Darling Brothers

Three of these men were born in Ironton, Ohio. My grandfather, Oliver Darling, far right born in 1900. To his right, with the striped tie, is his brother, William Byron Darling. In the middle is brother Selby Lawrence Darling, born Ironton, and on end with the “attitude” is brother Emery Darling, born Ironton.

I don’t know who the gentleman is who has no tie on. He may have been a Willis cousin. Their parents are William Darling and Ethel Willis Darling, born in Lawrence County.

They are related to Jesse Grant Boot Darling, born in 1873. I have been told his father is Isaac Darling, born in 1837. Isaac would be my ggreat Uncle, who served in the Ohio Cavalry. Isaac’s brother, James C. Darling, is my ggrandfather, WV 9th. These men here are sons of William Sherman Darling, son of James C. Darling. -Jonathan

Photo Courtesy of Jonathan Darling

Three of these men were born in Ironton, Ohio. My grandfather, Oliver Darling, far right born 1900. To his right with the striped tie is his brother, William Byron Darling, in the middle is brother Selby Lawrence Darling, born Ironton, and on the end with the "attitude" is brother Emery Darling, born Ironton. I don't know who the gentleman is who has no tie on. He may have been a Willis cousin. Their parents are William Darling and Ethel Willis Darling, born in Lawrence County.  Photo Courtesy of Jonathan Darling

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