Wallace Kimbell Heirs to Sell Real Estate

The heirs of WALLACE KIMBELL sell to TITAN KIMBELL land belonging to the estate of WALLACE KIMBELL in Lawrence Co., Ohio, part of the Ohio Company purchased on the banks of the Ohio River, lot 737. Originally drawn in the name of ENOS HITCHCOCK of Providence, RI, 100 acres.

Heirs listed:

  • TITAN KIMBELL JR & ELEANOR his wife of Edgar Co., Ill
  • LAWSON KIMBELL & ELIZABETH his wife of the same
  • MADISON JOHNSON & MARIAH his wife of the same
  • TOBIAS LYON & SOPHIA his wife of the same

An index of the deeds is available on microfilm through the Family History Centers, film number 317698. ​​ Using this index, I have created one that can be available online.

Deed Book 14 page 202, dated 11 Sep 1837

EDITOR’S NOTE: If a name appeared to be incomplete or unclear I opened the deed and added the complete name to the index. ​​ Be creative when looking for your ancestor’s surname. ​​ It is not unusual to find a​​ name spelled 3 different ways in just one deed.

If a deed index included the phrase heirs of, exec,​​ trust, or others, I opened the deed to extract all the names.

Once you have a book and page number, you can go to the Lawrence Co., Ohio Recorders Office website:​​ https://lawrencecountyohiorecorder.org/

On the first page, select​​ the yellow box on the upper right of the page that says “GO TO RECORD SEARCH.

On the second page, go to the upper menu and select​​ BOOK/PAGE.

On the third page, from the drop-down menu select​​ DEEDS,​​ then enter your book and page number, then select​​ SEARCH.

When the page comes up, you will want the one that has​​ DEEDS.

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