John Ellison

The following appeared in the Lawco Lore Newsletter, Vol. 10, No.4, (November 1993)

From “Virginia Revolutionary Pension Applications, Vol. 35.” August 28, 1832, Lawrence Co., Ohio.

John Ellison of Fayette Township in said county, aged about 70, declares in 1777 he resided in Bedford Co., Va., now Franklin Co. He volunteered for three months in the company of Capt. Rentfro to guard the country against the Indians and marched immediately to rendezvous at Big Springs in Botetourt.

From there, he went with the company to Widow Kent’s on Round Oak Creek, north fork, then to Robert King’s near the head of the said creek, then to Winter’s (and Potts’ crossed out) on Sinking Creek, and remained in Botetourt during the whole term, at the expiration of which Capt discharged him. William Rentfro. He was discharged at Robert King’s on Round Creek. He served in the summer and went home in the fall.

He served another three months as a substitute for his father, Amos Ellison, who was drafted. He and his father still resided in Bedford Co., forty miles west of New London Court House. This was in the summer of 1778 or 1779. Lt. Gilbert commanded the company; there was no captain. He marched from Bedford County (New London) to Crow’s Ferry on James River, guarding the magazine they took from New London to the ferry to prevent the enemy from taking it. After some weeks, they went back to New London with the magazine.

There were about 40 men. He remained at New London until his term expired and was discharged by Lt. Preston Gilbert. In the same fall, he was again drafted from Bedford Co. for three months. He entered service under Capt. John Trigg remained with him at New London for some days. Then he returned home. In July 1781, he was drafted for three months from Berkeley Co., Va., where he resided under Capt. Jarriot in Col. Dark’s regiment, both of the same county.

Gen. Stephenson commanded the brigade. He marched immediately to the neighborhood of Williamsburg, where he remained until Gen. Washington arrived when he went with the army to Yorktown. He assisted in making the batteries and fortifications and remained until his term expired 5 or 6 days before the surrender. He was relieved by others who came to take their place.

He was born in Ireland and came to Baltimore in Oct. 1774; he has no record of age. He resided in Berkeley Co. for twelve years, then moved to Monroe Co. for four years, and then moved to the place he now lives.

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