John Zimmerman Civil War Veteran

John Zimmerman was my grandmother’s adopted father. After my grandmother’s mother died shortly after childbirth, her father, William C. Dillon, couldn’t manage a large family alone. So my grandmother went to live with her half-sister, Mary Ellen Lewis, who had married John Zimmerman.

Thus, John Zimmerman becomes her adoptive father. I have several photos of him, some in his Civil War uniform, one with my father sitting on his knee. One story was that he walked with a distinct limp. The attached letter, which I received from Sharon Martincic of Newark, OH, certainly explains why he limped. Neat story!

John ZIMMERMAN was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Fifth Infantry Regiment of West Virginia Volunteers on October 5, 1864. The original commission resides with Henry S. DILLON, grandson of Nettie Alberta DILLON, stepdaughter of John ZIMMERMAN. I also have a pocket watch that I was told many times “Your Grandpa ZIMMERMAN carried this watch in the Civil War.” I also have some of his medals and ribbons. (Henry S. DILLON)

They were married on April 5, 1864, by Nathaniel Burcham, Esq., witnesses William ZIMMERMAN and Jans. T. BURCHAM.

(12/95) Aunt Nell said she thought Grandpa ZIMMERMAN was always a little crippled due to his experiences in the Civil War.

Battle of Cedar Creek Civil War

From the “Ironton Register, Thursday, March 10, 1898”

“Editor Register–On Oct 19, 1864, at Cedar Creek, just at daybreak or a little before, the Rebel army under Gen. Early came swooping down upon us with the intention of driving everything before them, Fifth Va. General Enoch’s old regiment lay on the extreme left of the line. Of course, there was cavalry further out. We were driven back, and I, among a great many other, was wounded. As I went down, I said, “For God’s sake, boys, don’t leave me here,” and they did not.

They picked me up and carried me until they came to an ambulance, where I was placed and taken back to Winchester to the field hospital. That evening about sundown, my leg was operated on. I had been wounded in the right leg. A Minnie ball entered just above the ankle and mashed one bone all to pieces and lodging on the opposite side just a little under the skin.

The doctor removed it and gave it to me. The wound healed all right and appeared all right until two years ago when it broke out in the running sore and became very painful. I supposed the bone had become diseased and called upon Dr. Reynolds of Proctorville, who operated up on it and, instead of finding a piece of bone detached, found another leaden ball embedded in the bone above where it had been sawed off.

Now, the question is, did the gun with which I was wounded fire two balls, or did two Rebs hit me at the same time in the same place?

I am getting along as well as could be expected under the skillful treatment of Dr. Reynolds.

John Zimmerman”

Submitted by: HENRY S. DILLON



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