Nelson Cox

Nelson Cox Obituary
6 Nov. 1902 Ironton Register

Nelson Cox, the Nestor of the fruit growing industry in Southern Ohio, and one of the most widely known and best-beloved residents of Lawrence County, died at 7:30 0’clock, last Thursday at his home. His death was due to cancer and was expected, even by the deceased himself, who was thoroughly resigned.

Mr. Cox was born at Cox’s Landing, Cabell County, W.Va., May 21, 1828, being past 74 years of age at the time of his death. He was married to Miss Katherine Gardner in 1852, and eight children were born of the union, seven of whom, with the mother, survive the deceased.

The children are Mrs. Eugenia Kerr Of Rockwood, Ohio, Mrs. Maud Burdette of Huntington, W.Va., E. G., U. T., Della E., Mabel D., and Ethel S. Cox, the five last named living on the home place or adjacent farms.

In 1854, Mr. Cox came to Lawrence County, settling on the farm where he passed away, and engaging in the fruit-growing business, which he continued up to the time of his fatal illness.

Rome AppleHe was one of the most progressive orchardists in Ohio and one of the most successful, many farmers in this section of the Ohio Valley have profited from his experiments and excellent results.

He was a member of the Baptist Church, thoroughly consistent in his professions of faith, and a public-spirited citizen. He was president of the Rome and Union Farmers’ Club, in which he was one of the guiding spirits.

The deceased was, perhaps, the most extensive fruit grower in the Ohio Valley and made the Rome Beauty apple, a variety originating in this county, famous by propagating it on an extensive scale. He lived to see over 3000 barrels of apples picked from his orchards this fall, the yield being the banner crop of his farm.

In Mr. Cox’s death, the county loses a resident who will be universally mourned. The fruits of his toil and genius have been given freely to his neighbors with an unselfish spirit that characterized his intercourse with his fellows.

He contributed materially to the advancement of the farming industry and left the memory of an upright life as a legacy to his friends and associates.

The funeral services will be held at the home place, Friday afternoon, at 2 o’clock (fast time). Rev. W. S. Bradshaw will conduct the services and a number Of friends and relatives from this city will attend, many of them being among the guests at a happier assemblage a few months since when the deceased and his estimable wife recognized their golden wedding anniversary.

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