Sherman Family

Lewis Gordon Sherman Family
Deseret Evening News, Salt Lake City, Utah Apr 03, 1909, p31

An interesting communication comes from Anaconda, Mont., concerning an aged lady who has been in the Church for four months but has already felt the spirit of temple work come upon her. This lady is a Sherman by birth, her father being Lewis Gordon Sherman.

Her great-grandfather was Elisha Sherman, who married Elizabeth Powell, both of them born in the state of Virginia. They had two sons, Jesse Sherman and Lewis Gordon Sherman. There may have been other children.

Lewis Gordon Sherman married first Nancy Honkins (Hankins) and second Elizabeth Honkins (Hankins.)  The children by his first wife were Lewis Gordon, James D., Elizabeth, Polly Ann, and Jesse Sherman. By his second wife, he had Mahala and Jonah.

This second, Lewis Gordon Sherman, was the lady’s father in question. He married Sarah Ann Cronk or Crank, whose mother was also a Sherman, her name being Polly Ann Cronk. Polly Ann Cronk’s mother was Polly Ann Sherman, daughter of Jesse Sherman and granddaughter of Elisha Sherman.

The Shermans of Virginia are of Scotch-Irish descent, and the Cronk’s are of Holland-Dutch descent. The two lines are old American stock and are located near Wheeling, Virginia. The great-great-grandfather and great-uncle were with Washington at Valley Forge, as were the sons of both patriots.

The lady is a distant relative of Gen. Sherman. She is invalid and of limited means, but she is extremely anxious to hear from anyone in the Church who may be connected with this family or families, as she has several hundred names that she would be glad to send to those able to attend the workshop in the temple. Any interested will please address Mrs. William Amer, 711 West Fifth street, Anaconda, Montana.

NOTE: From Gilruth on early settlers, the following was found:

Next below, about 1798 settled, Jacob SUITER (). His wife’s maiden name was Margaret MASTERS. Their children were Hiram, William, Phillip, Jeremiah, and Mordecai.

The falling of a scaffold in middle age killed Hiram. Phillip has been married four times, lives some fifteen miles from me, and is respectable.

One of his sons went into the army in our late war, a sergeant, came out a captain and is now the Recorder of Scott Co., Iowa. William is dead, and Mordecai lives in Kansas and is a preacher.

SUITER, for some time, lived with his brother-in-law Joseph CRANK (), a quiet and peaceable man. He was celebrated for making the finest canoes that run this part of the river. CRANK was a religious man. He conducted the first funeral I was ever at. The corpse was that of a child, and the grave was in Kelly’s graveyard.

When the coffin was about to be placed in the ground, he took out his hymn book, read and sang Dr. Watts’ beautiful hymn, commencing, “Hark from the tombs a doleful sound,” etc. Though but a child myself, there was something so solemn and impressive in the matter and manner that it left an indelible impression on my mind.

Some thirty years ago, there were two of his sons in these parts: Sylvester and Enoch, but I am rather inclined to think that CRANK and his family have long passed.

Family links from

  • Parents: Sylvester S. Crank (1803 – 1882) and Mary Sherman Crank (1810 – 1884)
  • Children: James Daniel Sherman (1850 – 1896)*
  • Siblings: Eliza Jane Crank (____ – 1861)* Sarah Ann Crank Sherman (1827 – 1857)* Sarah Ann Crank Sherman (1827 – 1857) Mary A Crank Wright (1828 – 1909)* Pernina Francis Crank Stephens (1833 – 1899)* Nathaniel Crank (1837 – 1927)* Sylvester Crank (1840 – 1863)* Mahaly L Crank (1850 – 1858)*

*Calculated relationship Burial: Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery Hemple Clinton County Missouri, USA Created by: Eileen Record added: Mar 08, 2014

SOURCE: Find A Grave Memorial# 126085026 ff

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