Newton A. Baker

Widow’s Claim of Mary F. Baker for Pension of Civil War Veteran Newton A. Baker

Submitted by Roger and Carolyn Smith

Transcribed from copies of original documents from NARA with no grammar corrections By Roger and Carolyn Smith  Claim # WC 65-544

On this 15th day of April A D 1865, personally appeared before me Judge of the Probate Court within and for said County Mary F Baker aged 23 years a resident of Gallia County and State of Ohio who, being duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath, make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by the act of Congress approved July 14, 1862.

That she is the widow of Newton A Baker who was a Private in Company B Commanded by __________ in the 1st Regiment of West Virginia Artillery in the war of 1861. That Newton A Baker her said husband, on or about the 18th day of July A D 1864 on the March to Maryland Heights from Winchester on some point south, died while in the line of duty in the service of the United States.

She further states that she was married to the said Newton A Baker on or about 20th day of Dec 1857 by Andrew A Bostich  A Justice that her name before her marriage was Mary Hively and that she has remained a widow since the death of her said husband, as will more fully appear by reference to the proof hereunto annexed and that there is other secure enounce of said marriage save that herewith presented

That during the existence of the aforesaid marriage, there were born to her and her husband, the following children, viz:

John Henry…. 6 yrs old

Elizabeth E…. 4 yrs old

Newton J …… 6 mos old

All of whom are still living, and reside in Gallia County Ohio. She also declares that she has not in any manner been engaged in, or aided or abetted the rebellion in the United States.

Her Post office address is Patriot Gallia Co Ohio

(signed)….Mary F Baker

Also personally appeared John Watts of the County of Gallia and State of Ohio and R D Miller of the same county and state persons whom I certify to be respectful and entitled to credit, and who being by me duly sworn, say they were present and heard the foregoing declaration read to the said Mary F Baker and saw her sign her name thereto.

They further swear that they were acquainted with the said Newton A Baker deceased in his life time and know that he and the said Mary F Baker lived and cohabitated together as man and wife, and were so reported. That she is the widow of the identical Newton A Baker who performed the military service mentioned in said declaration and has remained a widow since his death.

That their knowledge of the declarant and declared is derived from a long and intimate acquaintance. That during their marriage there were born to them the following children, John Henry, Elizabeth E, & Newton J. And they further testify that they reside as above stated and are disinterested in this claim.

John Watts (signed)

R D Miller (signed)

Sworn to, acknowledged and subscribed before me, Probate Judge as aforesaid after the foregoing statement of the declarant, with the power of attorney and the statement of the witnesses were fully read to them (before me) and they made acquainted with their contents; and I certify that I am not interest is this claim or concerned in its prosecution and I believe the declaring is the person she represents herself to be. 

In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto signed my name and affixed the seal of my said court this 15th day of April 1865

Alexander Logue   

Probate Judge

 [Transcribed report filed for the cause of death for Corporal Newton A Baker while on duty in the Service of the United States in the War of the Rebellion.

By Carolyn Hines Smith]

Quaker Bottom, Lawrence County Ohio

August 9, 1865

I, Melvin A McLaughlin, on honor, certify that Newton A Baker (Corporal) was a member of Battery B, 1st W Va Artillery. He enlisted in said Battery at Ceredo Va on the 1st day of October 1861 and was mustered by Col. Lightburn same date to serve for (3) three years unless sooner discharged.

While on the march under the command of Brig. Genl. Duffie on the 18th day of July 1864, in the Loudoun Valley East Va the limber chest exploded by some unknown cause and the fragments of shot and shell mangled the said NA Baker so as to cause his death in a short time.

My knowledge of the above facts is obtained from the following source: That I was also a member of the same Battery and was in command of the section at the time Baker was wounded. Newton was a good soldier and his death was lamented by his officers and all who knew him.


Lieut. Melvin McLaughlin, late of Battery B, 1st Va Artillery

Attachment to the Application for Widow’s Pension, made by Mary Frances Hively Baker.

 December 17, 1865

The  State of Ohio Gallia County SS

Before me Robert Grandstaff one of the Justices of the Peace for said County, this day personly appeared Hiram B Depew & Cornelius Lambert, each one of them being duly sworn according to Law, Deposeth and saith each one of them were members of Battery “B”, 1st Va Artillery and that they were personly acquainted with Corporal Newton A. Baker and that he belonged to said Battery in the Veteran Service of the United States, and that they were present when the said Corpl Newton A Baker was killed., that he was killed  on the 18th day of  July AD 1864 in the Louden Valley between Ashby’s and Snicker’s Gapp in the State of W. Va by the accidental explosion of a limber chest of said Battery and that they also state that said Newton A Baker was killed while in Discharge of his Duty as a soldier and that he was in no way to blame for the said accident.

Also that No Physician attended him as he was almost instantly killed. And they also further state that they are not Relatives of the claiment and have no intrust in the application.

Hiram B Depew (signed)

Richard Depew  (signed)

Cornelius Lambert (signed)

Pension approved, prorated from July 18, 1864, at the rate of $8 per month with $2 extra per month for each child. Her pension continued until her death on March 10, 1914. She was receiving $12 per month at that time. She is buried in a lonely grave in Waterloo Cemetery, Gallia County, Ohio. She never remarried. Newton A Baker was supposedly buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

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