Laborers Wanted 1845

Pittsburgh, PA newspaper ran ads for Laborers Wanted in 1845 for Lawrence County, Ohio. This explains why persons living in PA were inclined to move here in the early 1800s.

Pittsburgh Morning Post 18 Feb. 1845

Wanted Soon

Places for several first and second Clerks, men and boys in stores or warehouses, &c. Also, for several apprentices to trades-also for a number of Agents, Laborers, and Farmers, with small families; also for several Seamstresses, Nurses, and Girls for all work.

Wanted soon, two stout young men and one boy to work on a farm by the month or year; they must be industrious, sober, and capable. Also, a good Blacksmith, a steady young man acquainted with farm work and farming and to board with the manager of the farm.

The plantation on which the above are wanted contains 800 acres, situated in Lawrence County, Ohio, near the Ohio river, in a healthy, good neighborhood.

All kinds of agencies promptly attended to. Please call at Harris’ General Agency and Intelligence Office, No. 9, 5th st. Feb 16.

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