Deed: William Clark and wife to Samuel Koons/Kouns

William Clark and his wife sold property to Samuel Koons on September 15, 1836, in Lawrence County, Ohio.

Submitted by Gary Welch

William Clark and Wife

To                                            Deed                           1000, 15 S. 1836

Samuel Koons

Know all men by these presents that I, William Clark of Lawrence County, Ohio, in consideration of one thousand dollars to me paid by Samuel Koons of the same place, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, do by these presents give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Samuel Koons, his heirs, and assigns, the following described tract of land, to wit, part of Section No. 30, in Township No. 2, of Range No. 17.

Beginning at stake on the bank of the Ohio River and corner to a tract of land surveyed to Mishick Collier (and now owned by me) from which a Beech 10 inches in diameter bears S 68˚ W, 18 links, and a Beech 6 inches in diameter bears North 46˚ W, 24 links thence East 130 poles to a stake, from which a Sugar 4 inches in diameter bears South 14˚ W, 15 links and a Dogwood 2 inches in diameter bears South 27˚ W, 16 ½ links, thence North 62 poles to a stake, corner to Samuel Koons from which a Black Oak, 20 inches in diameter, bears North 43 links and a Beech 7 inches in diameter bears S 64˚ W, 43 links. Thence West 141 poles to a stake, on the bank of the Ohio River, from which a Beech 10 inches in diameter bears S 34˚ W, 35 links and a Sugar 10 inches bears North 44˚ West, 65 links, thence S 10˚ East, 63 poles to the place of beginning containing fifty-two acres, two rods, and one pole, be the same more or less.

Together with the privileges and appurtenances to the same in anywise belonging. To have and to hold the afore granted premises to him, the said Samuel Koons, his heirs, and assigns, to his and their use and behoof forever.

And I, the said William Clark, do covenant with the said Samuel Koons that I am lawfully seized in fee of the afore granted premises, that they are free from encumbrances, and that I will and my heirs shall warrant and defend the same to the said Samuel Koons, his heirs, and assigns, against the lawful claims of all persons of all persons and Louisa, wife of said William Clark, in consideration of ten cents to her, paid doth hereby grant and release unto the said Samuel Koons, his heirs, and assigns, all her right and title of dower in the afore granted premises. Witness our hand and seals this fifteenth day of September 1836.

Signed, sealed, acknowledged, and delivered in the presence of:

Wm. Clark (Seal)

Louisa Clark (Seal) 

Daniel Clark

O.C. Hanly

State of Ohio, Lawrence County S.S             

Before me, the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace, in and of the said County, personally came to the above-named William and Louisa Clark, who, being made acquainted with the contents of the foregoing instrument of writing and being examined separate and apart, the wife from the husband, severally and apart acknowledged the same to be their free act and deed and said Louis declared that she executed the same without force and coercion or persuasion and is still satisfied therewith. Witness my hand and seal this fifteenth day of September 1836.

The State of Ohio, Lawrence County S.S.                

Daniel Brubaker J.P. (Seal)

The foregoing is a true copy of the original instrument received for the record, Jan 31, 1837and this day recorded. Recorder’s Office at Burlington, Feb. 2, 1837. Fees _ _paid. John _ ______ Recorder.

This is from Lawrence Co. Ohio Deed Vol. # 7, pg. # 341, available at the Lawrence Co. Recorder’s Office. Samuel Koons is believed to be a son of Christian Koons and is mentioned in Lawrence Co. Ohio Deed Book # 5 Pg. 105-107, Christian Koons directs his son Andrew to compensate Christian’s other children, including Samuel Kounts, for land that Christian sold to Andrew.

The land described above was mentioned in Samuel Koons’s Will, in which he willed the tract of land to his daughter, Betsey Chatfield. Samuel’s Will further mentions David B. Chatfield, who is believed to be Betsey’s husband, and he is mentioned in Lawrence Co. Ohio Deed Book # 16, pg. # 305-306, in which David is listed as a “Christian Kouns Cemetery Society member.”

Jacob Koons, also mentioned in Lawrence Co. Ohio Deed Book # 5, pg.# 105-107, as a son of Christian Kouns, owned land in Sec. # 24, Township # 2 N, Range 17. This would be about 5 miles from the above-mentioned land purchased by Samuel Koons. See Lawrence Co. Ohio Deed Vol. #. # 5 Pg. # 205-206 and Vol. # 5, Pg. # 206-208 for Jacob’s land transactions.

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