According to the notice, the citizens of Ironton met at the Courthouse on Monday Evening, Sept. 10th, to organize a Fire Company called Joseph Wheeler to the choir and appointed S. P. Calvin Secretary!
On motion, it was resolved that we organize a Fire Company to be called the “Good Intent Fire Company of Ironton” Resolved.
That any person over the age of 18 years may become a member of this organization, that the officers of this Company shall be a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, who shall severally discharge the duties usually devolving upon such officers until a more perfect organization can be affected, and others elected in their stead.
The members of the said Company then proceeded to elect officers, where-upon George G. Shore was duly elected President, Henry C. Rodgers, Vice President, B. F. Cory, Secretary, and J. M. Merrill, Treasurer.
On motion, a committee of five persons was appointed to solicit subscriptions to defray the Company’s expenses, viz; Thos. Kirker, Thos. Winters, J. M. Merrill, II. C. Rodgers, and John Kelly.
On motion, it was resolved that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Ironton Register and Spirit of the Times. On motion, the meeting adjourned to meet at the Courthouse on Friday Evening, Sept. 22.
Jos. Wheeler, Chairman
S. P. Calvin, Secretary
Friday Evening, Sept. 23 – Under adjournment, the citizens met at the Courthouse to take further measures to perfect the organization of the Fire Company.
The meeting was called to order by the President when it was moved and ordered that the minutes of the previous meeting be read. The Secretary of the previous meeting was absent, the subject under consideration was discussed, and several persons gave their names to become members of the company.
When on motion resolved that a committee of three be appointed to wait on the Town Council to see what measures can be adopted to purchase a Fire Engine. Thos. Proctor, and S. Peters, were appointed said committee. We adjourned to meet at the same place Thursday Evening, Oct. 6th. – B. F. Cory, Secretary. Spirit of the Times, 27 Sep 1853, Tue, Page 2
Ironton Fire Department Circa. 1910. Clarence Wolbert is 3rd from left. Photo courtesy of Brenda Moore Spears.

Pursuant to notice, the citizens of Ironton met at the Courthouse, on Monday Evening, Sept. 10th, for the purpose of organizing a Fire Company called Joseph Wheeler to the choir and appointed S. P. Calvin Secretary!
On motion, it was resolved that we organize a Fire Company to be called the “Good Intent Fire Company of Ironton” Resolved.
That any person over the age of 18 years may become a member of this organization. That the officers of this Company shall be a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, who shall severally discharge the duties usually devolving upon such officers until a more perfect organization can be affected, and others elected in their stead.
The members of the said Company then proceeded to elect officers, where-upon George G. Shore was duly elected President, Henry C. Rodgers, Vice President, B. F. Cory, Secretary, and J. M. Merrill, Treasurer.
On motion, a committee of five persons was appointed to solicit subscriptions to defray the expenses of the Company, viz; Thos. Kirker, Thos. Winters, J. M. Merrill, II. C. Rodgers, and John Kelly.
On motion, it was resolved that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Ironton Register and Spirit of the Times. On motion, the meeting adjourned to meet at the Courthouse on Friday Evening, Sept. 22.
Jos. Wheeler, Chairman
S. P. Calvin, Secretary
Friday Evening, Sept. 23 – Under adjournment, the citizens met at the Courthouse to take further measures to perfect the organization of the Fire Company.
The meeting was called to order by the President when it was moved and ordered that the minutes of the previous meeting be read. The Secretary of the previous meeting was absent, the subject under consideration was discussed, and several persons gave their names to become members of the company.
When on motion resolved that a committee of three be appointed to wait on the Town Council to see what measures can be adopted to purchase a Fire Engine Thos. Proctor, and S. Peters, were appointed said committee. We adjourned to meet at the same place Thursday Evening, Oct. 6th. – B. F. Cory, Secretary. Spirit of the Times, 27 Sep 1853, Tue, Page 2