Newspaper Clippings 1869 – 1870

IR Jan. 21, 1869 – STABBING AFFRAY.

On last Sunday, at Henry Gates’ grocery, on the Marion road, two men were playing cards for the drinks, and John Bryan lost.  The loser, refusing to pay, Robert Sharkey denounced him, whereupon Bryan, jumped up and declared he was the best man that walks the road.  This, Sharkey slightly doubted, when a scrimmage ensued, in which Bryan stabbed Sharkey in the left side, near the region of the heart, inflicting a dangerous wound.  Bryan was arrested and brought before Esq. Henthorn, last Monday.  He was held over for Court in the sum of $300.


  • John Friley, Petit Larceny, fined $5.00 and costs in default committed to county jail.
  • Richard Zeek, James McIntire, Robert Baker, Nicholas Doran, Wesley Ratliff, intoxication, fined $3 and costs.
  • George McBride, same $5.

COMMON PLEAS COURT – IR Feb. 11, 1869.

     The February term of the Common Pleas Court commenced last Tuesday afternoon.  Judge Towne was a few hours late in his arrival, on account of his having to return his commission to the Secretary of State, for the seal of that office. – The neglect of the officer at Columbus may be excusable, but it doesn’t look that way.

     At a late hour, Tuesday, the Court convened.  The Grand Jury was called, sworn and charged by Judge Towne.  From present indications, the new judge promises to grace and honor the bench.  He conducts the business smoothly and appears to catch and decide every point with rapidity.  We predict for the Judge a satisfactory and pleasant career upon the bench.

     Yesterday was mostly spent in calling off the docket, and fixing days for the various trials.  Judge Johnson brought up the city injunction case, but on consultation, it was laid over until to-day.

      Hon. O. F. Moore and J. J. Harper, Esq., of the Portsmouth bar, are in attendance at the Court.  – Quite a large number of people from the country are present.


  • The May term of the Court of Common Pleas began on Tuesday, May 4th, Hon. H. A. Towne presiding.  But little business has been transacted, up to the time of going to press.  The Grand Jury was empanelled and Esq. Polley appointed Foreman, and immediately entered upon their duties.  But few cases have come up since last session _____ claim their attention, which will be favorable to the enfeebled condition of the County Treasury.
  • The Docket for the first and second day presented nothing of material interest. Several unimportant cases were continued.  The case of Frank Buhr vs. Walter Neal was settled, each to pay his own costs, since which the Court has been engaged in the trial of an appeal case between Jacob Cornell vs. Godfrey Delawder.


  • The Grand Jury arose on Thursday after a session of three days and presented 29 Bills of Indictment, as follows: 1 for shooting with Intent to Wound;
  • 4 for assault and battery;
  • 4 for Keeping Nuisances under the Liquor Law
  • 17 for Selling Liquor to be drank on the premises where sold
  • 1 for Selling Liquor to a Minor
  • 2 for Petit Larceny
  • and at the same time made the customary report condemning the County Jail as being insufficiently ventilated &c.
  • The following cases have been disposed of since our last report.
  • R. W. Roberts & Co. v. Rebecca M. Kemp et al.  Non suit.  Plt’ff cost.
  • State v. Wm. Stern, et al.  Judgment on forfeited recognizance for Plt’ff, $500 and costs.
  • Abigail Miller v Jared Miller.  Decree for Divorce.
  • State v Owen Sheridan.  Selling Liquor.  Plea of Guilty.  Fined $25.00 and costs.
  • State v Adam Scior.  Selling Liquor. Plea of Guilty. Fined $30.00 and costs.
  • State v Veit Lutz.  Selling Liquor.  Fined $25.00.
  • State v Martin Sheridan. Selling Liquor.  Plea of Guilty.  Fined $25.00 and costs.
  • State v Thomas Evans.  Selling Liquor. Plea of Guilty.  Fined $25.00 and costs.
  • State v Lew Morgan.  Assault and Battery.  Fined $5.00 and costs.
  • State v John Elben.  Selling Liquor.  Plea of Guilty.  Fined $25.00 and costs.
  • C. G. Woodran v Wm. Smith.  Settled.
  • John Ellison & Co., v Mason and Brown.  Judgment for Plt’ff on warrant of attorney for $5,315.83.
  • Wm. J. Pemberton, et al v L. D. Russell and others.  Dismissed by consent at costs of Russell’s admr’s.
  • John Wolf v Trustees of Elizabeth Tp.  Motion for new trial overruled.  Judgment for Plt’ff for $96.00 and costs.
  • James Forgey v Joseph Phillips and others.  Report of Commissioners, confirmed.  Plt’ff elected to take the premises at valuation, and Sheriff ordered to make deed.
  • Catharine Layne v. Presley Blankenship.  Judgment for Plt’ff $100.00 damages and costs.  Second trial demanded.
  • Samuel Lemley v D. C. Howard.  Judgment for Plt’ff $48.98 damages.
  • Fred’k Stanley v. James Porter.  Rights of replevined property found in Plt’ff with one cent damages.
  • Wm. Butcher v John Wells.  Dismissed.
  • J. C. Ferrin v T. A. Potter and others. – Settled.
  • R. B. Sinnickson v T. A. Potter and others.  Dismissed at Plt’ff’s costs.
  • Hamilton McCormack v John W. McCormack.  Dismissed at Plt’ff’s costs.
  • Joel Earles and wife v. James (do not have rest of this column)


  • Judge Henry A. Towne, Presiding.
  • The following cases were disposed of:
  • John Branham, adm’r vs. Geo. W. Miliron.  Judgment for defendant, $165.55.  Second trial granted.
  • Jas. H. Williams v. Iron Railroad.  Jury failed to agree.
  • Wilhelm & Conroy vs. A. P. Kouns. – Judgment for Plaintiffs, $381.50.  Second trial granted.
  • (do not have end of this column)


  • F. Golden v. Francis Waugh et al.  Petition in aid of execution filed.
  • Rev. W. B. Glover presented credentials of his being a regular member of the Christian Church.
  • Henry Bester, Adm’r of H. H. Henderson filed statements and receipts of final distribution.
  • Jacob Powell, Guardian, v.  Sarah Powell.  Petition for selling land. Continued.
  • N. Cox adm’r of P. Monohan.  Petition to sell land continued for service.
  • Edward Ferguson found insane and applications made for admission to the Asylum.
  • John Buckley, charged with petit larceny was released on his own recognizance.

BURLINGTON – IR July 22, 1869

  • As the steamer Crossley was landing here last Monday  evening, and intoxicated passenger fired his revolver at a colored boy, who was the time watering a horse in the river.  The bullet sped harmlessly over his head.  The ruffian disembarked at Hanley’s Landing, opposite this place, bragging that he had shot a —–.  The courageous individual was none other than Walstein Kelly – one of the Ballard robbers.  Yours, SUBSCRIBER.

SCOTT TOWN – IR July 22, 1869

  • Quite a number of people from Scott Town, were in Ironton last Tuesday to testify in the case of the State vs. W. C. Kiser, charged with selling liquor and threatening to shoot.  On the last charge he was bound over to Court.  Another charge is against him for hearing tomorrow – keeping a nuisance.

IR Sept. 9, 1869 – Sad. – Amos Keeter, a well-known citizen of this place, and a fine singer, was killed at the Sheridan House last night by a Cincinnati “bummer,” who was lodging there.  Mr. Keeter, in spite of many remonstrances, persisted in exercising his vocal powers until finally the “bummer” became enraged, and with one stroke of his arm crushed the life out of him.  No arrest, as usual, when an outrage is committed.

COMMON PLEAS COURT – IR Sept. 30, 1869 – Judge Towne presiding – is now in session.  No business of importance has yet been transacted.  The number of people from the country is quite large.

Do not have beginning IR Oct. 28, 1869

  • State v. I. F. Gillen.  Peace warrants; dismissed at costs of Rensalear Bagley.
  • State v. James M. Baker.  Sentenced to penitentiary one year.  Application for writ of error; execution of sentence suspended until next term.
  • State v. Lewis Hill. Sentenced to penitentiary one year.
  • State v. Charles Sesher.  Sentenced to penitentiary two years.
  • State v. Harry Bailey.  Fine $50 and costs, and thirty days in county jail at hard labor.

IR Oct. 28, 1869 – MURDER. – A wood-chopper by the name of Phillip Coon, was shot and mortally wounded yesterday, in the lower end of Elizabeth township, not far from old Union furnace.  The murderers are not known. – Marshal Morgan is on the hunt of the villains.

IR Oct. 28, 1869 – Commissions Arrived. – Clerk Campbell has received from the Secretary of State’s office, commissions for the following gentlemen, who are requested to call and get them:  Prosecuting Attorney Cherrington, Probate Judge Polley, Sheriff Merrill, Treasurer Crossley, Commissioner Templeton, Infirmary Director Dovel and Coroner Henry.

IR Nov. 4, 1869 – THE MURDER AGAIN. – Last week, we gave intelligence of the murder of Phil. Coon, near old Union furnace.  It was believed that the victim was in a dying condition, as the pistol ball passed through his body.  According to our latest intelligence, the man is still living.  The men who committed the deed escaped to Kentucky.  We learn that there are mitigating circumstances connected with the affair that will go far to relieve the perpetrators.  Nothing is being done to make arrests.  Marshal Morgan and Deputy Fisher got on their trail but gave up the chase.

PROBATE COURT – IR Nov. 18, 1869

  • W. G. Smith, Executor of Rice Smith, deceased, filed petition to sell land.
  • In the matter of the Will of Alex. Young, deceased, the testimony of Jas. H. Williams was taken, and the Commissioners ordered to take the testimony of A. J. Vanhoose. 
  • R. Mather, Assignee of J. S. Perry, filed second report.

Do not have beginning – IR Nov. 18, 1869

  • Harry Bailey, under sentence of 30 days for stealing a rope.
  • William Cooper, assault and battery.
  • Christopher Dorff, stealing money, tried by jury and failed to agree.
  • Pluckney Davidson, burglary.

IR Nov. 18, 1869 – Peras R. Polley, the Probate Judge elect, does not enter upon the duties of his office until the 9th of February.  The terms of all the Probate Judges, in this State, excepting in Wyandotte county, commence at that time.  When the office was instituted, under the new constitution, it provided that the person elected, to fill the position, should hold three years from the 2d Monday in February, which was at that time, the 9th of the month.

IR Dec. 3, 1869 – SHERIFF’S SALE. – The residence of Mrs. Mary Clarke, on Adams-st., is to be sold at public sale, next Wednesday.

IR Dec. 9, 1869 – The young man Conrad Leischner who was arrested here last week, on information from Portsmouth, and taken down to that city, was discharged – the prosecuting witness failing to appear against him.

IR Dec. 9, 1869 – BURGLARY.

The Shoe Shop of Thos. Butler, on Second-st., was burglariously entered, Wednesday night of last week, and about twenty-five pairs of boots and shoes taken.  The burglar effected an entrance from the alley by cutting a (do not have rest)

IR Dec. 23, 1869 – The Probate Court dispatched M. W. Davis to Newburg Lunatic Asylum last Monday, to bring back Bridget Hassey who was sent to the Asylum from this place, three years ago.

PROBATE COURT – IR Jan. 27, 1870

  • Rev. G. W. Taylor licensed to solemnize marriages.
  • Thomas Dillon appointed Guardian of Minnie Adell Unlucky, minor child of Benj. Unlucky, bond, $3,000; sureties, Baker Webb and L. Cassiday.
  • R. Mather, adm’r of Js. And Maria Daniels, filed final account.
  • N. Cox, adm’r, vs. Jane Monahan; order of appraisement issued – Edmund Brammer, C. W. Simmons and William Earles appraisers.
  • C. E. Watters, Guardian of the heirs of John A. Smith, filed first account.
  • John Feil, a native of Germany, naturalized.

PROBATE COURT – IR  Feb. 3, 1870

  • B. Bornheim appointed Assignee of L. Weixelbaum, bond $3,000.
  • Peyton Justice, Adm’r of B. Elswick, filed first and final account.
  • S. Russell, Adm’r of Stambo, filed final receipts.
  • A. J. Trumbo, Ex’r of Esther Hall, filed first account.

COMMON PLEAS COURT – IR Mar.  03, 1870

  • Polly Rust vs. John Campbell, et al.
  • Wm. Belcher, jr., vs. J. N. Bimpson
  • John Peters vs. Sam’l McGugin.
  • Johnson Bros. vs. D. W. Voglesong.
  • J. P. Morris vs. Wm. Williams.
  • Jerry Earles vs. Russels, Adm’r.
  • Hamilton Davisson vs. Iron Railroad Co.
  • Ohio Iron & Coal Co. vs. J. P. Morris.
  • A. R. O. Thomas vs. Isaac Darling.
  • J. W. Payne vs. E. Milliron, et al.
  • Trustees of Green Tp., Scioto county vs. J. Campbell.
  • Wm. F. Riggs vs. Robert D. Neeley.
  • C. Calvin vs. A. Miller.
  • J. Hackworth vs. David Campbell.
  • D. Massie vs. Francis Cearns.
  • Lewis Moore vs. A. P. Russell.
  • S. Williams vs. Thos. Winters, et al.
  • John Peters vs. John Bruce.
  • N. O’Donnell vs. S. Brammer.
  • R. C. Davisson, Ex’r vs. J. H. Burgess, et al.
  • John Layne vs. Robt. Cripps.
  • Butterfield & Co. vs. J. S. Roadarmour.
  • Mary Massie vs. Geo. Finch.
  • John Burcham vs. L. D. McComas.
  • W. S. Massie vs. J. W. Johnson.
  • Thomas Bobbit vs. Geo. Gilland.
  • Moses Payne vs. Jacob Wickline.
  • Stephen Smith vs. G. W. Bryson.
  • E. Rucker vs. J. Fink.
  • W. T. Elswick vs. J. H. Burgess, et al.
  • E. Markins vs. Isam Kelly, et al.
  • Emily A. Newman vs. Thos. Bram – (do not have end of this)

COMMON PLEAS COURT – IR Mar.  17, 1870

  • The cases disposed of since our last report are as follows:
  • The Grand Jury concluded their labors on Wednesday, after being in session less than three days, and presented indictments as follows:  1 for murder in the first degree; 2 for burglary; 1 for stabbing; 1 for petit larceny; 1 for seduction; 1 for threatening in a menacing manner; 1 for buying goods from a minor; &c.; 2 for concealing stolen goods, 7 for selling liquor, and 1 presentment against minors, for burglary.  Also, reported the county jail well kept and the prisoners well provided for.
  • Lucy A. Sites vs. Sylvester C. Sites; motion to set  aside decree overruled.
  • B. F. Branham vs. M. W. Davis, et al.  Settled at defendant’s costs.
  • Sarah Williams vs. Thos. Winters et al. – Plaintiff ordered to give additional security for costs in sixty days or be dismissed.
  • Abram Huggins vs. Rachel Huggins. – Continued.
  • Polly Rust vs. John Campbell et al.  Judgment for defendants.
  • Stephen Smith vs. G. W. Bryson, Judgment against plaintiff for costs of present term and continued.
  • M. Beck & Bogen vs. Leonard Myer et al.   Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
  • Thos. Bobbitt vs. Geo. Gilland.  Settled at defendant’s costs.
  • Nimrod Moore vs. Wesley Moore.  Settled at defendant’s costs.
  • John S. Keeney, adm’r vs. Arthur E. Hobbs et al.  Judgment for plaintiff, and order of sale of real estate.
  • John Crawford vs. John S. Keeney, adm’r et al.  Decree for specific performance of a contract.
  • Hamilton Davisson vs. Iron Railroad.  Verdict for plaintiff $600.00.  Motion for new trial.
  • Allen Wiseman vs. J. W. Johnson et al – Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
  • Stephen Brown vs. James Hawkins. – Right of property found in defendant and judgment for value of same $223.00 and (do not have end of column)

COMMON PLEAS – IR Mar.  31, 1870


  • J. N. Rainey licensed Auctioneer for one year.
  • State vs. Thomas & Boll – Plea guilty.  Fine $50 and costs as to Thomas; nolle as to Bole.
  • State vs. Childers – Selling whiskey; plea guilty; fined $15.00 and costs.
  • Campbell, McGugin & Co. vs. Jas. M. Stone et al.  Judgment for plaintiff $1200.64.  Ordered sale of mortgaged premises.
  • Nicholas Hoffman vs. Wm. Webb.  Judgment for $130.00 revived.
  • Wm. Cook vs. Matney, Joseph et al.  Judgment for plaintiff $70.57.  Order sale mortgaged premises.
  • (do not have end of this column)

PROBATE COURT – IR Oct. 20, 1870

  • Coroner’s inquest over the body of Jos. Walls, killed near Millersport, filed by Justice Blake.
  • S. Richards, guardian of Velfna Conner, filed suit, account for settlement.
  • S. Dillon, adm’r of C. Scovill, dec’d, filed inventory and appraisement, and sale bill.
  • First accounts of P. Murphy, ex’r of  ..need better copy can’t read what I have.

PROBATE COURT – Oct. 27, 1870

  • Nelson Cox, Adm’r of estate of Patrick Monahan, sale confirmed and estate declared probably insolvent.
  • Petition and remonstrance from Fayette township regarding justices filed.  No notice yet filed.
  • S. Dillon, adm’r of A. Snell filed appraisement and assignment of dower, and sale ordered.

PROBATE COURT – IR Nov. 30, 1870

  • Chas. A. Ward, T. A. Potter and Adolph Miller, Guardians, filed accounts for their respective wards.
  • Mrs. E. D. Richardson, Adm’x of S. T. Richardson, account settled.
  • Wm. Means account as Ex’r of Robert Hamilton, settled.
  • G. W. Trumbo, Ex’r of John Roberts filed final receipts.


  • Sheriff Merrill left on the Fleetwood Tuesday evening, having in charge the following persons sentenced to the penitentiary;
  • Ewell Boyd, grand larceny – stole two cows from his mother-in-law and sold them – sentenced to three years;
  • Benjamin Swartzwood, manslaughter, Wall’s murder case, sentenced to two years;
  • Alonzo Gilmore, stabbing Banks Dillon, at Marion, with intent to wound him, sentenced to one year.
  • Also Russell Walls, sentenced to the Reform Farm for malicious destruction of property.

IN JAIL – IR Dec. 15, 1870

  • The following persons are now in jail:
  • Thos. Smith, stabbing with intent to wound;
  • Robert Welch, rape;
  • Silas Hill, horse-stealing;
  • Lewis Canter, thirty days imprisonment by U. S. Court.

PROBATE COURT – IR Dec. 15, 1870

  • J. T. Hannan, Adm’r of James Buffington filed his first and final account.
  • Examination of Lewis Hill colored, charged with horse stealing, acquitted.
  • Amos Moore appointed Adm’r of the estate of Isaac Moore, dec’d, bond $1,000; Martin Moore and Stanford Moore, sureties.  Isaac Davidson, James Romans and Alford Hastings were appointed appraisers. 
  • (Do not have end of article)
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