Christian Kouns

Christian Kouns was one of the earliest settlers in Lawrence County, Ohio, and established Kounston, which later was called Chesapeake. You will find him in early tax records, deeds, court records, and much more. Sharon Kouns researched his family.

Christian Kouns b. 1759 Augusta (Rockingham) Co. VA
d. 05 Dec 1837 Lawrence Co. OH
bur: Kouns Graveyard, Union Twp., just below the town of Chesapeake.
m. 1777 Anna Lamp b. 1760 d. 22 Oct 1824 Lawrence Co. OH

1. John L. Kouns b. 29 May 1780 Greenbrier Co. VA
2. Henry Kouns b. ca 1785 VA
3. George W. Kouns b. 1784 (1 article said PA rest VA)
4. Jacob Kouns b. 12 Apr 1787
5. Phillip Kouns b. 08 Sep 1789 Greenbrier Co. VA
6. Sarah Kouns b. 1790
7. Samuel Kouns b. 08 Jan 1795 Greenbrier Co. VA
8. Nancy A. Kouns b. Jun 1798
9. Christine Kouns b. 18 Nov 1781
10. Hannah Kouns b. 08 Sep 1799 Big Levels Greenbrier Co.
11. Andrew P. Kouns b. 03 Aug 1801 Greenbrier Co. VA

1759 Christian Kouns birth Rockingham Co. VA (family Bible of Andrew P. Kouns in possession with Margaret Hostetler, LA)
1760 Anna Lamp is born.
1777 Christian Kouns and Anna Lamp are married (family Bible)
1782 He enlisted into the service of the US Army on June 14 while a resident of Frederick Co. Veteran’s records shows him also as Christopher Coontz, Christopher Coonts, Christ Coonts. Two men with similar names served, so it isn’t easy to tell.

Revolutionary War record shows:
Cpt. Robt. George’s Co. Sept 1, 1782 – Jan 31, 1783
(Christian Coontz)
Cpt. John Bayles Co. of Lincoln Militia (Ky. Co. M)
Cpt. George’s Artillery Co. Commonwealth of VA. and
Ill. Dept. Feb 1783-Oct 1783 (C. Coons)
Inf. soldier Nov 1785

He may also be the man on lists from Ill. Regt. and Crocketts Regt. Western Army was under the command of Gen. George Rogers Clark as one who was entitled to and received bounty land for service.

1787-90 Rockingham Tithables show Christian Koontz

1790 Census of Virginia shows Christian Kunse in Rockingham Co. Six people in his family – 1 dwelling – 1 other building.
(this could have been Christian with his wife, Anna and
1. John L. b. 1780, 2. George W. b. 1784,
3. Jacob b. 1787 4. Phillip b. 1789)

1790 Sep 30 – A John Kounts purchased land from Nimrod Tacket and Anne Tacket, his wife, for 5 shillings land lying in the county of Greenbrier on the fork Survey Run containing 60 acres being part of a survey of 237 acres made for Abraham Friend, the 15 day of Nov 1785, joining the land of John Condley, Charles Friend, the fork Survey and John Handley. Greenbrier deed book one page 461 30 Sep 1790.

1795 Sep 29 Henry Kounts purchased land from Barnaby and Jean Johnston in the County of Greenbrier, VA, for 5 shillings. Land lying on the waters of Indian Creek joining the lands of John Swoobe and John Kinkaid containing 130 acres being part of a certain tract of a parcel of land containing 353 acres made over in deed to Barnaby Johnston by Samuel Cadwell and his wife.

1798 Jun 20 Michael Kouns of the County of Greenbrier State of VA purchased land from William and Eamey Johnston for one dollar, 88 acres being the land Johnston now lives on and lying and being in the county of Greenbrier on the Lick Run joining the land of Edward Keenan, Isaac Pattoso? and Kounces own land bought of Keenan and being the SW end of the said survey of 150 acres.

1799 Jun 3 Kanawha Land Records p. 430 – Indenture between Reuben Slaughter of Kanawha Co., etc. and John Kootz/Koonts of Rockingham Co. VA, 195 acres previously sold & situated joining the survey by settlement rights made for Joseph Carrol about 15 miles above the mouth of Elk on the east side of the Great Kanawha said 195 acres together with 50 acres more, 2000 in all, patented to said Reuben Slaughter and Marten Hawking 4 Apr 1799 . . . Wit: David Ruffner, George Welch, Henry Sheles and recorded Jun 1800 Kanawha Co. Court. (Note Christian Koontz was already a land owner in Kanawha in 1806 on the deed that states he purchased land in Greenbrier in 1806 then sold out in 1808)

1803 Christian Koontz came from Greenbrier Co. (W)VA. (near White Sulphur Springs) to Gallia Co. OH, which is now Lawrence (Lawrence Co. was formed in 1819).

1806 Apr, 28 Christian Koontz of the county of Kannawa, State of Va., for the sum of $1, purchased 124 acres from James and Ann Peebles. Land lying in the county of Greenbrier and adjoining the land of Hugh Keller. Greenbrier Co VA Deed Book 3 p. 332 and p. 333.

1808 Oct 29 Christian Koontz of the County of Galia in the state of Ohio sold land to Thomas Creigh of Greenbrier State of VA. Christian Koonts and Ann, his wife, for $5 sold 124 acres as conveyed in 1806 from Peebles to Koontz. This land adjoins 1808, the land of Hugh Miller.

1809 Oct 24 George Kountz and Margaret, his wife of the County of ______ State of Virginia, sold Michael Keenan of the county of Kanawha for 5 shillings 150 acres adjoining the land of Samuel Brown, Richard Heamphrespt?, William H?.

1814 Christian Koontz is on Gallia Co. Tax List Range 16 Twp 1 (a John Koontz is shown first in 1810 and 1814).

1814 Christian Koontz purchased land on Nov. 23 in Union Twp. from Edward Miller. There was a correction to this deed in 1824. The land was at the mouth of Symmes Creek.

1817 Lawrence Co. legal records show him as a road viewer for a road built from Burlington to the Gallia County line.

1818 Christian Kounce paid taxes Gallia Co. Range 16 Twp 1

1818 Christian Kounce pays taxes in Lawrence Co. Oh same range and township as listed in Gallia (Lawrence Co. was formed from Gallia in 1817?)

1820 Census shows him in Union Twp. Lawrence Co. OH. He and his wife are over 45y. Boys: two 16-26y. Girls: one under 10, one under 16, and one 16-26.

1822 and 1828 Christian Koons is a taxpayer in Lawrence Co. OH. Fayette Twp. “From “Southern Ohio Taxpayers in the 1820’s”

1827 Oct 25 Christian Kouns sold 165 acres to his son Andrew P. Kouns and lived with him there. Consideration indeed $1000.00. He filed a bond in court stating the conditions under which this arrangement was being made. It included scheduled payments by Andrew P. Kouns to each of his brothers and sisters named in the instrument. Vol. 5 pg. 104.
(The conveyance of 165.64 acres from Edward Miller to Christian Koontz Vol. 5, Page 291 Gallia Co. – there is a conveyance in Lawrence Co. for the same property but correcting the Gallia deed with the add’l signature of Miller’s wife, who failed to sign the original conveyance.

1830 he is shown as a male 70-100 years old in the household of Andrew P. Kouns on p. 315 of the Ohio Census for Lawrence Co.
From the Greenbrier land transactions, the following Kouns owned land in that County: John Kouns 1790; Henry Kouns 1795; Christian and Ann, his wife, bought 1806 and sold 1808; Michael Kouns 1798; George and Margaret, his wife sold land in 1809 ( Were these five brothers?).

The family bible of 11. Andrew P. Kouns, the youngest s/o Christian, and Anna Lamp – handwritten about the birth of Christian’s grandchild George Lamp Kouns s/o 11. Andrew P. Kouns states that he was Born January 18th, 1824, in Lawrence County, Ohio, George Lamp Kouns, eldest son of Andrew P. Kouns & Hannah Hieser and grandson of Christian Kouns, born in Germany and emigrated to Greenbrier County, VA, and from Ohio to Lawrence County Ohio about 1802.

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    Mary Lee Waldo

    I am so excited to get this book about my ancestors, Christian Kouns and Anna Lamp.

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