Hugh Means

History of Adams County by Stivers – HUGH MEANS – was born October 14, 1812, at Spartanburg, South Carolina, the son of Colonel John Means, who has a separate sketch herein. His mother was Annie Williamson, sister of Rev. William Williamson also sketched herein. His father and mother moved to Adams County when Hugh was but seven years of age.

He received his education mostly in Ohio, West Union, Ripley, and other schools. He commenced his business career at West Union, at about sixteen years of age, with his brother, Thomas W. Means, who was engaged in merchandising there. He remained with his brother, Thomas, for about three years and then went to Union Furnace in 1831, first as storekeeper, and afterward sold their iron.

In 1835, he went to Greene County, Alabama, engaged with his brother, James W., in merchandising. In 1837, he returned to Ohio because of his father’s death on November 15, 1837, and remained on the home farm in Sprigg Township until his mother’s death on November 30, 1840. That year, he married Miss Ella Ellison, who died in Catlettsburg in 1851.

In October 1843, he was elected to the Legislature from Adams County and served one term. Adams, Fayette, and Highland were in one legislative district with two representatives at that time. Burnham Martin, of Fayette County, was his colleague. After this, he was engaged in merchandising in Portsmouth, Ohio.

In 1847 he became one of the partners in building Buena Vista Furnace in Boyd County, Kentucky, with James W. Means, John Culbertson, and William Foster. In 1848 he built a residence in Catlettsburg, Ky., and removed his home there.

In 1851 he was married to Miss Amanda Wilson. He resided in Catlettsburg, Kentucky, until 1856, when he removed to Ashland, Kentucky, where he continued to reside for the remainder of his life. He was one of the charterers of the Bank of Ashland and was its president from its organization.

He was one of the original owners of the town plant of Ashland, Ky., and helped to organize the town, and as such, he was one of the original members of the Ashland Coal and Iron Company. In 1872, when the Ashland National Bank was organized, he was president and continued until his death.

Politically, he was a Whig so long as that party existed. At the organization of the Republican Party, he identified himself with that and continued to be affiliated with it all his life. During the Civil War, he was a staunch friend of the Union and did all he could for its cause. However, he never put himself forward in any political movement.

He was a member of the Presbyterian Church since 1849. He was elected to the office of deacon and was treasurer for many years. In 1872 he was made a ruling elder in the church and served as such during his life. This was a position for which he was eminently fitted in every way. He kept himself well-informed on all current topics of the day and was deeply interested in all ethical questions.

He, however, had no taste for speaking in public assemblies, but when he did speak, his character and life spoke for him. He was of polished manners, refined taste, exceptional incorrect habits, strictest integrity, and great purity of life. He was respected, honored, and loved by all who knew him. His deeds of charity were numerous but were done so unostentatiously that their extent could never be told.

He had an interest in every enterprise of the church. He was diligent in his business and in his work for the church. He was tall and slender, with admirable bearing, but always of a delicate constitution. He had no children by his first marriage. By his second, he had four. His eldest son, William, died in 1878. His son, Charles W. Means, is a cashier at the Ashland National Bank.

He died on December 15, 1884. His widow and two daughters reside in Asheville, North Carolina.

I. R. Nov. 13, 1884 – DEATH OF HUGH MEANS – Hugh Means, an old and esteemed citizen of this iron region, died at his home in Ashland, last Friday. His funeral occurred on Sunday, and he was buried in the Ashland Cemetery. His disease was consumption. He was born in South Carolina in 1812, came to Ohio when a boy, settled in Adams county, was educated in the West Union Schools, came to Lawrence county in 1832, kept a store at Old Union furnace some years, moved to Catlettsburg about 1845. About 1854, when Ashland, one of the original proprietors, was laid out, he moved there, where he has ever since lived.

David Sinton of Ironton, Ohio

He was married twice – first to Esther Ellison, a sister of David Sinton’s wife, [photo at left is of David Sinton] of T. W. Mean’s wife, of Robt. Lampton’s wife, and of Wm. Ellison’s wife. From this union, a son and daughter were born, both of whom died of consumption. About 1850, he married Amanda Wilson, daughter of Dr. W. B. Wilson of West Union and cousin of Dr. W. F. Wilson of Ironton. This union brought two sons and two daughters, of whom one of the sons has died.

The deceased was a brother of T. W. Means and was interested with him in various iron enterprises. He was one of the builders of the Beuna Vista furnace and owned stock in Star, Belfont, and the Ashland furnaces. But for a long time, he has not been actively engaged in business except as President of the Ashland National Bank.

Hugh Means was a thorough gentleman-candid, intelligent, courageous, courteous Christian. For many years the writer of this incomplete sketch has known him, and he shares the sorrow that he is no more with his many friends.

(Note the following – there must have been two Hugh Means’) Will of Hugh Means, Ashland, Ky., Dec. 5, 1881, proved (date not given, pg. 253-254). To wife (name not given). John Means, executor. (The Means family owned most of the stock, bonds, shares, etc., in most of the large business and furnace ventures in this area.) (from Ashland Tree Shaker, April 1992)

Hugh married Esther Ellison in 1840. Esther (daughter of John Ellison, Jr. and Anna Barr) died 23 Jul 1851, Catlettsburg, Boyd Co., Ky.

  • Charles W. Means
  • Lizzie Means was born in 1856 in Catlettsburg, KY; died Dec. 1902 in Asheville, NC.
  • William Means died in 1878.
  • Daughter Means

Hugh married 2nd Amanda J. Wilson on 8 Jul 1853, Catlettsburg, Boyd Co., KY. Their children were:

  • son Means
  • son Means
  • Daughter Means
  • Daughter Means

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