Ironton, Ohio Rolling Mill

The Daily Morning Post., Pittsburgh PA., July 08, 1851, Image 2

We have received a copy of the Bye-laws of the Ironton Rolling Mill Company.

This Company, we are informed, is composed of practical ironworkers in several branches: and is organized under the “General Incorporation Law” of the State of Ohio.

The Mill is being erected in Ironton, Lawrence County, Ohio, on the bank of the Ohio River, about two miles above Hanging Rock. It is in the center of the Great Iron Region of Ohio and Kentucky. The Company has secured upwards of forty acres of coal, about three miles on the Railroad, whose terminus is on the wharf of Ironton, near the Mill.

From the unequaled advantage of the position the parties embarked, the superior quality of the Pig Iron of that region, the saving of freight and cost of transportation, we are satisfied that this Company will be able to enter the market with a great advantage in the quality and cost of their manufacture: and that it will prove a profitable investment.

From our acquaintance with, and knowledge of, the character of the Stockholders, we think that other practical men, nailers, coal diggers, &c., might find room for a profitable investment of their small means and steady employment in their own Mill.

And we take pleasure in referring those who wish to inquire further to Messrs. Clarkson, Pugh, and Capt. Alex. Scott, either of whom can be found by enquiring of Mr. A. Ambler, Smithfield street, between Fourth and Diamond alley.

Kelly's Nail Mill, Ironton, Ohio

Portsmouth Daily Times, 10 Mar 1921, page 2 – Six men struck in the Kelley Iron and Nail Mill at Ironton Wednesday, and the plant has closed indefinitely.

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