Divorces and Divorce Suits from Lawrence County, Ohio A – K

ABRAM, James H. vs ABRAM, Eva
Source: DR September 26, 1911
Misc: Married 18 Nov 1910, one child

Cause: adultery in the defendant’s past, Chilton ABRAMS being named as a correspondent.
Source: MI 2 Aug 1911
Misc: The reflection of a recent elopement at Hanging Rock, in which it is alleged that Mrs. Eva ABRAMS, wife of James H. ABRAMS and one Chilton ABRAMS were the principals, came into court Tuesday when the deserted husband filed suit for divorce. The couple had been married for some time and had no children. It is understood that Mrs. ABRAMS is now located in Newcastle, Ind.

ABRAMS, Mollie
see Mollie BEAR

ADAMS, Jane Vs ADAMS, Henry C.
Cause: adultery with Eliza BRAMMER; custody of children requested by plaintiff
Source: IR November 8, 1860

ADAMS, Jennie Vs ADAMS, William
Cause: gross neglect and failure to provide
Source: SWI 6 March 1906
Misc: Married at Ironton 15 March 1902 and have one child, three years of age. She alleges that a month after their marriage, the defendant compelled her to go with him to the residence of his parents; that he struck and abused her and that the defendant’s mother choked her in his presence and ordered her out of the house, defendant acquiescing there too; the defendant compelled her to go home with her child, wrongfully accused her of intimacy with other men and made life so miserable for her that she was compelled to leave him. She is asking for a divorce, custody of the child, and restoration to her maiden name Jennie WAGNER.

ADKINS, Thomas Vs ADKINS, Susan
Cause: adultery on or about 7 May 1915.
Source: MI 13 May 1915
Misc: Ask for an injunction restraining her from destroying household goods and other property. Married on 27 May 1887 and have four children. Pltf. says that she left home May 10, taking her wearing apparel, and that she came back on the 11th and “broke up” housekeeping.

Cause: restraining order to prevent him from disposing of real estate, which he owns, was allowed.
Source: IR April 9, 1908

Cause: gross neglect of duty. The husband refuses to work and provide
Source: DR April 30, 1912
Misc: Married in 1888: five children

Cause: gross neglect of duty, claiming that he has failed to provide her with clothes and other common necessities of life. She has worked to make her own living while the defendant is a man capable of earning good wages, and yet he refuses to work. She also asks for alimony.
Source: MI 11 Sept 1919
Misc: Married 2 Dec 1917

Cause: failure to provide for the past eighteen years and willful absence
Source: MI 13 Mar 1915
Misc: Married in South Point, OH in 1889, and four children were born of the union, two sons deceased and two married daughters, Mrs. Margaret CLARK and Mrs. Mary MOORE.

Cause: She states that for three months, after their marriage, everything went peaceful and quiet, but after that, he failed to provide for her and has failed to do so ever since.
Source: MI 6 Sept 1919
Misc: Married 9 May 1916 at Waverly, Ohio. He is an able man, earning good money, but fails to contribute toward her support. She also asks for alimony.

Source: IR December 1898
Misc: Divorce granted

Source: DR October 29, 1912
Misc: Mrs. ARCHIE has given custody of two children

ARGO, Gertrude Vs ARGO, William A.
Cause: neglect and willful absence, claiming that ARGO deserted her and the children in May 1908.
Source: MI 5 Aug 1911
Misc: Married at Ironton, Ohio, March 24, 1884, and with 10 children, five of whom are still underage. She seeks custody of the minor children. ARGO is now said to be in Sherman, Texas.

ARMBRUSTER, Matilda Vs Peter
Source: IR March 29, 1883

ARNETT, Jennie W. Vs ARNETT, Newton W.
Source: IR September 26, 1911

ARNOLD, Feriebe Vs ARNOLD, Jeremiah
Source: IR June 29, 1893
Misc: divorce granted

ARTIS, Eva L. Vs ARTIS, John W.
Cause: adultery with Bertha GUSTIN.
Source: MI 10 Sept 1915
Misc: Married in Scioto county in 1902. At the time of the marriage, the defendant was the father of a child less than two years of age and is now 14 years old. Plaintiff says of the marriage there were four children born, John 12, Mildred 7, Margaret 3, and Darline 9 months. She states she always conducted herself as a dutiful and prudent wife. She asks for alimony and support for herself and her children.

ARTHUR, Mary Vs ARTHUR, Charles
Cause: Her petition charges him with adultery with Birdie BROWN on various occasions.
Source: MI 16 DEC 1915
Misc: Asking for divorce. Married 7 Sept 1895 – have five children.

ARTHUR, Minnie Vs ARTHUR, John
Cause: gross neglect of duty, claiming that ever since the birth of their child, three months ago, she has been forced to live from the charity of their neighbors as he has failed to provide for her and the child. She states further that he left her at certain intervals and associated with other women.
Source: MI 7 Sept 1919
Misc: Married 25 Oct 1917 and have one child. Defendant earns good wages, and the plaintiff asks for suitable alimony for herself and the child.

ASH, Herbert Vs ASH, Sylvia E.
Source: IR September 26, 1911

Source: App. Docket 19-176; Complete Record 92, page 280;
Journal 39 page 470; November 1, 1914
Case: 12045

BAGWELL, Alberta Moran Vs BAGWELL, Lester
Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: MI 10 Mar 1920
Misc: filed divorce suit yesterday. Married 29 DEC 1919.

Source: SWI July 29, 1913

Cause: neglect of duty
Source: MI April 20, 1920
Misc: Decree granted. This decree shattered a war romance, the plaintiff having married the deft. st Rumelange, Luxemburg while in service with the Am. Expend. Forces, on June 22, 1919.

BALL, Milton J. Vs BALL, Rachel A.
Source: IR September 26, 1911

BALL, Milton Vs BALL, Racheal
Source: Source: MI 29 Jun 1915
Misc: Deft. Against for custody of the children, Emerson and Milton BALL, and the court decreed the children should remain with the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William BALL.

BALLARD, Mary Vs BALLARD, Clifford
Cause: whereabouts unknown
Source: MI May 10, 1925
Misc: Married Feb. 21, 1920: one child

Cause: gross neglect of duty; married March 1920; no children.
Source: DR November 14, 1923

Cause: willful absence for more than 3 years
Source: IR February 6, 1908
Misc: Mr. BARNETT resides on Aaron’s Creek and has a family of six children, all but one of whom are grown.
Mrs. BARNETT has resided in Ironton for about 6 years.

BARRON, Laura Vs BARRON, Louis
Cause: extreme cruelty
Source: DR November 12, 1912
Misc: extreme cruelty

September 12, 1910
Cause: Divorce Feb 1910
Source: Journal 6, Page 269; Complete Record #83, Page 231; Volume 17, P 315 [Clerk of Courts]
Case: 10239

October 22, 1910
Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: Journal 36, page 369; [Clerk of Courts]
Misc: Children: Earl, age 10 Earnest, age 8 confided to Mary.

BATES, Arminta C. Vs BATES, Geo. A.
Cause: extreme cruelty and assaulting her and beating her.
Source: IR January 29, 1903
Misc: Married 28 Feb 1880 in Wayne Co, WV have six children.

BATES, Sarah Vs BATES, James N.
Cause: extreme cruelty
Source: DR November 12, 1912
Misc: married DEC 1905; two children

BAYS, Lavina Vs BAYS, Amos
Cause: Divorce granted
Source: IR November 28, 1895

Cause: the plaintiff has not lived with the defendant for more than six weeks; requests custody of the unborn child.
Source: IR May 19, 1919
Misc: Married 29 Jan 1918

Cause: Gross neglect of duty; Adultery.
Source: IR 15 Apr 1858
Misc: Petition for Divorce filed 14 April 1858.

BEALS, Bertha Vs BEALS, Robert
Cause: adultery
Source: IR July 19, 1906
Misc: custody of children requested by plaintiff

BEAR, Mollie Vs BEAR, Preston
Cause: willful absence
Source: MI 11 Mar 1920
Misc: filed suit yesterday. She was married on 28 Nov 1913 and for the past year, the deft. has been willfully absent and she knows nothing of his whereabouts. She asks for restoration to her maiden name Mollie ABRAMS.

Cause: willful absence for more than three years
Source: MI February 10, 1920
Misc: Married 30 Jul 1910, no children; Twin brothers seek divorce

Cause: gross neglect of duty; She left him and doesn’t know her whereabouts.
Source: MI February 10, 1920
Misc: Married Oct. 30, 1918

Cause: Cruel treatment
Source: IR March 8, 1883

Source: IR March 8, 1883

Cause: willful absence and adultery
Source: MI 26 Feb 1907
Misc: filed petition for divorce. Case #9568.

BELL, Sebie Vs BELL, John
Cause: adultery
Source: IR December 28, 1905

Misc: divorce granted
BELL, Sebie Vs BELL, John
Cause: adultery
Source: IR December 28, 1905

BELL, Trilla
see Georgena HASKET

BENNETT, Elizabeth Vs BENNETT, Lewis E.
Source: IR December 23, 1897

Cause: willful absence
Source: MI December 23, 1920

BERKLEY, Jeanette Vs BERKLEY, Edgar E.
Source: IR December 23, 1897

BETTS, Isaac Vs BETTS, Minerva Jane
Source: Chancery Records #2, page 117; November 21,1907
Misc: Married June 5, 1845, at Greenup CO, KY; Petition Mar. 17, 1854; Decree June 13, 1854.

Cause: extreme cruelty
Source: IR November 30, 1905
Misc: Married Feb. 11, 1884; Two children

BLACK, James Vs BLACK, Emma L.
Source: IR December 15, 1898
Misc: divorce granted

BLACK, Jane Vs BLACK, James
Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: MI January 11, 1920
Misc: Maiden name was Jane HACKWORTH

BLACK, Margaret
see Margaret WILSON

Source: IR February 26, 1903

Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: IR March 12, 1903

see Anna COFFEY BLAKE, Elizabeth Vs BLAKE, George
Cause: extreme cruelty and adultery
Source: IR April 2, 1908
Misc: the last residence of George was Pt. Pleasant, WV

BLAKE, Elizabeth Vs BLAKE, George
Source: IR May 14, 1908

Source: IR June 3, 1897

Source: IR February 6, 1896

BOLES, William Vs BOLES, Elizabeth
Source: MI 12 May 1914

BOLL, Jennie Vs BOLL, Clarence
Cause: extreme cruelty
Source: MI 5 Sept 1919
Misc: Divorce granted yesterday. The care, education, and control of Clarence BOLL, Jr., their only son, was given to Josephine BOLL, the paternal grandmother, and Lulu NORTH, subject to the right of Jennie BOLL, to take the child to her home, not oftener than two days a week, to come for the child and return the same day, before dark. The defendant is to pay the plaintiff $50 immediately, and $25 additional on Dec. 24, and the defendant is charged with the whole support of the child and to pay the costs of the case.

BOGGS, P.F. Vs BOGGS, Sarah A.
Cause: willful absence for more than three years and adultery.
Alleges that she is the mother of two illegitimate children.
Source: SWR May 2, 1898
Misc: Married in Lawrence County June 18, 1885; no children.

BOLING, Hannah Vs BOLING, Pleasant
Cause: Wilful absence for more than three years.
Source: IR 22 April 1858
Misc: Petition for Divorce and Alimony. Filed 9 April 1858.

Cause: adultery
Source: MI 31 Jan 1915
Misc: divorce awarded. The case was heard in chambers a few days ago. Married 9 Aug 1909 and have two children, aged four and three. The husband was formerly connected with the Portsmouth Engine company but is now in Ironton.

BOSTICK, Maggie McGinnis Vs BOSTICK, Andrew W. “Dick”
Cause: cruelty
Source: DR 28 March 1916
Misc: Filed a suit for divorce. She alleges that on March 19, her husband ___ her and drove her away. She asks that she be given a divorce and restored to her maiden name and that her husband is restrained from their home. Married in Jul 1909 and have no children.

BOWMAN, Jacob R. Vs BOWMAN, Elsie
Cause: divorce
Source: IR June 11, 1896

BOYLE, J.F. Vs BOYLE, Florence
Cause: divorce granted
Source: IR July 25, 1891

Cause: willful absence for more than two years, failure to render support, disregard of marital duties.
Source: IR March 15, 1906
Misc: requests restoration of maiden name. They were married on March 16, 1901, with no children.

Cause: She is destitute and depending presently upon the charity of her friends.
He threatened her, and she felt he will do bodily harm unless he is restrained.
Source: IR October 13, 1929
Misc: Married 7 May 1926 and asks custody of children requested by plaintiff

BRAGG, Nettie Davis Vs BRAGG, Augustus W.
Cause: Failure and refusal to provide
Source: MI May 3, 1925

Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: SWR  20 Sept 1921
Misc: divorce granted

BREWER, Adele Taylor Vs BREWER, Fred
Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: SWR 20 Sept 1921
Misc: divorce granted and restored to her maiden name of Adele JUSTICE.

BROMLEY, Lillie Crawford Vs BROMLEY, Samuel
Cause: statutory grounds
Source: DR December 27, 1912

BROWN, Elizabeth Vs BROWN, Joseph
Cause: gross neglect of duty and requests restoration of maiden name and habitual drunkenness
Source: IR March 15, 1906
Misc: Married Sept. 13, 1897, at Findley, OH. No children were born of this union.

BROWN, Ida Bell Vs BROWN, William
Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: DR December 3, 1912
Misc: Married at Jackson Sept 1900, and defendant left the plaintiff in 1903.

BROWN, Kati Vs BROWN, Robert
Cause: deserting of wife
Date: August 5, 1913
Misc: Marr. June 24, 1912, Catlettsburg, KY; Wife not asking for a divorce, just alimony.

BROWN, Lucinda Vs BROWN, Wm. T.
Cause: adultery
Source: IR July 27, 1905

BROWN, Margaret H. Vs BROWN, Edward A.
Cause: habitually intoxication
Source: IR December 26, 1907
Misc: Separated July 1906. Married Dec. 26, 1892 in Gallipolis.
Also, a request for an order restraining him from interfering with the plaintiff or going about her residence was granted.

BROWN, Robert Vs BROWN, Mary A.
Cause: adultery with Charles DAVIS
Source: DR March 18, 1912
Misc: Married Nov. 3, 1894 – 1 year; Robert BROWN, who was tried and acquitted last week on a murder charge. He prays for divorce from his wife, Mary A. BROWN, the woman over whom the husband and Charles DAVIS fought to the death of the latter. One child, Ella BROWN, aged 12 years.

BROWN, Wm. Vs BROWN, Sadie
Cause: willful absence and cruelty
Source: IR July 14, 1904

Cause: gross neglect
Source: MI 12 Jan 1916
Misc: filed suit Monday in common pleas court.

Cause: willful absence and gross neglect
Source: IR December 20, 1906
Misc: Complete Record 76, page 470; Journal 33, page 394 [Clerk of Court]

BRUCE, Caroline Vs BRUCE, Henry
Cause: divorce granted
Source: IR December 5, 1895

BRUCE, James Vs BRUCE, Nettie
February 1, 1905
cause: divorce
Source: Complete Record 71, page 239; Journal 32, page 4 [Clerk of Court]

BRUCE, Robert J. Vs BRUCE, Margaret Hamlin
Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: IR May 17, 1906

Source: DR February 3, 1916
Misc: Married 1895; no children. They have been living apart for seven years.

February 1, 1900
cause: divorce
Source: Journal 28, page 342 [Clerk of Courts]

Cause: divorce
Source: IR June 11, 1896

BRYANT, Isabel Vs BRYANT, Frank W.
Cause: Absence
Source: IR August 22, 1895

BRYANT, Lida Vs BRYANT, Marcellus
Cause: extreme cruelty and adultery
Source: IR January 21, 1904
Misc: Married 15 Jan 1898, and one child.

Cause: willful absence for three years
Source: IR January 2, 1908
Misc: Requests alimony
Case: 9703

Cause: willful absence for three years
Source: IR January 2, 1908
Misc: residence unknown for the defendant

BURRIS, Myrtie Vs BURRIS, Robert
Cause: extreme cruelty
Source: MI 7 Apr 1911
Misc: divorce granted Thursday morning, and custody of the child was grand to Mrs. BURRIS.

BUSH, Samuel R. Vs BUSH, Jane A.
Cause: absence for more than three years
Source: IR January 22, 1903

Source: IR October 24, 1901
Misc: restoration of the maiden name of Callie STURGILL

BUTLER, Bertha Ella Vs BUTLER, James R.
Cause: failure to provide since June 1913 and extreme cruelty, and that in May 1915, he cursed her and refused to live with her and that he beaten her. He is also charged with adultery.
Source: Source: MI 10 Sept 1915
Misc: Married Nov 1890 and had the following children: Bertha, 13, Charles, 11, and James, 5.

September 10, 1903
Cause: extreme cruelty
Source: IR
Misc: Marr. Sept. 2, 1877, Greenup, KY; Six children (not named)

Cause: habitual drunkenness, cruelty, and adultery
Source: IR November 21, 1907
Case: 9686

CALE, Rebecca Vs CALE, Timothy
Date: January 30, 1854
Misc: Petition 30 Jan 1854; decree 14 Jun 1854; Marr. 6 Mar 1840, Law. CO, OH;
Chancery Records #2, page 120 (bottom). Children: Charles 12 and George 10.

Source: MI January 27, 1920

CAMMACK, Eustice E. Vs CAMMACK, Cora
cause: adultery
Source: IR March 15, 1906
Misc: Married Mar. 23?, 1900, at Williamson, WV, and one child was
born of the union. He asks for custody of the minor child.

Cause: willful absence and gross neglect of duty
Source: MI 25 Feb 1915
Misc: divorce granted 24 Feb 1915. Pltf. was given the care and custody of their one minor child.

CAMPBELL, Charles Vs his wife
Cause: abandonment
Source: DR May 18, 1912
Misc: Married in Louisville in 1907: one child

Cause: cruelty
Source: MI 27 APR 1911
Misc: she recently filed a suit and later withdrew it. Filed a new suit Friday. She is asking for alimony. They have one child.

Source: ID May 21, 1875

CAMPBELL, Lindsey F. Vs CAMPBELL, Edna Hannan
Source: MI 2 May 1914
Misc: Absolute divorce decree was granted in the Scioto County Common pleas court at Portsmouth Friday. Mr. Campbell, formerly of this city, got custody of his young son. CAMPBELL arrived in the city last night with his son and other local relatives, who were witnesses in the case. Mrs. CAMPBELL was put under a peace bond.

Cause: extreme cruelty
Source: DR August 19, 1919
Misc: Married 1882: Divorce dismissed, wherefore, she sought alimony and just relief.

Cause: gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty, claiming that he abused her and that she put up with him until the children were all of age and then, due to his ill-treatment, was forced to leave him.
Source: MI 20 Aug 1919
Misc: Married in Lawrence county in 1882 and have no minor children.

Cause: alleges gross neglect for three years and that deft. keeps company with indecent and lewd women.
Source: MI 6 Mar 1915
Misc: Married in this county about the year 1882, and they have two children, a daughter, 34 years old, and a son, aged 26.

Source: Source: MI 13 Jun 1915
Misc: divorce granted upon her cross-petition, and the pltf., he was ordered to pay $65 alimony.

CARR, Thelma Vs CARR, William
Cause: gross neglect of duty and that he has failed to provide for her
Source: MI 10 Mar 1920
Misc: divorce filed yesterday. Married 2 Aug 1915.

CARROL, Daniel Vs CARROL, Lula
Cause: plaintiff represents that the defendant has disregarded her marital duties, been guilty of extreme cruelty, calling him vile names, and often times throwing dishes at him. She has a violent temper and, as she has a revolver hidden away, is fearful for his life. He further represents that she will not allow him to have his working clothes.
Source: MI 9 Sept 1919
Misc: Married in Nov. 1912 and have two children. He asks the court to make the defendant turn over his working clothes, a revolver, a razor, and his property. As he cannot live without the defendant any longer, he asks that he be granted a divorce and given custody of the children.

Cause: gross neglect of duty, claiming that he failed to furnish a proper home and provide her with food and clothing. She states that her father recently purchased a lot for them and — building a house, but even with this, he has failed to provide for her, and she has been forced to appeal to her parents for support since their marriage.
Source: MI 28 Aug 1919
Misc: Marr 28 May 1918 and have one child. She asks for alimony and custody of the child.

CASTLE, Clara Vs CASTLE, Harry
Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: SWR 4 Oct 1921
Misc: filed suit for divorce. Married 2 Nov. 1914 and have two children. Plaintiff sets out that deft. He keeps company with other women and boasts of neglect, that on or about Sept. first, deft. She kicked and abused the plaintiff and was compelled to take her children and leave home.

Cause: neglect
Source: DR November 25, 1912
Misc: Married 25 APR 1907: three children

CLARK, Margaret

COFFEY, Anna Vs COFFEY, Harvey J.
Cause: Harvey did not provide for her and often told her he did not care for her. He also frequently declared that she was “not his wife, but merely a leech” and wished she would return to her parents, the wife claims.-Cincinnati Enquirer.
Source: MI 22 Oct 1915
Misc: Anna lived at 2364 Eastern avenue, and Harvey was a young druggist in Ironton, Ohio. They were married on Dec. 3, 1913. The wife wishes for the restoration of the maiden name of Anna BLAKE. She lives at home, while COFFEY works in a drug store at Third and Shiller streets, Columbus, Ohio.

COLLIER, Isaac C. “Ty” Vs COLLIER, Elizabeth
Cause: defendant cursed and abused him
Source: MI 22 Jan 1916
Misc: the plaintiff is a well-known county evangelist. They were married on May 12, 1910.

Cause: accused of failing to comply with the court’s order to pay alimony.
Source: MI 24 May 1911
Misc: Wm. was arrested Tuesday and released on his own recognizance until Friday morning.

CONWAY, Daisy Vs CONWAY, George
Cause: extreme cruelty, claiming that he has beaten her, cursed her and treated the children roughly.
Source: MI 27 Aug 1919
Misc: Married 10 Aug 1912 and have two children. She asks for alimony and custody of the children.

CONWAY, Margaret Vs CONWAY, Jefferson
Cause: failure to provide
Source: MI 30 Jun 1911
Misc: Asks for restoration of maiden name, THOMPSON.

CONWAY, Margaret Vs CONWAY, Jefferson
Source: MI 13 Sept 1911
Misc: divorce granted on a gross neglect of duty.

CORN, Calvin Vs CORN, Eva
Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: DR November 2, 1912

Misc: $25 temporary alimony allowed.

CORUM, Annie vs. CORUM, James
Source: COMMON PLEAS COURT – I.R. JULY 18, 1895
Misc: divorce granted.

cause: adultery, disregard of marital duties, and failure to provide.
Source: IR April 26, 1906
Misc: Marr. 14 June 1893 and has four children:
Charles, Otto, Harry & Clarence, aged 12, 10, 8 & 4, respectively.

CROWELL, Agnes vs. CROWELL, Charles
Cause: Grounds neglect and abuse.
Source: COMMON PLEAS COURT – IWR May 13, 1893
Misc: The defendant is serving two years in the penitentiary for an assault with intent to kill his wife, having been convicted at the Feb. term of court 1893. T. N. Ross, attorney.

Cause: gross neglect and cruelty
Source: MI 19 Nov 1915
Misc: divorce granted

CRAWFORD, Charles vs CRAWFORD, Agnes
cause: adultery
Source: IR April 26, 1906
Misc: Divorce granted 31 Apr 1906-Journal 33, Page 85.
Speaks of children, but not named. App. Docket 9427 Vol 16, Page 72. [Clerk of Court]

CRAWFORD, Florence E. vs CRAWFORD, Harry D.
Cause: willful absence of more than three years
Source: MI 27 Oct 1915
Misc: Married 3 Jan 1911 and have no children. [Divorce was granted – MI 14 Dec 1915]

Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: MI May 5, 1925
Misc: Three children

Source: COMMON PLEAS COURT – I.R. JULY 18, 1895
Misc: divorce granted; the care of minor children given to the plaintiff.

CUNNINGHAM, Myrtilla D. vs CUNNINGHAM, Albert James
Cause: absence and neglect.
Source: MI 22 Jan 1916
Misc: Mother awarded custody of the child, but the husband was given to right to visit it and have it at certain times, and each is to maintain it when having it in charge. Each of the parties to the suit relinquished any claim to the property of the other.

Cause: willful absence for more than three years and also that, at the time of his marriage, deft. had a wife living from whom he had not been divorced.
Source: MI 7 Apr 1911
Misc: Married at Richmond, Ind, Feb. 19, 1904, and no children were born. She asks for divorce and restoration to her maiden name Emma SMITH. Pltf. resides at Depot Street, this city.

Cause: deft. having been previously married but never divorced.
Source: MI 21 May 1911
Misc: divorce granted. Pltf. restored to her maiden name, Emma SMITH.

DARLING, Della B. of Arabia vs TAYLOR, James M.
Cause: Failure to provide for the child; Paternity suit
Source: IR September 11, 1902

DAVIS, Maria vs DAVIS, James
Cause: Plaintiff says that during Sept 1915, the defendant’s daughter and the family moved in with them, and at that time, the defendant said that he cared for the plaintiff no longer.
Source: DR 16 Feb 1916
Misc: Married 31 Dec 1913 and no children. She said she behaved towards the defendant as a faithful and obedient wife. That she cooked and cared for the defendant’s two sons, the plaintiff says that her health was bad and has continued so low since she was compelled to leave her home and cannot support herself. She asks for alimony for her sustenance and expenses.

DAWLEY, Lillian Huntington vs DAWLEY, Noyes Rand
Source: DR 31 Jan 1912
Misc: Aged 16, daughter of Commodore W.R. HUNTINGTON of the Interlake Yachting Association Yacht Club and heir to the big Huntington estate in Cleveland, was granted a divorce today from the son of a Charleston, WV banker, with whom she eloped last April. At the time of their marriage, the bride and groom were students, one at Briar Cliff, NY, and the other at Asheville, NC. This young lady visited Ironton a year ago and is quite well known here.

DECKER, Emily J. vs DECKER, John E.
Cause: gross neglect of duty for more than three years, necessitating her to work to provide for herself and her youngest child.
Source: SWI 17 Nov 1908
Misc: Filed suit for divorce. Married at Marion, this county, 11 Aug 1903, and two children resulted from this union, Frederick F., born Dec. 17, 1903, and Elmer Eugene Decker, born June 17, 1908. The oldest boy is with the defendant’s parents in York, PA, and the youngest is with the mother. Plaintiff also asks for the custody of the minor child.

DEERING, Melvina vs DEERING, William
Cause: gross neglect of duty and failure to provide
Source: MI 22 Dec 1914
Misc: suit filed for divorce and alimony Monday. In her petition, the pltf. states that no children were born, and they married on 1 Dec 1912. She alleges one instance that when she asked him to buy her a pair of shoes, he showed her a huge roll of money and declined to grant her request. She says he earns $75 per month as a coal miner, has real estate valued at $1000, and is always plentifully supplied with money. She asks for reasonable alimony, divorce, and restoration to her maiden name, Melvina ___.

DEERING, Melvina vs DEERING, William
Cause: neglect
Source: DR January 18, 1916

DELONG, Edmund vs DELONG, Nancy
Cause: adultery
Source: IR May 15, 1871
Misc: Divorce granted

DILLON, Minnie vs DILLON, Robert
Cause: cruelty
Source: MI 26 May 1915
Misc: She charges him with cruelty in that he struck her in the face, kicked her, and called her vile and vulgar names. They were married in 1881 and have four children.

DOLEMAN, Nettie vs DOLEMAN, John W.
Misc: Divorce granted, and the plaintiff is given custody of the child and to pay costs.

DOTY, Rozzie vs DOTY, Anille
Cause: neglect and extreme cruelty
Source: MI 20 Feb 1916
Misc: Husband works for Ironton Punch, and Shear works.

DOYLE, Harry vs DOYLE, Pearl
Source: SWR 20 Sept 1921
Misc: divorce granted Friday afternoon

DUFOUR, Harry vs. DUFOUR, Mattie
Cause: extreme cruelty and gross neglect of duty, claiming that she cursed and called him vile names, refused to keep house and neglected her marital duties.
Source: MI 16 Aug 1919
Misc: Married 6 Sept 1912 and have one child.

EDWARDS, Stella vs EDWARDS, Jack
Cause: plaintiff alleges that ever since they were married, the defendant has failed to provide food and clothing, and the common necessities of life and that ever since their marriage, the defendant has roamed over the country.
Source: MI 10 Sept 1915
Misc: Married 20 Apr 1913 at Catlettsburg. Plaintiff asks to be divorced, and the maiden name of Stella FULLER be restored.

EICHERM Kate vs EICHER, Charles
Cause: extreme cruelty; custody of the child, son Marion, granted to the defendant, with the wife having the pleasure of seeing him when she chooses and the possession of him one month each year.
Source: IR October 31, 1907
Misc: Parents residents of Hanging Rock.

ELAM, Dora vs ELAM, Ray
Cause: committed adultery with an unknown person near Haverhill shortly before March 28.
Source: MI 4 Apr 1911
Misc: Married at Ironton Oct 29, 1902, and for some time, he has refused to provide for her and the two small children, aged 6 and 1.

ENSIGNER, Maggie vs ENSINGER, Charles
Source: DR January 9, 1912

Cause: willful absence
Source: IR March 29, 1906
Misc: Married in Pittsburgh in April 1902; Last known residence was No. 90 Luky Ave, Allegheny, PA
Case: 9410

FAULKNER, Mandana vs FAULKNER, William W.
cause: gross neglect of duty and willful absence
Source: IR April 10, 1902
Misc: Married about four years ago. Mrs. FAULKNER lives with her father, Decatur HENDERSON, back in Millersport,
asks for restoration of her maiden name and custody of the minor child.

Cause: neglect and left her child; she does not know his whereabouts at this time.
Source: SWR 13 Oct 1921
Misc: asks for divorce and custody of the child. Married 6 Oct 1920 and have one child.

FITZER, Florence vs FITZER, Harry M.
Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: DR October 16, 1912

FLEMING, George W. vs FLEMING, Ida
Cause: absence and adultery
Source: MI 1 Apr 1911
Misc: Married in Huntington on Oct. 1, 1905. Garnet ADKINS is named in the petition.

FRIEND, Lillian K. vs FRIEND, Charles
Cause: She charges that he earns $4.00 per day but has refused to contribute to the support of herself or the child. She further charges that the defendant goes with bad and vicious women.
Source: MI 7 Aug 1919
Misc: Married 3 Sept 1917 and have one minor child.

FRISCHA, Dora vs SPERRY, Charles
Cause: failure to provide for his legitimate child.
Source: MI 16 Feb 1915
Misc: Charles SPERRY, the Portsmouth barber. It was ordered that the deft. pay toward the support of his child, $12.50 per week. Dora FRISCHA, the mother of the child, was made its trustee for handling the money contributed for its support.

Source: MI 29 Jun 1915
Misc: the court granted the deft. $3 per week temporary alimony and was allowed $20 to contest her case.

FORREST, Andrew B. vs FORREST, Edith
Source: DR December 27, 1912
Case: 10719

FORREST, Andrew B. vs FORREST, Harriet
Cause: She is so cross and —— that there is no living with her. She has threatened to cut him with a knife and says she is so cross that an angel could not live with her.
Source: MI 13 Jun 1915
Misc: He says he is 72 years old, and his wife is older. They were married last Jan. He asks for a divorce and that he be decreed of all rights to a 22-acre farm he owned before he married. It will be remembered that FORREST’S wife was murdered across the river at Russell when the body of George STEELE was found.

FOUTS, Ann Davies vs FOUTS, Harry E.
Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: DR March 30, 1912

FULLER, Stella
see Stella EDWARDS

FYFFE, Edna vs FYFFE, Charles
Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: SWR 15 Sept 1921
Misc: divorce granted

Cause: Plaintiff alleges that on or about May 12, 1914, the defendant struck her in the face with his fist and threatened to kill her with a shotgun. He abandoned her on the same date, she alleges, and she is now living wither her father.
Source: MI 10 Nov 1915
Misc: Married in this county on April 21, 1913, and have no children.

GEORGE, Grce vs GEORGE, Doke
Cause: willful absence and gross neglect
Source: MI 25 Aug 1911
Misc: filed suit for divorce on Thursday.

GHOLSON, Lydia vs GHOLSON, Walter
Cause: adultery
Source: DR May 20, 1912
Misc: Married in Ashland, KY, July 1899: three children

Cause: neglect of duty
Source: MI 18 Mar 1914
Misc: divorce granted Tuesday. GIBSON declared that his life was uncongenial and that he and his wife had been separated for some time. He is aged 56 and has a family of grown children. The property will be divided.

Cause: She claims that her husband has refused to support her and that she has been forced to keep a boarding house to live in.
Source: DR 23 March 1916
Misc: Filed suit today in the common pleas court.

GOODY, Nora V. vs GOODY, Peter
Source: IR January 18, 1906
Misc: Granted custody of the minor child to the plaintiff.

GORDON, Margaret vs GORDON, Paul
Cause: gross neglect of duty and asking for alimony
Source: DR February 20, 1912

GORDON, Margaret vs GORDON, Paul
Cause: Defendant in Ohio Penitentiary
Source: DR April 27, 1912

GRAHAM, Ivy vs GRAHAM, William
Cause: extreme cruelty and gross neglect of duty
Source: MI 23 Dec 1914
Misc: Married 3 Oct 1911 when the bride, a native of Ironton, was only 16 yrs of age. Divorce granted.

GRAHAM, Morris vs GRAHAM, Vinza
Cause: Shortly after their marriage, his wife began to neglect him, refused to cook his meals, and insisted on repeatedly going home for long visits. She also told him that she was in love with another man and did not love him; also that she intended to “get the other man yet.” Source: MI 3 Nov 1914
Misc: filed divorce Monday, as love’s dream was short-lived in his matrimonial experiences. They were married in Catlettsburg, KY, in May of this year.

GREER, Grace vs GREER, Lester
Source: IE November 24, 1936
Misc: War War Vet Commits Suicide While Talking Over Old Times With His Divorced Wife at Proctorville, OH;
His former wife, Miss Grace BLACK, looks on.

GRIFFITH, David vs GRIFFITH, Elizabeth
Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: DR October 10, 1912

GRUBER, Loretta A. vs GRUBER, Wm. H.
Cause: habitual drunkenness, extreme cruelty, and gross neglect of duty
Source: DR February 21, 1913, & MI 12 May 1914
Misc: Married 25 Dec 1901: six children

GUSTIN, George vs GUSTIN, Mrs.
Cause: adultery. She is charged with frequently leaving the children until late at night and not being the proper party to raise them and asks that the court grant him their custody.
Source: MI 5 Sept 1915
Misc: Married 6 Jul 1902 and have four children. She is charged with living in adultery with John ARTIS. A temporary injunction was asked for and granted restraining her from bothering or visiting the children.

HACKER, Maggie E. vs HACKER, Fred N.
Source: MI 11 Jul 1911
Misc: Married here Dec. 27, 1905, and have one child. She is suing for divorce.

HACKER, Pauline
See Pauline McALLISTER
HAILEY, Catherine vs HAILEY, Samuel
Cause: none has given Source: MI 11 Sept 1911
Misc: hearing on the divorce case in Common pleas court session on Friday. The defendant was ordered to pay the plaintiff’s attorney.

HAILEY, Isabel vs HAILEY, Paul
Source: DR June 22, 1916
Misc: Allowed alimony and custody of children

HALL, William vs HALL, Bertha
Source: IET 6 Feb 1929
Misc: Married in 1924 and have one child…

HALLECK, Joshua vs HALLECK, Ursula
Cause: cruelty and neglect of duty and asking that he be given possession of the farm and farming implements necessary for running the farm.
Source: DR 9 March 1916
Misc: From Union Twp., and the father of eight children, all of whom are living and whose ages range from three years to twenty-two years. Filed a suit for divorce today. They were married in 1894. In his petition, Mr. HALLECK sets forth how his wife has neglected to prepare his food for him as a dutied wife should and say that she has often used vile, obscene, abusive, and profane language to him in front of their children and that she has falsely accused him of consorting with lewd women, and has hidden important parts of his harness and thus kept him from earning a living for himself and his family.

Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: DR January 18, 1916

HAMBERG, Charles vs HAMBERG, Melcina
Cause: gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty
Source: MI 5 Aug 1919
Misc: Married 18 May 1918. He states that she has refused to keep the house, failed to look after the home, and charges that she has kept company with other men and acted cruelly toward him. He asks that her interest in real estate be barred.

HAMMERS, Mary Wright vs HAMMERS, William V.
Cause: extreme cruelty
Source: MI 10 Jul 1915
Misc: Also ask for an injunction to restrain Belfont Iron Works from paying the deft. certain credits that are due him. Married on Feb. 26 at Ironton, and no children were born. On the 6 Jul 1915, deft. threatened to kill the plaintiff with a razor. Asks for reasonable alimony.

HANDLY, Eliza vs HANDLY, James of Butler Co, Ohio
Cause: Extreme cruelty.
Source: IR 29 April 1858
Misc: Divorce petition filed 29 April 1858 in Lawrence County.

HANDLEY, George A., Dr. vs HANDLEY, Grace
Cause: neglect and willful absence
Source: MI 4 Dec 1908
Misc: divorce granted. Dr. HANDLEY, until recently, was located in this city, where he practiced his profession as a veterinary surgeon. He is now located in Cincinnati, a government inspector of meat. Mrs. HANDLEY was formerly Miss Grace VERMILLION, daughter of Frank VERMILLION of Waterloo.

HANSHAW, A. Verna vs HANSHAW, William
Cause: extreme cruelty
Source: DR October 26, 1912
Misc: Married in Catlettsburg, KY 12 Mar 1903: two children

HANSHAW, Mollie vs HANSHAW, George
Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: SWR 13 Oct 1921
Misc: divorce suit filed this morning. Married at Ironton in March 1899 and have two children. Asks for divorce, alimony, and custody of the children.

HARDY, Nora vs HARDY, George
Cause: cruelty and nonsupport
Source: DR November 30, 1912
Misc: Married 30 Dec 1905 at South Point: one child.

HASKET, Georgena vs HASKET, Mr.
Cause gross neglect, and it is also alleged that he was previously married to Trilla Bell and had not been divorced. Extreme cruelty is also the charge.
Source: MI 10 Aug 1919
Misc: Married about 20 Aug 1913

HASKINS, Maria vs HASKINS, Maria
Source: SWR 20 Sept 1921
Misc: alimony action, the defendant was ordered to pay attorney fees and agreed to pay $3 per week to the plaintiff.

HATCHER, Maggie E. vs HATCHER, Fred N.
Cause: extreme cruelty
Source: MI 13 Sept 1911
Misc: divorce granted and custody of the minor child.

HENRY, Norman vs HENRY, Etta
Cause: plaintiff states that the defendant has refused to go to housekeeping, having always stayed at a boarding house and had someone else do the work. He further states that he has been in the army for a year and one-half, and she has received thirty dollars per month from him, and with this money went joyriding and bought a suit of clothes for another man.
Source: MI 1 Aug 1919
Misc: Married 2 Dec 1915

HENSON, Ethel vs HENSON, William
Cause: Has, for ten years or more, has been guilty of gross neglect of duty; he drank liquor during that time in excess and, while under the influence of liquor, was abusive, called her vile names, and threatened.
Source: MI 17 Oct 1915
Misc: Married 26 May 1896 and have two children: Powhatan and Belle. Plaintiff filed suit for divorce on 4 Oct 1914, but the defendant persuaded her to drop the proceedings and promised faithfully that he would cease.

HENSON, Ethel vs HENSON, John
Cause: cruelty
Source: SWR 20 Jun 1916
Misc: divorce was granted today and was uncontested. This divorce has been on the common pleas court records many times, but this is the first time a decree has been granted, as the cases have always been settled.

Cause: extreme cruelty and adultery.
Source: SWI 1 Mar 1907
Misc: Plaintiff asks for reasonable alimony and restoration to her maiden name Clara A. COFFMAN. Married here in 1902, one child was born to the union. They have been residents of Columbus for the past two years. Mr. Henthorn is a stonemason by trade. Both parties are well known in this city.

HESSON, Maggie vs. HESSON, Delbert
Cause: failure to provide
Source: MI 19 Jan 1916
Misc: Married May 11, 1910, and have two children, Davern, age 4, and Crystal, age 18 months.

HILL, Walter vs HILL, Mary
Cause: abandonment and adultery
Source: DR January 18, 1916

HINDS, Alonzo vs HINDS, Dora L.
Source: MI 12 May 1914

Cause: For the past three years, the defendant has been absent from him, and while they lived together, she failed to perform her household duties.
Source: MI 4 Sept 1919
Misc: Married 4 Aug 1904 at Gallipolis, Ohio.

HOGUE, George vs HOGUE, Harry A.
Source: DR December 4, 1912
Misc: Divorce granted and restoration of the maiden name of PIERCE. They were married at Catlettsburg, KY, on 30 Oct 1909.

HOLLAND, Hattie vs HOLLAND, Charles
Cause: extreme cruelty and adultery
Source: IR March 29, 1906
Misc: Plaintiff asks for custody of the child

Cause: She alleges that he frequently came home intoxicated and struck her. She further avers that the defendant has been guilty of adultery with divers parties whose names are not given, that he is an able-bodied man earning $4.20 a day as a molder in the A.C.F. plant at Huntington, that he is the owner of a horse, rig, etc. valued at several hundred dollars.
Source: MI 9 Jul 1914
Misc: Alleges that she was compelled to leave home on 1 Jun 1914 through fear of bodily injury at the hands of her husband. Action for divorce was brought in Common pleas court Wed. Married 5 Oct 1903 at Huntington, WV, and have no children. Plaintiff asks for a divorce, restoration to her maiden name of Georgia JOHNSON, and alimony.

HOPTRY, Minnie M. vs HOPTRY, Will
Cause: adultery and failure to provide
Source: IR July 4, 1907
Misc: She will not get any alimony as there weren’t any children born. Restoration of maiden name to Minnie VANCE.

HORNER, Estella vs HORNER, H.E.
Cause: seeks divorce and alimony.
Source: MI 1 Jan 1916
Misc: Married in 1909 and have no children. The husband is an employee of N&W railway.

HORTON, Arthur F. vs HORTON, Frances
Source: MI 13 Mar 1915
Misc: After the evidence, the deft. was granted leave to amend her answer and cross-petition to ask for a divorce on her own behalf. When the amendments were made, Mrs. MORTON was granted a divorce decree from platf. and the former order of the court as to custody of Harold and Stanley HARTON, minor children, and alimony to be paid by pltf. are continued in effect.

HOSEY, Stella vs HOSEY, Albert
Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: MI 7 Aug 1919
Misc: divorce granted yesterday.

HOWARD, Margaret vs HOWARD, James
Cause: adultery
Source: MI 12 Jun 1915
Misc: Married Sept 1896 and have five children.

HOWARD, Murrel M. vs HOWARD, Fred
Cause: Failure to provide
Source: MI 13 Mar 1915
Misc: Married in this city 22 Jun 1912? and that no children were born of the union. She alleges that deft. spent his earnings on drinking and bad associates, and he cursed her and called her vile names. She asks for divorce and restoration to her maiden name Murrel M. STEED.

HOWARD, Murrel M. vs HOWARD, Fred
Source: Source: MI 29 Jun 1915
Misc: granted a divorce and restored to her maiden name of Muriel STEED.

Cause: extreme cruelty and attempt to drag the pltf. into a room where a revolver was kept.
Source: MI 8 Feb 1913
Misc: Married on 2 Apr 1874, and seven children were born, all of whom are now of full age. Divorce suit filed Friday.

HUGHES, Laverna vs HUGHES, Mr.
Cause: gross neglect of duty and cruelty
Source: MI May 5, 1925
Misc: requests restoration of maiden name PICKLESIMER, they had two children.

HUNT, Bell vs HUNT, George M.
Cause: drunkenness, gross neglect, and failure to provide.
Source: MI 3 Sept 1915
Misc: Married at Greenup in 1883 and have four children, Maud, Ona, Will, and Goldie. She says she was forced by ill-treatment to leave her husband in 1912 and has been compelled to support herself.

HUNT, Bell vs HUNT, George M.
Cause: gross neglect and cruelty
Source: MI 19 Nov 1915
Misc: divorce granted

HUNTER, Anna vs HUNTER, Peter
Cause: Plaintiff alleges extreme cruelty, stating that the defendant knocked her off a porch and threw an ax at her, breaking her arm.
Source: MI 16 Oct 1915
Misc: Married 29 Mar 1911 and have one child, William Thomas HUNTER, four years of age on Dec. 14, 1915. The defendant is also charged with failure to provide. Divorce and custody of children are asked for.

HUNTER, Jno. vs HUNTER, Mahala
Source: IR December 1, 1887
Misc: Divorce not allowed. [Article about this denial of divorce in the same paper-mk].

ICE, Naomi vs ICE, Teo. J.
Source: DR December 28, 1912

IMES, Lena vs IMES, Oscar
Cause: none has given Source: MI 10 Sept 1915
Misc: divorce granted and given $15 per month alimony.

ISAACS, Aubry vs ISAACS, Ethel
Cause: extreme cruelty and desertion
Source: MI 2 Dec 1915
Misc: filed suit Wednesday

JACKSON, Ruth M. vs JACKSON, Jas. H.
Cause: infidelity
Source: MI 5 Jun 1914
Misc: divorce granted yesterday. Mrs. JACKSON was formerly Miss Ruth BARNUM and is now making her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John VARUM of South Fourth street.

JENKINS, Curtis vs
Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: SWI 15 Feb 1923?
Misc: Married 14 Jan 1915 and have four children. He asks for custody of the children and divorce.

JILES vs ——–
Source: DR November 26, 1912
Misc: Granted to the defendant upon her cross-petition

JOHNSON, Calvin vs JOHNSON, Laura Jane
cause: adultery, gross neglect of duty, and failure to provide
Source: DR February 25, 1913
Misc: Married 2 Mar 1899: two girls

JOHNSON, Ota vs JOHNSON, Sadie Samantha
Cause: committed adultery with Wm. RADFORD and gross neglect of duty
Source: DR February 25, 1913
Misc: Married June 1907 at Ironton

JUSTICE, Adele vs BREWER, Fred
see Adele BREWER

JUSTICE, Charles H. vs JUSTICE, Carrie
Cause: willful absence
Source: DR October 20, 1912
Misc: Married Apr 1903

Cause: gross neglect of duty
Source: MI 5 Sept 1919
Misc: divorce granted yesterday. Edna restored to her maiden name of Edna WALTERS.

KEENEY, Moses vs KEENEY, Mary Jane
Cause: Adultery
Source: Selected Abstracts from Common Pleas and Chancery Complete Records, Scioto Co, OH by Caryn R. Shoemaker, page 130-131.
Misc: Divorce filed 26 Jan. 1866, Scioto Co, OH. Around 2 Oct. 1856, he married the defendant in Lawrence County, OH, and lived with her until 12 May 1861, when he volunteered in the service of the U.S., and they had a child Nancy, age 9. After enlisting, the plaintiff’s wife became dissolute and unchaste. In spring 1864, at Bloom Furnace, she committed adultery with Jacob COLE and other persons from 1863-1865. She has since had a male child, about one-year-old, the fruit of her adulterous intercourse. Divorce and custody of Nancy were granted to the plaintiff.

KELLER, Roxie vs KELLER, Daniel
Cause: abandonment
Source: DR October 20, 1912

KEYS, Mary A. vs KEYS, James H.
cause: extreme cruelty
Source: DR November 14, 1912
Misc: Suit files for divorce. Divorce granted (Daily Register) 15 Nov 1912

KEYS, Rose vs KEYS, Coleman
Source: MI 7 Oct 1915
Misc: Dismissed

KEUHN, Maggie vs KEUHN, Henry
Cause: extreme cruelty
Source: IR April 10, 1902
Misc: Married 25 Sept. 1881, has three children ages 20, 13 & 8. Planf. has been guilty of failing to provide and struck her with his fist, injuring and disfiguring her, and another time struck her with a club, rendering her unconscious.

KEUHN, Henry vs KEUHN, Maggie
Cause: willful absence for more than three years.
Source: SWI 26 Feb 1907
Misc: Married in 188-. Filed suit for divorce.

Cause: extreme cruelty
Source: MI 10 May 1911
Misc: divorce granted Tuesday. Pltf. awarded the child and deft and ordered him to pay $1.50 per week toward the child’s support.

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