Ironton Ohio Fire Department History

MAY 21, 1918 – That date was a long time ago to City Foreman George Bruce…Recently he found an old newspaper among books at his home…The paper is a copy of the Irontonian of the above date…George started reading the advertisements and then a headline caught his eye…It reads “Firemen hold flag raising”…The firemen at No. 3 station, Third and Clinton Streets will have their flag raising at 2:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon, states the item… “The firemen, assisted by Patrolman Edward C. Fillgrove have prepared a splendid program to be given at their station.

The Elks’ band with Fred B. Davies, drum major will give a concert after a prayer by Rev. W. H. Hampton of Christ Episcopal Church will sing “America” …Mayor A. J. Hannon will introduce Hon. A.J. Layne will be followed by songs by the choir and an address by Hon A. R. Johnson…Captain John (Dip) Mittltheauser and Frank M. Smith, “the singing firemen” will do a duet accompanied by Miss Fay Ferguson…Then a song by the Fillgrove twins, Lester and Chester will come.”

Ironton Ohio Fire Deptartment HistoryAt that time, members of the No. 3 station were John Mittltheauser, Link Henry, and William Willis…They were in charge of a two-horse hose wagon…Other firemen at that time were Frank McCarthy, Frank Ferrie, Thomas Jeffers at Fourth, and Buckhorn…At Third and Walnut were Charles Holschuh, Herman Baldwin, Joe McKee, John Lipker, Frank Riedel, and Charles Wagner…

Among the advertisements that caught our eye in the old paper was a picture of a double-tub washing machine sold at the Hutsinpillar & Sheridan hardware store…R. W. Rowland piano store advertised Edison phonographs…Theda Bara in “Rose of Blood” was the motion picture showing at the South Side at Third and Spruce Streets…Grimes & Mountain, contractors, were advertising for carpenters to work on the construction of the Nixon Hill reservoir…William E. George was the fire chief.

Written by Charles Collett
Huntington, WV Newspaper – May 21, 1960

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