Captain William “Uriah” Payne was born March 1, 1825 at Wilgus, Lawrence County, Ohio. He was described as 6’1″ tall, with blue eyes, black hair, and a fair complexion. He was a farmer at Wilgus and married Margaret Clark on Jan. 16, 1851, Peter W. Christ, J.P., Lawrence county, officiating.

From the collection of Drucilla Payne Mongervo
These records are available at
Briggs Lawrence County Public Library
321 S 4th St
Ironton, OH 45638
or email Lori Shafer

Their children were William U., Cornelius, John A., Levi, Elizabeth, and Lincoln.
Captain William Uriah Payne served in two wars. He was in the Mexican War (called the Mexican Uprising) from Jan. 3, 1846, to Jan. 14, 1847, in Co. D. 1st Reg’t. Ohio Volunteers. He enrolled in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was discharged as a Private in New Orleans, LA. He received 16: xx and 160 acres of Lawrence County, Ohio. Bounty is due him for his part in the war and an $8.00 a month pension. He was granted his bounty land on 11 Feb. 1847.
He also served in the War of Rebellion (Civil War) from 18 Sept. 1861 to 1 May 1861 as Captain in Co. H. 9th Regt. WV Volunteer Infantry. He recruited his own Company of 60 men. His brother, William W., was one of the 60. He re-enlisted in Co. F 173rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry from 20 Aug. 1864 to 26 June 1865. He was honorably discharged in Nashville, Tennessee.
From “Calendar of Virginia State Papers” – “After recruiting at Camp Piermont, sixty men under Captain William Uriah Payne were repaired to Camp Paxton, Guyandotte and took possession of the place on the 22nd of October last. It was dated Wheeling, VA, 6 Dec. 1861.
Prisoner of War Record
We captured Captain William Uriah Payne and his brother William at the Battle of Guyandotte, VA 10 Nov. 1861. He and William were confined at Libby Prison, Richmond, VA. 22 Nov. 1861 – paroled at Washington, NC. 2 June 1862 in an exchange of prisoners. His Regiment….(rest is cut off)
Rheumatism is buried in Fairview Cemetery, Lawrence County, Ohio. He was 81 yrs. 8 mos. of age.
On 22 Nov. 1906, his wife Margaret Payne, aged 78, applied for a pension on her husband’s war service. Levi and Blanche Payne witnessed her signature.
Levi Payne, aged 49 years, also applied for a pension as legal guardian of his sister, Elizabeth, a helpless invalid from childhood.
Margaret Clark Payne died 17 Jan. 1907. The side of her husband buries heron in Fairview Cemetery.
Uriah served as a Notary Public at Wilgus. He was the son of William Uriah Payne and Diana Wilson Payne.
Mainly secured by me from The National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Drusila Payne Mogavero
Thank you!
Hi Wilma!
So good to meet you and thank you for visiting ‘The Lawrence Register’ and leaving a nice comment. Please let me know if you have any question or suggestions. I hope you come back and visit us regularly.
My grandmother(Fannie Warren) told us we had a 3rd great uncle named this. I know there are other names- Nelson and ?. I am 75 this month. William and John were the first names of most of my elders. My great grandad was John Atkinson. Just checking. Something to make the day shorter I guess.