Pioneer Furnace of Lawrence County, Ohio
Built: Feb. 6, 1857
By: W. Colvin, U. Tracy & Others.
Researched and compiled by Sharon M. Kouns

Ironton Register, February 18, 1858 – Proprietors of Pioneer Furnace have sold out their entire interest to Mr. John L. Reed of Jackson County.
Ironton Register, February 19, 1857 – Pioneer Furnace – New furnace in Washington Township, midway between Olive and Washington Furnace, began on February 6th. Stone Coal Furnace.
It was the first to manufacture Pig Iron with Stone Coal in Lawrence County. Pioneer is the 13th Furnace built in Lawrence County; Oak Ridge, which will probably commence its first blast in May next is the 14th. Pioneer Furnace was built by Wm. Colvin, F. J. Oakes, Uri Tracy, and Thomas Pugh under the style of Wm. Colvin and Co., Benjamin Perry directed the construction.
Ironton Register, Thursday, July 9, 1857 – DISASTROUS RAILROAD ACCIDENT. – The Cincinnati night train on the Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad met with a terrible accident on the 1st inst., at 5 o’clock in the morning, 12 miles west of Marietta, killing three persons and wounding twenty. ……. Thirty passengers were in the car—the wife of Wm. Brigham of Marietta, William G. Richardson of Boston, Mass., and Mr. Connelly, Lawrence County Founder, were killed instantly. …….(excerpt from)