Johnson / Johnston Families

This is a file of newspaper clippings of Sharon M. Kouns, with help from Martha J. Martin-Kounse. These stories were typed over years of research in Lawrence County, Ohio. The clippings are alphabetical and cover both the Johnson and Johnston Families. We hope you can find something in these notes that will benefit your genealogy family. When citing your source of information from this collection, please remember to include ‘The Lawrence Register’ and ‘Sharon M. Kouns’ as the author. Thank you!

COMPILED BY:  Sharon Milich Kouns, and Martha J. Martin-Kounse

Last Update:  16 Feb. 2023

Abner Johnson

JOHNSON, ABNER I.R. August 18, 1887 – Abner Johnson, the well-known colored caterer and brother of Gabe Johnson, died at his home in Ironton last Wednesday, of consumption, at the age of 57.  He had been practically confined to his house for six months.  Mr. Johnson spent much of his life in the service of steamboats, having run on Mississippi River packets for 15 years before taking up his residence in Ironton 10 years ago.  His only son, Charles, is in St. Louis, sick, and did not attend the funeral.


 IET March 3, 1931 – Died Monday at Columbus. – Dr. Alice Johnson of Columbus, daughter of the late Ben and Ethel Johnson and granddaughter of the late Dr. Hall of Burlington, all formerly of this county, died at Columbus Monday after an invalidism of nine years, local relatives and friends have been advised.  Many residents will remember her.

Dr. Johnson spent her girlhood here and, in 1890, graduated in medicine at Columbus.  She practiced in Huntington for a short time and, in 1892, moved to Columbus, where she practiced her profession.  She retired many years ago.

Dr. Johnson was a cousin of Mrs. Jim Ferguson of Delta and was a niece of Mrs. Wm. Bay.  Her parents and one sister preceded her in death, but one survived, Mary Johnson of Columbus.


IWR SEPT. 9, 1899STRUCK BY A LOCOMOTIVE. – Mrs. Alice Johnson was Instantly Killed at South Point Wednesday Evening.

Mrs. Alice Johnson was instantly killed at South Point Wednesday evening by being struck and run over by a locomotive on the N. & W. Road.  Mrs. Johnson, with her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson, was walking up the railroad track towards North Kenova when just in front of Mr. C. D. Brown’s home, Mrs. Johnson attempted to cross the tracks in front of a fast-approaching locomotive. 

Her sister tried to induce her to wait until the locomotive passed. Still thinking she had ample time to cross, the unfortunate woman stepped out upon the track and, becoming bewildered, remained standing on the track until the locomotive and ground struck her under its wheels.  She was dead before anyone could reach her.

The remains were taken to her home two miles from North Kenova on Solida Creek.  Coroner Moxley was summoned and went to the home of the Johnsons, and an examination showed that the woman’s skull was crushed and her left arm and collar bone broken, besides being terribly bruised and scratched.  Coroner Moxley took the evidence of Mrs. Anderson, and his verdict will be to the effect that the deceased met death accidentally with no one to blame.

Engineer Strap reversed his engine, but not in time to prevent striking the woman. Mrs. Johnson was married and leaves a husband and six children.  The funeral occurred this afternoon.

NOTE: The following is one of her children.

I.R. APRIL 19, 1900A PITIFUL CASE – Lon Johnson, a little waif received at the Children’s Home from South Point last Tuesday, died at that institution this morning, aged four years and ten months.

The deceased was a child of Mrs. Johnson, who was killed by a train at South Point last fall and is said to have been in the care of a 13-year-old sister since that time.  It had been compelled to stay in a small box, according to the information imparted to the matron of the Home, and was almost starved to death when received, being a mere skeleton.  Its death is attributed to the hardships through which it passed.


I.R. JAN. 29, 1891 – Worthy Deed – Mrs. Amelia Johnson and Mr. Thomas Johnson have placed in the bank $1,500 for the benefit of the children of their deceased son George, who died in South Point recently.

A. R. JOHNSON (A. Romulus Johnson)

  • Ironton Register Feb. 10, 1887 – A. R. Johnson left for Ann Arbor this week to remain in the law school for a few months and graduate next June.  He has spent a year or more there.
  • Ironton Register July 7, 1887 – A. R. Johnson is home from Ann Arbor Law School, where he gained a diploma and now enters the legal ranks with a good certificate to back him.
  • Ironton Register June 19, 1890 – A. R. Johnson will attend the commencement at Ann Arbor law school next week.
  • Ironton Register Oct. 16, 1890 – TO BE MARRIED – We are happy to announce that A. R. Johnson, the popular young lawyer of this city and the Republican candidate for Prosecuting Attorney of this county, will lead to the matrimonial altar this Thursday evening, Miss Dora B. Ricketts, one of Lawrence county’s fairest daughters.  The wedding will take place at the residence of the bride’s parents at South Point.  The esteemed couple will surely have the warmest wishes and congratulations of all Lawrence County.
  • Ironton Register Jan. 29, 1891 – A. R. Johnson has traded two Whitwell lots for J. W. Sayre’s residence on Olive Street.  There is one lot of the latter property but a finely situated one, and Mr. Johnson proposes to build a nice residence on it.
  • Ironton Register April 9, 1896 – Mr. A. R. Johnson has been very sick for two weeks but can now be out again.
  • Ironton Register April 23, 1896 – A. R. Johnson and George Gray are at Hot Springs plunging in the steamy baths to avert rheumatic tendencies.
  • SWR Feb. 9, 1912 SUES IRONTON FOR $10,000 – Attorney A. R. Johnson was in Cincinnati Tuesday in attendance at the United States Circuit Court session.  The case of Harrison Construction Company against the City of Ironton, for $10,000 for an alleged breach of contract, was called yesterday (do not have end of this article)

  • Ironton Register Jan. 30, 1913, or 1918 – Hon. and Mrs. A. R. Johnson have as their guests their cousin, Mrs. Walter Harper nee Nan Johnson of Catlettsburg.
  • MI January 31, 1925ADNA JOHNSON HAS RESIGNED POSITION. – Local Lawyer Plans to Resume His Law Practice, It is Believed. – WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 – Adna R. Johnson, of Ironton, Ohio, has submitted his resignation as Assistant Attorney General of the United States effective March 4.  He was appointed in 1921 by former Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty and has been in charge of alien property cases.  He is the son of former Representative A. Romulus Johnson of Ironton.  He is to resume law practice upon his retirement from the Government service.

  • MI February 01, 1925ADNA JOHNSON GOES TO LARGE NEW YORK FIRM.  Gallipolis Man to Accept Government Situation.

    Adna R. Johnson, former Irontonian and son of Hon. A. R. Johnson of this city, who has tendered his resignation as assistant attorney general of the United States, to become effective March 4, is to become general counsel for a large trust and banking company of New York City. 

    Mr. Johnson was appointed to his present position in 1921 by former Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty, being in charge of alien property cases during that time.  During his government service, he has acquitted an enviable reputation for the conduct of his department. He was retained by the New York firm several weeks ago, but upon the request of the Attorney General, he consented to remain in charge of his department until March 4, when he will enter on his new duties. Mr. Johnson will be succeeded by Edwin Cherrington of Gallipolis, who has been associated with him in the work of the department for the past two years.

JOHNSON, BELLFIELDIronton Register Oct. 30, 1873 – Real Estate Transfers – Bellfield Johnson to Brook Johnson, land, $400.


 Ironton Register JULY 9, 1863, Judge Benjamin Johnson, of Perry Township, died at his residence in South Point last Saturday after an illness of only a few days.  Previous to the present attack, he had been much reduced by frequent hemorrhage yet had so far recovered from his last one to attend to farm affairs.

Judge Johnson served several years on the Bench as Associate Judge.  Along with Judges Scovel and Dempsey, under Judge Peck, he has also represented this county in the General Assembly.  For many years has been an active member of the Presbyterian Church and has given liberally to various benevolent institutions, leaving him a name and record untarnished, which will not cease to have its influence felt for years to come. 

A large concourse of people followed his remains to the graveyard in Burlington, where the last sad rites in honor of the dead were performed with usual ceremonies.  A more extended notice will be given hereafter.


Ironton Register Jan. 16, 1896 – Shot. – A colored boy named Johnson, 16 years old, shot his younger brother near South Point last Saturday.  It was purely accidental.  The older boy pointed a shotgun at the younger, when by some mishap, it went off, the shot striking the little fellow in the breast, causing a severe wound of which he died soon after.  They were children of Brooke Johnson.  While the shot was not intended, great blame rests on the older brother for pointing a gun at another.


Ironton Register August 29, 1895 – Charles A. Johnson, a well-known colored man who used to live in Ironton, died in Washington Tuesday.  Charley graduated from Ironton High School and made a fine speech at the last alumna meeting.  He was engaged in the Attorney General’s department in Washington.


National City Star-News, 14 September 1934

ANOTHER MILSTONE FOR E A. JOHNSON – Friday. Sept. 7. – E. A. Johnson celebrated his 79th birthday. He is hale and hearty, attends to his own business, keeps a house for himself, reads without glasses, and is generally 79 years young. Mr. Johnson was born in Greasy Ridge. Lawrence County, Ohio. On Sept. 7, 1855, Ohio came to this city 20 years ago. He is an uncle of Kearney Johnson and has four sons.


Ironton Register July 13, 1899 – Mrs. Slater and Emma Johnson held a delightful levee at the former’s residence Tuesday afternoon.



Frank Johnson, the young man who went on a rampage at Russell Monday evening and Tuesday morning and caused a great deal of excitement in the little village, was arraigned in the court at Greenup Thursday morning on the charge of felony or, more specifically, for throwing a rock through the window of the Deepwater passenger train.  He pleaded not guilty and was bound over to the grand jury.

It was thought that the young man would be tried on the charge of insanity. Still, it is alleged that he could not be adjudged insane and that while he may have been slightly deranged on that particular occasion, this was due to excessive cigarette smoking and that the derangement can be cured, so it was decided at the hearing to send the young man to Huntington for treatment at the hospital there.  Johnson could not pay the $200 bond and was remanded to jail.

JOHNSON, MRS. FRANKIronton Register July ___, 1888 – Mrs. Frank Johnson of St. Louis is spending the summer with Miss C. G. Johnson.


Ironton Register Oct. 6, 1881 – Gabe Johnson sued the Scioto Valley R. R. for the sum of $18.00, which he claimed as commission on tickets sold to a church excursion.  He said the company promised him 25 cents on each ticket sold.  The railroad company said they promised it to the church and so paid it.  The case came up before Esq. Polley, last Thursday, decided in favor of the railroad company.  Dean for Johnson, Enochs for R. R.

JOHNSON, GABRIEL Ironton Register Sept. 10, 1891 – Gabriel Johnson has two umbrellas left at the Teacher’s Institute.


Ironton Register Jan. 19, 1888 – George Johnson of South Point sent us a sample of his sweet potatoes.  They were very fine, good as new.  He has 500 bushels of them.


Ironton Register October 26, 1905JOHNSON – Harry W. Johnson, formerly of South Point, died at the Massillon State Hospital from the effects of paralysis Thursday, aged forty years.  Mr. Johnson’s remains were brought to the city over the Norfolk & Western Road, arriving at noon Friday.  Undertakes Pixley and Bingaman took charge of the corps and removed it to Woodland cemetery, where the funeral services were held at about 12:30 o’clock.


Ironton Register Dec. 11, 1862 – Died. – On the 30th of June, Jas. E., member of the 53d Regiment O. V. I., and son of Bazil Johnson, of Windsor township.


Ironton Register JUNE 19, 1890 – J. W. Johnson, editor of the Waverly Courier, called to see us Monday.  He is running an interesting paper.


Ironton Register June 12, 1884 – MARRIAGE LICENSES – Jesse W. Johnson and Ida C. Parker.


Ironton Register DECEMBER 11, 1862 – Died on the 9th of October, John W., son of Bazil Johnson, and member of the 53d Regiment O.V.I.  The deceased is the second son who has died in the service of his country and leaves a wife and child to mourn his departure.


(Becomes Mrs. Nicholas McMahon)IWR May 6, 1893WEDDED. – Nicholas McMahon and Mahala Johnson Take Up the Journey of Life Together.

Nicholas McMahon, our city Hackman everybody knows, and Miss Mahala Johnson, of this city, were married Wednesday evening.  Father Cotter of St. Lawrence Church performed the ceremony at the handsomely furnished home the groom had already prepared for his bride on Lawrence Street.

The attendants were Miss B. McDonough’s bridesmaid and Mr. John B. McDonough’s groomsmen and maids of honor Misses Ollie McMahon and Mamie Sullivan.  At 8 o’clock, the bridal party entered the parlors where were assembled a large company of invited guests, Matthews’ orchestra playing a wedding march, and here in their own home amidst their friends, the two took the vows which united them, as all will wish, in a happy wedded life.

Following the ceremony was a reception, and then lunch was served. At the same time, congratulations and good wishes were showered upon Nicholas and his bride, who were also the recipients of more substantial testimonials of goodwill in the shape of many useful and handsome presents. May they live long and prosper, the wish of all their friends.


SWI April 25, 1913MRS. JOHNSON VICTIM OF PAINFUL ACCIDENT – Mrs. Margaret Johnson, who recently moved to Bakersfield, Cal., with her daughter, Mrs. Carl Kemp, and husband, is visiting Mrs. August Schrader of North Fifth street, met with a most unfortunate accident Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Johnson was coming downstairs at the Schrader home when her foot got entangled in the stair carpet and precipitated her down a flight of steps. fortunately, she escaped without any broken bones but was more or less badly bruised.  Mrs. Johnson is well up in years; hence, her bruises are more severe. Dr. Will Moore was called and gave her medical attention.


Ironton Register Jan. 5, 1888 – DIED – Mrs. Mary E. Johnson, age 68, died Jany. 2nd.

Ironton Register Jan. 5, 1888 DEATH OF MRS. JOHNSON. – Mrs. Mary E. Johnson, the venerable mother of Capt. T. F. (or T. T.) Johnson died suddenly at her son’s residence in Ironton last Monday morning.  She was quite feeble but had been around the house, as usual, the day before and retired without any apprehension of sickness.

Capt. Johnson was in her room at 8 o’clock Monday morning and found her sleeping quietly, but when he returned in half an hour, she had changed her position, and upon going to her bedside, he discovered that she was dead.  Her age was 68.  She was the wife of Wm. Johnson, who died eight years ago, and had lived at Haverhill for 40 years, in which community she was known and beloved by all.  She had been visiting her son since the McCoy trial, in which she was an important witness, and it may be that her experience in this affair hastened her death.  Her funeral took place at the church in Haverhill Tuesday afternoon.


A marriage of unusual interest was that of Mr. Dan Norton of Ashland and Miss Mayme Elizabeth Johnson, solemnized at Covington Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock, the Rev. J. R. Blackburn pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, performing the ceremony.

Though there had been rumors of the approaching wedding of the young couple, no one knew the date nor where it would take place, but a telegram from the groom at noon today brought the above message.  Mr. Norton is a mail carrier and is also the manager of the Scenic Theater.  He is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Seneca Norton and a grandson of the late Capt. D. K. Weis.  He is a fine young businessman, and has hosts of friends in this city, says The Ashland Independent.  The bride is a charming young lady with a sunny disposition and a cheerful manner, making her a pronounced favorite.

Her home is in Hanging Rock, Ohio, but she has spent much time in this city as a guest at her sister’s home, Mrs. Fred Fearing.  She is talented and cultured and will make an ideal companion.  Mr. and Mrs. Norton, after a honeymoon trip of a few days, will return here Sunday night and will go at once to their home on 17th Street.  Mr. Norton has the Bullington flat handsomely furnished, and they will be at home to their friends.  The Independent hastens to extend congratulations and best wishes for a long life of continued happiness and success.


IET Jan. 16, 1926 – OBITUARY – JOHNSON – The death of Nancy Emaline Johnson shocked friends and relatives.  She quietly passed to the Great Beyond Monday.  Her life work will live on even though she has gone to the realms of the unknown.  She and her husband have spent more than fifty years of married life near her present farm.  To their union were born six children.  They and their father survive.  The children are as follows:  Hattie Payne and Raymond of Huntington; Chloe at home; Elizabeth Hayes of Pleasant Ridge; Chloria of St. Paul, Ky.; Vernie Dalton of Miller, Ohio. On Wednesday, Rev. Bachman led the services of the last tribute paid to the deceased at Pleasant Ridge cemetery.


Ironton Register March 30, 1905DEATH RECORD. – JOHNSON – Richard Johnson, about 53 years old and well-known in the city as Dick, was drowned Friday night about 11 o’clock.  It is supposed he was intoxicated at the time and wandered off into the backwater of Storms creek at Fourth and Mill streets.

Watchman Schriber of the Belfont Iron Works heard a noise in the backwater about 11 o’clock Friday and found a man’s hat on the bank this morning, a search was started, and the body was recovered at 10:30 a.m.

G. W. Wymer and Alfred Slaughter got a boat and hauled it to the backwater, and after several hours of searching, they finally found the body. His mother, now Mrs. Hogsten, of West Ironton, and his brother, R. H. Johnson, the South Third street grocer, are his only relatives in the city. Coroner Remy held an inquest over the body at noon, and a verdict was rendered on the above facts.

IST Oct. 23, 1938SYBENE NEWS (by Mrs. C. M. Wilson) – Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson and his son, Richard, Jr., have returned to their home in Columbus about six weeks.  They buried their baby daughter, and since then, Mrs. Johnson has been at her grandmother’s bedside, Mrs. Hardin Smith.


Ironton Register April 21, 1864 – DIED – In Ironton, Ohio, on Monday, April 18, 1864, at 9 ½ o’clock, A. M., of typhoid fever, Mrs. Rosa C. Johnson, wife of Sherman G. Johnson, aged 33 years.


SWR JAN. 12, 1912 – Funeral of Mrs. Johnson Friday Afternoon. – The funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Ruth Johnson, who died early Wednesday morning, will be held Friday afternoon at the home of Rev. W. H. Hampton, rector of the Christ Episcopal Church …(I can’t make out these two sentences).

Mrs. Ruth Johnson, one of the most beloved and highly respected residents of the South Side, died at the home of her son, James L. Johnson, early Wednesday after an illness of but short duration due to heart failure.  Mrs. Johnson was a woman of many decided characteristics that marked her as a woman of noble and honorable nature and claimed respect and admiration from all who knew her.  Death, coming as it did in the early morning hours, was as peaceful as the breaking of a beautiful morning, and her soul passed to He who is higher than all as quietly as she had lived the life she believed and trusted in.

The deceased was born in Pittsburgh in 1850 and came to Ironton with her husband one year after her marriage in 1869.  Together with her husband, she is located on the South Side.  In 1883 her husband died, and since then, she had been making her home with her children, most of the time with her son, James.

Mrs. Johnson has been a constant attendant of The Christ Episcopal church of this city, although never a member, and has always followed the doctrine taught her to the best of her ability.  She was the mother of five children, Mrs. Charles Bowman of Newport; Mrs. C. A. Juhnke of Hyde Park, Cincinnati; Mrs. Will Centaup of Cincinnati; Thomas R. Johnson of Pittsburgh and James Lambert Johnson of this city and these, together with the following brothers and sisters are left to mourn the sudden demise of a kind and considerate lady:  Mrs. Kate McCartney, of Pittsburgh, John McCartney of Pittsburgh and Mrs. Mary McGuire of Pittsburgh.

The funeral arrangements have not been completed, but the funeral will occur in charge of Messrs. Bingaman and Jones Friday afternoon.


Ironton Register Feb. 13, 1890 – Miss Sadie Johnson has been elected Matron of the Children’s Home to succeed Miss Zell, who has resigned.  Miss Johnson is an Ironton lady and popular among all the people.  She is a lady of strong character and high order of ability.  She will make a splendid matron, for besides being exact in her ideas of duty, she possesses the genial and sympathetic nature that the place demands.  We state this much that the poor parents or others whose relations are at the Home may be assured that the home’s past kind and honorable administration will be maintained under the new Matron.  The change does not take place until April.


Ironton Register March 8, 1860 – Married – On Feb. 26th, by Rev. A. J. McMillen, Saliman Johnson, of Ashtabula County, to Miss Caroline G. Frampton, of Union Township, Lawrence County.


Ironton Register. May 23, 1878 – Col. S. C. Johnson is moving to Union Township today. He will reside in the old Frampton place.This community will sadly miss him and his excellent family. We wish them the calm of a farm life.

Ironton Register Oct. 24, 1878 – TRADED. – Col. S. C. Johnson has traded his 5th St. residence to Mr. Smith, of Kansas, for a farm in that state.  The farm is located in Montgomery County, about 240 acres, with a good house on it.  We understand Fred and Frank will leave and take charge of the farm.  Mr. Smith does not intend to move here but will rent his residence and stay in Kansas.

Ironton Register March 6, 1879 – Mr. Ellison has traded the Sheridan House to Col. S. C. Johnson for the latter’s farm in Kansas.  We understand that Colonel Johnson will fit it immediately and open it to the traveling and boarding public.  The Colonel will make a popular landlord.

Ironton Register Dec. 15, 1881 – SHERIDAN HOUSE SOLD – Col. Johnson has sold the Sheridan House to N. K. Mead of Cincinnati, and the house is now under the charge of Mr. Metcalf of Greenfield, Ohio, who is Mr. Mead’s agent here.  There will be material additions and improvements to the building, which will be run strictly as a $ 2.00-a-day house.  Col. Johnson is now a boarder at the house but will soon rent and live in family style.

Ironton Register OCT. 15, 1885 – Death of Col. Johnson – Last week, while at the press, we received the news of the death of Col. Samuel C. Johnson and got the notice in a part only of our edition.  He died at the house of a farmer 18 miles from Columbia, Tenn., where he happened to be while engaged in looking up ore lands for a Birmingham furnace company.

He had been there some thirteen days and had not been feeling well, though he was not kept to his bed.  He was sitting up with the family until 11 o’clock, on which he died (Oct. 6,) at which time he went to his room, saying he would go and lie down awhile.  In an hour or so, the lady of the house went to his room, apprehending serious sickness, and found him delirious.

Two physicians were summoned., but their services were of no avail.  He died at 5 p.m. of a congestive chill.  So sudden came this calamity upon him that none of his family could be summoned, but he died among strangers, only in name, for he lacked nothing that helpful hands and tender hearts could give.  His son Fred, who had seen him ten days before, was telegraphed to and came on immediately, reaching his dead father the next morning.  The remains reached here Thursday night, and the funeral occurred on Saturday.

Col. Johnson was born in Durham, Conn., Feb’y 2, 1820, moved to the Western Reserve when a mere child, and came to this county when a young man; most of the time since, living in this region – at the Rock, at Burlington, at Ironton, on Symmes Creek, in Huntington.  He has always been an active outdoor man; a good citizen whom all respected; a Christian gentleman of a good example; a public man of honest and noble purposes; a friend of unfaltering attachment.  He has sometimes held the position of County Commissioner, Representative in the Legislature, and Member of the State Board of Equalization.  Every position he filled honorably.

He had ten brothers and sisters, nine of whom are living; one brother (Sherman) is dead.  Eight were at the funeral:  T. N. and F. L. Johnson of Portsmouth; Orin Johnson of Ashland; Seliman Johnson of St. Louis; Mrs. G. A. Knight of Cincinnati; Mrs. Amelia Johnson of South Point; Mrs. Turner Kemp of Whitwell; Mrs. Eba, of Catlettsburg.  But one living, Mrs. Wright, of Kingsville, Ohio, was absent from the funeral.

The deceased leaves a wife and six children to suffer the grief of an inconsolable loss and to revere his honored memory.  On Sunday morning, Rev. R. S. Lindsey preached a sermon upon the life and character of Col. Johnson, an active member of the Congregational Church and, for many years, Superintendent of the Sunday School.


Ironton Register August 13, 1891NOT HEARD FROM. – About eighteen months ago, Mr. and Mrs. Sawny Johnson, colored people, and the little girl’s parents regarded as a musical prodigy, left here on a mission to exhibit their daughter’s wonderful musical gifts.  Last December, they wrote from Baltimore to relatives here that they intended to leave right away for Ironton.  Since then, not a word has been received from them, and their relatives are concerned about it.


 Ironton Register July 23, 1896 – Mrs. S. G. Johnson, who has been very sick for a long time, is now sitting up some.


Ironton Register August 19, 1875 – Seliman Johnson has a sunflower stalk that contains thirty-five flowers and about a dozen buds.


Ironton Register FEB. 28, 1856 – Died on Tuesday morning, the 26th, inst., at her father’s residence at Hecla Landing, Miss Selina Johnson, daughter of Samuel C. Johnson, formerly of Kingsville, Ashtabula County, aged 22 years.

The evening before Miss Johnson’s sudden death, she was cheerful and lively and retired in her usual good health.  In the morning, her father called to her, and she answered as usual; she started to rise, and when partly up, she fell forward upon the floor with perhaps an exclamation.  Her twin brother, Seliman, came immediately into the room and raised her in his arms. Some water was brought and sprinkled on her face. She opened her eyes and gasped – and was gone.

Probably it was an affection of the heart; a postmortem examination is to be had on this (Wednesday) evening.  The funeral is set for tomorrow (Thursday) morning, at 10 o’clock, at the Presbyterian Church.  (Poem)


Ironton Register FEB. 19, 1880 – The death of S. G. Johnson, formerly a citizen of Ironton, died at his home in Portsmouth last Friday morning and was buried on Monday afternoon.  He was born in Ashtabula County, Ohio, and died in the fiftieth year of his age, leaving a wife and three children to mourn his departure.

When he was a boy, he came with his parents to this county and lived here until his removal to Portsmouth about ten years ago.  While living in Ironton, Mr. Johnson was an esteemed and influential citizen.  He was superintendent of the Lawrence Iron Works and, while performing the duties of this position, showed himself an affable, energetic, and honorable businessman.  He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, where he not only occupied important positions but showed himself in every humble way, a true Christian gentleman.


Ironton Register May 10, 1888 – MARRIAGE LICENSES – Simon Johnson and Julia L. Brumfield.


SWI Nov. 28, 1911VETERAN DEAD. – T. E. Johnson, a prominent citizen of LaBelle, O., died Friday morning.  His life was ended by paralysis.  He leaves a wife.  A veteran of the Civil War, he is one of the most prominent and respected residents of the neigh (do not have end of this)

JOHNSON, CAPT. T. T. – Ironton Register July 28, 1887 – Deaths – JOHNSON. July 17, Florence, daughter of T. T. Johnson, four months old.

Ironton Register July 19, 1888 – Capt. T. T. Johnson has been appointed agent of the Maysville and Big Sandy R. R. for Ironton and Russell.  He applied for the position a year ago, and last Friday, he got a telegraphic message to meet the officials as they passed by on a trip over the road and received his appointment.  It is a good one for the road.

Frank Bomer is the telegraph operator at Russell station.  He has attended the construction company’s telegraph business for a long time.  They have a nice depot at Russell, with a long platform, waiting rooms, a freight room combined, and comfortable and commodious quarters for the agents.

Ironton Register Oct. 02, 1890 – Capt. T. T. Johnson is now superintendent of the street railway.  This will not interfere with his duties as an agent of the Big Sandy Packet Co., in which position he is again regularly installed.  We congratulate the railway company upon their choice and the captain upon his pleasant arrangement.

Ironton Register April 23, 1891 – Capt. T. T. Johnson gave the children of the Home a free ride on the open car of the Street Railway last Saturday.

Ironton Register. July 21, 1892 – Capt. T. T. Johnson’s visit to Lynchburg to consult with the President of the Ironton Street Railway did not result in anything definite. Still, Capt. Johnson says that the President’s talk and reflections indicate that we will have the electric cars running on our street railway by the first of November next.  The captain feels quite good about the prospects.

Ironton Register July 3, 1917 – Mrs. T. T. Johnson, who has been visiting a few days with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Dupre, of Portsmouth, returned home this morning.


Ironton Register March 4, 1886 – BANQUET – Last Monday night, Thos. Johnson, Pros. Atty. gave a banquet to the Knights of Pythias at the Ironton House.  About 40 ladies and gentlemen sat down to the feast.  The occasion was a long-delayed festivity in honor of Knight Johnson’s matrimonial venture.  Everybody was glad Tom got married, and so was he.

Also see Amelia JohnsonIronton Register January 29, 1891 – WORTHY DEED – Mrs. Amelia Johnson and Mr. Thomas Johnson have placed in the bank $1,500 for the benefit of the children of their deceased son George, who died at South Point recently.

Ironton Register Nov. 11, 1875DEATHS IN PERRY TOWNSHIP – Thomas Johnson, whose residence is near the head of Big Ice Creek, died on the 2d day of this month.


Ironton Register Jan. 1, 1891 – (Suiter) – W. A. Johnson is home from Arkansas.


Ironton Register Nov. 17, 1859 – Wm. H. Jonson and Nancy Zeig.  (Note spelled way paper had it)


Ironton Register August 4, 1864 – NOTICE – Whereas, my wife, Sophia Johnson, has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation; this is to warn all persons from trusting or harboring her on my account, as I will pay no debts by her contract.  August 4, 1864, W. W. Johnson.

JOHNSON, JUDGE W. W.Ironton Register Nov. 11, 1875 – Judge W. W. Johnson, of Ironton, has been spoken of as a member of the Supreme Court Commission.  No man in Southern Ohio better qualified for so exalted a position.     Ports. Republican.

JOHNSON, MRS. W. W.Ironton Register Oct. 6, 1887 – Mrs. W. W. Johnson has rented her residence to W. L. Bickmore and will probably make an extended visit to her sisters on the Pacific coast.  She gives possession of the house next week.

Ironton Register Oct. 16, 1890 – Miss Blocksom, of Zanesville, is visiting Mrs. W. W. Johnson.

Ironton Register June 25, 1896 – a runaway horse badly hurt Mrs. W. W. Johnson at Marietta, where she is visiting her sister, Mrs. Cram.  She was walking along the sidewalk upon which the frightened horse dashed and struck her with such force that her arm was broken, and she was otherwise badly bruised.

The injury to the arm was a compound fracture of the right illum, and was a very aggravated wound, for the bone protruded from the flesh.  It was feared that she sustained some internal injuries.  Though a severe strain on one of Mrs. Johnson’s delicate nervous temperaments, she bore the surgeon’s attention bravely and, at last, accounts were resting more comfortably than expected.  Her friends here learned with deep sorrow of her misfortune, and all hope to hear of her improvement.

JOHNSON, WM.Ironton Register Nov. 13, 1884 – Wm. Johnson, a stranger here, was bound over to Court last week for burglarizing Peter Constable’s house.  He affected an entrance in the basement while the family was in the midst of a social gathering upstairs and carried off a clock.


JOHNSTON, HARRY W.Ironton Register Jan. 11, 1894 – JOHNSTON – BOOMER. – This Wednesday evening occurs the marriage of Harry W. Johnston and Miss DeEtta Boomer in the Presbyterian Church at Philo, Illinois.  There will be four ushers in full dress.  There will be two bridesmaids and groomsmen, the latter from Chicago.  Also, two little girls strew flowers along the aisle the party takes.

The bride’s dress is of white Chinese silk.  After the wedding in the church, there will be a reception and feast at the bride’s residence; then at 6:30 p.m., the bride and groom will leave for Chicago for two weeks.  On their return, they will begin housekeeping at Philo, in a house already for them to go into.  We send Harry and his bride our best wishes.

JOHNSTON, MRS. MALVINAIronton Register March 22, 1860 – DIED – On the 3d inst., in Georgetown, Brown Co., Mrs. Malvina H. Johnston, wife of Hon. Sanders W. Johnston, of Kansas, and daughter of the late Gen. Thomas L. Hamer.

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