Deed: William Ballard to John Ballard 6 June 1856

Source: Lawrence County Recorder’s Office, Book 17 page 312

Quitclaim Deed

William Ballard  to John Ballard           
6 June 1856  

Know all men by these presents that we, William Ballard and Elizabeth Ballard, wife of said William Ballard, in consideration of the sum of Twenty-Five Dollars in hand paid by John Ballard, do hereby remise release and forever quitclaim unto the said John Ballard, his heirs & assigns forever all our title interest and estate legal and equitable in the following premises with the appurtenances situate in County of Lawrence, state of Ohio and bounded and described as follows to wit: The East half of the South West quarter Section Thirty-two in Township one, of Range Eighteen, in the district of Lands subject to sale at Chillicothe Ohio. Containing Seventy-nine acres and twenty-six hundredths of an acre.

In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this the 6th day of June A.D. 1856

Examined in the presence of William Layne and Pleasant Layne  

 William Ballard <seal>

Elizabeth Ballard <seal>

The State of Ohio Lawrence County, ss. Before me, William Layne, a Justice of the Peace in and for said County, personally appeared the above-named William Ballard and Elizabeth, his wife and acknowledged the signing and sealing of the above Deed of conveyance to be their voluntary act and deed. & the said Elizabeth being at the same time examined by me, separate and apart from her said husband, and the contents of the said deed made known to her by me, she then declared that she did voluntarily sign seal and acknowledge the same and that she is still satisfied therewith this the 6th day of June A.D. 1856.                                         

William P. Layne J.P.

State of Ohio Lawrence County s.s. Recorders Office

Received for record October 10th AD 1856 and recorded the same day fees 45 cents paid.

Wm Henry Parsons, Recorder

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