Indian Skeleton

This story was published in the Ironton Evening Tribune in Ironton, Ohio, on May 16, 1932. This location is still being determined, as the Kouns family owned much property in Fayette Township. Further research in Lawrence County, Ohio, Deed Books is necessary to pinpoint the area.

The crumbling skeleton of an Indian, buried in the Sheridan neighborhood years ago in the usual Indian mound, was unearthed on the Kouns property at Sheridan on Sunday by three Ironton Scouts—Stanley Lynd and Jack Allen of Troop 7 and Jimmy Allen of Troop 2. The mound has been on the Kouns property for years and years and has never been reopened.

The Scouts started their investigation Sunday and were watched by many motorists, as the mound is near the main highway. The teeth and parts of the skull were taken from the mound, but the remainder of the skeleton crumbled when touched. Three flint arrowheads and a piece of unbaked pottery clay were found in the mound.

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