Deed: Harriet Ballard to Horace & Setty Mitcher 23 June 1859

Source:  Lawrence County, Ohio Recorder’s Office Book 19 pg. 279

Harriet Ballard                 33-2-17 SW NW to

Horrace & Setty Mitcher   23 June 59

This agreement between Harriet Ballard and Horace and Setty Mitcher witness that said Harriet Ballard in consideration of the convent of said Horace and Setty Mitcher herein mentioned doth hereby remise grand and forever let unto the said Horace and Setty Mitcher from the first June AD 1859 ______ that shall both ____ the following premises in Law county being the fourth quarter of the northwest quarter Range 1 Township 2 Section no 33.  the homestead where the said Horace and Setty Mitcher now lives and garden down to a small branch of the east end of said House.  Also, to said branch on the north side of said house.  Thereon west up to the top of a ridge running through said farm. Thence south on said ridge thence east so as to include said House and Garden and about 2 acres of cleared land more or less.

And the Horrace and settee Mitcher in consideration thereby doth thereby covenant and promise to nor sell nor rent said boundary of land during the natural lifetime if so this obligation to be void.

In testimony where of the parties have hereunto set her hand seal this 23 day June 1859.  Signed and acknowledged in our presence of us:

Samuel Bowman                                                         

Harris Ballard [seal]

William Ballard  

The State of Ohio Lawrence County SS

Before me, S. Bowman, a Justice of the Peace in and for said township and county, personally appeared thee within and named Ballard and acknowledged the signing and sealing of the within the lease to be her voluntary act/deed this 23rd day of June AD 1859.

Samuel Bowman J.P

State of Ohio Law Co.

Recorder’s Office 

Received and recorded August 30, 1859

George B. Richey, Recorder

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