A. J. Brumberg Clothing Store in Ironton, Ohio, Will Move To Its Own Building In February
Will Be Located on Third and Vernon Streets
Update Sept. 2019: According to a recent story on WOWK.com, the Historical Brumberg Building Community Action Organization has just secured a grant to revitalize the old building into condos and a restaurant.
Ironton Tribune, February 22nd, 1932, Monday, Page 3.

After twenty years in its present location, the A, J. Brumberg Clothing Company announced that its store at 113 South Second Street, Ironton, Ohio, would be moved next month to the Brumberg building on Third and Vernon streets in Ironton, Ohio.
The removal of the store to its new location makes reality the dream of its founder, the late A. J. Brumberg, and justifies his business vision and acumen. In 1906 Mr. Brumberg, foreseeing the time when the business section of the city would expand, determined that the expansion would be up South Third street.
With this in mind, he built the five-story brick and steel building on Third and Vernon streets, thinking that eventually, it would be occupied by Brumbergs. The building is modern and thoroughly adapted to today’s business needs.
The entire first floor of the building, now divided into two business rooms, will be thrown into one, giving the store a floor space of 44×88 feet. The first floor will be entirely remodeled and changed to suit the convenience of the store, and these alterations will include a new front. The entrance will be on the Third street, with small, modern display windows, on both Third and Vernon streets. All fixtures and equipment now in use will be moved to the new location, and when completed, it will be one of the most modern in the city.
The A. J. Brumberg store [in Ironton, Ohio] was established by the late A. J. Brumberg is now the Central Hardware building, which it occupied from 1881 to 1883. From 1883 to 1900, it was located on the southwest corner of Second and Center street, and from 1900 to 1912, it was located in the Selb building on Second street across the street from its present location. When the store is moved next month, it will be permanently settled in its home.
To clear away stock preparatory to moving the store, Saturday will open a gigantic sale, probably the largest it has ever sponsored since the idea in mind is to dispose of every article of merchandise possible before going into its new location. Since it has been decided to open the new store with complete lines in all merchandise, everything possible will be sold during this sale. The store management expects to open in its new location by March 1st.

The management of the store, in making the announcement today, said that the decision to move was made at this time because of the demand of the owners of the present building for an increased rental, which was believed to be unreasonable at this time, coupled with the intention that has been held for some time to occupy its own building, which will be modernized and made much more adaptable for its requirements.
Brumberg Removal To New Location Has Been Started
Ironton Tribune, February 22nd, 1932, Monday, Page 3.
Removal of the A. J. Brumberg Company has started from its present location to its new home in the Brumberg building at Third and Vernon streets.
Storage shelvings and racks were being removed today for installation on the second-floor storage rooms at the new location. The actual removal of stock has not started, and the company will continue to do business at its present stand for several weeks.
Work on remodeling the new Brumberg rooms is being rushed to completion, and interior decoration will be started this week. An announcement of the formal opening is expected soon.
Formal Opening is to Be Held Monday Evening
Ironton Tribune, March 20th, 1932, Sunday, Page 8.
The dream of A. J. Brumberg, founder of the A. J. Brumberg Clothing Company has come true, though he is not here to enjoy its fulfillment. The concern that bears his name and is carried on so successfully under the direction of his sons has been located in a building built under his direction and given his name.
The Brumberg company, located on Third and Second streets between Center and Park avenue for the last twenty years, has completed its removal to the Brumberg building at Third and Vernon streets. Business is now being conducted in the recently renovated, rebuilt room. Placing of stock and arrangement of displays is to be completed today, and on Monday, the Brumberg store’s shelves filled with new spring and summer, and late winter merchandise will formally open in its new home.
The formal opening of the company is to be held Monday evening between 7 and 9 o’clock. During these hours, all residents are invited to visit the company, inspect the new location, fixtures, and stock, and exchange greetings with the proprietors. There will be no sales made during these hours as they have been set apart solely to afford the public an opportunity of paying an initial evening visit.
Before moving to its new location, the Brumberg company had the entire lower floor of the building remodeled, rebuilt, and redecorated. The interior has been repainted, new display windows were built throughout the store on Third and Vernon streets, and entrances have been provided on both streets.
Display cases and racks are in keeping with the renovated interior, and the store ranks with any in the tri-state for appearance, convenience to both clerks and patrons, and modern facilities. Beautiful are the initial displays in the new windows, which are of the latest design and mode, with lighting effects artistically and efficiently arranged.
The Brumberg Clothing Store in Ironton, Ohio was founded in 1881, and last year will be remembered for the memorable golden jubilee observed by the concern. During the last twenty years, the firm had been in the Steece building but soon after the first of the year decision was made to move to the
Brumberg building; this was the founder’s plan at the time he supervised building construction in 1906. He died in 1907, one year after the building had been completed and established as a factory site. The present store is more attractive and modern than the old one and stands as a worthy memorial to its founder.
All are extended a cordial invitation by the company to pay the firm an inspection trip and visit Monday evening.
Chillicothe Gazette, Chillicothe, Ohio April 15th, 1897, page 8
Especially When it is Well Directed, and Proper Discretion and Judgement are Used
Four years ago, two enterprising young men came to this city to engage I n the retail clothing business. One, Mr. E. L. Bergman, had served as an employee for ten years in the clothing store of Mr. Brumberg, the leading clothing merchant of Ironton, Ohio, while the other, Mr. A. Bergman, had acquired a knowledge of the business in Salem, Ohio.
In the face of innumerable odds, chief among which was that the brothers were total strangers to the residents of Chillicothe, they opened a clothing store on Second street, two doors from Paint. The store was well stocked with a fine line of goods from the start, and on the day of opening, the brothers started off with generous patronage, which has been on the increase daily. Success from the beginning is rare in business and is conclusive proof that the business is in the hands of energetic businessmen.
Bergman Bros. carries a line of clothing and gentlemen’s furnishings that is not surpassed in this city. Their stock is up to date, which counts in this age of progression.
They were the first to introduce the metropolitan window displays in this city, which have proven so attractive and are second to the newspaper as an advertising medium since fashion goods are shown to the best possible advantage. Furthermore, this firm maintains a one-price system, which is satisfactory to all parties concerned, particularly to the customer.