Walton Letter from Victoria Texas


Ironton Register, March 30, 1905

Victoria, Texas, March 15. Editor Register:

Little did I think when I talked with Capts. Wm. Wilson and Frank Payne about the battles they had in Texas and Mexico that I ever would be in Texas and pass over some of the battlegrounds they talked of, but I have and am but a few miles from Matagorda Bay and Corpus Christi. We are having uncommonly wet weather for this country at this time of the year and have had the longest cold and the wettest winter ever known here; only once has it been as cold as this winter, but I have not suffered from cold, and the rain has not worried me much, for I am 87 feet above the sea level.

About 50 feet above the river – the Guadaloupe – I am at our son Charles, his mother, and I came in October to stay the winter and avoid the grippe she had every winter for a long time.  She missed it this winter and has gained 13 pounds in weight.  I think this is a far better place to winter for health than California is and not near so far to go.  Vegetables of some kind fresh from the garden all winter.  Charlie is now selling strawberries, cabbage, onions, and rhubarb (pie plant), and after he gets around to it could have asparagus and other green stuff at this time of the year.  He has been here one year, the third of this month.

If the Editor wants it, I may write more about this country hereafter.  

Thomas W. Walton.

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