Newspaper clippings 1876 – 1879

MAYOR’S COURT – IR Mar.  2, 1876

  • Chas. Icely was fined $7,95 for fighting with Fred Bingman; charge of same against Bingman but he was not found.
  • Benj. Bentine for disorderly conduct was fined $6,05.
  • James Delaney was fined $15,60 for disorderly conduct and committed for default.
  • Mrs. Mary Whitten was fined $25,00 and costs $22,90, and ordered to-jail for ten days for keeping a house of prostitution; taken up to court on exceptions.

PROBATE COURT -IR Oct. 05, 1876

  • John Davis and Patrick McCauley, were naturalized.
  • John M. Markins appointed guardian of Chas. H. Markins.
  • I. B. Murdock, assignee of Julius Kemp ordered to make 20 per cent distribution.
  • Wm. Means, trustee of Robert Hamilton, filed 8th account.

PROBATE COURT, IR Nov. 23, 1876

  • Jno. Markin, Calvin Corneil, John Joplin and Hiram Dennison released on bail.
  • S. Sparling vs. Wm. McKnight, continued Nov. 25th.
  • Albertus Meiboom appointed guardian of heirs of Gregory H. Meiboom.

PROBATE COURT – IR Dec. 21, 1876

  • Charles Rigney appointed guardian of Melvina E. Null; bond, $300.
  • Charles A. Radford appointed adm’r of H. Radford; bond $2500; appraisers, A. Waddell, Jacob Proctor and T. F. Gillet.
  • S. W. Morris appointed guardian of Rosetta E. Pine; bond, $300.
  • J. P. Shaw, guardian of J. Argo heirs, ordered to reappraise lands, and sale ordered.
  • Pat. Nolan confined to jail, in default of paying fine, released on habeas corpus.
  • John Kelly, adm’r of W. A. Reed, deceased, filed petition to sell land, and appraisement ordered by J. Smith, Marshal Thornton and James Harper.
  • A. H. Ricker appointed assignee of A. Holmes and J. P. Shaw appointed do not have end of this article yet.

PROBATE COURT – IR Aug. 2, 1877

  • W. G. Hunt, guardian of J. L. Neal, filed second account.
  • Thos. Cherrington, assignee of Iron & Steel Works, filed bond.  W. C. Amos, Geo. T. Scott and W. L. Keepers appointed appraisers.
  • Matilda Rodgers, adm’x of the estate of Jane Scott, filed inventory of said estate.
  • Slater Lemley, guardian of Robson (?) A. and Missouri Petrie, filed second account.

Added – PROBATE COURT – IR Aug. 23, 1877

  • S. W. Morris appointed Administrator of the estate of Joseph Lewis.
  • Mary A. Hall, Administratrix of the estate of W. D. Hall, filed final account.

PROBATE COURT – IR Sept. 27, 1877

  • Geo. W. Trumbo guardian of Rhoda D. Workman, filed second account.
  • Fred Miller, admr of Wm. Rightmire filed final account.
  • Patrick Graham, Joseph Faulter, Chas. Lintner, and Edward Furlong, were naturalized.
  • Wm. Means, guardian of Robert R. Hamilton, filed ninth account.
  • Joseph P. Shaw, assignee of Ferguson & Reed, ordered to sell the unpaid accounts at public sale.
  • Elliot O. Henry, guardian of Julia A. Henry filed final receipt.

PROBATE COURT, IR Oct. 4, 1877

  • Chas. E. Watters, guardian of Smith and Curtis heirs, filed final account.
  • L. C. Hockett, assignee of Sheridan Mining Co., filed first account and ordered to sell at private sale until further orders.
  • Geo. N. Gray, assignee of Lawrence Furnace Co., filed inventory, and ordered to sell at private sale.
  • John Pratt, guardian of Delia Pemberton filed 4th account.
  • Ellet Webb confined in jail on charge of petit larceny, released on bail.
  • Patrick Cloran and Frank Studer naturalized.

PROBATE COURT – IR Oct. 18, 1877

  • Edmund Brammer guardian of Earles and Taylor heirs filed third accounts for settlement.
  • E. F. Williams assignee of D. Linn Gooch, filed inventory and ordered to sell at private sale for 30 days.
  • H. W. Ward, adm’r of Elizabeth Ward vs. John Ward; sale of premises ordered.
  • Will of George Watson admitted to probate.
  • Wm. McClure, adm’r of S. M. McClure, filed inventory of said estate.

PROBATE COURT – IR Jan. 24, 1878

  • Appraisement of the Enos Winn land by N. Cox, J. Farris, and I. Turley approved and sale ordered.
  • C. Ellison, guardian of W. L. Ellison, filed second account.
  • S. B. Steece appointed assignee of H. Clark; W. L. Bickmore, G. W. McConn, and Joshua V. Rhodes, appraisers.
  • F. Seifried, guardian of Seifried heirs, filed final account.
  • Thos. D. Evans, Admr., of F. Bingman, reported sale of land, which was confirmed.
  • A. Lehman, assignee of Milb & Co., ordered to sell at private sale for thirty days.
  • check to see if end of this article.


  • Reported for the REGISTER by S. W. Morris, Attorney at Law.
  • Judge Harper presided up to last Saturday, when he left for home on account of sickness.  Judge Bradbury is now presiding.  Cases disposed of since our last report, as follows:
  • John Theobald vs. T. E. Gardner; judgment for default for $64.15.
  • Kinney National Bank of Portsmouth, Ohio vs. Ralph Leete and John Peters; judgment by default for $1565.25.
  • John Theobald vs. T. E. Gardner; leave to Gardner to file answer, and cause continued.
  • Newman Lumber Co. vs. John R. Robinson, et al; sale confirmed and deed ordered.
  • Anton Abele, Treasurer vs. Melchor Wise; judgment by default, $574.
  • Anton Abele, Treasurer, vs. Michael B(?)ower, et ux; judgment by default for $68.85, and order of sale.
  • Stephen Dillon vs. Isaac H. Kouns; judgment by default for $785.93 and order of sale of attached property.
  • Joshua Ashcraft vs. Hannah E. Davis, et al.; sale confirmed and deed ordered.
  • Silas Hackworth vs. Jesse Hackworth; sale confirmed and deed ordered.
  • B. Butterfield vs. Patrick Healy; consolidated with No. 2398; B. G. Stall & Co. vs. Patrick Healy et al.  Judgment for P. Murphy for $767.79 and order of sale.
  • John S. Keeney vs. William Willis et al; order of sale.
  • Roland D. Bevan vs. Mary Dennison et al.; sale confirmed and  ordered.
  • David D. Williams vs. Cambridge Culbertson et al.; judgment by default for $370.40.
  • Clemancy S. Colton vs. Chas. E. Hamilton(?) et al; judgment for C. C. Clark on answer and cross petition for $1327.
  • Henry Horn vs. John Bittman; finding for plaintiff for $1088.15.
  • C. C. Clark vs. James B. Urick; judgment by default $922.
  • John S. Goldcamp, Treasurer Germania B. A. vs. W. H. Donohoe, et al; sale confirmed and deed ordered.
  • Isaac Brothers vs. Elizabeth J. Furgeson; judgment by confession, $34.55.
  • A. B. & A. R. Clark & Co. vs. Charcoal Iron Co.; judgment by confession for $1627.10.
  • Fannie Bright vs. Berry Wood; verdict not guilty –bastardy.
  • Clark & Clarke vs. Charcoal Iron Co. et al; judgment by confession, $443.04.
  • Mitchell Hawthorne vs. James Forgey; (?) in favor of defendants.
  • (check to see if end of article)


  • Sheriff – Six prisoners in jail.  During the week, five were released and two incarcerated.  Jas. Branham was imprisoned for assault but let out on bail.  John Oliver is in on 15 day sentence for stealing chickens and a hatchet.  The Sheriff is now engaged serving the jurors.  But one sale next Saturday, about 100 acres of J. B. Bazil’s land, at the suit of Marblestone and Heilborn.
  • Treasurer – The collection of taxes goes bravely on.  Six of the township collected have reported viz:  Aid, Fayette, Hamilton, Lawrence, Mason and Perry.
  • Clerk – One order of sale issued and six suits entered on the appearance docket during the past week.
  • Probate Office – A. Miller admr. of Eliza Mann, James McDavitt admr. of Thomas Welsh, S. Richards guardian of Housin heirs, Helen A. Ricker for A. H. Ricker, deceased as Assignee of John D. Clark, and B. M. Caldwell Assignee of  Iron & Steel Co. filed settlements.
  • Thos Wright a native of England naturalized.
  • Henrietta B. Colegrove appointed adm’x of Geo. W. Colegrove.
  • E. V. Dean, assignee of Emily Upp, filed report of sales.
  • D. C. McConn appointed adm’r of Michael Ward.
  • Jas. H. Branham admitted to bail.
  • Helen A. Ricker, adm’x of A. H. Ricker filed inventory and appraisement; ordered to sell at private sale.
  • Recorder – Seven Mortgages recorded the past week.  See Real Estate Transfers.


  • The February term of the Common Pleas Court commenced Tuesday morning, Hon. J. J. Harper, presiding.
  • The following were impanneled as the Grand Jury:  William Calicot, Robert Hammond, A. W. Ward, George Meyers, Allen Wilson, John Darling, IR Dovel, R. Cheeseman, John Armstrong, C. Fullerton, R. T. Eaton, C. Culbertson, J. P. Eaton, P. R. Polley and Frederick Hays.  John Armstrong was appointed Foreman, and being charged by the Court they retired to enter upon the discharge of their duties.
  • M. T. Hornbuckle appointed Bailiff and Thos. McConn Messenger.
  • James T. Davis vs. Wm. E. Reynolds, et al; Joseph P. Shaw assignee in Bankruptcy substituted as plaintiff.
  • John Thomlinson granted a ferry license at Coryville, Ohio.
  • Sarah F. Israel and Julia A. McConn granted a ferry license at Coalgrove.

(not in book) IR Feb. 27, 1879 – Probate Court.

  • Thos. Golden, guardian of estate of John Muck, filed inventory,
  • and as guardian of Lucinda Currington and Sarah Morgan, filed final receipts.
  • E. V. Dean, assignee of Emily Upp, ordered to sell the real estate at private sale.
  • John P. Eaton, guardian of L. D. and J. P. Eaton reported sale  of real estate, and deed ordered.

(not in book) IR Feb. 27, 1879 – Sheriff.

  • Nine in jail.
  • The Sheriff of Jackson county came here for Eldridge and Losey, who are charged up there with stealing wheat, the same offense for which they are imprisoned here. 
  • Two piecesof real estate sold last Saturday; two that were offered didn’t sell.
  • Lewis Gardner keeps watch and ward over the grand jury door.

SHERIFF – IR Mar.  13, 1879

  • Seven in jail; new prisoners the past week, John H. Burgess, Isaac Tipton, Wm. Salyards and John Clouse. 
  • Geo. Blake who was sentenced to 30 days was released by order of the Mayor.
  • The Jno. K. Hastings property offered last Saturday was not sold.
  • Next Saturday, property of Jno. R. Williams, at suit of G. I. B. A. and the land of J. B. Bazel at suit of Marblestone & Heilborn, will be offered for sale.

PROBATE COURT – IR Mar.  13, 1879

  • Appraisement of land ordered at request of H. B. Colegrove, adm’x of G. W. Colegrove.
  •  J. H. Sutton admr. of R. Sutton filed final account. 
  • Catharine Campbell adjudged insane and application for admission to Athens Asylum.
  • In the matter of assignment of J. D. Clark, the order declaring dividend set aside and assignee ordered to file amended list of claims.
  • S. Cronin, assignee of Thos. McCarthy filed first account.
  • Anthony Adams a native of France, naturalized.

COMMON PLEAS COURT – IR Mar.  13, 1879

  • Robert Howe vs. Loeb Loeb, et al; judgment by default for Robert Howe, $157.14; for Cyrus Ellison, administrator, $263.10; for Wellman & Grintrup, $394.68 and order of sale.
  • Hugh Sweeney vs. Thomas McCarthy, et al; judgment by default for $1686.00, and order of sale.
  • John Powers vs. John Bittman, et al.; sale confirmed, and deed ordered.
  • Melvina C. Barker vs. William Todd, et al; sale confirmed, deed ordered, and proceeds distributed.
  • Clark & Dillon vs. Henry Brooks, et al.; judgment by default for $162.53, and order of sale.
  • Archibald Smith, by guardian, vs. Thomas Campbell, et al.; judgment by default for $81.73.
  • Hattie Hamlin vs. Stewart Brattin; suit in Bastardy; verdict of guilty.
  • State vs. Julius Cook; indictment for horse stealing; plea of guilty; sentenced for three years.
  • State vs. Vick Milstead; indictment for assault with intent to ravish.  The jury returned the verdict of guilty of assault and battery.
  • State vs. Vick Milstead; indictment for assault with intent to ravish; verdict, guilty of assault and battery; sentenced to six months imprisonment in the county jail, in each case; second term to commence at the expiration of the first term.
  • State vs. James Bays; indictment for shooting with intent to kill; plea of guilty; sentenced to five years in the penitentiary.
  • State vs. Eldridge and Locey; indictment for burglary; plea of guilty; sentenced to three years.
  • State vs. Robt. Linn, et al; indictment for cock fighting; plea of guilty; sentenced to pay a fine of $75 and costs, each.
  • State vs. John H. Burgess; indictment for cock fighting; plea of guilty; was sentenced to pay a fine of $150 and costs, and stand committed till fine and costs are paid.  In default thereof the defendant went to jail.

COMMON PLEAS COURT – IR  Mar.  20, 1879

  • Julia A. Woodruff vs. Frank Culbertson, et al.; finding for F. R. Culbertson, $36.60; for A. T. Dempsey $482.26; for S. B. Steece, $202.20; for Julia A. Woodruff, $2000; for C. Ellison, admr. $273.43 and orders of sale.
  • W. H. Enochs vs. Jacob Snyder; judgment by default for $101.
  • C. Ellison, admr., vs. Vinton Massie, et al.; judgment for plaintiff for $2447, and order of sale.
  • C. Ellison, admr., vs. Jas. A. Sherman, et al.; finding for $393.79 and order of sale.
  • Jonathan Morris vs. J. B. Urick, et ux; judgment for $342.39, and order of sale.
  • First National Bank  of Bellaire, Ohio, vs. Cyrus Callicoat, et al; judgment for $244.29.
  • Hattie C. Johnson vs. Charcoal Iron Co.; judgment by default for $460.38.
  • Frank L. Johnson vs. Charcoal Iron Co.; judgment by default for $147.95.
  • George W. Thompson vs. John Robinson, et al.; judgment by default, and order of sale.
  • Charles Stewart vs. Journal Printing Co.; judgment by default for $294.91.
  • Albert Pinkard & Co., vs. J. B. & W. H. Bazell; judgment by default for $157.81.
  • Thos. Dillow vs. Baker Webb; judgment for $50, and order of sale.
  • Cooper Insurance Co. vs. W. H. Donohoe, et al.; sale confirmed, and deed ordered.
  • John F. Rodamour vs. Loeb Loeb, et al.; judgment by default for M. Frank & Co. for $1654.34 and for W. M. Kerr for $86.13 and order of sale.
  • Hamilton L. Johnson vs Susan Johnson, divorce granted.
  • John Theobald vs. T. E. Gardner; judgment for plaintiff for $71.20.
  • Same v Same; judgment for plaintiff for $253.20.
  • L. D. Morrison, admr., vs Selden Peters, et al; judgment reforming the mortgage, and for plaintiff for $321.54.
  • Julia A. Everly vs. Thomas Johns, et ux.  This was a petition to charge a married woman’s separate property, as an endorser of a note for her husband.  The Court held the facts not sufficient to charge her.  Judgment in her favor and against Thomas Johns for $163.
  • George Prim vs. Thomas Golden, admr.; judgment for Plaintiff for $310.69.
  • Stephen Mundey vs. Lewis L. Hitt, guardian; suit for support of ward; court found the support had not been furnished and found in favor of the defendant.
  • Alexander Roberts vs. Roberta Roberts; divorce granted.
  • John J. Cavaney vs. Eliza J. Cavaney; divorce refused.
  • First National Bank, Ironton, Ohio, vs. William Frowein; deed set aside and sale ordered.


  • Hamilton L. Johnson vs. Susan Johnson; divorce granted.
  • John Theobald vs. T. E. Gardner; judgment for plaintiff for $71.20.
  • Same vs. Same; judgment for plaintiff for $253.20.
  • L. D. Morrison, admr., vs. Selden Peters, et al; judgment reforming the mortgage, and for plaintiff for $321.54.
  • Fred Smith vs. A. Lawless; judgment for plaintiff for $55.
  • Julia A. Everly vs. Thomas Johns, et ux.  This was a petition to charge a married woman’s separate property, as an endorser of a note for her husband.  The Court held the facts not sufficient to charge her.  Judgment in her favor and against Thomas Johns for $163.
  • J. B. Howe vs. John Boyle, et al.  Suit on a note, defense was violation of contract.  The Court found for plaintiff for $112.60.
  • George Prim vs. Thomas Golden, admr; judgment for plaintiff for $310.69.
  • Stephen Mundey vs. Lewis L. Hitt, guardian; suit for support of ward; court found the support had not been furnished and found in favor of the defendant.
  • Alexander Roberts vs. Roberta Roberts; divorce granted.
  • John J. Cavaney vs. Eliza J. Cavaney; divorce refused.
  • First National Bank, Ironton, Ohio vs. William Frowein; deed set aside and sale ordered.

PROBATE COURT – IR  Mar.  27, 1879

  • Will of Martin Gillen, deceased, admitted to probate; widow elects to take under the will.
  • Lewis Jones appointed guardian of estate of heirs of Daniel Massie.
  • D. C. McConn, assignee of Journal Printing Co., filed report of sales.
  • F. Monig appointed admr. of James Silliman.
  • J. H. Moulton, assignee of Etna Iron Works ordered to file final account and be discharged; report filed.
  • Thos. W. Jones naturalized.
  • D. C. McConn, admr. of  M. Ward ordered to sell real estate.

SHERIFF – IR Mar.  27, 1879

  • Six in jail; the only change the past week has been the reception of Neal and the discharge of Burgess.

IR Mar. 27, 1879 – Last Tuesday, Marshal Munshower arrested John White and a man named Skees, on information from Marshal Dale, of Gallipolis.  They were immediately released on a habeas corpus, upon the representation that the charge against them was misdemeanor simply.  Afterward, Constable Merrill received a dispatch from Dale to arrest them and hold them, for he would start down immediately with a warrant for felony.  Merrill forthwith made the arrest, and now holds them until Marshal Dale arrives.  Of the exact charge against these men, we don’t know.

IR May 1, 1879 – SLANDER SUIT.

Dr. A. C. Burns has filed his petition in the Common Pleas Court against Mrs. Jane Booth, claiming $5,000 damages for alleged slander.  It is charged, in substance, in the petition that Mrs. Booth said that Dr. Burns had killed Mrs. Duty and the child of John Dowlin by unskillful treatment.  This remark, the petitioner claims, has damaged his professional reputation $5,000.  Mrs. Booth enters a general denial of the declaration in the petition.  All the parties live at or near Getaway.


  • Judge Harper came up from Portsmouth and held the adjourned session of Court, last Tuesday.
  • In the matter of the sale of Buckhorn and Howard furnaces, Mr. Hamilton on behalf of some stockholders and one creditor, asked leave to file a motion to set aside the sale on the ground that the property sold for less than it should have brought.  Maj. Cherrington objected on the ground that the only parties proper to resist the confirmation of the sale were the defendants, the Charcoal Iron Co.; and this view of the case the Court approved and confirmed the sale.
  • In the case of the Iron Railroad vs. W. D. Kelly & sons, the Commissioner reported the amount due the plaintiff, in accordance with the rules laid down by the Court to be $752, and for this, judgment was rendered.  The amount sued for was about $6,000.  It will be remembered that the Court previously held that the ton was 2268 lbs instead of 2000, that the charges were about one-third in excess of “reasonable,” and since 1873, the rate could not be over 5c per ton a mile.  Both sides objected to the ruling of the Court, the plaintiff to the Court’s general view of (do not have end of this.)
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