Washington Furnace

Washington Furnace, Washington Tp., Lawrence County, Ohio
Built: 1853
Torn down before 1899.
Built by John Campbell, John Peters & Others
Researched by Sharon M. Kouns

In 1851, John Peters moved to Ironton. He became one of a company consisting of Samuel McConnell, Isaac Peters, John Campbell, W. M. Bowles, and Thomas McGovney, to build the Washington Furnace and the erection he superintended.

Ironton Register, February 28, 1878 – Last Monday, a fearful boiler explosion occurred at Washington Furnace. The boiler parted near the middle, the two ends flying out in opposite directions.

The principal damage was to the hot blast. Mr. John Campbell went there last Monday evening to consider whether they will repair the furnace just as it was or make some important additions and improvements.

Ironton Register, April 20, 1899 – WASHINGTON FURNACE – This is one of the historical places of Lawrence county. It is rapidly converted from mining and manufacturing to a profitable agricultural locality.  Nothing remains of the old iron plant – once the pride of the pioneer furnace men – but the dilapidated stone stack.

The Union Iron Co. divided the lands among the creditors, who disposed of them to individuals of an agricultural turn of mind.  On all sides, one can hear the merry chime of the axeman clearing away the forest and the small boy with his torch putting on the finishing touch.  The scenes remind the writer of the pioneer days of the southern part of the country so pleasantly described by J. T. Irwin through the columns of the Register. . .

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