennua Keeney (died at age of 1 yr).

7th Generation
EDNA MAE KEENEY m Thomas Allen, parents of : Joyce Mae Allen, William Ray Allen, Ronald Lee Allen and Thomas Lynn Allen.
ESTHER KEENEY m Lawrence Gilley, parents of: Paul Gilley; 2nd marriage- Esther Keeney m
Clayton Fracker (died at age of 59)
ANNABELLE KEENEY m Paul Smith (died at age of 45) , parents of: Deanna Smith and Paul K
STELLA KEENEY m Fred Bell, parents of Sallie Bell-2nd marriage – Stella Keeney m Chester B
McLeod, parents of : Carol Ann McLeod
CEOLA PAULINE KEENEY m Elmer Childers , parents of Bonnie Sue Childers
ROY KEENEY m Irene Porter, parents of : Roy Keeney, Jr and Jim Keeney
FLOYD KEENEY (died at age of 43) m Lucille Williams, parents of: Gerald Keeney, Eloise Keeney,
Donald Keeney and Janet Keeney.


Fresno, Ca.
July 8, 1984
Robert H Willis
Box 669 Rt 1
South Point, Ohio 45680

Dear Mr Willis:
I must apologize for not answering your letter of March 13th promptly. Things just piled up on me and I put my genealogy aside for awhile. However, I should have answered your letter.

It was very kind of you to make copies of your Langdon information for me. I am enclosing ten stamps to cover the cost of copying and mailing.

My 2 gg grandfather was Willis Langdon who was the son of Samuel and Anne Clifton Langdon. I haven’t found any information on Anne Clifton- but I really haven’t tried.

My husband has Boothe’s in his line. They were from Conn so are probably not of your people.

Thank you so much for the material you sent me and forgive me for being so slow to answer you.

I intend to write to the people whose names you sent me. Thank you again.
Caroline Marshall
3926 N 6th St
Fresno, Ca 93726

1500 S. 23rd Street
Arlington, Va 22202
23rd January 1979

Mr Robert M Willis
R R 1 Box 669
South Point, Ohio 45680

Dear Mr Willis,

Thank you so much for the six pages of Langdon data compiled by George Pesely. It has added to and confirmed a lot of what I already had. I was especially interested to note that the children of Samuel Langdon and his first wife Anne Clifton, also lived in Lawrence county. I had found two males on the 1850 census which may very well be sons by his first marriage, as the ages are right. Do you have the address of George Pesely? I would very much like to write to him.

In 1974 I had some correspondence with Mrs Gilberta Haunschild of Redding, Calif, who is a descendent of Joseph Langdon and Artenetta Brammer. It seems very likely that this Joseph was a son of Samuel by his first marriage. This Joseph moved to Marshall Co., Kans; then later to St Joseph , Mo where he died. (At the time of the 1850 census he was at Polk Co, Iowa.

I have some additional data on the Daniel Langdon who married Elizabeth Becket. The birth records of Gallia Co, Ohio show births for two of their children and I found the family in 1880 residing at Union Dist, Cabell Co, W Va.

I noted with interest that Drucilla (Boothe) Langdon was born in Dutchess Co, N Y. This county of New York was settled by descendants of Thomas Langdon of Long Island; just another clue that the Montgomery Co, Va Langdons are likely descendants of this Thomas.

If you can give me Pesely’s address, I shall write to him. How was he related to these Langdons?

Again , thank you for the Photocopies. Enclosed are four stamps to pay for the photocopy cost.

Mr Geo Pesely Sincerely,
1912 Addison St #20 Mrs Wayne K Wilcox
Berkeley, Ca 94704


17 January 1979
1500 S 23rd Street
Arlington, Va 22202
Mr Robert M Willis
R R 1, Box 669
South Point, Ohio 45680

Dear Mr Willis:
I was pleased to receive your reply to my letter. I gather from your letter that you are a Pigman descendant rather than a Langdon. The data you sent me has enabled me to connect a few loose ends. I can give you a birthplace for Sella Booth and a marriage date and place for Samuel and Sella.

An LDS family group sheet (I am not a Mormon) shows that Samuel Langdon, b ca 1791, of Montgomery Co, Va; m 2 Aug 1793, Montgomery Co, Va, dau of Isaac Booth and Freelove. This information was taken from Lucien Dent Boothe’s Book “Descendants of George Boothe”.

I also have some data on other Langdons at Montgomery Co, Va, but cannot tie them in wet. However, there were descendants of Thomas Langdon of Long Island who left NY and settled in Frederick Co, Va before the Revolution. Perhaps Samuel is related to them.

I very much appreciate your offer to check the cemetery records. I would like to gather all I can on the Langdon surname.

Thank you again for your help!
Shirley Wilcox
Mrs Wayne K Wilcox

1500 S 23rd Street
Arlington, Va 22202
11 Dec 1978
Robert M Willis
R #1 Box # 1
Ironton, Ohio 45638

Dear Mr Willis:
Your name and address were sent to me by another researcher who had seen your query in the Tri-State Trader. I have been compiling information on the descendants of George Langdon which I plan to publish in the future. In the process I have gathered information on any and all of the Langdon surname.

My correspondent showed your query as follows: “Sarah A Pigman m 1843 Elisha Langdon”. I do not
know if any additional information was given in the query. could this family have been from Lawrence
Co Ohio? There was an Elisha Langdon, born ca 1822, with wife Sarah A Langdon in this county. This Elisha was probably the son of Samuel Langdon (b ca 1787) and his wife Zilda (b ca 1799), residents of Union twp.

If you have more information on your Langdons, I will be glad to check my files as have my data indexed on cards so can easily locate material. I will be glad to share further with you if this is the family you are searching.
Shirley Wilcox
Mrs Wayne K Wilcox


Gilbery Opdyke to Alexander Briam, he to deliver Sept 16, 1655, to Thomas (1)Langdon three hollows over the run at East Meadow. In 1660, Thomas sold to Robert Williams Carpenter. Aaron Furman sold in 1662 (the property he bought of Adam Mott which was formerly the dwelling place of Christopher Foster), to Thomas (1) Langdon, Langdon died in 1666. Joseph (2) Langdon son of Thomas (2) Langdon had meadow in near Rockaway in 1675.

Thomas (3) Langdon d at Jerusalem in 1732-3, widow Mary, sons Joseph (4), Thomas (4), at Fishkill,
Jonathan (4) on L.I., daus. Elisabeth (4) wife of Capt John Birdsall, Deborah (4), Lewis.

(Copied 11-13-78 from “Long Island Genealogies ” compiled by Mary Powell Bunker; Published by
Genealogical Publishing Co, Inc, Baltimore, Md 1976)

From George Pesely, Berkeley, Ca, July 1974


DRUCILLA (ZILLAH) BOOTHE, daughter of Isaac & Freelove ( ) Boothe (1)
b. 21 March 1795 (1) , Dutchess Co, NY (state of birth from 1850 and 1860 c, Lawrence Co,
Ohio; county of birth conjectured from father’s presence on 1790 and 1800 c of Dutchess Co
d. 5 May 1864, Lawrence Co, Ohio; buried in “Old Baptist Cemetery” (Harmony Baptist
Church Cemetery) , Getaway, Ohio.(2) Her tombstone disappeared between 1932 and 1973 (3).
m 2 August 1815, Montgomery Co, Va, SAMUEL LANGDON, who was born 26 Jan 1763 (2) N Y
(1850 & 1860 c Lawr Co Oh) , d 9 Aug 1861, bur Harmony Baptist Ch Cem, Getaway , Ohio
(2) . Samuel Langdon was earlier married to Anne Clifton, 7 Feb 1799. Montgomery Co, Va,
(4) and his children by this marriage also lived in Lawr Co.

The following list of descendants of Samuel and Drucilla (Boothe) Langdon is reconstructed from the best evidence available to me and does not claim to be complete . I have not seen any will or Bible record of Samuel Langdon or Drucilla Langdon, and therefore the order of their children’s births is conjectural.

1. MARY LANGDON, b 1817, (Montgomery Co) Va (1850 & 1860 c Lawr Co Ohio); d m 12 May 1831, Lawrence Co Ohio, WILLIAM DIXON, son of Sally ( ) Dixon, b 1813, VA, d (5)
(1) ELIZABETH A DIXON, b ca 1833, (Lawr Co) , Ohio (17 on 1850 c; 25 on 1860 c Lawr Co
(2) JACOB R DIXON, b ca 1836, (Lawr Co ), Oh (14 on 1850 c, 24 on 1860 c Lawr Co Oh)
(3) WILLIAM A DIXON, b ca 1839, (Lawr Co), Oh (11 on 1850 c Lawr Co Oh)
(4) COENELIUS SIZON, b ca 1840-41, (Lawr Co)Oh (9 on 1850 c as “Caroline H”; 20 on 1860
c of Lawr Co Oh).
(5) HENRY DIXON, b ca 1842-43 , (Lawr Co) Oh (7 on 1850 c,18 on 1860 c Lawr Co Oh)
(6) SARAH J DIXON, b ca 1845-46, (Lawr Co) Oh (5 on 1850 c, 14 on 1860 c Lawr Co Oh)
(7) VIOLET DIXON, b ca 1847-48, (Lawr Co)Oh (3 0n 1850 c , 12 on 1860 c Lawr Co Oh)
(8) ISAAC DIXON, b ca 1849-50, (Lawr Co) Oh (1 on 1850 c, 10 on 1860 c Lawr Co Oh)
(9) AMOS DIXON, b ca 1854, (Lawrence Co) Oh (6 on 1860 c Lawr Co Oh)
(10) AMANDA V DIXON, b ca 1858, (Lawr, Co) Oh (2 on 1860 c Lawr Co Oh)
(11) MISSOURI S DIXON, b ca 1858, (Lawr Co) Oh (2 on 1860 c Lawr Co Oh)
2. A daughter born between 1815 and 1820, one of the two females aged 10 to 15 shown on the 1830
census of Lawrence Co Ohio, Union Township, in Samuel Langdon’ s household. Identity not
yet established.

3. JAMES L LANGDON, b 14 Oct 1819, (2) b Union Twn (7) Lawrence Co Oh (1850, 1860, 1870 &
1870 c Lawr Co Oh); d 10 Nov 1906, (2) Lawrence Co , Ohio; bur in the James Langdon Cemetery
on Symmes Creek, about one mile above Getaway, Ohio (2): (of cancer)
m. MARY MARTIN EARLES (sister of Bennett Earles who married Nancy Boothe , first cousin
of James Langdon (2), b 11 Dec 1822, Ohio; d 1 Sept 1898; bur James Langdon Cem, Lawrence
Co , Ohio.
(1)ELISHA C LANGDON, b 5 Sept 1842, (2) (Lawr Co) Oh ; d after 1911 (3) (date of death not
on tombstone); m 5 Jan 1865, Lawr Co Oh, SARAH BUTRICK, (5) B 1842, D 1911 (2)
(i) JAMES E LANGDON, b 3 Sept 1872, Windsor Twn, Lawr Co, Ohio, (6) d 24 Oct
1876, Windsor Two, Lawr Co, Ohio, (of croup) (7) Virgil & dau?
(2)MARTIN LANGDON, b 25 Apr 1844, (2) (Lawr Co, ) Oh; d 1914 (3); bur James Langdon Cem,
Lawrence Co, Ohio; m 9 Sept 1865 , Lawrence Co, Ohio, ELIZABETH GIBSON, (5) b 1845 d.
(i) FANNY LANGDON, b 1868, (Lawr Co), Oh (12 Sept 1880 c Lawr Co Oh) d 1926
m George W Sites
(ii) EMMA LANGDON, b 1870 , (Lawr Co)oh (10 on 1880 c Lawr Co Oh) m May 11,
1896, PERRY WILLIS b 1870 d 1941 bur Willis Cem; Son of Burdine & Cynthia
(Crawford) Willis
(iii) WILLIAM LANGDON, b 4 Apr 1874, (Lawr Co) Oh; b 8 Apr 1957, Lawr Co Oh (3)
(iv) LEWIS LANGDON, b 12 Feb 1876, Windsor Twp, Lawrence Co, Ohio (6); d 6 Dec
1944; bur in Langdon Cem, Lawr Co Ohio (3); m Lawr Co Oh, BERTHA
EARLES, b Dec 9 , 1876 ; d Dec 6 , 1944; dau of & Earles, b 19 Dec
1880 , d 6 Dec 1944 (3).
(a) ARNOLD LANGDON, b 24 Aug 1899, Lawrence Twp, Lawr Co, Oh (6).
(b) GLADIE LANGDON, b 10 Oct 1902, Lawr Twp, Lawr Co, Ohio (6).
(c) HAZEL LANGDON, b 30 Oct 1906, Lawr Twp , Lawr Co, Oh (6)
(v) JAMES LANGDON, b 8 Jan 1878, Fayette Twp, Lawr Co, Oh (6)
(vi) AMANDA MAY LANGDON, b 5 Mar 1880, Windsor Twp, Lawr Co, Ohio (6);
d 1971 (3) bur Langdon Cem
(vii) BIRDIE LANGDON, b 1882, d 1973 ; m Bert Simpson (3) bur Langdon Cem
(viii) MARTIN M LANGDON, b 1 March 1885, Union Twp , Lawr Co, Oh (6, 2)
d 17 Apr 1905, (2); bur Langdon Cem, Lawr Co Oh (2)

(3) PERRY LANGDON, b 27 Aug 1846; d 17 Jul 1849; bur James Langdon Cem, Lawrence
Co, Ohio (2).
(4) JAMES T LANGDON, b 2 Oct 1849, (Lawr Co) Oh; d (2) (date of death not inscribed
on large family marker for James Langdon family); m SARAH J MORRISON, dau of ?
b 28 Apr 1853 (2).
(5) WESLEY LANGDON, b 8 May 1851, d 10 July 1852; bur James Langdon Cem , Lawr Co,
Ohio (2)
(6) SARAH J LANGDON, b 28 Apr 1853, (2) (Lawr Co) Oh, d m 21 Jul 1873, Lawr
Co Oh, JAMES R MORRISON, son of Andrew & Morrison (5)
(7)MARY F LANGDON, b 18 Nov 1857, (Lawr Co) Oh; d 23 Feb 1889 (2, 7) (Lawr Co)
Oh ; bur James Langdon Cem, Lawr Co, Oh (2)
(8) LUCINDA LANGDON, b 30 Nov 1866, d 30 Nov 1866 “dead born” bur James Langdon
Cem , Lawr Co, Ohio (2).

4. ELISHA LANGDON, son of Samuel and Drucilla (Boothe) Langdon, b 1820-22, ( Lawr Co)Oh
(28 on 1850 c, 40 on 1860 c Lawr Co, Oh ), d
m. 16 Nov 1843, Lawrence Co, Ohio, SARAH A PIGMAN, (5) dau of & Pigman,
b 22 Feb 1828, Lawr Co, Oh; d 21 Dec 1864, Lawr Co, Oh , aged 36 yr 9 mos 29 d; bur
Harmony Baptist Ch Cem, Getaway, Ohio. (2) (Elisha Pigman possibly buried next to her, but
no marker) (3). (Sarah Pigman was the sister of James Pigman, 1817-1887, of Lawr Co, Oh)(3
(written on sheet: My gt grandfather R.W. Pigman– Sarah A Pigman, sister.)
(1) LYDIA A LANGDON, b ca 1846, (Lawr Co) Oh ( 4 on 1850 census “Lucinda” ; 14 on 1860 c
Lawr Co Oh, JOHN W SITES (5) d in service in 1864. (one child) (The marriage record
names Elisha as the father of Lydia A L Langdon and says that she is more than 14 years of age;
i.e., she was less than 18).
(2) SARAH F LANGDON, b ca 1849-50, (Lawr Co) Oh (not on 1850 c; 11 on 1860 c Lawr Co,

(3) LUCINDA LANGDON , b xa 1831 (Lawr Co) Oh (9 on 1860 c Lawr Co, Oh)

(4) DAVID V LANGDON, b ca 1850, (Lawr Co) Oh (2 on 1860 c Lawr Co Oh)

(5) JAMES S LANGDON, b 28 Sept 1860, d 11 March 1861; bur Harmony Baptist ch Cem,
Getaway, Ohio. (2)

(6) SPURGEON LANGDON, b 31 Oct 1863, d 9 Jan 1865: bur Harmony Baptist Ch Cem,
Getaway, Ohio (2).

5 and 6 . The 1830 census of Lawrence Co, Ohio, shows 2 males aged 5 to 10 and 2 males under 5
years living in Samuel Langdon’s household. One of the males 5 to 10 was Elisha; one of the
males under 5 would be Samuel; the other two have not been positively identified. However, it
seems that one of these must have been the Rev. ISAAC J LANGDON , who performed the
wedding in 1864 of William Hix and Mary E Willis (dau of Henrietta (Boothe) Willis), dau
of Daniel & Mary (McAlexander ) Boothe. and the wedding in 1865 of Thomas F Langdon
(son of John Langdon, son of Samuel & Anne (Clifton) Langdon ) and Mary Ann Ransbottom.
The reason to consider Isaac J Langdon a son of Drucilla (Boothe ) Langdon is the following
notice from a Lawrence Co , Ohio newspaper:

IRONTON JOURNAL, Sept 18, 1867
(see top of next page)
PERSONAL–We learn that some of the heirs of Daniel and Robert and Ada Booth and Druzilla Langdon and other descendants of Isaac and George Booth met and organized into an association and raised a fund in order to investigate their legal heirship to an estate said to be left to them by their ancestors in England. Rev J J Langdon has been elected President of the association.

“Rev J J Langdon ” is undoubtedly none other than Isaac J Langdon , since the initials I and J are frequently indistinguishable in the handwriting of the time, and no other Rev Langdon is known to me in this area.
(The following was written in by hand: Isaac J Langdon was grantee of land from Samuel & Druzillah Langdon on 26 Jan 1849. (Lawr Co Ohio deeds Vol 16 p 230) in Sect 24, Twp 2, Range 17. )
7. SAMUEL LANGDON, son of Samuel and Drucilla (Boothe) Langdon, b ca 1829, (Lawr Co )
Oh, (21 on 1850 c, 31 0n 1860 c Lawr Co OH ) ; d.
m 27 Feb 1853, Lawrence Co, Oh, MARY J McCONNELL (5)
(1) CAROLINE LANGDON, b ca 1854 (Lawr Co) Oh (6 on 1860 c Lawrence Co, Ohio)
(2) daughter LANGDON, b ca 1857 (Lawr Co) Oh (3 on 1860 c Lawr Co Ohio ; name given
as ” Caroline” , evidently an erroneous repetition of the previous line)
(3) CASSANDRA LANGDON, b 1860, (Lawr Co) Oh (5/12 on 1860 c Lawr Co Ohio)

8. A daughter born between 1825 and 1830; aged less than 5 years on 1830 c Lawrence Co Ohio.
Evidently married or deceased before 1850 c.

9. DANIEL LANGDON, b ca 1831, Lawr Co Ohio ( 19 on Lawr Co Oh) d.
m . 24 Feb 1853, Lawrence Co Oh., ELIZABETH K BECKET (5)

10. MILLY LANGDON, b ca 1833, (Lawr Co ) Oh ( 17 on 1850 c Lawr Co , Oh ) d.

Not certain of her later whereabouts, unless she is perhaps identical to the Milly Langdon, mother of
James H Langdon, b 1869/70 in .Windsor Twp. Lawrence Co, Ohio (6)

(1) Isaac Boothe family Bible, contained in William McAlexander, Jr., family Bible (copy made in 1928 in possession of Jean D Powell of Stuart, Wa, in 1972). Information from Isaac Boothe Family Bible, passed down in family of Robert G Booth of Corinth, Miss., also incorporated in Lucian D Booth, ” Descendants of George Boothe, 1737-1813, Montgomery County, Virginia”
(Roanoke, Va, 1948).
(2.) E P Willis, “Data Obtained from Cemeteries” (Chesapeake, Ohio, 1932).
(3.) Information furnished by Mr Robert M Willis of South Pt, Ohio R 1 Box 669, 45680
(4.) Montgomery Co, Va, Marriage Records
(5.) Lawrence Co, Ohio Marriage Records
(6.) Lawrence Co, Ohio Birth Records
(7.) Lawrence Co, Ohio Death Records

1912 Addison St # 20
Berleley, Calif 94704
September 14, 1974
(last address)
Mr Robert M Willis
Box 1 Rt 1
Ironton, Ohio 45638

Dear Mr Willis
Sorry to take so long to answer your letter of June 24th. I have been planning to finish my outline on Robert Boothe (1793-1860) and send it to you, but I have still not got it dome. Too much else to do.

So I will send you what I have on Drucilla Boothe Langdon and send the other the next time . I have gotten in contact with a lady in Washington state who is descended from Robert Boothe’s sister so maybe she will be able to add something.

A while ago I looked at the volumes for the 1790 census. The volume for Virginia is really tax lists and covers only about half the state. They used tax lists for 1782-86. They could have used the tax lists for 1788-89 and covered the whole state. I don’t know why they didn’t do that instead except that the 1788-89 lists don’t show how large the families are. Anyway, in Greenbrier county there is a Henry Willis for the 1783-86 tax lists, no further info given. Maybe you are already aware of this. I think that must be your Henry Willis because a lot of early settlers of Lawrence Co were from Greenbrier Co (now part of W Va).

You might be able to turn up more information from Greenbrier Co records, especially land records and court order books. He probably owned property in Greenbrier so there should be Deeds, Grantees, listings for him when he bought the land and Deeds, Grantors, listings when he sold it. If he was in any legal action or served on a jury it would show up. for example, in Montgomery Co, Va , order books, Bird Smith ( probably father or grandfather of Bird Smith in Lawrence Co) and Samuel Langdon are mentioned frequently, especially Bird Smith.

I did find a few items in the Montgomery Co order books that could very well be your Henry Willis:
Order Book 7, Page 8 (Sept 1792)
Henry Willis Plaintiff }
against } In Case
Adams Clendennan Defendant } continued
This is repeated exactly the same on Book 7, Page 57 (Nov 1792), and Book 7, Page 228 (Sept 1793).
I just came across these by accident, it is possible that there are more entries but they would probably not give much more information. At this time Montgomery Co covered a large area including much of what
is now W Va , so this might involve a debt or land dispute in what is now W Va, not necessarily anywhere near present Montgomery Co, Va

Since you did not find the graves of Daniel Boothe and Robert Boothe do you think their grave markers must have disappeared over the course of time? I think E P Willis would have copied them down if he had found them in 1932.
George Pesely

Fresno, Ca
Feb 19, 1984
Dear Mr Willis:

Several months ago I received a phone call from David Solar concerning the Langdon Family line that I have done a little research on. It turns out that his gggrandfather Elijah Langdon is my great grandfather. He thought I might be able to give him more information, but it seems he has more than I have. He gave me 3 birth and death dates for Samuel Langdon who is the father of William Langdon, who is the father of Elijah Langdon. I was most happy to get the information he gave me. He said that you had been very helpful to him and suggested that I write to you. I would appreciate any help you can give me., Of course, I would gladly reimburse you for any expense you would incur (such as copying etc). He did not say what lines you were working on, so I do not know if I could be of any help to you.

I work in the L D S Branch Genealogical Library here in Fresno, but have been quite lax lately in doing research for myself . The additional information Mr Solar gave me has fanned the flame again.

I have quite a lot of data on the Langdons that I have gathered from census records and vital statistics, but have not connected all of it up with my line.

I find genealogy a fascinating thing to do.

I am enclosing a self addressed stamped envelope in hopes you will write to me and maybe we can share information.

Mr Solar gave me your address in Ironton and I wrote you there but it was returned to me. I wrote him that you were no longer there , but it was returned to me. I wrote him that you were no longer there, and he wrote me at Christmas time and gave me your new address.

I do hope to hear from you.
Caroline Marshall
3926 N 6th St
Fresno, Ca 93726

514 19th St NW
Washington 6, D C
May 25, 1962
Dear Mr Willis,

My reaction is that the record to which the enclosed letter refers, while there is some discrepancy in age, may be your ancestor. According to the age of 85 in 1896, she would have been born in 1813, 32 in 1845.

In her application for a pension for minor children she gave her age as 48 in 1865 her birthday would be in 1817. the copy of marriage certificate of George W Willis Jr and Jane Elisabeth Patterson is on date of Jan(?) 12, 1843, – 27-which is rather old for marriages in those days.

I am submitting this letter for your decision regarding ordering the certificate.

Yours truly,
J P Grandy
PS I have searched Lawrence Co and found many Willis families. However, have not prepared it for submission – the typing couldn’t be done in Archives while I made the search as all the machines available to searchers were missing on account of renovation of the rooms. If you want the rough pencil copy I will reduce the price considerably.

Letter dated 6-22-’82
from Probate -Juvenile Court
Lawrence County, Ironton., OH

( The following is from a post card written to Mr Robert M Willis, Ironton, Oh.)

3032 Dent Pl, NW
Washington, DC 20007
Nov 3, 1972

Dear Mr Willis:
Many thanks for your kind letter of Oct 31. The information is most useful to me. I have already written Arnold Willis- await his reply.

I am compiling a book abt 2, 000 Butricks and 8,000 others card indexed.

R P Butrick
(The following were written on the back of a blank Purchase Order from WOODLAND CEMETERY,
Ironton, Ohio)
Hiram Campbell d Aug 2, 1896 age 85-8-21
Tates }
Gates } Luella d May 23, 1897 3-1-29 J A Willis bro
p 88 Emma Willis d Oct 22, 1902 45-6-17 James A Willis Sec 1
p 90 # 3159 Chas Ward Willis d Nov 16, 1903 27-4-8 Sec 8
p 92 # 3214 Kennerd G Willis d July 28, 1913 2- =28 Oscar father Sec 5
p 93 # 3242 Frank Willis d Sept 16, 1903 21-7-1 Sec 8
p105 # 3681 Matilda Willis d Feb 4, 1906 63-1-0 G B Willis husband Sec 8
p116 #4474 Lona Willis d Sept 16, 1907 Sec 8
p128 #4912 Geo W Beam d Nov 28, 1910 65-5-4 Sec 5
p136 #5185 Eliza Willis d July 2, 1911 60-3-17 Rev J H Willis Sec 2
p137 #5233 Martha Lunsford d Oct 2, 1911 66- – V G Lunsford Sec 2
p140 #5328 James H Willis d Mar 3, 1912 65-5-10 Sec 2
p156 #5875 infant of Oscar W d Sept 20, 1914 Sec 5
p158 #5894 Hazel Willis d Oct 27, 1914 8-1-13 Sec 5
p181 #6779 Henry Willis d July 20, 1918 78- – order Willard P C GAR
p188 #7025 Leander Willis d Feb 12, 1919 67- – Sec 16
p193 #7202 Hester A Matney d Oct 19, 1919 68- – Sec 9
p197 #7312 Erastus L Willis d Feb 27, 1920 49-1-4 on LB Willis Est Sec 18
p197 #7334 George Willis d Mar 28, 1920 49-9-22 Sec 16
p201 #7458 John Harley Willis d Oct 8, 1920 -5-21 Sec 16
p203 #7550 infant of Walter H Willis d Feb 4, 1921 Sec 16
& Georgia Willis
p206 #7637 Ronrauger Evans d July 11, 1921 76-7-0 Sec 5
p206 #7649 Minnie Willis d July 16, 1921 37 yrs Sec 16
P208 #7707 Jesse Willis d Nov 10, 1921 44-1-23 Lot 25
p209 #7744 Wm H Willis d Jan 22, 1922 46-2-18 son of Wash Willis Sec 16
p210 #7772 Jessie Gannon d Mar 13, 1922 27-2-0 Sec 5
p215 #7946 Margaret Willis d Jan 3, 1923 81-0-2 believe husb Henry Willis Lot 710 Sec 16
p224 #8279 Chas L Willis d Mar 9, 1924 51-4-19 son of Wash Willis Lot 801 Sec 16
p226 #8327 Lucille Alma Lunsford d Apr 25, 1924 3 mo Lot 277 Sec 16
p227 #8386 Wayne Willis d Aug 17, 1924 26 yr died Walter Reed Hosp Lot 20
DC, Son of Lee Willis
p231 #8517 infant of James & d Feb 21, 1925 Lot 293 Sec 16
p234 #8540 Eliz Aurora Lunsford d Mar 20, 1925 83-2-2 Lot 851 Sec 16
p236 #8705 Charlie Willis d Nov 25, 1925 27 yrs Lot 882 Sec 16
p27 #9207 Fannie Willis d Dec 26, 1927 55-9-24 Husband-Lee Willis Lot 103 Sec 14
p28 #9235 Basil Lunsford d Jan 31, 1928 76-7-6 Lot 95 Sec h
p 31 #9346 Mabel Willis d Aug 27, 1928 29- – Wm Willis Husband Lot 110 Sec 17
p37 #9559 Lee A Willis d Aug 18, 1929 55-4- Lot 102 Sec 4
p44 #9801 infant of ROM d Aug 1, 1930 Lot 137
p54 #10163 Yola Willis d Jan 30, 1932 stillborn Lot 438 Sec 16
p55#10186 Rachel Willis d Oct 18, 1923 74- – Anns S Whitmore father Lot 114 Sec 4
p55#10196 Cornelius Willis d 1922 69- – Lot 114 Sec 4
p57 #10276 Charles Willis d Aug 9, 1932 16-1-10 on G D lot Lot 129 Sec 8
p62 #10431 Oscar Willis d Mar 29, 1933 55-11-12 Lot 120 Sec 5
p68 # 664 Walter M Willis d Mar 27, 1934 42- – Amer Legion Lot 48 Sec 5
p69 # 674 infant of Don R d June 15, 1934 Lot 459 Sec 16
p76 # 720 Mrs Flotn L Willis d June 25, 1935 b March 9, 1878 Sec 1


January 30 , 1979. URGENT. “Butrick, Butterick, Buttrick in the U S A, 1635-1978” is now in the hands of the printers. The book will be hard bound, comprising 280 pages , with a complete index of over 8,000 names. Only 500 copies will be printed. The pre publishing price is $16.50 plus $ 1.50 for
packing and mailing. This price will prevail for orders received prior to February 20, 1979 , after which the price will be $18.50 plus $2.00 for packing and mailing. Orders will be executed in sequence of receipt by me, up to the limit of 500, and at the outset no order will be executed for more than 3 copies. This is to assure the widest possible distribution among members of this widespread family.
send your order , with accompanying check, to me: Richard P Butrick, 3816 Huntington St, N W, Washington, D C 20015.



(3) (2)
Andrew Jackson Sites 1863 12-30- 1962 Abigail Florende Wm & Nancy (Lycan)
May11 1884 Jan 7 Willis 12-27-46 Willis

1. William Sites 8-12-1885 ca 196? Lawrence Bonnie Hatcher Andrew J Sites & ail
Ohio Abigail Willis
2. Anna Rose Sites 4-12-1887 10-4-83 same Winfield (Scott) same
3. Edith Edna Sites 1-16-1905 same Walter Faverty same
4. Arnold D Sites 9-4-1907 same Ethel Connaway same
5. John E Sites 10-16-1894 6-28-1960 same Ethel Conaway same
6. Charles F Sites 4-25-1897 1915 same unmarried same
7. Averall Paul Sites 7-20-1899 1915 same unmarried same
4 Nannie Sites 10-29-1891 9-2-1911 same Herbert McKee same
3. Andrew (Frank) Sites 10-28-1889 6-11-1978 same Margaret Gilbert same

1. William Sites 8-12-85 196?
2. Rosa (Anna) Sites 4-22-87 10-4-83
3. Andrew (Frank) Sites 10-28-88 6-11-78
4. Nannie Sites 10-27-91
5. John E Sites 10-16-94 6-28-60
6. Charles F Sites 4-25-97 1915
7.Averall Paul Sites 9-20-99 1915
8. Edith Edna Sites 1-16-05 12-13-85 Walter Faverty
9. Arnold D Sites 9-4-07

Notes :
(1.) Is this the Rosa who married G A Brammer? Note that parents are not Frank & Susan (Willis) Sites.
Answer: No

(20 Is this Abigail F Willis a sister to Susan Willis on Work Sheet #I ?
Answer; Cousin

(3) These dates are from Birth Records of Lawrence Co, Ohio, Books #3, #4 & #5 at court House,
Ironton, Ohio.


WILLIAM WILLIS, b Greenbrier County, Virginia, Aug 10, 1811. Son of John and Rebecca (Cooper) Willis, m Aug 30, 1828. Elizabeth Davis, b Kanawha County, Virginia, Feb 15, 1814
d Lawrence County, Ohio Feb 14, 1896. He d Lawrence Co, Ohio Aug 18, 1885. Both buried Willis
Cem , Lawrence Twp, Lawrence County, Ohio. He served in Civil War . Commissioned 2nd Lieut. and Commanded 5th W Va Co E inf. 1861-63. His Grandfather Henry Willis was soldier in Rev War. Capt Wm & Elizabeth (Davis) Willis shortly after their marriage moved to Ohio, first to Jackson County, later to Lawrence County.

Their children all born in Ohio. Namely:

1. Sarah Willis b 1829 d 1912 m July 13, 1851 Sardine Paul
2. Rebecca Willis b ca 1831 d 1871 m 1851 Michael Keeney
3. Petunia (Lina) Willis b 1834 d 1871 m April 17, 1852 Clinton Pemberton d 1885.
4. John H Willis b Jackson Co, Ohio 1836 d South Shore, Ky 1908 m Dec 18, 1869 Abigail Slavens of
Scotia Co, Ohio.
5. Pleasant Willis b 2838 d 1918 m (1) Jan 4, 1859 Nancy McConnell b 1840 d 1876 m (2) July 10,
1880 Margaret Ellison.
6. William Willis Jr. b 1839 d 1927 m May 15 , 1869 Nancy Lycan
7. Charley Willis b 1842 m April 13, 1868 Elizabeth Joseph
8. Edward Willis b ca 1845 m April 4, 1871 Almeda Layne
10. Perry Willis b 1850 d ? m May 28, 1872 Amy Pepper
11. Mary Willis b 1852 m Oct 3, 1868 John Pucket
12. Wilmington Willis b ca 1854 d 1862 1st buried Willis Cem

John H and Abigail Slavins were parents among others Judge Simeon Slavins Willis, b Aid , Lawrence Co, Ohio Dec 1, 1879. Gov of Ky 1944-48 d Frankford, Ky April 2, 1965

Copy of a letter written 100 years ago by George W Willis Jr of Rankins Creek, Lawrence Co, Ohio,
while in Service , Co E 5th W Va Inf.
West Virginia
July 3, 1864

My dear wife and children
After my best respects to you all I can inform you that I am not very well at this time I have got the Diarrhea and has had it for 34 days but I am getting a good deal better sense we have got back here which was July 2nd 64 well Betty you and Purlina wrote me a letter being dated June 2d I received it in last b)? day knight and this is Sunday following I am in hope these few lines may find you all in the best of health you wrote for me to write to you and tell you who was our Officers, General Sullivan he is what is called Major General he has charge of the first Division and Creek has the charge over the 2d Division which is the one we 5th Va is in and we are in the 1st Brigade 2 DIV 8 army Corps General Haze is our Brigadier General there is 6 or 8 Regiments in a Brigade one General over each Brigade our Regimental Officers is not change yet as veterans still serve in our old Regt yet same as before well Betty we have bin to old Stanton Lexington Salem Liberty Buckhannon on th James River and from there to Lunchburg we was gone two months and had to do a food deal of hard fighting . Well, Betty we had liked to all Starved to death on this trip we had to live on guator rations for 20 days 5 days a bite now and then as we could get it at houses by force we had to rob for our lives or starve and 5 days without anything our wagons meet us 15 miles the other side of our old camp Ganley with plenty of provisions so when I saw the wagons I was a good deal like Jacob of old when he saw his Sons wagons I could not keep from shedding tears and had like to a fainted and when I got something to eat I lay down thankful to God for his mercies and goodness tome and went to sleep after which I awoke I felt much better and came on until I have got just below the mouth of Elk River in site of Charleston. This is all at this time.
G W Willis

Later captured , held 4 months in Libby Prison till Richmond was taken. died March 21, 1865 in
Co D 1st W Va det Inf neat Cumberland, Md.

His eldest son William T Willis , Co E 5th W Va Inf died Dec 28, 1862 at Parkesburg, Pa in U S Army, Gen Heap

His 2nd son Oliver (Ink) Willis , served in Co A 173rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry (died 1914 at South
Point, Ohio.


Sunday October 8
Dear ” Cousin Durbin”,

I might have really surprised you today as I have just tried to telephone you, with no luck. The reason for the haste:
First, I am going to Gloucester & Richmond Oct 19th for a few days. At Gloucester I’ll be staying at Warner Hall, which was the house of Augustine Warner who built it for George Washington’s grandmother . She is buried behind the lovely house.

My friend who owns it says the only comparable place in Gloucester was (it is gone) the Willis place,

Second, through a man in Ohio whose name I’ve misplaced at the moment, I sent $17.50 for a book called “The Willises of Virginia” by Maud Potter.

I wanted to ask your source material and see what I could find while there? (in Virginia) In the Potter
book which is very exciting there is also mentioned a book by Byrd Charles Willis
R H Willis “The Willis Family of Virginia “, which seemed to be out of print. Do you have it? What did you use?
The first Henry Willis in the Potter book is mentioned on pg 14, -“(5) Henry Willis in (Harry) (1760-) untraced. He was raised at Nommi Hall , Westmoreland Co Va & was agent for Robert (King) Carter in 1776. Henry would be son of 1
Francis Willis and Elizabeth Carter, descending from Frances Willis who married Lady Ann Rich & lived in the great house at Gloucester.
Then , pg 67-Part III, titles ” Henry Willis & Anne Alexander, Mildred Howell & Mildred Washington”

Col Henry Willis 169 1/2 Sept 14, 1740 younger brother of Col Francis Willis born at family seat Whitehall, Gloucester. “Henry lived with Frances til 1730 when he moved to Spotsylvania Co. He was
founder of Fredericksburg & Burgess from S ‘ vana.”

(Much more information on his wares (?) and good deeds, then,
“Col Henry Willis married 3 times , courted 3 belles , Mildred Howell, Mildred Washington & Anne Alexander. Swore to marry them all & did, as widows.

1st, Anne Alexander (Smith) Willis , 1714 had 6 children:
Mary Willis 1716
Frances Willis 1720
David Willis 1721
Henry Willis 1722 – married Elizabeth Gregory, his stepsister: daughter of Mildred Washington.
Roger Gregue” ( See my page B) There is no mention of children.
Then pg 75:
“Col Henry Willis married Mildred Washington Gregory on Jan 23, 1733, daughter of Lawrence Washington & Mildred Warner. She inherited the 2000 acres known as ” Mt Vernon” & sold it in 1726 to her brother Augustine Washington. She had three children from Gregory marriage: Frances, Reuben, and Elizabeth, who first married her stepbrother Henry Willis, then three more husbands-(2) (listing isn’t clear)
(written on side of sheet)
Col Henry- Mildred Howell have nothing to bear on this to my unpracticed eye-it is from pg 69-75.)

Col Henry Willis & Mildred Washington (married 1733) had 1 child (pg 76) Lewis Willis, who married
(no date) 1st , Mary Champs & they had:
1. Mildred Willis
2. John W Willis
3. Henry W Willis
4. Jane Willis
5. Mary Willis
6. William Champs Willis 1770-1845 (on by date)

Follows a story about John W Willis (2 above) Major in Revolution went to Ky or tried to but never found it tho he took up land there. Died in Richmond Va . Three daughters unnamed, undated.

Page 77 Henry Willis (3) , 3rd son , “was captain in Rev War & received 4000 acres of land for slaves. He was very handsome without the superfluous flesh like the rest of us.”

” He was married 3 times. 1st Elizabeth (?), 2nd or 3rd Sarah Williams” No children given; names or dates.

Do you think this is ours? I hope so.

On pg 88:
“–In the Willis graveyard is also the tomb of Claire Carter of———who died in 1796———-
This graveyard was stormed with shot & shell during the assaults of the federalists & bears the marks of the terrible conflict that raged over the quiet dead. Adjoining the Willis graveyard is the National
Cemetery in which over 16,000 Union Soldiers occupy in death the position they gave their lives to attain/”
This seems to be “Willis Hill” at Fredericksburg.

Do you suppose I’m on the right track? there couldn’t have been so terribly many people in those days named Col Henry Willis;

Where did you get your list of Henry Willis’ children? You obviously have it nailed down from there; if the Henry Willis I listed . last. in pg 5 is ours, then we’ve found it all but the burial spot. (If Mrs Potter has it right & she does have a lot, traced from there back to Charlemagne.)

If you want to call me collect, (502-223-0614) be sure to call person-to -person, as I’ m lucky in having
help but they aren’t to good on the phone.

I do hope I’ve stumbled onto the right thing.
Sally W M (Megis)
(Notes written on sheet by Sally Megis)
The Willises of Virginia – Maud Potter
$17.50 to Miss Marie Willis
Rte 1 Box 22
Marshall, N C 28754

Byrd Charles Willis
R H Willis
The Willis Family of Virginia – out of print
(in libraries, etc?)

(on back of sheet)
Col Henry Willis m Mildred Washington
Is this it? answer: They had only one child.
A son, Louis Willis m Mary Champs
Had: John W Willis ca 1855- 1898? m Eliz Beele had 3 daugs
Henry W Willis 1758-1885? m ? had 1 daug
William Champe Willis 1810-1843 m 1796 Lucy Talarerro had 8 ch.

Is this it?

Col Henry Willis- m 3rd time Mildred Washington
Mildred Washington & Robert Gregory
Mildred Washington was George Washington’s Aunt & God mother

Col Henry Willis – Mildred Howell
Col Henry Willis- Anne Smith Mildred Washington & Robert Gregory
\ /
Henry Willis m Elizabeth (Gregory ?)
b 1812-d 1812 \
From Parnell Durbin

(sheet of paper attached to another) WESTERN SUN
(copy of business card) P O Box 406, Lynnwood , 98036

Willis Tucker
Editor & Gen Mgr Phone 774-5151


(from S W Megis)

I have at last found the name of a granddu’ld of either of my Uncle John Willis or Uncle William Willis, both born pre Civil War & went to Washington (state of ) to live. This……………..cousin , ( my fathers great nephew, I believe) is names. SIMEON WILLIS TUCKER & here’s a copy of his card. (See

Back to Mrs Potts ‘ book – it’s a thriller, but there are little things wrong suck as Woodford County, Ky is referred to as Woodford Ky.

(This in reference to Willis Lee. who is prominent in local history, & shows up in these same Francis- Henry line, & I dimly recall Daddy saying there was a connection but I was not at an age to pay attention not at an age to pay attention, Alas.

(Letter on back of same sheet)

Dear Cousin Robert Willis:

Will you answer Megis questions and add anything that will clarify the “Willis” Genealogy. You have found and your sources. You know most of my information I got has come from your records. Sounds as if she also is falling for the Henry Willis that married a sister of George Washington. Remember I was excited and wrote you about – You told me it was a different Col Henry Willis than ours.

It sounds as if she has the time for research and we don’t; for we work and have limited time, If you ever come to Washington DC we would go to Richmond & all those places where Henry Willis & relatives lived. But I don’t like to do it alone- It’s such a short distance from me also. The cemeteries officials of Virginia in Henry Willis & Relatives area tell me- we may never find his grave as many were buried on their own land. He did have 200 acres besides many graves markers were destroyed in the Civil War or so old they can not be read. Dust & poor material. So if you will please write her and I will too giving her your name & address- She has the money & time maybe she can be of help to us also.

(The following written along the top and side of letter.)
They claim our Willis are in Fredericksburg Va now & not Richmond -today.

Abigail Willis Sites (mother’s mom) name was – Barnhart. Nancy Lycan was not her real mother. Did you know that?

Mrs Henry Megis } Governor Simeon Willis daughter.
417 Wapping Street }
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 }

SARAH JANE WILLIS m Edward Pemberton July 25, 1900
b July 12, 1885 b May 8, 1877
d June 5, 1952 d Dec 20, 1950
Buried Highland Cemetery
Huntington , W Va

1. William Willis m Nellie Ransbottom
Children: Merle, Virgil, Stanley, Raymond , Barbara Ann

2. Crayton (Henry Willis m Roslyn Wilson Hoff
b May 17, 1904
Children: Sarah Ann, Crayton Henry

3. Estelle Elizabeth Willis (Twin) m James Wallace Price
b Jan 6, 1907 July 31, 1927
d May 15, 1977
Children: James Lester; Charles Edward, Eleanor Joann, Ray Walter, William Herschel,
Joyce Ellen

4. Lester Willis (Twin) m Mary Jane McKinney
b Jan 6, 1907
d ca 1969
Children: William , Mary Ann

5. Elva Jane Willis m Joseph M Ohlinger
b Feb 12, ca 1917
d Nov 7, 1982
Children: Janice Eleanor , Linda Lou, Dora Jane

6. Daughter
d Infancy

1 Comment
  1. Russ Williams

    I am looking for Bob Willis of Whitehall, NY. He was a fellow Sunday School-mate in my childhood, and lived in Whitehall, NY.

    Bob was likely born in 1943-44, and was older than me by some months.

    He evaporated from school at some point in the 1950s and reappeared in Whitehall in the 1960s. Clearly, I do not know much more about him than what a child would inadvertently pick up while at play…we were both mischievous!

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