Hagerman – Hagerman Family

Benjamin Hagaman Genealogy of the Hagerman – Hagaman Family a pioneer family which settled in Lawrence County, Ohio. 

Written and compiled by Benjamin Franklin Hagaman

Benjamin Franklin Hagaman was the grandson of John, now in my 88th year. This booklet was written with the help of my daughter, Nellie Orell Hagaman Stark, on 28 June 1938.

And now, into the kind care and keeping of our Heavenly Father, who has been the guide and help of past generations of the family, we commit all living members in the sincere hope that all may know Him whom to know is Life Eternal. May all names herein also be recorded in the “Book of Life.”


This booklet, History, and Genealogy of the John Hagaman Branch of the Hagaman family, written and compiled by Benjamin Franklin Hagaman with the help of his daughter, Nellie Hagaman Stark, has been compiled under adverse circumstances because of the family being so widely scattered. Therefore, it is not claimed to be exactly authentic, but as nearly as circumstances permit. In all research work, we have tried to get the data required. In some instances, we have failed. For these, which further research may gather, with other added items of interest, and corrections of errors, a later edition might be published.

We are truly sorry for any mistakes we may have made, and to all who contributed information or funds, we are very grateful. The booklet also includes a short sketch of the Thomas Hagaman Branch, written by Harriet Hagaman, and a genealogy of both families, together with a genealogy of the John Hagaman Branch of Carrollton, whom we feel are related. We dedicate this work to the memory of those Ancestral Pioneers who helped build a nation on this Western Continent. “At the beginning of life, we choose our end. By choice of every day, we determine what we shall become.”


“My life is but a weaving
Between my Lord and me;
He chooses all the colors
And works on steadily.”

“Ofttimes He weaveth sorrow;
And I, in blinded pride,
Forget He sees the upper,
And I, the underside.”

“Not till the loom is silent.
And the shuttles cease to fly.
Shall God unroll the fabric,
And show the Unknown Why.”

“The dark threads are as needful
In the weaver’s skillful hand,
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern, He has planned.”
-Author Unknown-

Benjamin Franklin Hagaman, son of Amos, was the son of John Hagaman, who settled in Carroll Co., Ohio, in the early part of the 18th century and died on Oct. 6, 1942, in his 92nd year.



To My Kindred:

These facts concerning the early history of the John Hagaman branch of the Hagaman family, and which I pass on to you, are given as I remember them having been related to me by my mother and other members of the Hagaman family, together with facts obtained in research work, court records, etc.

Back in early Colonial times, the Ancestors of the Hagaman family emigrated to America from Holland, that little country bordering the east shore of the North Sea, whose people are noted for their integrity, uprightness of character, industry, fortitude, and thrift. Any family might be proud of such ancestry and such character emulate.

Across the Atlantic, they came, braving the ocean dangers of that early day. Here, on this then wilderness continent, they sought homes and happiness for themselves and their children, having embraced, and brought with them, the principles which have ever dominated the people of Holland.

We do not know how many westwards moves these ancestors made after their arrival here, before settling in the State of Pennsylvania, we do not know. Tradition says that at what is now Hagerstown, Maryland, there was, in very early days, a settlement of Hagamans, the eldest of whom owned all the land, and that, just previous to his death, he destroyed all papers, so that the Hagamans who lived there would not lose their homes. Our ancestors may have been among these. However, of this, we have no authentic record. The first place of residence here, of which we do have a record, was in the State of Pennsylvania.

So, we will say that somewhere in Pennsylvania, they founded homes for themselves and their families. Then sometimes, in the early part of the 18th century, John Hagaman, my grandfather, and a brother of his, whose name I do not know, following the lead of the early pioneers, came on to the Ohio country, which to them was then the “Far West.”

In what is now Carroll County, Ohio, near a little town called Perrysville, these brothers established homes. What later became of this brother, I do now know. Grandfather John brought with him to this new home as his wife, a woman whose maiden name was Mary De Groff. To them, during those years of adventure, several children were born. I had been led to believe these were six sons, John, George, James, Jackson, Jesse, and Amos.

These are characteristic names in the Hagaman family and have been passed on from generation to generation. These were the only children of grandfather John, of whom I had any knowledge, until recently, on July 9th of this year, when in company with my wife, daughter Nellie, and son Clyde and wife, I visited Carroll County in an attempt to locate my birthplace, of which I had heard so much from the older members of the family. At Waynesburg, Oh., Mrs. Luella Marshall, a granddaughter of Jesse Hagaman, joined our company, and we visited the Recorders Office in Carrollton.

In search of the records, we found to my surprise, that my father’s home had also been the home of grandfather John and that this land had been deeded to my father, Amos, by the Hagaman heirs in 1849. Another surprise awaited us when we found two sons and a daughter of grandfather John, whom we had not known. We also found that the grandmother’s name was Mary, which we had not known before reading the record. A copy of the record follows:

In 1830, Andrew Jackson, President of the United States, granted to James McLaughlin, by Patent deed, the East half of the South-east quarter, 0 Section 12, Township 13, Range 6, containing 74.79 acres in what was then Jefferson Co., Ohio.

  • In 1833 James McLaughlin conveyed the same to Andrew Forman.
  • In 1838 Andrew Forman and his wife conveyed the same to John Hagaman.
  • In 1849, by Sheriff of Jefferson Co., John Hagaman Heirs, transferred the same to Amos Hagaman.

James M. Thomas, Sheriff of Jefferson Co., Ohio, to Amos Hagaman

To All Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greeting:

Whereas on the first day of July A.D. 1848, Jackson Hagaman filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Jefferson County, Ohio, his petition for Partition against Mary Hagaman, widow of John Hagaman, deceased; Nathaniel Fields and Elizabeth, his wife; Michael Hagaman; George Hagaman, John Hagaman, David Hagaman, James Hagaman, Amos Hagaman, and Jesse Catrell, demanding partition of certain real estate hereinafter mentioned and particularly described and also of a certain other a tract of land situate in the County of Jefferson, of both of which tracts the said John Hagaman died seized and. In contrast, such proceedings were had on said a petition.

That at the September Term of said Court, A.D. 1848, the sheriff of said county of Jefferson was ordered to sell said real estate at a public auction whereupon the said sheriff, in pursuance of said order and having caused the same to be duly advertised as required by law did on the fifth day of February, A.D. 1849 sell one of the tracts in said Petition described and hereinafter particularly mentioned at public auction, to one Amos Hagaman, at, and for the sum of Three hundred and seventy-eight dollars, which said the sale was afterward, to-wit, at the May term of said court, in the year Eighteen hundred and forty-nine approved and confirmed and the said Sheriff ordered to Execute and Deliver a Deed in fee simply to the said Amos Hagaman, the purchaser, for the real estate so by him sold, as aforesaid. All of which will more fully and at large appear, reference being had to the records and proceedings of said Court.

Now, therefore Know Ye that I, James M. Thomas, Sheriff of said county of Jefferson, in consideration of the premises and by the powers in me vested by law as such Sheriff, and under and in pursuance of said Court, do by these presents, grant, bargain, alien and convey unto the said purchaser, Amos Hagaman, of Carroll County, Ohio, and unto his heirs and assigns forever, one of the tracts in said petition mentioned and so as aforesaid by me sold to him, and which is described as follows, to-wit:

The East half of the Southeast Quarter of Section twelve (12), Township thirteen (13), and Range Six (6), of the Steubenville Land District, lying and being in the County of Carroll, in said State. Containing Seventy-four (74) acres and seventy-nine one-hundredths of an acre, more or less, being the lands patented to James McLaughlin and by him conveyed to Andrew Foreman, who conveyed to the said John Hagaman, deceased, with all and singular the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging.

To Have and To Hold the said premises unto him, Amos Hagaman, and his heirs and assigns forever. In testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and seal as such Sheriff this fifth day of June, in the year Eighteen Hundred and Forty-nine. Signed, sealed, acknowledged, and delivered in the presence of Moses Dillon and James McKinney.

James M. Thomas Sheriff of the County of Jefferson (Seal) The State of Ohio, Jefferson County, S.S.:

Before the undersigned authority on the fifth day of June, A.D. 1849, personally appeared James M. Thomas, Sheriff of Jefferson County, who acknowledged the signing, sealing, and delivery of the said deed as his free and voluntary act and deed as such Sheriff. Given under my hand and seal officially, this 5th day of June, A.D. 1849 (Seal) James McKinney, Justice of the Peace.

In a further search of the records, we found that it was in 1830 that President Jackson, President of the U.S., granted this tract of land to James McLaughlin by Patent Deed. McLaughlin conveyed it to Andrew Foreman in 1833, and in 1838 Andrew Foreman and his wife conveyed the same to John Hagaman. Whether this was the year that grandfather came to Ohio, we cannot say, but it is the first date we have of any transactions.

Then in 1849, as aforementioned, this tract was conveyed by heirs to my father, Amos. Those on record whose signatures were on the deed as heirs were:

  • John Hagaman (Eldest Son),
  • Mary Hagaman (My Grandmother),
  • Elizabeth Hagaman Fields (daughter),
  • Jackson Hagaman (son),
  • Michael Hagaman (son),
  • George Hagaman (son),
  • David Hagaman (son),
  • James Hagaman (son),
  • Amos Hagaman (son),
  • Eliza Hagaman (probably, for Jesse Catrel, a grandson).

From this, we judge that grandfather John died about 1847 or 1848. The two sons we had not known were Michael and David, and the daughter, Elizabeth, who married Nathaniel Fields.

Eliza, who signed the deed, was probably the widow of Jesse Hagaman, as his signature is not recorded, and she may have signed as guardian for Jesse Cantrell, her grandson, for we have it on record that his grandmother Hagaman raised him, his father John Catrel, having died when he was quite young. This, however, is a matter of conjecture, and we leave it a problem for those interested to solve.

In a further search of the records, we found transfers of this Hagaman homestead down to the present owners, which transfers were as follows: Amos Hagaman sold same in 1853 to John Butterfield; same to John Graham; same to Alex Graham; same to Elizabeth Elliott; same to Charles Gotschall; same to W. E. and Roy McIntosh, the present owners.

We located these present owners and found that they do not live at us the farm’s location. However, they gave us the location of the farm, which lies one mile north, and one mile west of Perrysville. Having found the location, we visited this site of my birth, and I stood on the ground on which our log cabin home once stood upon the floor of which my first baby steps were taken, for it was in that log cabin home that I first learned to walk.

The house has been torn down, and the logs on which it was built were used in the building of two log cabins at Stony Lake Summer resort. This lake covers a part of the farm, once owned by Mrs. Luella Marshall’s grandfather, John Cantrell, and her father, Jesse Hagaman Catrel, was born on this farm.

This farm joins the old Hagaman farm on the east, and brother John and sisters Nancy Jane and Mary were early playmates of our cousin, Jesse Catrel. About 50 feet northwest of where the cabin stood is a massive rock upon which the older children play. This rock, in my judgment, would weigh around 100,000 tons, and any descendants of the family who would care to visit the site of their ancestor’s home would be thrilled by this massive rock, which stood as a sentinel over that log cabin home.

The hearthstone of the old fireplace, which once reflected the heat and glow of the fire in the fireplace, which upon cold wintry days, gave warmth and comfort to the family, still rests in its place, though now is crumbling. The barn, which stands across the road from where the house stood and once sheltered the livestock belonging to grandfather John and my father, is in a state of decay, but the stalls where the horses stood are still there. The old spring house, which is just back of the massive rock, is in a fairly good state of preservation considering the length of time which has elapsed since it was built.

The spring flows on, though, as far as I know, all the Hagaman clan who quaffed off its cool sparkling water, except myself, have passed on. We were given the location of the cabins, which had been built from the logs of this Hagaman home, and we could see them from the north shore of the lake. One by one, the family of grandfather John drifted away from this, their early home in Carroll Co., and of some, no trace can be found.

Anyone into whose hands this booklet finds its way, who can give any information concerning family members should report the same. By chance, we have found those whom we believe to be descendants of John, the eldest son of grandfather John, of whom we had lost all trace, and with the help of these, we have traced their ancestry back to grandfather John of Carroll Co., Ohio.

This eldest son, John, is said to have lived for a time after supposedly leaving Carroll Co. (Probably about 1849) in Jackson, Ohio. Leaving there, he settled at Big Branch, two miles from Chesapeake, Ohio, in Lawrence Co., on a farm, about 1854. Here, the remainder of his earthly life was spent, and the log cabin in which the family lived on this farm near Chesapeake still stands, a monument to those who once called it home.

He was twice married, having had one daughter, Sarah, by his first wife, Miss Fields, or Simons. Both names have been given to us. Which is correct; we cannot say. He later married Sarah Hyett, and five sons and three daughters were born to them. Sarah died from blood poisoning resulting from a scratch on her pet cat.

Their children were

  • Anna,
  • Elizabeth,
  • Jacob,
  • Harriet,
  • Taylor,
  • John,
  • Hiram,
  • Elijah.

Of these children, but one, John Hagaman, now in his 87th year, survives and resides in Chatsworth. John, the father, was interred in Union Cemetery, Chesapeake, Ohio., where quite a large number of this branch of the family rest.

It has been very interesting this tracing descendants of this uncle whom we had lost all trace-something like finding treasures that had long been lost, then regained, giving one a thrill at having them in one’s possession again. It was through Bernice Hagaman, then of Huntington, West Va., who is the daughter of John E., granddaughter of Taylor, and great-granddaughter of John, that we got a trace of the family.

It all came about the result of a football game which Ohio Wesleyan University played with Marshall College team, in which Edwin Hagaman of Delaware, Ohio, played on the O. W. U. team. Bernice, and her brother, noticing his name in the football line-up were interesting, seeing their names were spelled alike. The correspondence which ensued resulted in the discovery of these many relatives.

In this research, we have found that this eldest son John, was born near Big or Little Round Top Mountain, near Gettysburg, Pa., in 1805. So it must have been there that John, the first progenitor of whom we have any record, lived before coming on into Jefferson, now Carroll Co., Ohio. As Gettysburg is close to Hagerstown, which lies just across the Pennsylvania- Maryland State line, it seems that our ancestors might once have lived there.

A genealogy of this branch of the family will follow this sketch, a reading of which by members of other branches of the family will reveal to them how many relatives they have had, of whom they have had no knowledge. And those of each branch, in perusing the genealogy of the other branches of this large family tree, will find that we all have a host of relatives of whom we have hitherto not known.

In this research work, through a visit that my nephew, Charles Touby, made to Carroll Co., recently, ancestors of another John were discovered. This John spelled his name, Hagaman. Mrs. Laura Wagner, daughter of Peter Hagaman, who was the son of John Hagaman, is one of these descendants. She is a resident of Carrollton, Ohio, and her grandfather John owned a farm one mile from Carrollton, which further research showed was purchased in 1834. This John may have been a son of the brother of Grandfather John, as the date would seem to indicate.

Charles also found that one George Hagaman bought a farm in what is now Carrollton in 1834, and Amos Hagaman bought a farm one mile from Lamartine in 1836 and sold it in 1848. What connection these held to the family, we do not know. It is not probable that this Amos was my father, as his father would have been but sixteen years of age, quite young to purchase a farm in 1836.

This George may have been my uncle, we do not know this. They, too, may have been sons of Grandfather John’s brother. But this, again, is conjecture and just something for anyone who so desires to fathom. This John had four sons, Richard, Peter, James, and William, and one daughter Elizabeth. Most of the family members spell the name Hagerman, but Richard, the oldest son, and his family spelled it Hagaman. A genealogy of this branch will be given further on.

Amos, my father, was the youngest of my grandfather’s sons. Here in this new land of their adoption, grandfather John, and grandmother, reared their children, lived, and died, leaving examples of sterling character and fortitude. Somewhere in Carroll Co., Ohio, they lie awaiting the Resurrection morning.

A cousin of grandfather John, Thomas Hagaman, came on into Ohio from Cayuga Co., New York, and settled in Bronson Twp., Huron Co., Ohio, about the same time grandfather settled in Carroll Co., Ohio. A sketch of his family history will be given further on in this history. Of the brothers of my Father, I remember but two, Uncle George and Uncle James.

Uncle George married Nancy Lucas. They lived in Jefferson Co., Ohio, for a time, where John, ‘the eldest son, one of their sixteen children, was born. Later, they moved to the vicinity of Jelloway, Knox Co., Ohio. Here, in this new home, the remainder of their earthly days were spent, and in the little cemetery near Shadley Valley Church, they await the time when the dead in Christ shall rise. Of the children born to them, I remember John, Anna Maria, Elizabeth, Thomas, Mary, Amos, Francis Leroy, Almyer, Orlando, and Caroline.

These cousins of mine were very near and dear to me in my early boyhood days when we roamed the hills of Knox Co. together. John, the eldest son of 1857, took unto himself a wife. He must have been looking well to future happiness for himself and his children, for he chose as his bride a young woman of sterling Christian character-one who was to bring a halo of glory to motherhood and home.

He chose Julia Walls, who was loved and respected in her community. After a few years of residence at Jelloway, Ohio, they established their home in Mt. Vernon, Oh. Seven children came into their homes to gladden their lives. The children were:

  • Charles Homer
  • George Royal
  • Harriet Emma
  • Olive Elnora
  • Lulu Edna
  • Anna Belle
  • Clyde died in infancy.

Of this once-happy family, only the four girls survive. Cousin Maria married Mathias Stonebrook of Carroll Co., Ohio. They, too, settled in Knox Co., Ohio, and nestling at the foot of one of Knox County’s hills, near Jelloway, the house in which they lived and died and where their eight children were born, still stands, though now uninhabited. Of the eight children, but two, John and Mary grew to manhood and womanhood. They both never married and had families, but both have passed on.

Cousin Caroline married Daniel M. Tilton, a young schoolteacher in the community. For a time, they lived on a farm north of Jelloway. Later they built a home on the farm which they purchased a short distance south of Jelloway, and here, amid the scenic beauty of Knox Co. hills, they lived in happiness and contentment with the seven children who came to bless their home until the year 1870 when cousin Caroline passed on.

In the little Shadley Valley cemetery, she was laid to rest near her father, mother, and others of her kind. The children were Homer Curtis, Ellis Ellsworth, Amos Hunter, Charles Summer, Mary Frances, Maria Jane, and William Royce. Daniel later married Amelia Watson. Their children were Josephus, Howard, and Babina Alice. Three of cousin Caroline’s family survive Ellis, Amos, and William Tilton.

Cousin Elizabeth Hagaman married William Dunlap, and both died in middle life. Cousin Thomas Hagaman married Emeline Walls DeWitt, a sister of Julia, cousin John’s wife, soon after his return from the Civil War. After three years of married life, Thomas passed away, having contracted a malady during the war that caused his early demise.

They had two children, a girl, Georgia Anna, and a boy, Brady Crawford, born a few months after his father’s death. Cousin Almyer later married Emel, Father’s widow of his brother, Thomas, and naturally inherited a foster daughter and son. Bradie died when seven years old, and Georgia Anna died in 1901.

Cousin Orlando married Kate Brandinburge Sibert, whom I never knew. They had three sons, Homer and Carl, who died in young manhood, and Harry, who died in 1929. Orlando later married Emeline Dressel, who was born in Tenlersdrif, Germany. They had one son, Fred Raymond, who survives, and resides in Gambier, Ohio. Orlando died in 1892 or ’93 and was interred in a Zanesville, Ohio, Cemetery.

Uncle James Hagaman was married to a woman whose name I do not remember. They had two children, George and Belinda. They, too, settled in Knox Co. near Jelloway, coming into the Co. after George and Amos had located there. After the death of his first wife, he married the widow of George Bowers, Lavina, by name. To them was born a son, Sherman Hagaman, and a daughter, Etta. But of these, we have no further record.

The following facts concerning the Amos Hagaman branch and some items of interest regarding the Sell family will interest their descendants. Amos, the youngest of the sons of John Hagaman, married Elizabeth Sell, the daughter of Benjamin Sell, my grandfather, and for whom I was named.

Her mother’s (my grandmother) maiden name was Fowler. She was a widow when she married grandfather Sell, having been previously married to a man whose sir name was McCarty. They had one son David McCarty. He married a woman whom we know as Aunt Betsy McCarty.

They had three children, John, William, and Mary McCarty. These were half-cousins of mine. The children of Benjamin Sell were two sons, Uncle John and Uncle George Sell. Uncle George Sell is said to have been connected, by marriage, in some way, to Lord Nelson. I do not know whom either married.

They had three daughters besides these two sons: Aunt Mary Sell, who married Hezekiah Norrick, and Aunt Jane Sell, who married James Severns. And Elizabeth Sell, my mother, whom, as I have said, married Amos Hagaman. I understand there are descendants of Uncle John Sell living in the state of South Dakota. Uncle George Sell married Mime Norrick. Their children were Mahala, who married a man named Travis. Jennie, who married a Ward, Ben Sell, who married a woman whom we called Cora Bell, and a second son, Thomas Sell.

General George A. Custer, for whom Uncle George Sell was named, and his two brothers were first cousins of my mother, Elizabeth Sell Hagaman. General Custer, his two brothers, and a nephew were killed at the Battle of Big Horn in the War with the Sioux Indians on June 25, 1876. Early in the morning of the 28th of June 1876, all troops except those left to care for the wounded of Reno’s force repaired to the battlefields and buried the dead of Custer’s column. As few tools were available and the ground baked hard, the interment was not complete in all cases.

Custer was buried beneath a huge mound, and an attempt was made to mark the graves of our identified offices and enlisted men. In all, 212 bodies were buried where they fell. Custer’s defeat was due to the failure of Reno’s force to attack at the time agreed upon. A national Memorial was erected t New Rumley, Ohio, his birthplace, to the memory of Gen. Custer. To come back now to father’s family. In what is now Carroll Co., Ohio, near the little town of Perrysville (Lamertine P.O.), father Amos and mother Elizabeth lived those first happy years of their married life. In this locality, four of their five children were born.

These were brother John, Sisters Nancy Jane and Mary E., and I, Benjamin F., born on the farm once owned by grandfather John. After some years spent here, heeding the entreaties of Uncle George to come to Knox Co., Ohio, to make their home that they might be near each other, father and mother, about the year 1853, decided upon this change of residence. Near the little village of Jelloway, they bought a farm and took up their abode close to their kindred. Here they began life anew. A sweet baby girl, Hannah Catherine, came into this new home, completing the family circle.

 For a time, all went well here, amid congenial neighbors and friends. Then unexpectedly, a cloud overshadowed our home of God called father, Amos, on Jan. 6, 1854, leaving mother Elizabeth with the little farm and five young children to look after and care for. The shadow of this cloud was yet upon us when, early in the spring following father’s death, little Hannah Catherine, after a brief sojourn of eighteen months, went to be with father. Mother knew whom to trust, and by earnest effort on her part, with the help of Him who cared for the widows and orphans, she kept the four remaining children together. Then, six years later, another cloud enveloped not only our home but the homes of our community, state, and nation.

The great Civil War was on. Brother John, desiring to be of service to the nation, enlisted at the beginning of the War but, upon examination, was found to be too small of stature and was ordered home. Determined to enlist, he left the recruiting officer, saying: “I’ll go home and grow awhile and will be back later.” In 1863 he enlisted in Co. I, 2nd Ohio, Heavy Artillery, and was mustered into service at Camp Sheridan, Ohio.

Other young men of the community, including cousins Thomas, Amos, and John Hagaman, left their homes and loved ones and engaged in that great struggle to save the Union. Thomas served in the same Co. and Regiment where brother John served, Amos, in Co. E, 20th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and cousin John left his wife and three small children to serve in Co. F., O.V.I., 142nd Regiment. Many were the hearts that were aching for loved ones who were absent, with a fearful dread that they might never return.

During those long anxious years, I, Benjamin, longed greatly to go into service. Still, being far below the age limit, it was impossible to do this without running away and falsifying my age. This I was sometimes tempted to do, but the thought of my widowed mother, and her hard struggle to carry on, with a heart already burdened because of one son in the service, deterred me, and I stayed on with her and Sister Mary, to “keep the home fires burning.”

Sister Jane had married, just previous to this time, Josephus Tilton, a young schoolteacher of the community, and had gone to housekeeping not far from our home. Brother John was honorably discharged from the service in August 1865, when I had not yet reached my 16th birthday. A little later, another Young man of our community, William Toby, returning from the service of his country, wooed and won the hand of sister Mary. They were married, taking up their residence close by. Then, brother John, on Oct. 22, 1865, took unto himself a wife in the person of Clementine D. Grigsby, and their first home was a short distance south of mother’s home.

Thus, one by one, the brother and sisters had flown the home nest, and mother and I, alone, were left of our cherished family circle. To the best of my ability, I tried to cheer her, and we were happy in each other’s companionship for a brief time. But Soon, illness came to mother, and slowly but surely, it dawned upon us that the home must be broken up.

After weary months of suffering, at the home of brother John, mother laid life’s heavy burdens down, and on my 17th birthday, Dec. 1, 1867, she went to be with those whom she had “loved and lost awhile.”  Sadly, we laid her to rest close by the side of the father and little Hannah Catherine in the little God’s Acre, just south of Shadley Valley Wesleyan Methodist Church, the Church in which, in life, with many others of the family, she worshiped. Here, in this hallowed plot of ground, they await, with many of their kindred, when “the earth and sea shall give up their dead.”

Mother’s passing was a sad blow to us, especially to me, for, being only four years of age at the time of my father’s death, I was too young to remember much about him, and mother had been both parents to me. The other family members had established homes for themselves, but I was motherless and alone at seventeen. Soon after my mother’s death, the family began to scatter. Sister Jane and her husband, leaving the vicinity of Jelloway, took up their residence far to the north at Hartland Center, near Norwalk, Huron Co., Ohio, on a farm they purchased there. Soon after this, on April 5, 1870, sister Mary and her husband took possession of the farm they had purchased at Hartland Center, near the farm on which sister Jane resided.

To sisters Jane and Josephus Tilton, four sons were born during those early busy years of their married life, Greeley, Sydney, Carey, and Johnnie, who died of diphtheria quite young. But one son survives, Carey, of Greenacres, Washington. They also had four daughters, Laura, Ella, Minnie, and Grace. Ella passed away in early girlhood. The other daughters survive. To sister Mary and William Toby were born, two sons, Charles C. and Edwin H., and two daughters, Marguerite Mae and Bessie, and these children survive.

Through hard work and thrift, Sister Jane and her husband built a nice new home on the site of their first home there. Sister Mary and her husband had the ill luck of having a new home burn down with most of the contents, and on this site, they built another nice new home. From these homes, the children of Sisters Jane and Mary went out to find homes for themselves.

These sisters lived here, on the beautiful plains of Huron Co., in close proximity, for many years. From this locality, they passed on sister Jane on the home farm and sister Mary at her home in Norwalk, where she lived after the death of her husband, and both, with their husbands, rest in beautiful Woodlawn Cemetery, Norwalk.

A further record of these families will be given in the genealogy which follows this sketch.

About a year after mother’s death, in 1868, brother John, his wife, and their little daughter Elizabeth, born on their farm near Jelloway, migrated to Waterloo, Ia. I accompanied them on this overland journey, which was made in a covered wagon, the prevailing mode of travel for emigrants of that day.

In this Hawkeye State, three more children came into brother John’s home, Edith, John, and Minnie. After a time spent here, they moved on to what was then Dakota Territory, in Clay Co., the most Southeastern of the Territory, now Clay Co., South Dakota. Here their other children were born. These were Ella, Ida, Charles Wesley, and Ethel. John and Ida died of diphtheria when quite young, and Charles Wesley is also deceased. Here in this new country, they suffered the hardships common to those who settled in the western prairie countries, and her brother John and wife now rest in the little cemetery at Wakonda, S.D.

To come now to myself and my family. After a time spent at Waterloo, Ia., I went into Dakota Territory and pre-empted a claim of 160 acres in the site where Sioux Falls now stands. However, I never proved this claim. I then returned to Ohio and the scenes of my boyhood days.

During the short time which I spent in my old hometown of Jelloway, I went, with a friend of mine, John Tilton, brother of Josephus and Daniel, to visit his uncle, Anthony Jones, his wife Margaret, and family, who lived to the south, near Martinsburg, Licking Co. It was here that I met their daughter, Elizabeth, who came in from Church soon after we arrived at their home.

And then it was, on that first evening of our meeting, that I vowed to make her my wife with her consent. So, after a brief courtship, I, Benjamin F. Hagaman, and Elizabeth A. Jones were united in marriage one winter day, January 7, 1874, while sleet hung heavy on trees and fields and all about us. On our wedding day, the forests surrounding her home looked more like crystal than living trees.

I the scenic beauty of that day I have never forgotten. After our marriage, we settled first in Huron Co., Ohio, near Olena and not far from the homes of sisters Nancy Jane and Mary. Here, two daughters were born, Nellie Orell and Margaret Loumoin. Later we moved to Delaware Co., Ohio, and her two sons, Edwin F. and Sydney Clyde, and a daughter, Callie Blanche, was born.

While happy, those early years of our married life were yet years of hardships. But together, we met them one by one. After a few years spent in Delaware Co., one day, we turned our faces westward, leaving the home we had built in Delaware, Ohio, to strangers and building another, near the home of brother John, near Wakonda, S.D.

We formed new friendships and endured the hardships of cold Dakota winters, blizzards, prairie fires for five years, etc. And here, too, we enjoyed our close fellowship with brother John, family, and our new-found Dakota friends.

But Ohio ties were strong, and in 1890 we returned to the state of our birth and our loved ones here and settled near the little village of Berkshire on a farm we purchased there. We plodded life’s way on this farm with the children God had given us for thirteen years. Then a shadow-like unto the ones that had darkened my boyhood home came upon us as the death angel hovered near, and after a year of suffering, my wife Elizabeth passed on. She now rests from her labors in the little cemetery at Sunbury, Ohio.

Later, I married Mrs. Mary Stickney, and after her demise, Mrs. Rose Swartz. We reside in Berkshire, Ohio. The youngest member of my family at this writing is Sue Ann Hagaman, my great-granddaughter, born March 27, 1938. She is the infant daughter of my son Clyde’s son Raymond Hagaman and is the great-great-granddaughter of Amos and the great, great, great-granddaughter of John.

Now in my 88th year and the last survivor of my father’s family, I have lived to see my children to the fourth generation. During my life span, it has been painful to stand by the grave-sides or to know of the passing of all other members of my father’s family.

With the poet, I can say–

“Friends, my soul with joy remembers
How, like quivering flames, they start
When I fan the living embers on the hearthstone of my heart.”

I have tried so to live that I would bring no disgrace to the name which I bear. My heart desires that my children, and all others connected with the family, shall keep the family name untarnished. In this sketch, we have gone Tar back in our thinking, recalling large numbers of the family, who, after being called into action, each for a brief life span, have filled their places well and then passed on. This brings to our minds the lines of Bryant’s Thanatopsis:

“They that tread the earth are but a handful to the tribes that slumber in its bosom.”

During the intervening years that had elapsed since that day when our progenitors first landed on our Eastern shores from far off Holland, Hagamar descendants have spanned this continent. They have hit the trail from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast.

At Long Beach, California, Ethelyn Hagaman Davis, daughter of Charles W., granddaughter of brother John, great-granddaughter of Amos, and great-granddaughter of John, resides. At Los Angeles, Mary Brockenmeir and Margaret Sumpkins, sisters and daughters of Edith Hagaman Donahue, two other great-great-granddaughters of John, have established their homes.

While a descendant of Jesse Hagaman, Joseph H. Lane, son of Minnie Catrel Lane and great-great-grandson of John, resides in Lenox, California. While Oscar Hagaman, son of Hiram and grandson of John, of Chesapeake, Ohio, resides in this same state, at Receda, California.

The far Northwest State of Washington, too, claims as residents many descendants of grandfather John. Here Carey J. Tilton and their son Earl reside, Carey at Green Acres and Earl at Spokane. Earl is a grandson of sister Nancy Jane Hagaman Tilton, great-grandson of Amos, and great great grandson of John.

Farther west and north, at Seattle, in this same state, Ellis Elmore, Willard Royce, and Evelyn Caroline Tilton, great-great-grandchildren of John Hagaman, great-grandchildren of Uncle George, grandchildren of cousin Caroline Hagaman Tilton, and sons and daughters of Charles Sumner Tilton reside.

In contrast, a brother of theirs, Kenneth Elwood Tilton, resides in Grand Coulee, Wash. Then further to the northwest, on Juan De Fucu Strait at Port Angeles, Wash, another great-great-grandson of John, Charles Orville Hagaman, son of Charles W., resides. While far to the southeast in Florida’s sunny clime John J. Hagaman, son of Charles W. and another great-great-grandson of John, is attending school and resides with his mother in Tampa.

In the genealogy to follow this sketch, we have records of descendants living in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Tennessee, West Va., Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, California, Oregon, Washington, New York, Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri, Florida, South Carolina, Dist. of Columbia, Alaska, Georgia, and Ohio.

In the U.S. Navy, at Florence, South Carolina, Harold F. Hagaman, son of Sydney Clyde, my grandson, great-grandson of Amos, and great great grandson of John, is stationed as Recruiting Officer for the U.S. Navy. While far out in the Pacific on the Battleship U.S.S. Chester, Carlyn W. Hagaman, son of Charles W., Grandson of John J., great-grandson of Amos, and great great grandson of John, is stationed. Thus they, in the Navy, one on the Atlantic coast, the other in the Pacific, stand ready at the present writing to help to defend our shores.

In civil life, we have entered varied activities of life. Many have tilled the soil, thus bringing forth sustenance for their families and other families. They have lived close to nature and to nature’s God. Many have gone forth to war at their country’s call, and these have helped preserve the nation. Some have entered the legal profession. Others have been doctors, and these have battled against the ravages of disease. Some carpenters have helped build the nation’s homes, churches, etc.

Besides these, many other life pursuits have been followed by different family members. But teaching has appealed to more young people than any other profession. Thus, we have helped to build a more intellectual citizenry. They have been affiliated with the Church and its program of evangelism. Their women have “looked well to the ways of their households” and have brought up their children in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord.”

May they, of the coming generations of the family, attain greater heights in the civic, intellectual, and spiritual life than past generations have attained until that day when the kingdoms of this world have become the “Kingdom of our Lord.” May they remember, too, that:

 “The clock of life is wound but once,
And no man has tile power
To tell just when the hands will stop
At late or early hour.
Now is the only time you own:
Live, love, toil with a will,
Place no faith in tomorrow, for
The clock may then be still.”

This brief sketch has been written in the hope that it may be of interest and help to this and future generations of the Hagaman family.

The following poem was written by Mrs. W. W. Brown on one of her late birthdays. I find it applicable to my own life.


In looking back o’er all the years,
I’ve had my hopes, I’ve had my fears;
In retrospection, it appears
I’ve had more sunshine than tears.
Sometimes a cloud would hide the blue,
I would not know just what to do;
Then through a rift would shine a gleam,
Right down my pathway, it would seem.
To guide: So I would surely know
This was the way that I should go.
The later milestones quickly pass,
Much faster than when one’s a lad or lass.
The many things I’ve tried to do,
Have dwindled down to just a few;
And others that are just begun,
Are those I fain would have well done.
Perhaps, in order to abide by,
I’ll finish on the other side;
Where faith is perfected in sight,
The darkened glass is clear and bright.
The golden sunset’s gorgeous rays,
It is just before the close of day;
In quiet beauty to unroll,
With just a glimpse, it calls the soul.
So may we listen, not afar
Slip through the golden gates ajar;
And welcome on the other shore
Our loved ones are there to part no more.
But until then, make the most of life,
Serenely without noise or strife;
Be cheerful. helpful, never glum,
In doing this, the others won.

And now, into the kind care and keeping of our Heavenly Father, who has been the guide and help of past generations of the family, we commit all living members in the sincere hope that all may know Him whom to know is Life Eternal. May all names herein recorded, be also recorded in the “Book of Life.”

Benjamin Franklin Hagaman
(Grandson of John)
Now in my 88th year.

This was written with the help of my daughter, Nellie Orell Hagaman Stark, on June 28, 1938.


Michael Hagaman, son of John & Marh Hagaman, married Sarah Crofe, on Apr. 24, 1821, in Fayette Co., Pa. They had nine children. This information was obtained by Harold F. Hagaman from Fayette Co. Pa. Records after the publication of this book.

The first progenitor of whom we have any authentic record.

John Hagaman died in Carroll Co., Ohio, probably about 1847 or 1848. He married Mary De Groff of Pennsylvania in the early 19th century. 

Their Children:

  • John Hagaman, Jr., B. Aug. 30, 1805; D. Jan. 17, 1892.
  • George Hagaman, Died Aug. 28, 1870.
  • James Hagaman, no record of the date of birth or death.
  • Jackson Hagaman, no record except signature to the deed.
  • Jesse Hagaman, no record of the date of birth or death.
  • Amos Hagaman, B. April 15, 1820; D. Jan. 6, 1854.

These were the only children we knew until recently when a search of Carroll Co. records revealed that there were two other sons.

  • Michael Hagaman, no record except signature to the deed.
  • David Hagaman, no record except signature to the deed.
  • Also, a daughter Elizabeth Hagaman, has no record except that she married Nathaniel Fields. John came to Ohio from Pennsylvania early in the 18th century and settled near Perrysville (Lamartine, P.O.), Carroll Co.

(John, Eldest Son of John)

John Hagaman, Born Aug. 30, 1805, at Big, or Little Round Top, near Gettysburg, Pa., Died Jan 17, 1892, at Chesapeake, 0. Married (-) Fields, Elizabeth Simmons, March 8, 1829. One Daughter.

  • Sarah Hagaman, born in 1835, died in 1915. Later married Sarah Hyett, Born Aug. 15, 1815, and Died Jan. 17, 1887.

Their children

  • Annie Hagaman, born in 1841, Died in 1934 at the age of 92 years.
  • Elizabeth Hagaman died young in years.
  • Jacob Hagaman, born March 24, 1845, died March 17, 1928.
  • Harriet Hagaman, dates not known.
  • Taylor Hagaman, born Sept. 19, 1848, died Dec. 28, 1907.
  • John Hagaman, born Dec. 25, 1851
  • Hiram Hagaman, born Oct. 15, 1852 died Oct. 31, 1930.
  • Elijah Russell Hagaman was born Dec. 25, 1857, in Lawrence Co., Ohio, d. Dec. 30, 1925.

John was a School Teacher in his earlier life and later a Stone Cutter. He lived in Jackson, Ohio, for a time after, as we suppose, leaving Carroll Co. Then, in about 1854, he settled at Big Branch, 2 miles from Chesapeake, Ohio, on a farm where the remainder of his earthly days were spent. He was interred in Union Cemetery, Chesapeake, Ohio. The children are all deceased except John of Chatsworth, Il.

(Sarah, daughter of John)

Sarah Hagaman, deceased. She married Asa Heffner, of Chesapeake, Ohio, deceased.

Their children:

  • Asa Heffner, born 1863, died 1937.
  • Wesley Heffner
  • Sadie Heffner, born April 11, 1867.
  • Olive Heffner, born Oct. 9, 1872.
  • Wesley Heffner, son of Sarah, deceased, married Lois Bagley, nine children.

Their children:

  • Florence Heffner
  • Luella Heffner
  • Walter Heffner
  • Lennie Heffner
  • Nellie Heffner
  • Sidney Heffner
  • Russell Heffner
  • Elmo Heffner
  • Lloyd Heffner

Sadie Heffner, daughter of Sarah, married John Eaton.

Their children:

  • Bessie Lee Eaton, Born Aug. 13, 1887.
  • John married Elizabeth Fields. After the book’s publication, correct information was obtained from Jefferson Co. Ohio records.
  • Homer Eaton, Born Aug. 16, 1889, Died June 11, 1892.
  • Bessie Lee Eaton married W. E. Hicks. Three children, Virgides Hicks, Olive Heffner, daughter of Sarah, married Creg Pike. Their children are Jimmie Pike, Lydia Pike, and Stephen Pike. These three died of diphtheria when quite young.


(Daughter of John)

Annie Hagaman married Joseph Langdon, Died Dec. 1914.

Their children:

  • Jasper Langdon, born in 1861, died in 1929.
  • Ephraim Langdon, born in 1864, Died in 1921.
  • Ida Langdon, 1865 or 1866.


Annie later, at the age of 66 years, married Armstrong D. McKee, who preceded her in death for several years. Annie Hagaman Langdon died in Dec. 1934, having attained the age of 92 years and over the longest life record recorded in this Hagaman genealogy. They lived
at Chesapeake, Ohio.

Jasper Langdon, son of Anna, married 1883 Emma Fullerton, born 1864, died 1921.

Their children:

  • Rachel Langdon, born in 1884, Died in 1916;
  • Curtis  Langdon, Born in 1885;
  • Lena Langdon, Born in 1887;
  • Forrest Langdon, Born in 1888;
  • Myra Langdon, Born in 1891;
  • Ida Langdon, born 1893, Died 1919;
  • William E. Langdon, Born in 1894;
  • Goldie Langdon, Born in 1896;
  • Ephraim Langdon, born in 1900, is deceased.

Curtis Langdon, son of  Jasper, married Hazel Wallace. Their children:

  • Evelyn Langdon (married, no children)
  • Annie Langdon, Ruth Langdon, J. T. Langdon.
  • Curtis Langdon resides in Augusta, Ga.
  • Lena Langdon married Glen Hamlin (no children). Address, Mrs. Lena Hamlin, Chesapeake,

Forrest Langdon, son of Jasper, married Hattie Black. Their children:

  • Dorothy Langdon (married, one child)
  • Winifred Langdon
  • Mildred Langdon (married, no children)
  • Forrest Langdon, Jr.
  • Georgie Langdon
  • Ida L. Langdon
  • Bobbie Langdon
  • Myra Langdon (daughter of Jasper) married W. L. McMillen. One daughter, Irene McMillen. Myra Langdon McMillen lives in Huntington, W. Va. Irene McMillen married Sam Taggart (no children). Irene McMillen Taggart lives in Chillicothe, Ohio.
  • Ida Langdon married Everett Carrico with two children, Mabel Carrico, and Herman Carrico.
  • William E. Langdon, son of Jasper, married Emma Paul in 1919. One daughter, Rosemary Langdon. Address: William E. Langdon, Chesapeake, Ohio.
  • Goldie Langdon married Charles Gregg, deceased. One son, Charles Gregg, Jr., Goldie Langdon Gregg, lives in Chillicothe, Ohio.

Ephriam Langdon, daughter of Annie, married Lizzie Riddle in 1886.

Their children:

  • Harry Langdon, born 1887, deceased;
  • Gertrude Langdon, Born in 1888;
  • Fred Langdon, Born 1892, deceased;
  • Annie Langdon, born 1894, deceased;
  • Nellie Langdon, 1896;
  • Herman Langdon, born in 1900, died in infancy;
  • Lennie and Leonard Langdon, twins, Leonard died in infancy;
  • Gladys Langdon died in infancy.

Gertrude Langdon, daughter of Ephraim, married Lee Maddy. Three children.

  • —- Langdon, deceased, married, had one posthumous son.
  • Nellie Langdon married Otho Leffingwell with no children.
  • Lonnie Langdon, married, has 2 or 3 children.

(Son of John)

Jacob Hagaman married Aug. 12, 1866, at Chesapeake, Ohio. Elizabeth Bates, Born May 1847, Died March 31, 1922.

Their children:

  • John Herbert Hagaman, Born in August 1875.
  • Charles Hagaman, born April 13, 1878, died April 18, 1931. Jacob served in the Civil War as Sergeant, Co. A, 173rd Ohio Volunteer
    Infantry. In civil life, he was a carpenter and farmer.


John Herbert Hagaman, son of Jacob, married 1898 Ida Lewis, Born in 1884.

Their children:

  • Charles Hagaman, Born March 30, 1899;
  • Anna Hagaman, Born Feb. 4, 1901;
  • Gordon Hagaman, born 1908;
  • Constance Hagaman, born 1911;
  • Maxwell Hagaman, born in 1914;
  • Iretta Hagaman, Born 1917;
  • Pearl Hagaman, Born 1919;
  • Lorain Hagaman, Born 1921;
  • Betty Hagaman, Born 1927. John Herbert is a farmer and resides in Big Bay, Michigan.

Charles Hagaman married Callie Riddlebarger. Four children,

Marcella Hagaman, Wanda Lee Hagaman, 2 boys. Anna Hagaman married William Young. Their children:

  • Fred Young,
  • Richard Young.
  • Anna later married Albert Sibley.

One daughter, Mary Anna Sibley. Address: Mrs. Anna Sibley, Kansas City, Kansas. Gordon Hagaman married Helen Hefner. Their children:

  • Ruth Hagaman,
  • Billy Hagaman
  • Constance Hagaman married Thomas Alley with 4 or 5 children.
  • Lorain Hagaman married.

Charles Hagaman, son of Jacob, married in October 1898. Jennie Cremeans, Born Nov. 11, 1877. Their children: Enid Hagaman, born July 16, 1899. Virginia Ruth Hagaman, Born on Sept. 13, 1915. Charles was a schoolteacher. Enid Ifagaman, daughter of Charles, married Sept. 12, 1923. Frank Puntenney, Born on Feb. 1, 1896.

Their children:

  • Joanne Puntenney, Born on March 24, 1927.
  • Frank Puntenney, Born on July 13, 1924. Frank was a World War Veteran. Overseas 13 months. Served in the 83rd Div., 308th
    M.O.R.S. He was honorably discharged on July 29, 1919. Present address: Enid Puntermey, 1224 Mayo St., Sciotoville, Ohio.

(Daughter of John)

Harriet Hagaman married Hiram Ransbottom after the Civil War. Their children: Mollie Ransbottom, Annie Ransbottom, Thomas Ransbottom, Ella Ransbottom, and Elizabeth Ransbottom, Born Jan. 22, 1882. Hiram served in the Civil War.

Mollie Ransbottom married Thomas Adams. The children: Kenneth Adams, Loyd Adams, Ernest Adams, and Pearl Adams. Kenneth Adams married Bessie Russell.

Their children:

  • Margie Adams,
  • Russell Adams,
  • Jack Adams,
  • Bettie Lou Adams,
  • Boyd Adams,
  • Rose Mary Adams.

Loyd Adams married Sybil Gibson. Their children are Doris Jean Adams and Sidney Hope Adams.

Ernest Adams married Evelyn Kineade. Their children are Eugene Adams and Adne Ruth Adams.

Pearl Adams married Edward King. Their children were Mary Philis King, Emerson King, Edwin King, and Louis King.

Annie Ransbottom married Fred Booth of Chesapeake, Ohio. Their children: are Lillian Booth, Garland Booth, Elmer Booth, and Velma Booth.

Lillian Booth married Tom Russell. Their children: Freddie Russell, Joe Russell, and Dan Russell. Garland Booth married Mary Foke, one daughter, Mona Lee Booth.

Elmer Booth married Goldie Lynch (no children)

Velma Booth married Ralph Farley and had one daughter, Maxine Sue Farley.

Thomas Ransbottom married Lena Cassady (deceased). No children. Thomas later married. He resides in Ironton, Ohio.

Ella Ransbottom married Sam Bowman. Their children: are Elbert Bowman, Wilbert Bowman, Katie Bowman, Lennie Bowman, Anna Bowman, Max Bowman, Merrill Bowman, and Everett Bowman.

Elizabeth Ransbottom married on June 10, 1902. Henry Pemberton, Born in 1880. Their children: Russell Pemberton, Born March 28, 1884. Raymond Pemberton, Born Feb. 16, 1886, died when 10 yrs. of age. Elsie Ruth Pemberton, Born Feb. 13, 1919. They have lived in Illinois
for the past 30 years. Address: Mrs. Elizabeth Pemberton, Piper City, Ill.

Russell Pemberton married on Feb. 6, 1929, Eleanor Anderson of Huntington, West Va. Their children: Neil Russell Pemberton, four years of age. Glen Pemberton, two years of age. Address: 2121 Donald Ave., Huntington, West Va.

(Son of John)

Taylor Hagaman, deceased, married Mary Alice Wilson on Sept. 1869. Their children: Isaac Hagaman, Born April 8, 1871. John Edward Hagaman, Born on July 29, 1872. Abraham Hagaman, Born Dec. 25, 1880.

Taylor was a School Teacher. He lived for many years in Chesapeake, Ohio, and is buried in Union Cemetery, Ohio. Isaac Hagaman, son of Taylor, married on April 28, 1889. Ida Howell, Born Dec. 26, 1871, Died Nov. 30, 1926.

Their children:

  • Lee Taylor Hagaman, Born May 12, 1890;
  • Rachel Hagaman, born in 1892, Died in 1901;
  • Eliza Hagaman, Born 1894;
  • James A. Hagaman, Born Sept. 1896;
  • George Hagaman, Born June 15, 1898;
  • Pearl Hagaman, Born July 14, 1900;
  • Abraham Hagaman, Born Feb. 23, 1903, Died at the age of 23 years;
  • Susan Hagaman, Born April 12, 1905;
  • Raymond Hagaman, Born 1906, Infant deceased;
  • Benjamin E. Hagaman, Dec. 13, 1906;
  • Olan Hagaman, Born 1908. 
  • Infant deceased;
  • Ruth Hagaman, Born Sept 9, 1913. All of Chesapeake, Ohio, except Susan, who resides in Huntington, W. Va.

Lee Taylor Hagaman, son of Isaac, married Sept. 6, 1915. The family resides in Chesapeake, Ohio.

Their Children:

  • Delta Mae Hagaman, Born Aug. 26, 1916;
  • Velma Hagaman, Born March 30, 1918;
  • Mary Hagaman, Born Sept 16, 1920;
  • Merrill Hagaman, Born July 3, 1922;
  • Shirlene Hagaman, Born Oct. 8, 1924;
  • Juanita Hagaman, Born July 22, 1926;
  • Pauline Hagaman, Born Aug.26,1928;
  • Robert Lee Hagaman, Born Sept. 8, 1934;
  • Evelyn Hagaman, Born July 6, 1937.

 Delta Mae Hagaman married on Jan. 21, 1934, and Cecil Philips was Born on March 30, 1907. One daughter,

  • Virginia Philips, Born on Oct. 5, 1935.

James A. Hagaman (son of Isaac) married on March 1, 1919. Mabel Webb, Born October 5, 1900

Their children:

  • Bernard Hagaman, Born March 8, 1920;
  • Maxine Hagaman, Born Jan. 7, 1922;
  • Norman Hagaman was Born on March 30, 1923.

George Hagaman, son of Isaac, married on Sept. 9, 1922. Bessie Tomlinson, Born on May 23, 1904.

Their children:

  • George Hagaman, Jr., Born on April 25, 1923.
  • Erma Hagaman, Born March 4, 1926.

Pearl Hagaman, daughter of Isaac, married on Dec. 24, 1919. Roy Baise, Born Aug. 30, 1895, Died Oct. 14, 1928.

Their children:

  • Opal Baise, Born Nov. 26, 1920; Lorena Baise, Born Jan. 29, 1923. Lorena Baise married March 24, 1930. Andrew Adkins, Born April 23, 1900.
  • Susan Hagaman married Bert Bradley, Born on March 21, 1905.

Their children:

  • Betty Jean Bradley, Born April 12, 1924;
  • Bobby Joe Bradley, deceased Jan. 1929;
  • Peggy Sue Bradley, Born Jan. 1, 1930;
  • Johnnie Bradley, Born on Sept. 21, 1932.

Benjamin E. Hagaman, son of Isaac, married Jan. 13, 1929, Kathryn Nicely, Born Jan 13, 1913. One daughter, Betty Jean Hagaman, was Born on Dec. 11, 1929. Ruth Hagaman married Layne Moore on April 23, 1936, and was born on Jan. 28, 1903.

John Edward Hagaman married on April 11, 1891. Sarah Catherine Rule, Born April 6, 1875, Died March 29, 1931. Their children: Benjamin Franklin Hagaman, Born Jan. 14, 1893. Homer Paul, Hagaman, Born Aug. 20, 1895. Bernice Elizabeth, Born Feb. 12, 1908, was not married.

John E. later married Adelaide Keller on Aug. 10, 1935. John E., a stone cutter by trade, lives on a farm. Address: Route 1, Lavalette, W. Va. Present address of Bernice E., 775 Stanley Ave., Columbus, Ohio.

Benjamin Franklin Hagaman married Blanche Hulbert. Their children: Charles Edward Hagaman Opal Pauline Hagaman. Benjamin later married Hazel Floyd. Benjamin F. is a machinist by trade. Charles E. in training for Radio Dept. of U.S. Navy. Benjamin’s address is 2705 River View Ave., Huntington, W. Va.

Homer Paul Hagaman married Ethel Miller. Their children: Homer Hagaman, Jr.; Harold Loyd Hagaman, Helen Isabel Hagaman. Homer is an electrical engineer. Homer, Jr., studying electrical engineering. They reside at 103 Cedar St., Huntington. W. Va.

Abraham Hagaman (son of Taylor) married Queen Victoria Rule. No children.

John, son of John Jr.

John Hagaman married Margaret S. Halferty Bagley and died on April 20, 1883. Their children: Blanche Hagaman and Margaret Hagaman. John later married on Dec. 25, 1887, to Emma Margaret Carver died on Oct. 30, 1933.

Their children:

  • Jean Hagaman, Born Nov. 28, 1889 at Forrest Ill.
  • Lotta Hagaman, Born Nov. 2, 1892; Sarah Ellen Hagaman, July 9, 1894;
  • Viola Mae Hagaman, May 5, 1896. These three died Nov 26, 1914, in an automobile accident with a train at a railroad crossing.
  • John resides in Chatsworth, Ill. He was 86 years old on Dec. 25, 1937.
  • Blanche Hagaman married on October 11, 1918, at Forrest, Ill. (Blanche was born in 1880)
  • James Richardson Melvin-no children.

Blanche resides in Forrest, Ill. Margaret Hagaman married Willis Grover Andrews. Their children: a son, John Lewis Andrews. Margaret resides in Palmer City, Ill.


Son of John

Hiram Hagaman, son of John, married at Chesapeake, Ohio, to Sarah Caroline Langdon, Born Sept. 13, 1858, died May 15, 1919.

Their children:

  • Albert Hagaman, born about 1876, deceased;
  • Oscar E. Hagaman, born Sept. 26, 1878;
  • Frederick B. Hagaman, born Aug. 16, 1880;
  • Bennie Hagaman, born 1881 or 1882, deceased;
  • Estella B. Hagaman, born July 11, 1883;
  • Nelle M. Hagaman, born Sept 6, 1885;
  • Walter E. Hagaman, born about 1886, deceased; Lydia R. Hagaman, Born May 20, 1894; Amanda Grace Hagaman, born Jan. 6, 1899.
  • Oscar E. Hagaman (son of Hiram) married Mary Seafkes.

Their children:

  • Orlin Hagaman is married, has one child, and lives in Alaska. Floyd Hagaman lives in Alaska.
  • Clifford Hagaman was killed in a motorcycle accident.
  • Hiram Hagaman Caroline Hagaman

The children all graduated from High School, and the four boys played in the High School Band. Oscar resides in California. Address, Receda, California.

Frederick B. Hagaman married Minnie Jewkes.

Their children:

  • Harold D. Hagaman, Born October 13, 1904, died Jan. 29, 1915;
  • Lois Verda Hagaman, Born Nov. 28, 1909, died March 25, 1910;
  • Elva Fern Hagaman is about 21 years of age. Fred resides on R.R. 2, Niles, Mich. Elva Fern graduated from Edwardsburg, Mich. High School. She was awarded a State Teachers Scholarship, attended college in Kalamazoo, Mich., and the past winter taught school in Marne, Mich.

Estella B. Hagaman married Willard L. Goodall in 1908.

Herman Ishmael Goodall married Helen Davis. Their children are Rose Mary Goodall, Willard Earl Goodall, and David Lee Goodall. Ishmael attended Marshall College and played in the College Band and Orchestra. Resides in Chesapeake, Ohio.

Nelle M. Hagaman married Aug. 24, 1906, J. Earl Campbell, born July 8, 1880 -no children. They reside at 2554 First Ave., Huntington, W. Va.

Lydia Ruth Hagaman married Ralph Solomon (deceased) in 1917

Their children:

  • Ralph Vernon Solomon, Born in 1919;
  • Virginia Eloise Solomon, Born in 1922;
  • Twins Maxine Stelle Solomon, and Marian Nelle Solomon, Born in 1925.
  • Ralph Vernon graduated June 16, 1938, from Central High School, Kalamazoo, Mich. Address: Mrs. Lydia Solomon, 428 Winstead St., Kalamazoo, Mich.

Amanda Grace Hagaman married Dec. 25, 1919. Elmer T. Lewis, Born in 1898 or 1899. Their children were Retha Joe Lewis, who died at the age of 3 years. and Elmer Lewis, Jr., died when but 16 days old. Address: Mrs. Grace Lewis, Chesapeake, Ohio.


Son of John

Elijah Russell Hagaman married in 1877 at Huntington, W. Va. Nancy Agnes Newman, born Jan. 25, 1858, died Dec. 1, 1911.

Their children:

  • mma Hagaman, was born Feb. 28, 1879, in Lawrence Co., Ohio.
  • Susia O. Hagaman, born May 18,1881; died May 1898 in Huntington W.Va.
  • Effie Hagaman, born Sept. 12, 1883, died April 7, 1912.
  • Della Hagaman was born Nov. 18, 1885, in Lawrence Co., Ohio.
  • Jesse Hagaman, born Nov. 25, 1887, at Huntington, W. Va.
  • William Hagaman was born March 2, 1892, in Lawrence Co., Ohio.

Susia O. Hagaman and Effie never married. Effie died in Lawrence Co., Ohio, and Susia at her father’s home in Chenova, Ill.

Emma Hagaman married in April 1899 in Knoxville, Tenn.

William Brent McClellan of Pennsylvania-no children.Their address: Jacksboro, Tenn.

Della Hagaman married in 1906 Huntington, W. Va. Adoph Watts, who died in Huntington, W. Va. They had one daughter, Alice Watts, born in 1907. Della later married Clarence Bridges in 1918, who died in Bloomington, Ill. Della resides at present at the home of her brother Jesse. Address, Route 2, Lucasville, Ohio.

Alice Watts married Earl Blankenship in 1926 in Knoxville, Tenn. They reside in Tennessee.

Jesse G. Hagaman married in 1910 at Portsmouth, 0. Jennie Allen, born March 26, 1890, died Nov. 5, 1936.

Their children:

  • Margaret L. Hagaman, born Mar. 12, 1911, in Cheneva, Ill.;
  • Catherine M. Hagaman was born June 7, 1914, in Bloomington, Ill.
  • Dorothy. Hagaman was born on Feb. 5, 1916, in Bloomington, Ill.
  • Mabel L.Hagaman, born May 10, 1918 at Pontiac, Ill. died Jan. 1, 1902.
  • Twins, Aldecne and Aleene Hagaman, born Jane 3, 1920, in Pontiac, Ill.
  • Twins Clarence and Fairance Hagaman were born June 6, 1922, in Scioto Co., Ohio. Clarence died Sept. 7, 1937.
  • Gertrude E. Hagaman, born June 3, 1924 in Scioto Co., Ohio.
  • Jesse Hagaman, Jr. born Aug. 16, 1926 in Scioto Co., Ohio. Address: Jesse, G. Hagaman, Box 100, Lucasville, Ohio.

Margaret L. Hagaman married on Dec. 6, 1929. Charles Hackworth was born in Portsmouth, Ohio, on March 6, 1911. Their children: Robert Harold Hackworth, born Feb. 27, 1931, in Portsmouth, Ohio.; Donald Eugene Hackorth, born July 29, 1937, in Portsmouth, Ohio. Present address: Route 2, Lucasville, Ohio.

Catherine M. Hagaman married on Dec. 23, 1933. Auntie Adkins was born July 10, 1904, in Morgan Co., Ky. 

Their children:

  • Phyllis Verneda Adkins was born May 29, 1934, in Lucasville, Ohio.
  • Lewis Garland Adkins was born in Lucasville, Ohio, on Sept. 26, 1935.
  • Della Darline Adkins was born on Oct. 29, 1936, in Lucasville, Ohio.

Dorothy Hagaman married on October 6, 1934. Lewis Hill was born on July 30, 1911.

Their children:

  • Patricia Ann Hill was born in Lucasville, Ohio, on March 17, 1935.
  • Bonita Alice Hill was born May 22, 1936, in Lucasville, Ohio.

 William Hagaman married Arta Burns. William served in the World War from April 1917 to Aug. 1918. He enlisted at Huntington, WVa. with the 156th Machine Gun Battalion. Served overseas for twelve months. Resides at 442 10th St., West, Huntington, W. Va.

Their children:

  • Nora Hagaman, born July 19, 1921;
  • Infant son born Sept. 30, 1926, died Oct. 8, 1926;
  • Arleeta Hagaman was born on March 30, 1930.


George, son of John

George Hagaman (died Aug. 28, 1870) married on May 15, 1829, to Nancy Lucas, who died Jan. 16, 1875. In his early married life, George settled in Knox Co., Ohio, near Jelloway. He was interred in Shadley Valley Cemetery, Jelloway, Ohio.

Their children are 16 in number.

John, son of George

John Hagaman married on August 18, 1857,  to Julia Walls, born Oct. 16, 1838; died October 17, 1920. John Hagaman was a member of Co. F., Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 152nd Reg. in the Civil War. He was a carpenter by trade in civil life. He was a resident of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, for the greater part of his life, and here he passed away at the age of 86, being the last survivor of his father’s family and having lived a greater number of years than any other member of the George Hagaman family and interred in Mt. Vernon Cemetery.

Their children:

  • Charles Homer Hagaman, born July 11, 1858, died Nov. 8, 1936;
  • George Royal Hagaman, born April 20, 1861, died March 6, 1933;
  • Harriet Emma Hagaman was born July 8, 1864, in Jelloway, Ohio.
  • Olive Elnora Hagaman, born Dec. 20, 1866
  • Lulu Edna Hagaman born Dec. 13, 1869
  • Anna Belle Hagaman, born May 14, 1873
  • Clyde Hagaman, born April 28, 1882, died Aug. 19, 1882

Charles Homer Hagarnan married June 21, 1883,  to Mary Etta Bishop, born at Mt. Liberty, Ohio., June 15, 1865, died July 22, 1904. Charles Homer later married Myrtle Gaines, whose present address is 401 Walnut St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Charles was a pattern maker. Was employed for several years by Cooper Co., Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

Their children:

  • Fred B. Hagaman born April 13, 1884, at Mt. Vernon.
  • Augusta Leona Hagaman, born Aug. 13, 1886, in Willoughby, Ohio, died March 24, 1901, at Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

Fred B. Hagaman married June 23, 1909, in Richmond, Va., to E. Josephine Dunning, born in Marysville, Missouri. Their children: Frederick Homer Hagaman, born Sept. 6, 1913, at Terre Haute, Ind; Carolyn Augusta Hagaman, born Nov. 20, 1914, at Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Fred B. attended Ohio State University for three years. He graduated and received his M.A. degree from Columbia University, New York City. He was with the KYX. in France in Y.M.C.A. work during the World War. He is a Mechanical and Architectural Drawing teacher at Cleveland Heights School, Cleveland. His address: Fred B. Hagaman, 3165 Overlook Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

Frederick Homer Hagaman is the last of grandfather John’s family to bear the family name. He graduated in Commerce and Business Administration from Ohio State University in 1935. Now with the General Electric Co., He resides at his father’s home when not traveling.

Carolyn Augusta graduated from Ohio State University in Ceramic Art and Design in 1936. She is a Kitchen Specialist in Kitchen Planning and Designing. With the Potter Bldg. and Equipment Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Resides with her parents at 3165 Overlook Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

George Royal Hagaman married Feb. 21, 1884, Ida Mae Weaver, born June 22, 1863. They had one daughter, Ethel Vera Hagaman, born Dec. 2, 1884. Address, Mrs. Ida Hagaman, 205 S. Park St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

Ethel Vera Hagaman married on May 29, 1915, to Ray A. Grimwood, born June 9, 1880. Ethel Vera graduated from Mt. Vernon High School, class of 1903. Resides at 26 Watters Ave., Akron, Ohio.

Harriet Emma Hagaman married on Dec. 30, 1883, at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, to William J. Russell. 

Their children:

  • Edith Alberta Russell, born Aug 6, 1886, at Wyandotte, now Kansas City, Kansas;
  • Will J. Russell was born on Aug. 4, 1889, in Kansas City, Kansas. William J. and Emma resided in Mt. Vernon, 0. until 1886, when they moved to Kansas, living in Kansas City for over twenty-seven years. They then moved to Topeka, Kansas, where they now reside. William has been prominent in Masonic and Odd Fellow work. He has been Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of I.O.O.F. for twenty-seven years. On Dec. 30, 1933, William and Emma celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Address, Route 1, Topeka, Kansas.

Edith Alberta Russell married on Oct. 17, 1907, in Topeka, Kansas, to Corbin Fuller Ellis. One daughter, Edith Elma Ellis, was born Oct. 11, 1908, in Kansas City, Missouri. Edith Alberta and her husband reside in Port Huron, Mich. Edith Elma Ellis married May 9, 1931, at Columbus, O. Richard Harvey Millar of Mt. Clemens, Mich. One son, Richard Harvey Millar, Jr., was born April 21, 1936, at Mt. Clemens, Mich. 

William Harvey, Jr., is the 7th generation. John of Carroll Co., Ohio, 1st of whom we have any record. George, 2nd; John, 3rd; Emma Hagaman Russell, 4th; Edith Alberta Russell, 5th; Edith Elma Ellis Millar, 6th; and William Harvey Millar, Jr. 7th. 

Edith Elma attended O.S.U., and her husband, Dr. Richard Millar, graduated from O.S.U. in Dentistry.

William J. Russell married Iva Beatrice Cole on Aug. 4, 1917, in Topeka, Kansas – No children. William J. was in Military Service during the World War. They reside in Topeka, Kansas.

OliveElnora Hagaman married French W. Severns Nov. 25, 1891. Olive and French Severns reside on the Martinsburg Road, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

Their children:

  • Edna Mildred Severns, born Nov. 30, 1893;
  • Robert Darling Severns was born Aug. 17, 1896;
  • John Edgar Severns, born Sept. 28, 1901;
  • Betty Julia Severns, born April 7, 1908;
  • Mary Josephine Severns was born on Feb. 2, 1910.

Edna Mildred Severns married Walter Stuart Engelhardt on Oct. 11, 1919. Two daughters Martha Jane Engelhardt born July 22, 1921, and Mary Elizabeth, born Aug. 20, 1926. Edna Mildred graduated from Mt. Vernon High School; to Ohio University at Athens. 

Walter graduated from Ohio U. at Athens in 1914. He served his country in France during the World War. He joined Co. L, 7th Infantry, Ohio National Guard in Athens, Ohio, in 1913 and was a Sergeant in this company. This Co. was inducted into the Federal Service on July 15, 1917, and he was transferred to Headquarters Co., 136th Field Artillery at Montgomery, Alabama. From there, he was elected to the 3rd Officers Training School at Camp Stanley, Texas, on Jan. 1918. April 23, 1918, he sailed for France, where he attended Saumur Artillery School and received a commission as 2nd Lieut. July 12, 1918. He went to an Antiaircraft School and was given charge of the 17th Ken. 19th Ken. 11th Anti-Aircraft Batteries of the Coast Artillery. Was honorably discharged from the 11th Anti-Aircraft Battery of the Coast
Artillery Corps, Jan. 4, 1919. Their present address is 1311 Vance Ave., Coraopolis, Pa.

Robert Darling Severns married Margaret Sutphin Mild on March 17, 1934. No children.  Robert D. graduated from Mt. Vernon High School. Attended O. S. U. until enlisting in officers’ Training School at Camp Gordon, Ga. They reside in Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

John Edgar Severns married Dorothy Lee Penn on Oct. 5, 1926, with no children. John Edgar graduated from Mt. Vernon High School. Attended Military School at Sweet Water, Term. He resides in Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

Betty Julia Severns married Robert Black Kerr Oct. 18, 1928 

Their children:

  • Betty Louise Kerr, born June 2, 1933;
  • Marjorie Ann Kerr was born on Jan. 11, 1935.
  • Betty Julia graduated from Mt. Vernon High School. Attended Miami University. Resides in Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

Mary Josephine Severns married Donald H. Birnie on Aug. 17, 1933. One son, James Robert Biinie, was born on March 5, 1937. Mary Josephine graduated from Mt. Vernon High School and attended Miami U. at Oxford. Donald graduated from O. S. U. in Pharmacy. They
reside in Millersburg, Ohio.

Lulu Edna Hagaman married Nov. 23, 1892 Frank H. Branyan, born Dec. 23, 1868. 

Their children:

  • Julia Elizabeth Branyan, born July 22, 1898;
  • Arthur Donovan Branyan was born Sept 30, 1900;
  • Frederick Eugene Branyan was born on July 12, 1909. They reside at 106 West Hamtramck St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

Julia Elizabeth Branyan married Herbert H. Clemm on Oct. 20, 1920. One daughter, Virginia Ann Clemm, was born on Sept. 21, 1921. Julia graduated from Mt. Vernon High School and attended Otterbein U. and Kent State College. Herbert attended Denison U. she was in service in the World War, a Corporal in the 2nd Co., 1st Training Battalion at Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio, for eleven months. Expecting to go to France soon when the war ended. Address: Fredericktown, Ohio.

Arthur Donovan Branyan married Sept. 7, 1922, to Anna Dale Hull, who died Feb. 3, 1938, in Columbus, Ohio. One son, John Arthur Branyan. Arthur, at present, is a salesman with the Gates Rubber Co., Columbus, O. Address Northwest Blvd, Grandview, Cols., Ohio.

Anna Bell Hagaman married Dr. Harry Waldorf Blair on Sept. 14, 1892. Dr. Harry graduated from Western Reserve U. class of 1892. Served during World War as Captain in Medical Corp. Stationed at Camp Greenleaf, Ga., and Camp Lee, Va. Dr. Harry is a practicing physician at 6 S. Gay St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. 

Their children:

  • Dorothy Juliet Blair, born Aug. 23, 1896;
  • Howard Holt Blair, born Feb. 21, 1900;
  • Esther Mary Blair, born Oct. 14, 1903
  • William Harry Blair was born on March 29, 1909.

Dorothy Juliet Blair married Bernard Purinton on Jan. 11, 1917. Their children, John James Purinton, born Sept. 12, 1918, and Harry Blair Purinton, born Oct. 11, 1924. Dorothy graduated from Mt. Vernon High School and attended O.W.U. Bernard attended O.S.U. Address Box 96, Wellsville, Ohio.

Howard Holt Blair married Elizabeth Wilken on Oct. 11, 1923, Their children, –John Howard Blair, born March 31, 1925; Harriet Ann Blair, born Sept. 30, 1927; Louise Hagaman Blair, born Jan. 24, 1930; Nancy Blair, born Oct. 13, 1934. Howard graduated from Mt. Vernon High School and from O S.U. in 1923, with an M.A. degree from Columbia U. He Served in U. S. Navy during the World War at Great Lakes Camp. Elizabeth graduated from Mt. Holyoke College, class of 1922. Address 1998 Cambridge Ave., Upper Arlington, Columbus, Ohio.

Esther Mary Blair married on June 18, 1924, Charles Yantis Neher, deceased. One son, Charles Blair Neher, was born on March 10, 1925. Esther graduated from Mt. Vernon High School and attended O. W. U., Delaware, Ohio. Charles graduated from O W. U, class of 1923. Esther and their son Charles reside at her father’s home, 6 S. Gay St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

William Harry Blair married Lillian Higgins on Nov. 25, 1937. William graduated from Mt. Vernon High School, attended O. S. U., and graduated from Cleveland School of Art in 1936. Lillian graduated from Notre Dame School for Girls. Address, E. Liverpool, Ohio,
Box 729. 

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