Deed: Coal Grove Company to Samuel Ballard 3 Dec. 1856

Book 17 p. 439-440

The Coal Grove Company


Samuel Ballard

Know all men by these presents that the Coal Grove Company, in consideration of the sum of Two hundred seven 50/100 — dollars to us paid by Samuel Ballard, the receipt thereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant bargain sell and convey to the said Samuel Ballard his heirs and assigns forever the following described property ;

being in Lawrence County state of Ohio Range Eighteen Township One Section twenty-four, the South East quarter of the North West quarter and containing forty-one 50/100 acres more or less. And all the estate title and interest of the said Coal Grove Co. either in law or in equity of in and to the said premises together with all the privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging, To have and hold the same to the only proper use of the said Samuel Ballard and his heirs and assigns forever.

And the said Coal Grove Company for their heirs’ executors and administrators do hereby covenant with the said Samuel Ballard, his heirs, and assigns that they are the true and lawful owner of said premises and have full power to convey the same and that the title so conveyed is clear free and unencumbered: and further that they will warrant and defend the same against all claim or claims of all persons whatsoever.

In witness whereof the said Coal Grove Co and Samuel Ballard have hereunto set their hand and seal on this third day of Dec in the year of
our Lord, One thousand eight hundred and fifty-six.

Signed sealed acknowledged

Wm. P. Israel for AgroSec Coal Grove Co. [seal]

and delivered in the person of us

William Layne

S. W. Strong

State of Ohio
Lawrence county

Be it remembered that on the seventeenth day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty six before me, the subscriber, a Justice of the peace, personally came to Wm P. Israel for the authorized agent of the Coal Grove Co., the grantor in the above deed and acknowledged the signing and sealing thereof to be his voluntary act and deed for the use and purposes therein mentioned. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal On the day and year aforesaid.

William Layne [seal]

State of Ohio Lawrence County SS Recorders Office

Received for record
December 20th, AD 1856, and recorded December 31, AD, 1856

George B Richey —Recorder.

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