Newspaper clippings 1900 – 1914

PROBATE COURT – IR Aug. 9, 1900

  • In re Elmer Marshall, removal from parents.  Complaint filed, hearing, committed to Children’s Home.
  • J. H. Cotter, executor of estate of Delaney; first and final account filed.
  • In re estate of Ella Kizer (?) application for appointment of guardian filed.  Notice issued; hearing August 30th.
  • J. W. Smiley, adm’r of John Kiser vs Floyd Kiser et al.  Application and affidavit for private sale of real estate (20 acres); private sale ordered.
  • Will of Margaret A. James filed for hearing August 20th.
  • In re will of Margaret A. James; commission issued to H. C. Duncan, Washington, D. C., to take deposition of S. W. Morris, subscribing witness.
  • Adam Friel, adm’r of estate of W. T. Watson; first and final account filed.
  • J. W. Smiley adm’r John Kiser vs Floyd Kiser et al; hearing appraisement ordered.  J. C. Snyder, Chas. Ketter and A. H. Mittendorf appointed appraisers.
  • Estate of Thomas Primm, appraisement of personal property reported.
  • In re will of William Ballard; hearing; will admitted to probate.
  • W. E. Null appointed adm’r estate of James W. Null.
  • G. B. Willis appointed guardian of the estate of Clyde Williams, et al.
  • In re will of Elizabeth Miller; hearing; will admitted to probate.
  • Geo. W. Keys appointed executor of the estate of William Ballard, deceased.
  • America A. Sisson appointed admr’x of the estate of Myrtie Sisson.

IR Oct. 04, 1900 – Johnathan Roten, through Attorneys L. R. Andrews and Johnson & Corn, filed suit in Common Pleas Court last Saturday against Theodore Ferguson, asking that the defendant be enjoined from fencing up what is known as the Porter Lane property in Perry Township, used as a public highway, the plaintiff claims, for over forty years.

IR Oct. 04, 1900 – J. C. Snyder vs the Southern Ohio Loan & Trust Company in the style of a suit filed in Common Pleas Court Saturday.  The plaintiff alleges that on July 10, 1896, he borrowed $600 from the defendant, to be paid in monthly dues, and gave a mortgage on real estate in Fayette township; that he has paid the sum of $364.60 in dues and that on September 19, 1900, he tendered the defendants $520 in full payment of all obligation and asked a surrender of the mortgage, which was refused.  The plaintiff now pays into court the sum of $500, which amount he asks be decreed as full and sufficient payment of all moneys due the defendant and  that they be compelled to cancel mortgage.  Johnson & Corn, attorneys.

SQUIRE’S COURT – IR Oct. 04, 1900

The following civil actions were brought in Squire Craig’s court Friday:

  • John H. Monnig vs. Jeff Scott, money.  The amount claimed is $64.34 on account for feed.
  • Mittendorf, Gabler & Co vs. H. M. Francisco, money.  The plaintiffs ask judgment for $43.75 on a note with interest from May 20, 1894.
  • W. C. Bickmore vs Helen, Anna and Josephine Rauch, money.  The amount claimed is $68.72 on account.
  • In Squire Henry’s court Martin, Keiser & Co bring action against Jeff Scott for $18.50 claimed as due on account, and ask attachment against money due the defendant from the city as salary.

PROBATE COURT – Oct. 04, 1900

  • Robert Rucker vs A. W. Vale et al, petition for injunction filed; temporarily injunction allowed.
  • First and final account of W. A. Williams, admr of David Price and exceptions thereof settled; notice of appeal given by G. W. Keys and H. H. Waller, also by admr. W. A. Williams.
  • C. H. Summerson, Sr., grdn of Wm. Estes vs Wm Estes et al.,  hearing: judgment; appraisement and sale ordered.
  • T. T. Johnson, admr of A. Robinson vs S. D. Robinson et al; hearing on motions, motion overruled.
  • Will of John W. Dillon; Hearing; testimony of witnesses taken; will admitted to Probate.
  • Will of Francis Demarro; hearing; testimony of witnesses taken; will admitted to Probate.
  • Taylor Collier appointed grdn of Joseph Ramsey, a lunatic.
  • State of Ohio vs Robert Richardson; application to admit to bail filed; bond filed; defendant released.
  • G. B. Willis as admr of estate of John A. Williams vs Ollie Williams et al; petition for sale of real estate filed; summons issued.

IR Oct. 4, 1900 – First and final account of John E. Butterfield, administrator of the estate of Lucy R. Butterfield, deceased, shows that the administrator is chargeable with $13,000, and entitled to a credit of $3,362.40.  The balance of $9,637.60, goes to the administrator as decedent’s sole heir at law.  Administrator discharged. – Portsmouth Times.

IR Oct. 11, 1900 – The preliminary hearing of Mrs. Elizabeth Poole and daughter, Mrs. Florence Moore, was concluded in Squire Henry’s court early Thursday evening.  The evidence was not deemed sufficient to hold the two women and they were released.

     Both the prosecuting attorney and W. D. Corn, attorney for the defense, used every effort to bring out testimony which would point to other parties who are believed to be implicated in the murder of George W. Noble, but nothing tangible was developed.


  • The Lawrence Furnace Company vs Richard W. Dovel et al.  Heard on demurrer of the plaintiff to cross petition of Richard W. Dovel; demurrer sustained, exceptions noted.
  • Walter Fouch vs. Thena Fouch.  For divorce on ground of adultery.  Divorce granted.
  • Mary B. Manifold vs. Oliver R. Manifold.  For divorce on ground of extreme cruelty.  Divorce granted and plaintiff restored to her maiden name.
  • The Vesuvius Iron Company vs Henry Stevenson – action for money on balance of account.  Amount claimed $385.23.  G. W. Keys, attorney.
  • The Vesuvius Iron Company vs. Henry Woolum – action for balance of account.  Amount claimed need rest of this column.

IR  Oct. 18, 1900 – GRAND JURY RAISED.

  • The Grand Jury closed its deliberations last Monday after a session of six days.  They examined 355 witnesses in 136 cases; 15 cases were ignored and 121 true bills were reported.   Indictments were found against the following persons: 
  • James Powell, murder in second degree.
  • W. H. Hall, obtaining money under false pretenses.
  • William Brown, failure to support minor children.
  • Walter Ross, burglary and larceny.
  • John Moss, burglary and larceny.
  • James Riley, forgery.
  • Hens Jackson, burglary and larceny.
  • William Gill, horse stealing.
  • The William Gill indicted is not the saloon keeper of this city.

IR Oct. 18, 1900 –

  • In the case of Mary E. Bird vs The Etna Coal & Iron Company, in which an order of sale has been issued.  Ordered that no bid be received unless first mortgage bonds and coupons amounting to not less than $10,000 of the bonds of the N. Y. & O. I. S. Co., be deposited with the sheriff at the time of mailing the bid or $10,000 cash.
  • In the matter of the estate of Alfred T. Swartswood, proceeding for discovery of assets alleged to have been concealed or embezzled by Myrtie M. Swartwood.  Upon hearing the evidence the court finds no grounds for the complaint and dismisses the action at the costs of L. A. Williams, adm’r.

IR  Nov. 15, 1900

Saturday afternoon, Albert Blackwell withdrew the charge of assault with intent to kill, which he filed against Edward Pratt in Squire Craig’s court, the two young men having settled the case between them.

PROBATE COURT, IR Apr 25, 1901

  • A. Soupene guardian Walter Wood; petitioned for sale of real estate; hearing April 26, 10 a.m.
  • E. E. Corn appointed guardian of Bessie Royer.
  • Estate of John Hook; appraisement ordered; Henry Pancake, W. H. Lynd and John Snyder appointed appraisers.
  • George W. Keye, executor of the estate of William Ballard vs John Ballard et al; hearing, judgment and sale ordered.
  • Lizzie Rodgers, guardian of John W. Rodgers, filed third account.
  • James W. Primm, adm’r of the estate of Thomas Primm; first and final account filed.
  • Estate of William Clawges (?); inventory and appraisement reported and approved.

PROBATE COURT – IR Aug. 08, 1901

  • Amos Webb, guardian of James Webb; first and final account filed.
  • In re estate of Wolf Gang Riddle; application for appointment or adm’r filed _____ issued; for hearing July 10.
  • W. L. Waller (or Walker) guardian of Thomas Evans; first account filed.
  • Martha Swartwood, guardian Fannie Wall et al; second account filed.
  • L. W. Ollum, adm’r of the estate of John H.(?) Powell; first and final account filed.
  • J. K. Richards, guardian of Wm. G. Butter; third and final account filed.
  • E. E. Corn, guardian of Bessie Royer; resignation accepted; choice of minor filed; Geo. W. Keye appointed guardian and letters entered.


  • Minnie Hamm vs. James Hamm et al – alimony and injunction.  Plaintiff avers she married the defendant at Covington, Ky., August 17, 1895 and no children were born of the union . . .
  • James O. Yates vs. The German Fire Insurance Company of Indiana.
  • Callie Butcher vs. James Butcher, divorce.  She said she was married to defendant November 6, 1890, and that no children were born of this union.  Wants maiden name of Callie Sturgill restored.


  • Alexander Martin et al vs. John H. Gholson, as adm’r of the estate of Jacob and Lydia Martin, deceased, et al – equitable relief.  The action is one which charges illegal sale of property to the detriment of the interests of the plaintiff, Alex. H. Martin, attorney for plaintiff.
  • Anna M. Hempstead vs. Stewart H. Walker, Rosalie Gillen and Hattie H. Nye – partition.  The petition sates that Mrs. Mary A. Hempstead died intestate on July 15, 1901, leaving certain property in Hamilton township to the plaintiff and defendants, Rosalie Gillen of Pittsburg.  Hattie N. Nye of Marietta and Stewart H. Walker of New York.  The plaintiff asks partition of premises if feasible, and if not, that the same be appraised and sold.  Ralph Leete, attorney for the plaintiff.
  • H. S. Moore vs. Joshua Kitts, Geo. Wilson, A. P. Russell, T. H. Remy, G. W. Hamilton; and Joshua Kite, George Wilson and A. P. Russel, as trustees of the G. A. R. post at Getaway, Ohio, and T. H. Remy and G. W. Hamilton as Camp Council of the S. of V. lodge at Getaway and J. C. Kite – foreclosure.  Such is the style of a suite filed in Common Pleas court Saturday evening.  The plaintiff alleges that there is due him from the defendants $150, with interest from December 17, 1879, on a promissory note, secured by a mortgage on real estate at Getaway, on which the G. A. R. hall stands.  The plaintiff asks judgment for the amount and foreclosure of mortgage.  Johnson & Corn, attorneys for the plaintiff.
  • Maxie Carl vs. Effie D. Carl, divorce, is a suit filed in Common Pleas Court, Wednesday evening, by Johnson & Corn, attorneys for the plaintiff.  The petition sets forth that the couple were married on November 18, 1891, in this city, and one child, America, now 8 years of age, was born of this union.  The plaintiff alleges that the defendant has been guilty of adultery at divers times with divers persons whose names are set forth in the petition.
  • George Fauznet, through Attorney W. D. Corn, last Wednesday filed suit in Common Pleas Court against George Wiseman, Frank M. Smith, L. A. Wiseman, Thomas Vermillion (do not have end of this page)


In Common Pleas Court this morning, the jury trial of the case of Margaret Sample vs The Washington Insurance Company was taken up.  The plaintiff sues to recover the amount of a policy on a drug store burned at Millersport, which the defendants refuse to pay.  Johnson & Corn represent the plaintiff and Corn & Thompson, the defendants.

PROBATE COURT – IR July 10, 1902

  • Inventory and appraisement of estate of Chris Handley filed.
  • Frank Mehling, administrator of Anna M. Lutz, filed first and final account.
  • Helen E. Burchritz adopted by Ross Woolum and wife.
  • Transcript in the matter of the insolvency of Allen Blankenship filed.
  • L. L. Magee appointed administrator of estate of Sallie V. Magee.  Bond for $1000 ordered.

COMMON PLEAS – IR  Dec. 25, 1902

  • In the Common Pleas Monday, Lyddia G. Literal brought suit for divorce from Wylie B. Literal, on the ground of failure to provide and extreme cruelty.  The couple were married July 14, 1902.   The plaintiff asks restoration of her maiden name of Lyddia G. Whitt and that the defendant be enjoined from selling their household goods.  T. D. Shirkey, Attorney.
  • Emmett Workman and James Colvin, who were indicted by the special grand jury for burglarizing the East End Hardware store and who entered a plea of not guilty on arraignment, changed their plea Friday.  Each entered a plea of guilty and each was sentenced to the state reformatory at Mansfield until discharged by due (do not have end of this)

PROBATE NEWS – IR Feb. 11, 1904

  • Amos Bradshaw, adm’r of the estate of Walter Rose, filed inventory and appraisement
  • Finley Worthington, adm’r of the estate of Herman Worthington, filed inventory and appraisement.
  • Albert Steed, adm’r of the estate of Roberta Steed, has filed final statement in lieu of account.
  • Harry C. Sloan has been appointed adm’r of the estate of Thos. J. Sloan.  A bond of $1500 has been ordered.
  • In the affairs of the estate of Mary Lodge, final receipts have been filed.
  • Jed B. Bibbee has been appointed adm’r of the estate of Jos. G. Walters.  Bond for $1000 has been filed and approved and letters issued.

IR Oct. 5, 1905 – William Spears was arraigned in probate court Saturday on information filed in Court.  He plead not guilty to the charges and his hearing is set for 10 o’clock Monday.

IR Oct. 5, 1905 – Sam Antis, a young man of the vicinity of Center Furnace, who was indicted by the recent grand jury for carrying concealed weapons, was arraigned in Common Pleas court last Friday and entered a plea of guilty as charged.  Judge Blair assessed him a fine of $20 and costs of prosecution, and sentenced him to stand committed to the workhouse at Cincinnati until fine and costs are paid.

IR Oct. 19, 1905 – Henry Delawder who was indicted by the recent grand jury on charges of rape and shooting with intent to kill was arraigned in Common Pleas Court Wednesday and entered a plea of guilty in charge of rape and the court sentenced him to be committed to the penitentiary at Columbus for a periodof eight years.


The undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as adm’r of the estate of Rebecca O’Neill, deceased, late of Symmes Township, Lawrence County, Ohio.  Fred S. Roberts.


      Another chapter in the domestic affairs of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Campbell of Portsmouth came yesterday afternoon, when Officer Crance called at the home of Miss Gertrude Campbell and took possessionof the little child of the couple and it was turned over to the mother.

     At the time of the hearing of the case in the Scioto county courts it was understood that an order would be made turning the child over to the father and it was brought here and placed in the care of his sister, Miss Gertrude Campbell of South Fourth street.  It appears, however, that no entry of this kind was made and that yesterday, Milner & Searl, Portsmouth counsel for Mrs. Campbell, sent an order here to Mayor Hannan showing that the custody of the child had been lodged with Mrs. Campbell and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hannan.  Upon this authority Mayor Hannan had Officer Crance get the child.

     The taking of the child caused no little excitement in the neighborhood, as Miss Campbell was of the opinion that her brother was the legal custodian of the child.  Mrs. Campbell, who is employed in Portsmouth, was notified of the steps taken and came in last night to look into the matter.

    It is very likely that here will be some litigation as to the result of the affair, as the competition between the father and mother for the custody of the child is very keen.

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