Hamilton Furnace

Hamilton Furnace, Lawrence County, Ohio
Built: 1884
By: Means, Kyle & Co. 
Researched by Sharon M. Kouns and Martha J. Martin

Hamilton Furnace – Hamilton Tp. – Hanging Rock, Lawrence County, Ohio, was built in 1884-5 by Means, Kyle & Co. Part of the old Pine Grove Furnace was remelted and used in the erection of Hamilton Furnace. See Pine Grove Furnace.

The Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio May 5, 1886 – Eight Hours Demanded at Ironton – Ironton, Ohio, May 4. Three miles below here on the river, the employees at Hamilton Furnace at Hanging Rock have struck for more wages and less time.

The furnace has been compelled to stop and will probably remain idle unless the men resume work on the same conditions as heretofore. The furnace is new and has been running but a few months. The eight-hour question is causing trouble at one or two other Ironworks here, but I thought the matter would be adjusted without serious dissatisfaction.

Hamilton Furnace, Lawrence County, Ohio

Portsmouth Daily Times, July 10, 1886 – Hamilton Furnace, at Hanging Rock, makes about sixty tons of good iron daily. The Lawrence mill at Ironton is idle.

Cincinnati Enquirer, October 13, 1894 – BETTER BUSINESS AT IRONTON – There has been a general revival of all kinds of business here since the passage of the tariff bill. Wholesale and retail dealers report a healthy trade and are confident about the future. All the iron works are running steadily and have a fair demand. The iron furnaces make plenty of iron, and sales are better than for several seasons, with very satisfactory prices.

The lumber interests are large here, and several million feet are on hand, but within the past 30 days, the orders have been steadily increasing, and large shipments at advanced prices are being made. Hamilton Furnace at Hanging Rock is ready to “blow in” after two years of idleness and will make a ten-months run.

Hecla Furnace started this week and will run for nine months. There has been considerable building here this season, and extensive road and street improvements are being made. The volume of money thus put in circulation less rendered the condition of business done nearly double what it was up to date this time last year.

The Ohio Democrat, Logan, Ohio June 9, 1904 – Non-union Men Fired On. Ironton, O., May 31. Strikers to the number of 20 opened fire on a church building occupied by about 18 or 20 colored persons, the greater part of whom were nonunion employees of the Hamilton furnace. The fire was returned with Winchester rifles. More than 200 shots were fired, but as far as can be seen, no one was hurt.

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