Deed: John Ballard to John W. Earles 15 March 1865

Deeds are a wealth of genealogical material if one is willing to research them very carefully. John Ballard was one of Lawrence County, Ohio’s early pioneers. Tracing him through the buying and selling of his land helps determine his whereabouts. 


Source: Lawrence County Recorder’s Office, Book 23 p37

John Ballard and wife                    8-2-16-MW cor -16

to                                                        450-15
Mar 65

John W Earles                                  (Stamped

Know all men by these presents that John Ballard and Amanda Ballard, wife of the said John Ballard of the county of Lawrence, State of Ohio, in consideration of the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars, to us paid by J.W. Earles of the county of  Lawrence, State of Ohio, have bargained and sold and do hereby grant and convey unto the told J.W. Earles his heirs and assigns forever the following premises situate in the county of Lawrence in the state of Ohio, and bounded and described as follows:

being part of the west wall of the Northwest quarter of Section 8 eight of Township No. two of Range No 16 commencing at the Northeast at a White oak six inches in Diameter, thence South on the sur- ___ed line to a stone thence westerly along the division fence to a  White Oak two feet in diameter thence to the section line thence along said line to Thos. Betts corner to a hickory six inches in diameter, thence running with Thos. Betts line to the place of beginning, forty acres more or less. 

Also, a part of the southwest quarter and a part of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, no. eight commencing at B. N. James South east corner, thence South forty six rods to a large stone marked with a letter W thence a westward course with Earls line eight rods White Oak six inches in diameter, then north on the section line to B. N. James South West corner, then eastwardly eighty rods to the place of beginning containing sixteen acres more or less  together with all the rights, privileges, appurtenances, thereunto belonging to have and to hold said premises with the appurtenances unto  the said John W. Earls his heirs and assigns forever and the said John Ballard and Amanda Ballard for themselves and their heirs, do hereby covenant with said John W. Earles his heirs and assigns that they are lawfully seized of the premises aforesaid that said premises are free and clear from all encumbrances whatsoever and that they will forever warrant and defend the same with the appurtenances unto the said John W. Earles his heirs and assigns, against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. 

In testimony whereof the said John Ballard and Amanda Ballard have hereunto set their hands and seals, this 15th day of March in the year of our Lord, One thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. Signed, sealed, and acknowledged

in the presence of                                                        

John Ballard <seal>

A.J. Malone

Wm. L. Waddle                                                             

Amanda Ballard <seal>

State of Ohio Lawrence County ss

Before me, R. C. Brammer, a Justice of the Peace in and for said County, personally appeared the above-named John Ballard and
Amanda Ballard, wife of said John Ballard and acknowledged the signing and sealing

of the foregoing conveyance to be their voluntary act and deed, and the said Amanda Ballard, being at the same time examined by me separate and apart from her husband and the contents of the said instrument made known to her by me, she then declared that she did voluntarily sign, seal, and acknowledge the same and that she is still satisfied therewith this 1st day of March A.D. 1865, as witness my hand and seal of Office.

R. C. Brammer  J.P.

State of Ohio Lawrence County ss

Recorders Office             

Received and recorded May 1, 1865

James A. Bartrum Recorder

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