Grant Furnace

Grant Furnace, Lawrence County, Ohio
Built: 1869

Researched by Sharon M. Kouns

Grant Furnace – Lawrence County, Ohio, was built in 1869 by W. D. Kelly & Sons.  In 1869 W. D. Kelly built Grant Furnace in Ironton, operated under the firm name of W. D. Kelly & Sons, and operated for some years.

IR Nov. 26, 1868 – W. D. Kelly intends to erect a new charcoal furnace either in or adjacent to the city during the coming Winter or Spring.  It is proposed as a cold blast furnace and will be supplied with charcoal from up the river.

IJ Jan. 27, 1869 – An injunction has been served on the City Council restraining it from vacating certain streets and alleys to erect a furnace by our fellow citizen, W. D. Kelly.  The council will hear the case in the Court House next Thursday evening.

IJ Jan. 27, 1869 – City Council Proceedings – At the City Council’s regular meeting last Thursday night, the petition signed by W. D. Kelly and others asking for the vacation of certain streets and alleys to enable him (Kelly) to erect a furnace, was read.  Also, a protest against the same.  An injunction was also read, which had been served on behalf of E. V. Dean.  The matter was referred to the City Solicitor, with instructions to report an ordinance if it could be legally done by Thursday night next. …

I. R. March 4, 1869 – GRANT FURNACE – Today, Gen. Grant takes his seat. Today Messrs. Kelly & Sons have named their new Furnace, about which there has been so much talk of late. They have not yet decided on the exact location, as the Council will not act on their petition until this evening.

But should the City council not vacate the streets and alleys prayed for, they will build between Fourth and Fifth-sts., just above Mr. Kelly’s residence. They have about eighty laborers chopping wood, getting out the timber and stone, digging ore, &c., and intend to commence work on the foundation of the stack next week if the weather is favorable. They expect to make cold-blast charcoal iron. The firm name will be W. D. KELLY & SONS, Grant Furnace, Ironton, Ohio.

IR Mar. 11, 1869 – Kelly Furnace Affair. – The City Council granted so much of Mr. Kelly’s petition as asks for a vacation between Monroe and Quincy-sts. Mr. Kelly requires a bond of $10,000 to indemnify the city in case a successful suit for damages is made against it.  We understand that Mr. Kelly will give no bond nor act under the arrangement, but that, if the matter is unchanged, he will erect his furnace elsewhere, if at all.

IR Mar. 25, 1869 – small clippings – Grant Furnace – The ground for Mr. Kelly’s new furnace will be broken next week, and the work will be pushed vigorously until completed.  The furnace will be situated on what was once Front-st., between Monroe and Quincy.  The bad conditions of the roads, at present, are a great obstacle to much speed.

IR Sept. 16, 1869 – Another Pillar to Ironton’s Prosperity. – Grant Furnace in Blast…. it is not six months since the furnace was commenced. – The first dirt was shoveled on the 5th of April, and the first rock was laid on the 7th of the same month.  The stack was completed on the 10th of June, and the brickwork was finished on the 1st of August.  The first one was received on the 10th of April, and the first charcoal on the 13th (do not have an end) …

IR Dec. 16, 1869 – Grant furnace will be so fixed as to make a cold or hot blast, just as the proprietor thinks he needs… Our furnacemen are anxiously watching Congress to see whether that body’s legislation will favor British or home furnaces.

IR March 21, 1872 – Transfers of Real Estate – Lindsey Kelly to Ironton A. Kelly, one-twelfth of Centre Furnace, $3,866; Lindsey Kelly to Wm. D. Kelly, one-twelve of Centre Furnace, $3,866; Wm. D. Kelly to Lindsey Kelly, 1/2 of Grant Furnace, $1; Wm. D. Kelly to Ironton A. Kelly, 1/2 of Grant Furnace, $1.

NOTE: The new Ironton – Russell Bridge site is where the old site of W.D. Kelly’s Grant Furnace once stood. During the bridge’s construction, old bricks, melted iron, and slag were uncovered.

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