Lawrence County, Ohio Early Deed Index

The late Martha Hennagin started this project, but unfortunately, she passed away before completing the entire file. As a tribute to her love for Lawrence County, Ohio, and her devoted passion for helping others, I am adding her incredible work to our website. She worked on the Lawrence County, Ohio, Deed Indexes for many years.

When she found out she had a terminal illness, she asked me to share any information she had done in her many years working with the Ballard family and Lawrence County, Ohio.

I am slowly getting some of her material online, as we had been friends for over 25 years. I am sure she is having a great time in Heaven, talking to all her ancestors.


Updated November 1, 2013


An index of the deeds is available on microfilm through the Family History Centers, film number 317698. ​​ Using this index, I have created one that can be available online.

If a name appeared incomplete or unclear, I opened the deed and added the complete name to the index. ​​ Be creative when looking for your ancestor’s surname. ​​ Finding a name spelled three different ways in just one deed is not unusual.

I opened the deed to extract all the names if a deed index included the phrase heirs of, exec, trust, or others.

Once you have a book and page number, you can go to the Lawrence Co., Ohio Recorders Office website:​​

On the first page, select​​ the​​ yellow box on the upper right of the page that says “GO TO RECORD SEARCH.”

On the second page, go to the upper menu and select​​ BOOK/PAGE.

On the third page, from the drop-down menu, select​​ DEEDS,​​ then enter your book and page number, then select​​ SEARCH.

When the page comes up, you will want the one that has​​ DEEDS.

View the file here in PDF Format. To search, do a “Ctrl F” function within the pdf document. Hold down the ctrl button and press the f button. This will bring up a search bar.

Lawrence County, Ohio Deed Book 19, Page 171


  1. Martha Martin

    Thank you! Your comment means a lot to us.

  2. Aleta Utterback

    What a great resource! Thank you all so much for your effort. Direct descendant of Reuben Kelley, son of Luke Kelley.

  3. Sina Rusk

    To: Martha Hennagin and whoever wrote the piece in blue (above) and to all who have contributed to this site.

    It is just an incredible wealth of information and I remain curious for more every time I come back to this site. My ancestors lived in Mason Township – Greasy Ridge/Rappsburg and I am just so thankful to all of the hard work that I know has gone into this site.

    Thank you all so very much.
    Sina M. Rusk (Harmon/Dement/Earles & Ellis Families)

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