Charles Shelton War Experiences
Narrow Escape #4
Ironton Register 9 Dec. 1886
Submitted by Peggy Wells
“So you were in the 2nd Va. Cavalry?” we asked Charles Shelton.
“Yes,” he replied.
“The 2nd Va. Cavalry was around some and got into tight places. Did you ever get in any?” the reporter asked.
“A few. Henry Pancake’s interesting experience, which you published, calls to mind a “Narrow Escape” for me, on account of my having on rebel pants and an old white hat. Of course, we all had narrow escapes. I learned this in my first soldiering in Kanawha valley.
“One day, our regiment was strung out a mile long and was fired on my bushwhacker from the opposite side of the river, and every man said that the ball just missed his head, and that was all. However, after we had marched an hour or so, that ball or some other succeeded in knocking the crown out of Jimmie McGovern’s hat.
“Now, as I was going to say of myself, at the battle of Waynesborough, I lost my cap and found that white hat. That night after the fight was over, I changed my muddy pants for a rebel pair that was dry and clean.
“These I had to keep for some weeks as we were on the go all the time. We marched to White House Landing, then to Petersburg, then to Five Forks, then to Sailor’s creek. In the evening, after the fight was over, two of Company F and I assisted one of my company to the hospital. There we were detained to wait on the wounded that night.”

. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.
“Next morning, we started for the command. On reaching the battleground, which was situated on a ridge, we stopped to consider which way to go, as there were roads leading in different directions.
“Just then, a regiment of nice, clean soldiers, headed by several fine-looking officers, came in sight. They halted some distance away, and soon one of their officers came dashing toward us, and at once, I thought this must be General Meade, and sure enough, it was.
“Now here, I must further describe my appearance, for I do not wonder at him taking me for anything else but a confederate soldier.
“I had on the right kind of a cavalry jacket, and as I was bugler, of course, was striped across the breast like a zebra, and the broad-brimmed homemade hat lopped well down about my ears.
“The General made it right for me. “What command do you belong to?” he asked in a shrill voice that almost lifted me out of my saddle. “2nd Va. Cav., Co. E. Capt. Joe Ankrom, Lieut. J. M. Corns, Lieut. Hicks.” This I said and more too in one breath, for I began to see that we were going to get in trouble.”
“What are you doing here?” I explained all about the matter and told him that we were at a loss to know which road to take to get to our command. “What are you doing with those rebel clothes on?” he asked. I explained how I came by these and said I, “General, I see you are taking me for a rebel. Why, here,” showing him a pin that I wore on my jacket, with my name, company and regiment inscribed on it, also a ring with the same.
“Then I searched my pockets for a letter from home, but he would not look at anything but the gray pants and white hat. Finally, he said, “your command went out that road.” He then went back to his staff. We started but did not proceed far till an officer came up and commanded us to halt. He said that the General wanted us to come back there.”
“On our way back, he asked me the same questions, and I tried to tell the same story. When we reached the General and his staff, this officer said: “General, it will be well to see to this fellow, for he tells a crooked story.” “The regiment was then drawn up in line of march, and I was placed in the rear under guard. We did not go far till we came to a halt.
“An officer came dashing back and ordered me to dismount. My horse was taken away, and I was led to one side by two of these nice-looking soldiers, who seemed afraid to get close to me. These two soldiers commenced to load their guns, and Oh! that old white hat began to raise and I thought of everything I ever did, both good and bad.
“I could not help but think that I had been the best soldier that ever carried a bugle and had been in every fight the regiment ever had. I had helped Custer capture those thirty-six battle flags with all that artillery, and now the war was about to end, and I was to be shot down as a rebel spy. It was too bad, but just then, I heard the clatter of horse hoofs coming back along the line.
“As they came up, I observed two officers and two men. I knew one of them. I hollered out, “there is a man I know.” Said I, “You are a Lieut in the first N. Y. Cav. I belong to Co. E. 2nd Va. Cav. Capt. Joe Ankrom. You know him?” “Yes,” said the Lieut. “Why?” “These men are going to shoot me for a rebel spy.” I was then turned over to this Lieut. and thus rescued, and had the pleasure of seeing Lee surrender at Appomattox a few days after.”
“That indeed is a very romantic experience,” observed the reporter.
“It may be romantic to listen to, but the very recollection of it gives me cold chills. I don’t want to figure in that sort of a romance anymore,” Mr. Shelton replied.
“Indeed I hope not,” said the reporter, “but, yet these narrow escapes become very interesting to recall, twenty years after the danger’s past.”