Deed: Martha Ballard to John W. Mayhew 27 Feb 1867

Source:  Lawrence County Recorder’s Office, Book 24 p. 657-658

Martha Ballard                               


John W.  Mayhew                            (stamped 50cts)

Know all men by these presents that S. Martha Ballard, of Lawrence  County, Ohio, in consideration of the sum of Two hundred dollars to me paid by John W. Mayhew, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant bargain sell and convey to the said John W. Mayhew his heirs and assigns forever.

The following described premises, situated in the County of Lawrence and State of Ohio, and described as follows to wit:  a part of fractional Section two (2) in  fractional Township one (1) of range eighteen(1) Beginning at stake at the south corner of David Roberts’ land:  thence east with the Section at the south corner of David Roberts’ land: 

Thence east with the section line to lands formerly owned by George Luellen:  thence with said Luellen’s to a beech stump including a strip of fifteen feed wide reserved by Samuel Lambert for a road from Samuel Constable’s line, thence S 83⁰ 30’ W 15 chains to a stake: 

Thence N 1⁰ E with David Roberts’ line 975 chains to the beginning containing twelve & 45/100 acres and all the estate title and interest of the said Martha Ballard, either  in law or in equity of in and to the said premises: 

Together with all the privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging and all the rents, issues, and profits thereof:  

To have and to hold the same to the only proper use of the said John W. Mayhew, his heirs, and assigns forever and the said Martha Ballard for herself and for her heirs’ executors and administrators does hereby covenant with the said  John W. Mayhew his heirs and assigns that she is the true and lawful owner of the said premises and has full power to convey the same and that the title, as conveyed, is clear free and unencumbered and further that she will warrant and defend the same against all claim or claims of all persons whomsoever.

 In witness whereof the said Martha Ballard has hereunto and that the title, as conveyed, is clear, free, and unencumbered; and further that she will warrant and defend the same, against all claim or claims of all persons whomsoever.

 In witness whereof the said Martha Ballard has hereunto set her hand and seal this twenty-seventh day  of February in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven Signed, Sealed and acknowledged in the presence of us:                                                        

Martha Ballard [seal]

John C. Suiter

Isaiah Jones

The state of Ohio County of Lawrence [ss],

 Be it remembered that on the twenty-seventh day of February in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven before me, J. W. Henthorn, a Justice of the Peace for said County, personally came Martha Ballard, the grantor in the foregoing Deed and acknowledged the signing and sealing thereof to be her voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.  In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal on the day and year aforesaid.

J. W. Henthorn J. P. [seal]

State of Ohio Lawrence County [SS]

Recorders Office received and recorded March 29, 1867

James A. Bartram, Recorder

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