Robert G. Fulton Died 1856

Lawrence County, Ohio Deed book 17 page 446, book 17 page 448, and book 17 page 449, all dated 1856

These deeds pertain to the Fulton Farm and the heirs of Robert G. Fulton, who died intestate and without issue, and his sister Jane Ann (Fulton) Craig—lots of great genealogical information.

Deed 17-446 dated 20 May 1856. John Beckley and wife Margaret Jane; Neville C. Beckley and wife Elizabeth, two children of Emily Beckley, formerly Emily Craig of Raleigh Co., VA, sells to William J. Bremer land known as Fulton Farm.

The land was conveyed by Gabriel Kerr to Robert G. Fulton, who died intestate. The same descended to his brother Jefferson W. Fulton and his sister Jane Ann Fulton who intermarried with Neville B. Craig.

Jane Ann Craig and Neville Craig are the parents of Emily Beckley, who also died intestate, leaving as heirs at law John Beckley and Neville Beckley.

Deed 17-448

Henry (Cornerigo? if you know the correct spelling, please let me know, and I will edit) and his wife Isabella of Steubenville, Ohio, children of Jane Ann Craig, sell the property known as Fulton Farm to William Julius Bremer. The property belonged to Robert G. Fulton, deceased, who died intestate without issue. The same became vested in his sister Jane Ann Craig, formerly Fulton, and his niece Susan T. Fulton (now Washington).

Jane Ann Craig died intestate, and half of the property became vested in her children, Isabella, Isaac, Eliza,  Annie, and the children of her deceased daughter Emily Beckley.

Deed 17-449 dated 7 Nov 1856

Alexander M. Wallingford and his wife, Eliza G.

John S. Davison and wife Anie N. Davison

Isaac Craig and Neville B. Craig, all of Alleghany Co., Pennsylvania, children of Jane Ann Craig, sell the property to William Julius Bremer.

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