Levi Henry Civil War Veteran

 Ironton Register 9 Feb. 1888 – When the Register reporter accosted Levi Henry for a “Narrow Escape,” he said, “you are too late – Capt. Markin told mine, that’s what I had laid up for you if ever you struck me for an army remembrance.

“I was at that surprise party, and one of the reb bullets struck my cartridge box and knocked it all to –ders and obliterated every cartridge. Indeed, it was a very thrilling experience as Capt. Markin says that it may not size up with some others for description. One of the boys, who was…[Illegible].

Breastwork during the Civil War

“Well, we went on in the charge over the knoll and down into a little ravine until we were stopped by the heavy fire of the rebs in their breastworks near which place Lieut. Thomas was mortally wounded. Through the ravine, a little stream ran, and going to it to get a drink, a rebel shell hissed and struck the brook right close to me and splashed the water into my face. That was close call #2.

“Shortly after that, I was ordered out on the skirmish line, with orders to keep firing toward the enemy’s line, until a cannon was fired, then we were to get out of there the best we could. We kept up the firing till about midnight when the cannon roared. Then I struck in the direction of the road, which was only a few rods to the right. When I got to the road, I found it filled with our soldiers, sleeping, and just as I got among them, a troop of reb cavalry came dashing into us, and I scam… [Illegible]”

“Indeed, Mr. Henry,” said the Reporter, “the experiences are deeply interesting, and I thank you for telling them.”

  • IR Nov. 21, 1889 – Levi Henry is building a one-story frame house for Charles Anderson, on Mill street.
  • IR Mar. 10, 1892 – Levi Henry is home from Louisiana and will remain during the summer. 
  • IR May 19, 1892 – Levi Henry was down from Louisa, Saturday.  He says he has Ben Thomas’ residence under the roof.
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