John Campbell Home

John Campbell's Home in Ironton, Ohio

John Campbell’s Home Was Built in 1850

1855 – Center Block was built in the summer of 1855.  S. Ward built Cohen & Brumberg’s and Lampman’s rooms.  Barber & Edgerton the REGISTER portion, Phillip Barnhart, a Gallipolis jewelry peddler, Bixby’s part, John Newton built Neekamp’s and John Campbell, John P. Merrill and others, Burr’s ban.  Mr. Bixby bought Barhart’s building before it was finished.

IR July 30, 1868 – New Business House. – Mr. E. G. Wait is putting up a new brick house 58 feet long by 25 wide on the Post Office lot.  It is understood that Mr. John Campbell is preparing to follow with the erection of three houses immediately adjoining.  Other parties own lots there are thinking of building.

IR Oct. 13, 1870 Gov. Hayes appointed John Campbell of this place to represent the Eleventh District in the Southern Commercial Convention, held in Cincinnati on the 4th inst.

IR Oct. 13, 1870 – Lost. – On Wednesday, Oct. 5th, in Ironton or bet. Ironton and Ashland, a small black lace veil.  The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it with Miss Emma Campbell, Fifth-st., Ironton, Ohio.

IR Oct. 17, 1872 – Fifth street people seem to vie with each other as to who shall possess the finest stables.  Mr. John Campbell is ahead so far.

IR Oct. 4, 1883 – A plat has been prepared laying off the strip of land on the riverside of the pike above town between the elm tree and T. W. Kemp’s property, where he lives, into lots.  John Campbell and H. S. Neal are the owners of the property laid off.  There are about 60 lots in the piece, half of which front on the pike and half toward the river, with an alley between the two rows of lots (do not have the end of this story)

Ironton Register Thursday, Feb. 12, 1885 IMPORTANT SALE – Last Saturday, H. S. Neal, as Assignee of Jno. Campbell offered for sale all his individual property, and a large part of it was bid in. The crowd at the front of the Court House was large, and the bidding was often very lively. Jno. Harris cried the sales, and Mr. Neal acted as his clerk. The Trustees of the creditors, Messrs. McGovney, Terry, and Beaman, were present to see that the offers were taken in. Several important sales were made to the creditors’ trustees.

Ironton Register, March 08,  1894SOLD – The John Campbell homestead was offered at public auction last Saturday by the Assignee, H. S. Neal. The Trustees bought it for the creditors, Messrs. W. A. Murdock of Ironton, L. M. Beaman of Gallia, and A. T. Johnson of Portsmouth.  The price was $8,666.66, which is two-thirds of the appraised value.

The property comprises nearly seven fine lots and an elegant house of some twenty rooms or more, elaborately finished inside with massive walnut casings and of commodious proportions throughout.  The house was erected in 1850 and was remodeled elegantly about fifteen years ago.

Gabe Johnson, who was one of the appraisers, remarked when performing his duty that he was present once when a gentleman’s offer to Mr. Campbell of $30,000 for the property was refused.  Still, the appraised value is considered a reasonable price for the property.  W. A. Murdock will take the house and occupy it after making some repairs.

See also William Means, son-in-law of John Campbell, and William A. Julian, Treasurer of the United States (a grandson-in-law of John Campbell.

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