Whitwell Annexation

Ironton Register, June 23, 1887 ANNEXED – The Circuit Court has decided the Whitwell Annexation case, and now, the enterprising little suburb is a part of Ironton.  The company will be very pleasant, and we are quite proud of our addition, but as a financial venture, the City Council will have reason to indulge in demonstrations of woe for some years.

  • G.P. 1949 – Dan Jones, who was a carpenter working many years with W. E. R. Kemp, built the Whitwell addition to the city [Dan Jones was one of the first volunteer firemen in 1858]
  • I.R. January 6, 1877 – The Whitwell debate came off without the use of pitchforks.
  • I.R. March 6, 1879 – George Schachleiter moved his family to his new home in the village of Whitwell.
  • IR June 23, 1887 -ANNEXED – The Circuit Court has decided the Whitwell Annexation case, and now, that enterprising little suburb is a part of Ironton.  The company will be very pleasant, and we are quite proud of our addition, but as a financial venture, the City Council will have reason to indulge in demonstrations of woe for some years.
  • IR June 30, 1887 – For Sale. – The Wm. A. Jordan property at Whitwell – one-story house and two lots.  Apply to W. H. H. Miller, Center House, Ironton, O.
  • I.R. November 10, 1887 – The Whitwell people will erect a building for Sunday school purposes.
  • I.R. November 17, 1887 -BEGUN WORK – The Platting Commission appointed by Council to plot the territory in the Whitwell Annexation has entered actively upon the discharge of its duties.  Several meetings have been held.  The Commission was organized by electing John Campbell, President, and J. R. C. Brown, Secretary.  A resolution that the streets of Ironton, 4th, 5th, 6th, &c., shall be extended in a straight line through the new territory and that the cross streets in Nixon’s, Donohoe’s, T. W. and C. T. M. Kemp’s and the Second National Bank additions be extended as started was adopted.  The City Engineer was directed to survey Seventh street as extended and place stakes at cross streets intersection for the Commissioner’s inspection.  The propriety of making a wider avenue than the present 7th, 8th, or 9th streets is being considered.
  • I.R. November 17, 1887 – The Second National Bank has sold 15 lots from its Whitwell property in the past month.
  • I.R. August 9, 1888 – George B. Jones, of Whitwell, has been battling Typhoid fever for the past three weeks.
  • IR Mar. 5, 1891 – Annexation. – The County Commissioners heard the petition for annexing all the territory from the Whitwell corporation line to Ice Creek last Monday night.  No remonstrance or opposition to the petition was made…..
  • IR June 25, 1891 – Will Argo will build a residence on his property in the annexed territory for Isaac Argo.
  • I.R. September 17, 1891 – Thos. Kemp expects to build him a new home on 6th street in Whitwell.
  • I.R. September 24, 1891 – Thos. Kemp has concluded to build a residence in the 6th ward and remain in Ironton.  That’s right.
  • I.R. October 15, 1891 – Thos. W. Kemp’s residence ..corner 6th & Neal [need to copy]
  • I.R. January 21, 1892 – V. Newman has bought the Geoltz house on 4th street, which is to be removed for the I.O.O.F. building and will move it to the lot below A. W. Apel’s house on 5th street. [IR Marc. 19, 1903 – Mrs. Thomas Harris of St. Louis is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Newman, of South Fifth street.
  • I.R. February 4, 1892 – Jessie Davis bought the Goetz’s corner building for $7.50 and is moving it to Whitwell.  This is the cheapest real estate ___.  It was supposed the structure was badly burnt, but it is as sound as a dollar.
  • I.R. March 10, 1892 – Mr. and Mrs. George Gennett of Farmer, Ky., are visiting Mr. Samuel Jones of Whitwell.
  • I.R. July 21, 1892 – Big Real Estate Purchase. – One of the most important real estate sales made in this region occurred last Saturday.  W. S. Whitman sold to a syndicate an area of land in Whitwell that contains 80 lots and 22 fractions, making all 102 pieces.  The syndicate who purchased this real estate are Col. G. N. Gray, W. M. Kerr, A. R. Johnson, J. C. Snyder, John H. Sutton, Hugh Russell, and Chas. Hutsinpillar, M. O. Maddy and C. B. Clark and others.  The land is a portion of the McGovney tract and is laid out into lots and platted.  The entire property lies well, though there are a few low places.  The wonderful part about the purchase is the low price for which the property was bought.  The sum of $4000 cash was paid for it.  This is extremely low, for it would no doubt be cheap at twice that price for speculative purposes.  The purchasers certainly have an excellent bargain and can sell out at a good margin quickly.  They do not propose to hold the land but to offer it by the lot and intend to put it at prices that will secure sales, at the same time, give them a good profit, which they are entitled to, for their property is worth, at least, twice what they paid for it. [I.R. December 25, 1890 – In Happy Wedlock – Mr. Floyd A. Allen and Miss Ella B. Moore were united in marriage at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Moore, who live in the Dr. McGovney property near Sarah furnace….]
  • I.R. March 31, 1892 – Jacob Wise died at his home in Whitwell early Friday morning of pneumonia…
  • I.R. October 25, 1894 – The new Whitwell school house is beautiful; well planned and well built, it is the best.
  • I.R. February 14, 1895 – The boundary line between Campbell and Whitwell school districts is placed at Pine street.
  • I.R. December 28, 1899 – Dan Thomas is home from Charleston, W. Va., for a holiday visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Thomas, of Whitwell.
  • I.R. November 15, 1900 – Prof. J. D. Pancake, principal of the Whitwell schools, has moved his family from Deering to this city, located at the McConnell property in Whitwell.
  • I.R. February 21, 1901 – A Whitwell Blaze – The frame residence at 593 South Fifth Street, near Kemp avenue, owned and occupied by Frank Compton and family, was almost totally destroyed by fire at about 8 p.m. last Friday…Mrs. Kelly, a neighbor, discovered the damage…The residence of Abraham Wagner was slightly damaged…
  • I.R. January 29, 1902 – Real Estate Deal. – Fifteen Acres in Whitwell Changed Hands Today. – Messrs. John Lucas, E. S. Culbertson, and E. G. Scripture concluded a deal Tuesday, whereby they became owners of 15 acres of land in Whitwell, embracing the territory between Kemp Avenue and Pleasant street and Ninth street and the hill road forming the east corporation line of the city.  The territory comprises 80 lots, which will likely be platted and put on the market in the spring.  The property is the John Lang farm adjoining the Warne lands.

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