Deed: Samuel Thomas to Elisha Ballard 4 Dec. 1863

Source:  Lawrence County Recorder’s Office, Book 21 pg. 612

Samuel Thomas    1-28-2-17-NE ½ W ½ Sec 19 to     (U.S. Revenue Stamp 50 cents)

Elisha Ballard 105-4D63

Know all men by these presents that Samuel Thomas by Alexander Edgell, his attorney, in fact, in consideration of the one hundred five dollars to him paid by Elisha Ballard all of the County of Lawrence and the State of Ohio, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant bargain, sell and convey to the said Elisha Ballard, his heirs and assigns forever, the following real estate situate in said County to wit Lot A one made and so designated in the Park______ proceedings had in the Court of Common Pleas of said County in the action of Cynthia Thomas or  John Ferguson & others heirs of James Thomas dec’d.

The same be in S 28 Town. Two Range 17 part of East half of west half of said section, commencing at a stake from which a B only 12 inches in diameter bears, S 64:E 10 links, and a B oak 8  inches in diameter bears S 77 1/2: W 27 links, running thence E 22.50 chains to a stake from which a Beech 10 inches in diameter bears S 35 1/2:W 18 links, and a beech 5 inches in diameter bears S 6 1/2: W 30 links thence S 8.90 chains to a stake from which a peach tree 5 inches in diameter bears N 33: W 23 links and a peach 4 inches in diameter bears S 47: W 6 links: thence W 22, 23 chains to a stake from which a white oak 14 inches in diameter bears W 7: E 22 links, and a W oak 14 inches in diameter bears N 61: E 32 links thence W 102’ W 8.90 chains to  the place of beginning containing nineteen and ninety five hundredths acres more or less and all the estate title and interest  of the said Samuel Thomas either in Law of in equity of in and to the said premises, together with all the privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging.

 To have and to hold the same to the only proper use of the said Elisha Ballard, his heirs, and assigns forever.  And the said Samuel Thomas by the said Alexander Edgell for himself heirs executors and administrators do hereby covenant with the said Elisha Ballard, his heirs and assigns that he is the true and lawful owner of the said premises and has full power to convey the same: and that the Title so conveyed is clear, free and unencumbered: and further that he will by his said attorney warrant and defend the same against all claim or claims of all ____n_s whatsoever.

In witness whereof the said Samuel Thomas by said Alexander his said attorney, in fact, has hereunto set his hand and seal on this 4th day of Dec’r in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three.

Signed, sealed, acknowledged, and delivered in our presence of us by Alex Edgell, his attorney, in fact, Ralph Seeks.

 Samuel Thomas [seal]                        

J D Jones  (U.S. Revenue Stamp 50 cents)

State of Ohio Lawrence County <ss>

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