Decatur Powell

Decatur Powell was born in Mason Township, on October 7, 1820, and he moved with his parents to Aid Township, about the year 1823, where he resided until 1849.

He moved then to Decatur township and purchased a farm of 260 acres, where he remained till 1861 when he bought the farm that he now resides on, and which he has brought to a splendid state of perfection as also does his farm in Decatur township show the fruits of an industrious farmer.  He is a producer of all the grain usually raised on a farm, and also a raiser of stock.

He was married in Aid township, on March 1, 1839, to Catherine Kelley, who was born on the Isle of Man, Europe, on December 25, 1816.  Her parents are Thomas and Catherine (Kirk) Kelley.  Henry and Prisey (Vermillion) Powell, are the parents of Decatur Powell.

Mr. Powell has been a faithful member of the United Brethren church for forty-one years, while his wife has been connected with the Methodist Episcopal church for fifty-one years.  The parents of Mr. Powell came to this county in 1812.

The following are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Powell:

  • Edward, born October 7, 1841, died April 18, 1872;
  • Sarah L., December 25, 1842, resides in Aid township;
  • Isadore, January 25, 1845, resides in Marion;
  • Winfield C., February 14, 1847, resides in Washington territory;
  • Wellington, October 11, 1848, died January 19, 1882, in Oregon;
  • Cirus, October 25, 1850, resides in Washington territory;
  • Pyron, June 4, 1852, resides in Washington territory;
  • Isabelle L., October 29, 1853, resides in Aid township;
  • Thomas, June 14, 1855, resides in Washington territory;
  • Ellen S., April 22, 1857, died July 20, 1859;
  • John, December 20, 1859, resides in Aid township.

Mr. Powell is a resident of Aid township.  His post office address is Arabia, Lawrence County, Ohio.

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