William Russell’s Letter to Samuel Russell was recorded in the Lawrence County, Ohio Deeds. I transcribed it the best I could and changed the misspelled words. I am not quite sure which William Russell he refers to in this letter that had died. That will require a little more research on someone else’s part. I hope this helps someone in their research.
Lawrence County, Ohio Deed Book 5, page 388, 11 July 1831

The deed before this letter was made from William Russell & wife to Samuel Russell and stated that that indenture was made the first day of September in the year 1833 between William Russell and Fanny, his wife of the county of Warren in the State of Indiana of the first part and Same Russell, of the county of Lawrence and the State of Ohio of the second part.
The deed goes on to bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the said part of the second part, parcel of land in the county of Lawrence, 1/8 part of NW quarter of Section 25, Township 4, Range 17 being one-eighth part of a quarter section of land that William Blair, deceased owned….(the deed continues, did not type rest of it)
Signed William Russell and Fanny Russell in the presence of Jas. Cunningham and William Search, State of Indian, Warren County
7 September 1830
[end of the first deed, the next part is another entry and is typed as written-mm]
William Russell to Samuel Russell
11 July 1831
Deed Book 5, page 388
Dear Brother, I received your friendly letter on the 6th of this month which gave me much pleasure to hear of your welfare. We, at this time, all enjoy good health. Lawrence’s family is well.
Laffoon’s and H. Hall’s families are well. William Russell died on the 19th of January. His death was occasioned by a severe cold which terminated in the busting of some of his blood vessels. Last winter was the most severe I have ever witnessed. The snow was 27 inches deep. I heard of a few who froze to death by attempting to cross some of the large prairies.
I hereby authorize you to insert the words (seventeenth Range) in the deed I sent you or any other amendment that it may want to make lawful. You need never expect a title for the Boggs part from me.
Corn is worth 25 per Bushel, Bacon 8/00 per pound, Wheat 37 1/2?, Pork was 2.50 last fall, Rye 25 per Bushel, Oats 16 2/5 cents per Bushel, Steers on foot 2 dollars per hundred, Horses about the same here as they were there when I left that.
I expect to be in the town of Burlington on the 10th day of August myself or an agent to take depositions in the suit between Boggs and me. I want you to inform yourself how many heirs there are having claims on the Blair place, as I shall want your evidence in the case court comes on here on the 29th of September.
As to my having forgotten you, I think you had better have kept that to yourself, for I have sent you two letters and have received but one from you, except a few lines at the bottom of some letter that you wrote to someone else.
There are good lands here, yet vacant, which I will shew [sic] you if you come I would advise you to come as soon as convenient if you want a good choice I live within 3/4 of a mile of a big pine creek which is one of the best mill streams I ever saw.
Lawrence Russell has sold his lease and has removed to his own land. I have about 30 acres under fence 16, which I have in corn. I have 20 heads of cattle, among which there is a 3-yoke of work steers. I have about 80 heads of hogs, 30 of which will be fit for the market this fall, and four heads of horses.
I will bid you adieu for the present but will tell you the balance when you come and see me. Remember me particularly to George Erwin and family Sanders Russell and wife, Mother and family, and to all who may enquire for my welfare.
P.S. I have become a mighty hunter. I killed ten deer & caught six raccoons last winter; consequently, we have plenty of meat. Tell George Erwin that he had better move to this country for I think he can live easier here by hunting that thereby farming tell him. I will give him a dog.
Come or write to me immediately if you consider this letter faulty send me a list of the words you do not like and I will send you a worse one next time.
Signed William Russell
Remember me to Benjamin Yates & family.
The State of Ohio, Lawrence County
Recorder’s office at Burlington, 10 January 1832. The foregoing is a true copy of the original received for record 2 Nov. 1831 and this day recorded.
Signed Jos. Wheeler, Recorder