Lombard Football Team

Yesteryear’s in Lawrence County Ohio


Submitted by Tom Everett

(Ironton’s Lombard football team was one of the best in the region In the early days of local football in the early 1900s. The following article is taken from the Nov. 27, 1914 edition of “The Daily Register.”) Football (1914)

Using only old-fashioned football, the strong Lombard team defeated the Portsmouth Giants 13 to 0 in a hard game Thursday afternoon at Beechwood before a fair crowd of rabid football fans. The day was ideal for the spectators, and the field was fast for the players.

Ironton received the kickoff and, without losing the ball on a series of short line bucks in three minutes, had carried it over the line for the first part of the game, Hughes getting the touchdown after a good gain. Justice failed to kick the goal.

The Giants received the ball, but after trying one play, they fumbled the ball, which Hughes recovered, and another march toward the visitors’ goal was begun. With varying success, the ball was advanced until the end of the quarter found the ball on the Giants 40-yard line on the second play in the second quarter Hughes broke through the line on a cross tackle buck and ran 35 yards for the second touchdown and this time the goal was kicked.

In the second half, both teams seemed to be tired out, and though the Giants worked the pass successfully several times, they failed to have the punch to put it over when they had a chance, while the Lombard men were unable to gain as they had earlier in the game, and the score ended 13-0.

The lineup was as follows:
Po. Ironton        Giants
C—Henry        Hick
R.G.–Wick        Baker
L.G.—Chinn        Ferry
R.T.—E. Rutledge        Nole
L.T.—Stewart Schumake
R.E.—H. Heald         Glockner
L.E.—Haskins         Brehmer
Q.—Byrnes        Smith
F.B.—G. Stewart Dorf
L.H.—Hughes        Davis
R.H.—Justice Ford

(The same edition of the Daily Register contained the following Thanksgiving article.) Thanksgiving (1914)

The glorious summer has passed into the unknown realms of the seasons, and in her train comes a brown sister of the west, changing the beautiful green coat of summer to a coat of brown.

But has her work been in vain? The school at Kelley’s Bridge at the Thanksgiving celebration on Wednesday answered the question with their fine display of fruit, vegetables, and corn. Some spectators went as far as to say that some of the corn and vegetables were the best they had ever seen. Prizes were awarded to the fine displays, and the drawings of the school were astonishing to all.

The program was exceptionally fine and shows to good advantage the diligence of the pupils and the ability of the teacher, Miss Minta Hall, who is one of Lawrence County’s best teachers and a great favorite with all her pupils. The parents of the children attended and were very much pleased with the progress of the school.

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