Anderson Vititoe Civil War Veteran

Submitted by Connie Gallucci 

Please note all of the different spellings of Vititoe, on his records. Also, note that his brother William died in the Battle of Guyandotte, and another brother James died in the war in Cairo, Illinois. I am still searching for the record for the remaining brother Ellis Vititoe.

Anderson Vititoe: Enrolled in Company H 9th West Virginia Volunteers; Company H was known as Company A in 1861. No one of the same or similar name on rolls of Company D covering period. Dated 4.25.82

He was enrolled Sept 18, 1861, in Ceredo, WV, for a period of 3 years. He was captured in the Battle of Guyandotte on November 10, 1861. In Rebel prisons in Richmond, Virginia, and Salisbury, North Carolina.

Muster roll reads: Anderson Vittettoe
Enrollment to February 28, 1862 – Absent – Prisoner of War since Nov 10, 1861.
March & April 1862 – Absent – Prisoner of War
May & June 1862 – Absent – Absent, on furlough from War Department
April 30 to Aug 31, 1862 – Absent – Paroled Prisoner, ordered to Camp Chase by Sec of War
Sept & Oct 1862 – Absent – Paroled Prisoner in Camp Chase, Ohio
Nov & Dec 1862 – Discharged on Surgeon’s Certificate August 14, 1862, at Camp Chase.

Memorandum from Prisoner of War Records

Vitico, A
Vittito, Anderson
Vitito, Anderson
Vittletoe, Anderson Rank: Private 9th WVa Volunteer Army Company A

Captured at Guyandotte November 10, 1861, confined at Richmond, Virginia Nov 22, 1861. Sent to Salisbury, North Carolina, December 24, 1861. Present at Ft. Columbus (this part is not very clear looks like Columbus NYH) June 17, 62

Paroled at Washington, N.C. June 2, 1862, reported at Camp Chase, Ohio, August 8, 1862; Discharged on roll dated August 24, 1862.

Certificate of Disability for Discharge reads in part:

Anderson Vitito, Private of Uriah Payne’s Company A of the 9th Regiment of United States Virginia Volunteer Infantry, was enlisted by Capt. Payne of the 9th Regiment of Virginia Volunteer Infantry at Ceredo, Virginia, on the 18th day of September 1861, to serve three years; he was born in Lawrence County in the State of Ohio, is 46 years of age, 5 feet 11 inches high, dark complexion, hazel eyes, black hair, and by occupations when enlisted a farmer. During the last two months, said soldier has been unfit for duty for 60 days. He is this day discharged because of the surgeons certificate and general order No. 36 – 1862

Station: Camp Chase Signed A. B. Dod
Date: August 13, 1862, Capt 15th WSI (I think it WSI)
Military Commander

I certify that I have carefully examined the said Anderson Vitito of Captain Uriah Paine’s Company and find him incapable of performing the duties of a soldier because of: “General disability caused by sufferings endured in the rebel prisons at Richmond, Va, and Salisbury, NC insufficient food. He has not been fit for duty for the last eight months.”

Signed: M. T. Carey, Post Surgeon
By Surgeon: Jon Morris
A. B. Dod, Capt 15th WSI Commanding the Post

Discharged this 14th day of August 1862 at Columbus, Ohio

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