Ironton House

Ironton House was a Hotel located in Ironton, Ohio, and was built in 1850 for Ohio Iron and Coal Co. Steven White did the brickwork.

IR May 12, 1853 – The Ironton House was sold, a week or two since, to Wm. K. Boal, of Pennsylvania Furnace.  Mr. J. W. Allison will take charge of the House sometime in the next month.

IR Sept. 7, 1854 – Adv. – Ironton House, Corner of Front and Railroad Sts., Ironton.  J. W. Allison, Proprietor.

IJ Jan. 6, 1869 – The Belfont Barber Shop has passed into the control of James Conner and Charles Thornton, who will be on hand to accommodate all old customers and as many new ones as may call at the old stand, at the Ironton House.  “We have come to stay.”

IR July 7, 1870 – The Ironton House is being renovated from “turret to foundation stone.”

IR Nov. 7, 1872 – Hotel Arrivals. – The following are the hotel arrivals, for the past month:  Ironton House, 416; Sheridan House, 356; Grant House, 252.

IJ Jan. 15, 1873 – An ice house is being erected at the Ironton House.

IR Aug. 1884 – Jos. Fisher moves to the Ironton House.

IR Mar. 10, 1892 – “The New Ironton House,” is the ___ Colonel Hughes has placed on his ____  Capt. Hicks did the painting (paper cut off)

IR Dec. 17, 1896 – Prof. Strobel has in contemplation some important changes at the Ironton House.  Those changes comprise a general remodeling the addition of another story, and other features calculated to make that a thoroughly modern hotel.  This will in all probabilities be done in the Spring if the plans and specifications can be agreed upon.

Hotels Statistics for 1887

Submitted by Melissa Girardot

Ironton Register, 5 Jan 1888 – From accurate estimates, the following figures, indicating the number of arrivals at the hotels in Ironton during the year, are obtained:

These figures do not include the regular boarders.

                                    Ironton House                          8016

                                    Sheridan House                        4023

                                    Center House                           3285

                                    Massie House                           7326

                                    Clutts House                             2920

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